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/lit/ - Literature

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6906805 No.6906805 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread about bukowski's novels?

I've read a half dozen of them, they all really blur into one though aside from ham on rye. I used to think they were ultra pleb and just read them because it was kinda entertaining and I was bored, but reading post office I realised he's actually decent at crafting prose. I mean there's probably 30 or so characters in a relatively short book that covers like 15 years, yet the chronology, time period, characters etc. are always crystal clear. Maybe he'd be a good journalist.

As for his poetry it seems like he just puts a new line after every second/third word, some of its okay but most is bizarre. What /lit/ think of him? better as a novelist or a poet? is there any real value to his work?

inb4 gritty realism - subject matter has nothing to do with skill

>> No.6906810

So all of them?

>> No.6906854

He's pretty good. Problem with /lit/ standards is it has to be genius masterwork level to get anything remotely close to acceptance.

Probably why the general lit character is cynical, hateful and self-loathing as is this is the standard to get to and all else is 'shit'

Probably why john green is hated so much. Projection of hatred upon being loved/accepted for anything less than genius.

Probably also why forgposting, ironic shitposting is so high because once you realise that nothing you say is good enough to meet the genius standard, you devolve into talking shit so that you still get to at least express yourself in some way and it is very clear that it is not your attempt at genius talking.

Bukowski's entertaining, funny sometimes and honest. Just not genius

>> No.6907325

Bukowski is a genius honestly, there are others who try to do what he did, but nobody ever gets it as richly as he does. I would say he's a better poet, and that his books are just long poems.
The same thing goes for Burroughs, and it rings true for him as well.

>> No.6907347
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Anybody that thinks Bukowski is a quality writer is probably from Reddit or a teenager, likely both

>> No.6907359

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.6907369

I don't care if you enjoy him, that just means your taste is undeveloped. I'm just stating that Bukowski is for redditors and teenagers

>> No.6907378

Is MC Ride the greatest poet in modern times?

>> No.6907388

I agree Bukowski is shit but that chart is complete turd. Almost looks like a troll.

Dickinson entry level Did the person who made this even read her?

There's so much retard on there I can't even be bothered pointing it out. Only someone who is clueless about poetry would think it has validity.

>> No.6907398

So I'm a late bloomer

>> No.6907405

I actually enjoy his prose, it's funny and interesting, but his poetry is just abysmal.

>> No.6907491

kill yourself

>> No.6907594


>> No.6907641

make a choice right now, all of you

do you want your board to look like this: >>6906854

or like this: >>6907347

>> No.6907647

second one

>> No.6907651

since flowerposter is a massive faggot and that about /lit/ is exaggeration I'm going with fucking your mom in the ass

>> No.6907807

>no Woolf
opinion discarded.

>> No.6907826

second tbh

>> No.6907859


>> No.6907866

It's pretty accurate tbh

>> No.6907867


>> No.6907927

Mate, let me venture a guess: you don't read poetry. Your favouritism of the former suggests that. What's it got? A lack of subtlety and a gentlemanly (*tips*) tone. Very few people reading it will agree with it, and some might hurl out a hint as to why they disagree - something like, 'now this is geniustalking' or that reaction image of the guy eating shit, asking why the other guy doesn't like shit, is he too good for shit? - but, for the same reason that you don't get poetry, you're going to be sitting there, getting incensed, posting things like, 'No one game to try a serious reply to this?' i.e., just shitposting yourself. -
(There's loads more to say. I don't think I've closed even one loop or finished a thought here at all; there's a part there where, if I stop now, it's going to look like I mean the opposite of whatever it is I actually mean, but I'm way too tired, bro. I'm going to bed.)

>> No.6908014


Also, listen to the tapes of Bukowski reading his poetry or just speaking in general. It's pretty obvious to me that had the "writer's gene" or a hint of genius going for him. He didn't develop it in the same way as say John Williams or Oscar Wilde but he def had it. Plebs cannot carry a conversation at the same level that he could. Same goes for HST. You can literally hear his talent.

>> No.6908020

Capote also had this.

>> No.6908031

Definitely second.

>> No.6908047

Of course everyone's going to pick the second. The first described why

>> No.6908077

I wish MC Ride was my dad

>> No.6908092

This opinion suggest you're rather undeveloped ironically