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/lit/ - Literature

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6903615 No.6903615 [Reply] [Original]

what's the comfiest book you've read?

>> No.6903623

Orthodoxy GK Chesterton

>> No.6903636

DFW's articles about when he goes to places are pretty comfy. The Illinois State Fair and the Cruise Ship come to mind.

>> No.6903641

The Great Gatsby

>> No.6903644

Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.6903654

The Last Unicorn. Not even joking, it's comfy as hell. It's like Pratchett-lite.

>> No.6903658

Ulysses was comfy af

>> No.6903699

I will probably get schtick for this, but Harry Potter and Neil Gaiman books make me feel comfy. Harry Potter because all that nostalgia comes pouring in and Gaiman because he writes a cute alt-fantasy I can get behind.

>> No.6903700

my nigga

>> No.6903777

The Call of the Wild

>> No.6903870

A moveable feast by Closet Hemingay
Norwegian Wood and the Windup Bird Chronicle by Memeakami, both of which are actually really good, moving books.

>> No.6903871

secret rendevous

>> No.6903879

The Dharma Bums has extreme levels of rustic comfy.

>> No.6903893
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Comfiest book of all time.

>> No.6903965

Reading pic related atm, very comfy/10

>> No.6903971
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>> No.6903994 [DELETED] 
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This gem is definitely the comfiest book in existence. I want to live in Alabama and cuddle Atticus for eternity.

>> No.6904002

But didn't you know, he's a racist!

>> No.6904015

/lit/ ? WTF, is 4chan more than doubles, CP and bana threads ?

>> No.6904046 [DELETED] 

Don't you—don't you dare.

The original manuscript should have stayed locked away. Tonja Carter be damned!

>> No.6904052

city, by clifford d simak

>> No.6904080

Fuck what /lit/ says about this, I actually want to read it sometime.

>> No.6904098 [DELETED] 

/lit/ likes to hate it because it sold more than any other book in the 20th century. It's beautifully written and easily one of my favorite books.

>> No.6904340

I'm guessing Harper's newest book shows Atticus is racist? But how does that even work when you know Atticus is who he is in To Kill A Mockingbird? That seems to really fuck with the continuity and canon.

>> No.6904366


>> No.6904410 [DELETED] 

Not samefag, BUT

Go Set a Watchman is the new book, but it was written before To Kill a Mockingbird. It was her original manuscript where Scout is actually 26 and Atticus and all her family are racist. She was told to rewrite it. She never wanted it to be released, but she was hoodwinked this year by her calculating lawyer.

>> No.6904449
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Where are your comfy reading spots? I typically read in late afternoon in a heavily forested park.

>> No.6904463

>The English landscape at its finest - such as I saw this morning - possesses a quality that the landscapes of other nations, however more superficially dramatic, inevitably fail to possess. It is, I believe, a quality that will mark out the English landscape to any objective observer as the most deeply satisfying in the world, and this quality is probably best summed up by the term 'greatness.'...And yet what precisely is this greatness?...I would say that it is the very lack of obvious drama or spectacle that sets the beauty of our land apart. What is pertinent is the calmness of that beauty, its sense of restraint. It is as though the land knows of its own beauty, of its own greatness, and feels no need to shout it.

Remains of the Day is pretty comfy

>> No.6904497

Atticus is such a good man and lawyer that he will defend the rights of a Nigger he hates

>> No.6904498

I just usually read in bed, my laptop playing ambient music on some speakers and usually with a drink of tea, coffee or some cordial fruit juice. If I'm reading in public, it's usually on my commutes to and from university which isn't that comfy honestly but that book won't read itself.

>> No.6904614


sounds pretty comfy

>> No.6904844

Harry Potter 1-3

>> No.6904847

>Closet Hemingay

>> No.6905166



It takes balls to defend someone you hate for honor and virtue

Besides, only modern sjws think being rayciss has anything to do with not being good and virtuous

>> No.6905171

anything by Italo Clavino

>> No.6905191 [DELETED] 

Still not relevant to the book.

He wasn't racist in TKaM.
And in GSaW he only chose to represent the black kid because he wanted the kid to plead guilty and not have the full support of the NAACP.

>> No.6905763
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Suttree. Read it while laying in a hammock and drinking beer on Sunday afternoons in August. So good.

>> No.6905771
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>> No.6905796
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When I wanna feel comfy, I like picking this up and just flipping through.

>> No.6905853


>> No.6905987

that is the worst book cover i have ever seen

>> No.6906015

My comfiest childhood memories are of reading this in bed, long into the night. Other comfy books I frequently enjoyed as a child:
>20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
>Journey to the Center of the Earth
>King Solomon's Mines

>> No.6906159

Because Ernest writes like he's thirsty for a fat dick

>> No.6906346


>> No.6906772
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>reading in public

>> No.6906828
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Oh christ you guys nitpick and complain about anything.

>> No.6906857


>> No.6906964

not complaining, friend, just describing my 'feels' for this particular activity.

>> No.6907105
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Wind in the Willows, eternally.

>> No.6907430

come on, this is stupid.
How can Atticus be racist if he has a black woman feeding his children

>> No.6907709

DFW is absolutely sublime, love all of his stuff.

>> No.6907748
File: 665 KB, 848x1250, Tove-at-desk-by-window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Tove Jansson

>> No.6907941

As moot said, the boring truth is that most of 4chan is just a place where people go to talk about their interests.

>> No.6909175

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer