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6906523 No.6906523 [Reply] [Original]

Any non-native English speakers here have any experience with Cambridge C2 exams? What did you use to prepare?

>> No.6906572

What is it about weak beta men that makes them think they're somehow morally superior to others by perpetuating some original sin myth about everyone with white skin being complicit in american slavery?

>> No.6906579


They think it makes them attractive to women by appearing to be sensitive

>> No.6906581


>that pic

the effects of slavery are destroying America. They should've never imported niggers (blacks) imo.

They are just sucking up welfare and shooting people, objectively speaking.

>> No.6906586

bump out of interest. I'm in a similar position as you, OP

>> No.6906587


I'm white and I endorse both of those practices

>> No.6906589

The author of that tweet cares about his appearance. He wants to come across as progressive to win the attention of others.

You are bias and don't understand how a stratified economic system functions. America literally runs off of the rich sucking money away from the poor. The US basically spends nothing on welfare.

If you need advice from the autists on this Filipino fingerpainting forum to prepare for your test you probably weren't going to do well anyway.

>> No.6906590

Just be yourself bro

>> No.6906593

>making the image more interesting than the topic
you dun goof'd

>> No.6906704

That is an incredibly stupid breeding strategy because women despise weaklings.

>> No.6906846

>niggers (blacks)
thanks for clarifying

>> No.6906867

Being from the UK I never really got the attitude in the pic, despite having heard it quite a bit. All of my ancestors for the last 200-300 years at least came from a small rural village in the Yorkshire Dales and they were poor-ass peasants.

Sure, I probably inadvertently benefited from slavery but really no more so than the Africans and Asians that live in the UK now. A lot of them are much richer than me. Their ancestors were possibly enslaved by people who were not related to me, and that sucks and it may have left a mark. But if they want to go back and live in spear chucker land then go fucking do it.

>> No.6906877

I did the Cambridge C2 exam in highschool. Did absolutely nothing to prepare for it and aced it.

>> No.6906886

Whether or not your individual ancestors engaged in violent crime, you as a black person have benefited from it and are complicit in it. Sorry.

>> No.6906887

That being said, there are exercise books you can get for the exams. But I'd say that if you're capable of communicating with a bong/murikan both on paper and in person, you'll be fine probably.

>> No.6906896

Same for me. I got a B though.

>> No.6906931


>> No.6906970

>tfw failed the C2 cambridge exam
a-atleast I got the C2 michigan one

>> No.6907115

>America literally runs off of the rich sucking money away from the poor. The US basically spends nothing on welfare.
This. It's why taxes are so high on the poor, and so low on the rich. Welfare is just a small refund to the poor tbh.

>> No.6907169

>I want money I don't work for
>I've never had a job lol

>> No.6907189

>I want money I don't work for
>I've never had a job
I can't tell if this is supposed to be a poor kid or a rich kid.

>> No.6907210

Didn't you see Britains forgotten slave owners on BBC? There was once a wealthy landower who speculated on foreign slave trade who traveled through your village once. You have to feel bad forever you white male scum

>> No.6907226

Das no da only kine a BBC in Britain why boy

>> No.6907231

Poor, since 'want' instead of 'have'

>> No.6907241

I-I'm sorry, you can fuck my wife if you want Mr Bull

>> No.6907242


>> No.6907245

Das rite, boi

>> No.6907247

>in person

>> No.6907253


>> No.6907586

Well yes, the cambridge examination also constitutes a spoken element where you have to speak to natives.

>> No.6907648

>drawing battle lines based on anything other than class

counter-revolutionary scum

>> No.6907660
File: 79 KB, 189x333, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whether or not your indiviual ancestors kept a position in power in the government, you as an american have benefited from war and are complicit in it.

>whether or not your indiviual ancestors were christians, you as an occidental have benefited from the church and are complicit in child rape.

>whether or not your indiviual ancestors were carnivores, you as a human have benefited from killing animals and are complicit in it.

>whether or not your indiviual ancestors evolved, you as a living organism have benefited from erasing other potential species and are complicit in it.

why do you americans love carrying so much guilt and acting as if that's insight?

>> No.6907673

>that pic
God damn this is why I despise twitter. Morons thinking they can stuff issues like this in a couple hundred characters make me sick.

>> No.6907674
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, 1417999477164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all my ancestors are from the isle of man and scotland, i really doubt they had any benefit from it

>> No.6907680

Brevity is the soul of tweet.

>> No.6907701

>Brevity is the soul of tweet.

Then certainly the other 2/3rds of a twitter post is fat :^)

>> No.6907702


>> No.6907723

That good feel when my parents were born in historically oppressed European nations but moved to the UK and became successful, so now I have the privilege of white skin and a middle-class upbringing but none of the colonial guilt.

>> No.6907734


>> No.6907738
File: 21 KB, 499x103, screenshot-swordattheready.wordpress.com 2015-07-24 14-16-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adam kotsko wrote a bomb book about zizek so w/ever

>> No.6907742

you don't get it. If you "look white" you are privileged according to these people.
Facts and your families history have nothing to do with it in their view.

>> No.6907844

I tried to take this exam three times, I got almost perfect score at reading, writing and listening. Every time I failed at speaking. I always felt sorry for the bloke who would pair up with me since I'm practically impossible to talk to. Even the examiner was taken aback by me.

After my third try which went exactly the same as previous ones I accepted that I'm just too bloody antisocial for this crap.

>> No.6907854

They are bourgeois talking points designed to divide the working class and continue to empower the rich. Poor whites get screwed coming and going on this issue: screwed by slavery because the rich were able to import a cheap workforce, screwed by "affirmative action" policies and then shouted at by upper middle class bourgeois adolescents that they can't complain about it because they "benefited from slavery/colonialism/whatever".

>> No.6907872

>The US basically spends nothing on welfare.
No. That's not true. The US spends more on welfare than ANYTHING else.

>> No.6907873

You forgot to add that by assigning blame to "white people" it conceals those actors who ordered, organized, and spread the ideology to justify such actions so that the lower classes take the bullet for the actions of the upper classes who despised, manipulated, and crushed any working class movement that challenged them. So in the end all those who directly benefited from imperialism ride off into the sunset while the lower class whites are left with the blame.

>> No.6907898

Really? More than the military?

>> No.6907899

That could not be further from the truth. Social Security, Military, and Medicaid are the biggest expenditures by far.

>> No.6907902

I was just as surprised.

>> No.6907904

>The US spends more on welfare than ANYTHING else
Most of that goes to old people as SS and medicare make up 38% of the federal budget.

>> No.6907909

here's this too
The fourth pie chart illustrates all spending. https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/spending/

>> No.6907943

This. Nothing pisses me off worse than hearing wealthy yanks talk about those racist sister-fucking rednecks who vote republican, as if poor southerners were the ones responsible for slavery

don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should all turn pitchforks against the wealthy (I'm pretty privileged myself), I just hate smug fucks who like to blame social problems on groups of people that they have no interest in understanding.

>> No.6907947


Lead colonics and free money for everybody!

>> No.6907961

Lol, what about the blacks in Africa who actually caught and sold slaves?

>> No.6907997

>tfw i got a perfect score in speaking
And I'm pretty socially inept.

>> No.6908001

>They are just sucking up welfare and shooting people, objectively speaking.
Black people are not some sort of "natural disaster". Those in power in white societies had plenty of chances to mold them into "good citizens" while they were under their heel but couldn't even be bothered to do that members of their own race.

Like Arab slavery that may or may not still exist in our current time its just not talked about.

>> No.6908026

>Like Arab slavery that may or may not still exist in our current time its just not talked about.
Right, but have all black Africans today "benefited" from the actions of their slave catching and selling ancestors, and are they complicit?

>> No.6908037

>America literally runs off of the rich sucking money away from the poor. The US basically spends nothing on welfare.

>30 percent of the GDP pissed away redistributing income

thanks for reminding me that socialists are retarded

>> No.6908082

You could argue that certain groups in Africa are complicit but you would be shut down almost immediately as in all the arguments I've seen people can't even entertain the notion that Africans or other groups sold their "people" into slavery.

>> No.6908090

>Black people are not some sort of "natural disaster"
Tell that to Zimbabwe.
It used to be Rhodesia, don't you know.

>> No.6908112



>> No.6908129

Like many colonial governments the outcome should've been obvious. You have a large amount of poorly education people hungry for retribution combined with a government whose main purpose was extraction and did a worse job than Rome at "civilizing the savages" and they weren't really even trying in many instances

>> No.6908133


Yeah, what about them anon?

>> No.6908139

Ya, whatever.
At least the country was known as the "breadbasket of Africa", instead of "one of the worst countries of Africa".

>> No.6908154

>Ya, whatever.
The situation they created was their own fault so why should I feel sorry for them?

>> No.6908183

>The situation they created was their own fault
Yes, the prosperous nation with abundant food and development was their own fault.

>> No.6908186

Which doesn't mean shit if you can't keep it together.

>> No.6908194

Your point?

>> No.6908213

What is your point? Things were good until those blacks ruined everything even though the whites controlled and determined the social situation leading up to their fall?

>> No.6908219

My point was this: >>6908090

>> No.6908231

If you point was black people are a "natural disaster" then why did places like Botswana and Namibia not turn into a complete shitshow when they gained independence?

>> No.6908237

Have you ever been to Botswana and Namibia?

>> No.6908250

No, why would that matter? I can get information on their economy, history, crime, and living standards thanks to the internet.

>> No.6908253

Because they're poverty-stricken shitholes

>> No.6908263

Emotionally sensitive =/= physically sensitive

>> No.6908271

They are two of the top growing economics in Africa an enjoy political stability and freedom that other nations in Africa don't.

>> No.6908277

Well they're good according to African standards, but they're still shitholes.

>> No.6908287

You dodged the original question of why they turned so different.

>> No.6908295

Because that question has nothing to do with my point.
All of sub-saharan Africa is a shithole, Zimbabwe was just one example.

>> No.6908303

Not the guy, but I've been to both, each for quite some time. By the standards of Africa, both countries are prosperous. Remember that Namibia was basically South Africa 1.2 until about 1980, so it's as developed as there. Botswana is rolling in tourism income.

Speaking out your arse, mate.

>> No.6908305

>All of sub-saharan Africa is a shithole, Zimbabwe was just one example.
When you expand the term so there is no difference between a war torn country with little if any economy and ones with HDI as good as if not better than South Africa it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.6908313

Lol. They're poverty-stricken shitholes.

You'll find wealthy tourist areas in pretty much any shithole if it's nice enough.

You don't agree that subsaharan Africa is a shithole?

>HDI as good as if not better than South Africa
Not like SA is a good reference poes.
Much of the country is a massive shithole.

>> No.6908371

>You don't agree that subsaharan Africa is a shithole?
No. Places like the Congo, Sudan, etc are shitholes. Other places like Botswana are on the up. If we are going by something like poverty threshold than Rhodesia like many colonies were poverty stricken shithole before and after transition.

>> No.6908381

>places like Botswana are on the up
So are a lot of third-world shitholes.

>> No.6908419

I read a lot of books involving English dialogue.

>> No.6908427

And hopefully one day they will at least blossom into "not quite first world but close enough" tier.

>> No.6908443



>> No.6908452

It would be terriffic.

>> No.6908479

>Other places like Botswana are on the up
The botswanan gdp/capita is artificially inflated by the fact that western and chinese mining companies extract its natural wealth.

Botswana is a shithole.

>> No.6908696

>or niggers as i like to call them

>> No.6908713

The US gdp/capita is artificially inflated by the fact that billionaires and hedge fund companies are manufacturing "wealth" in the finance industry.

USA is a shithole.

>> No.6908825

You tried to be snarky, yet you end up posting a fact.