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6903337 No.6903337 [Reply] [Original]

How can a man escape the idea of Hedonism and Solipsism?

>> No.6903378
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>Read Objectivist literature

>> No.6903396

ignore it and pursue better things

>> No.6903397

By changing his mind.

>> No.6903400
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If you feel like refuse, go on an (potentially endless) search.
But what's the negative consequence of Solipsism.

>> No.6903410

He need only graduate high school.

>> No.6903429


nothing in fact, solipsism can make your behaviour be badass as fuck

which is as good thing

>> No.6903449

God the movie was so fucking bad.

>> No.6903556

Solipsism provides no real answer to the big why: existence itself. Sure, maybe everything is just a product of your consciousness. Doesn't change the fact that your consciousness exists and is totally bizarre.

>> No.6903611
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I wonder why you want to escape the idea of hedonism. I get why solipsism could be experienced negatively. So why do you want to escape hedonism? I consider myself an hedonistic existentialist (albeit neutral on solipsism) so I'm greatly interested. Anyways, I'll make an attempt at 'escaping the idea of Hedonism'.

Especially in the contemporary Zeitgeist, often coupled with capitalism, hedonism offers a "solution" (or merely reaction) to the futility of life as it is commonly experienced in post-modernity. If nothing matters, why not enjoy the things that don't matter? "Carpe diem", "YOLO", "hakuna matata", that kinda thing. The underlying thought of this philosophy could according to me be described as: "All is matter (cf. science) but nothing matters." Now, if you want to escape this train of thought, there are two options: a) you have to believe life (individual existence) has a higher purpose, or b) developing other ways to overcome futility and void.
a) - Religion and afterlife. Since religion, especially the great three monotheistic ones, often entertain the idea of an afterlife. hedonism could be rejected if it has as a consequence the possibility of entering the higher spheres of this afterlife. Even so, you're a nutsack if you believe all this.
- "Humanity". Hedonism is in essence based on pleasure of the self, by definition it implies radical egoism. If, however, one believes in Humanity itself as an higher end, to cultivate this belief, one would have to sacrifice at least some pleasure of the self to the 'greater good of human development', thereby limiting or (as with for example Peter Singer) almost annihilating egoistical self-pleasure. Two problems could arise here though, one being solipsism (I might (!) comment on this 'problem' some time later), the other the question "but where does human development lead to?" Since we are entrapped in practical eternity, nothing, not even humanity, can have meaning or significance according to me, since objective value presupposes the idea of temporality and an 'end point'.
b) I'll be a bit more brief from now on since I don't feel like elaborating anymore.
- Ascetism. Basically the invertion of hedonism. Has its roots in eastern philosophy, for example Buddhism. Rejuvenated by Schopenhauer in continental philosophy. You might want to check out 'The World as Will and Representation'.
- Contemplation. Check out some of the old Greeks, like Plotinus. These guys are totally wacko though, and mostly, like nutjob Plotinus, they see contemplation as a way to God and all that stuff. I am convinced that contemplation and erudition could offer you individual meaning (not objective though but from an existential point of view that could be considered as "bad faith".
- Suicide. Somewhat egoistic though, just like hedonism. You might want to read both Camus and Cioran for this matter, the former being against, the latter being merely indifferent.
- Love. You're on /lit/, after all.

>> No.6903618

celebrate his 15th birthday

>> No.6903677

You don't HAVE to be a Solipsist OP; yeah you can't prove that you're not just a brain in a jar etcetera but that doesn't mean you are. Just accept it as an area of unknown like the start of the universe and carry on being the puppet of determinism.

>> No.6903742

by growing up

not even being condescending, that's how most people escape those ideas

>> No.6903823
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How does one escape any dumb ideology? Scepticism.

That said, there's nothing wrong with hedonism if you do it in a sensible way. See Epicurus.

>> No.6903851

But if in scepticism you doubt everything, surely that means you must believe you can doubt everything?

>> No.6903862

i took on a deeper religious sensibility over the last year and have adopted a sort of quietest philosophy

and there is always that feeling of "am i living well or am i just engaging in a thinly veiled hedonism?"

>> No.6903909
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>> No.6903967

>not being skeptical about being skeptical

>> No.6904452



>> No.6904459


that's Solipsism though, are you implying we should affirm it instead of escape it?

>> No.6904469


>Ectoplasmic Pill

>> No.6904473

Do you mean Solipsism in the Corgito Ergo Sum sense, or, I'm the only thing that is real everything else isn't sense?

>> No.6904512

I don't understand the issue of Hedonism. There are many possible approaches to the pursuit of happiness. If nothing else, you could grow through exploring this issue.

Solipsism is just a sterile perspective. It isn't constructive. Either it is wrong or it is right, continue normally. If it is wrong you didn't lose anything from disregarding the issue. If it is right you can't lose nothing anyway.

>> No.6904546

I think I have a pretty valid answer for this if you're willing to listen:
psychedelics and meditation

Psychedelics have a certain connotation in todays society, but if you do some research, they're entwined with academia. I recommend you check out The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley.
What psychedelics do is they give you the chance to really look at yourself and asses what you can or cannot do. For me, they have been a catalyst for finding what I *really* want, rather than what I am told to want.
As for as solipsism, psychedelics will totally dismantle your ego for a few hours.
If you've done the research and you still don't want to take psychedelics, I recommend researching Zen Buddhism and practicing meditation.
good luck friend

>> No.6904559


Gr8 b8 m8, C.S. Lewis would like to have a talk with you.

>> No.6904566
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Remember that you are a man stuck inside of flesh, judging reality through material senses, in disassociation from the divine due to your very nature. Investigate Christianity, Anon. It got all of the nihilism out of me right quick, mostly due to the realization that in the grand scheme, I am a worm compared to God.

>> No.6904588

What you have done is akin to voluntarily clubbing yourself over the head so you don't have to feel

>> No.6904624


why would you want to "escape" those ideas? are they chasing you?

why would you want to escape those ideas? what is bad about them?

>> No.6904629

Both of those are pretty okay.

>> No.6904644

So, embracing moral nihilism, empiricism, and Fatalistic ideology is being a true man, then?

I'd say it just shows the sign of a spiritually uninteligent person(the definition of uninteligent being St. Anthony's').

>> No.6904655


"Spiritual intelligence" is garbage.

There's no support for any tenets put forth by spiritual philosophy and teachings.

>> No.6904666
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>> No.6904679
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>thousands of years of wisdom BTFO by some fuccboi on a tibetan tupperware forum

top fuckin kek m8

>> No.6904709

There is just as much thinking and feeling going on in the head of a Christian as there is in anybody else's. If anything, it allows one to dismiss useless existential crises and anxiety and begin to focus on things that can actually be applied to improve one's life.

Different strokes etc but I can also testify that religion helped me organize my thoughts in a more productive way.

>> No.6904712

I wouldn't say it's garbage, but here on /lit/ the concept seems to exist for some people to justify their lack of "conventional" inteligence.

>> No.6904719


Wisdom based on unfounded principles of the human mind and nature.

>> No.6904732

Proper belief in God.

>> No.6904753

>What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
>Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
>Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power. If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.
>A man must stand erect, not be kept erect by others.

you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.6904764


I actually enjoyed reading parts of this. Not bad, anon.

>> No.6904778


That's not spiritual philosophy, it's individual philosophy.

I even agree with some of those.

>> No.6904787

The first is from Ecclesiastes, the second is from the Buddha, the third is from the Tao Te Ching.

>> No.6904805


And none concern spirituality.

The Pope could talk for five hours about fried chicken and it wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with everything else he's known for.

>> No.6904836

>You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.
>The happiness and peace attained by those satisfied by the nectar of spiritual tranquility is not attained by greedy persons restlessly moving here and there.
>Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.

I don't know how much more spiritual I can get.

>> No.6904863


Spiritual preachers are so obnoxious that I believe firmly that the amount of lines they sput out just shows how much they want them to be true

>> No.6904866


As soon as the soul or spiritual tranquility gets mentioned, things quickly turn rancid and outdated.

These are concepts devised before we had even a rudimentary working knowledge of the human brain, and the mechanisms responsible for emotion.

>> No.6904870

Idk if you're the same guy, but the first two are swamis and the third is Emerson. c'mon nigga

>> No.6904882

dude do you know how autistic you sound?

what does it matter if we denote the inner experience as "soul" or "mind" or "emergent processes located in the brain" if the gist of what they're saying, "no one can hand you inner peace on a platter, you have to save yourself" is true?

stop being such a robot

>> No.6904884


That was a different dude.

I'm >>6904866

Doesn't matter who said it, if it's based on unfounded principles.

>> No.6904904

That's dogmatists for ya.

>> No.6904907


It's all well and good if you want to use different words for the processes of the brain, but most "spiritual knowledge" goes further and links the soul, mind, spirit, or whatever you want to call it to some other, supernatural collection of phenomena.

>> No.6905040
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you are enlightened, not by a ph0ny god, but by your own soulless intelligence
i tip my pope hat to you

>> No.6905075

by submerging in them and taking them to their last consequences.

thus, he will see whether they are the actual reality and live by them or overcome them and live free from them