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/lit/ - Literature

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689753 No.689753 [Reply] [Original]

what's that borges short story that has a tiger in it?

>> No.689763
File: 38 KB, 312x474, life-of-pi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.689762

The Other Tiger? I think

>> No.689765

Paper Tiger?

>> No.689774

What's that Pynchon story with a paranoid character?

>> No.689779

what's that phalahniuk story that has a shocking character that hates society?

>> No.689782

What's that Camus story that has absurdism in it?

>> No.689786

What's the Kafka story about the guy who goes between periods of self-loathing and entanglement in pointless bureaucracy?

>> No.689789

What's that Oscar WIlde story with decadent aristocrats in it?

>> No.689790

What's that Lovecraft short story that has alien geometries and terrible angles in it?

>> No.689791

What's that Saki story that pokes fun at Edwardian society?

>> No.689795

What's the Bukowski short story where he writes about being drunk?

>> No.689796

i prefer the one about the mirror

>> No.689793 [DELETED] 

What's the Bukowski short story where he talks about being drunk?

>> No.689799

What's that Asimov short story that has a logic problem masquerading as a plot?

>> No.689811


The one about the labyrinth is much better, I don't remember what it's called though..

>> No.689813
File: 16 KB, 190x235, 14books.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that Mary Gaitskill story with a lot of awkward sex?

>> No.689819

What's that George R. R. Martin story that is shit?

>> No.689821

Fuck thank you. I was trying to remember her name a few weeks ago when I was talking to someone about the lack of requirement authors have for being physically attractive. She's a great example because SHE WRITES ABOUT SEX NONSTOP.

>> No.689827

whats that bret easton ellis novel about rich people acting nihilistic?

>> No.689857

i herd of that book on corner gas

>> No.689882

What was that Hemingway story about manliness?

>> No.689883

What was that Orwell story promoting socialism?

>> No.689893

None of them.

>> No.689974


>What was that Hemingway story about loss?


>> No.689994

What's that Dickens story with an overly sentimental death that doubles as social commentary?

>> No.690004
File: 113 KB, 640x427, Sherman_Alexie_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that Sherman Alexie story about Indians?

>> No.690021

What's that Gaiman story that has gods in it?

>> No.690031

this thread is beautiful

>> No.690034

What's that Frued essay about sexuality?

>> No.690037

What's that China Mieville story with the Marxist overtones?

>> No.690047

What's that Mark Twain novel about people at odds with phony southern mores learning to succeed as decent human beings?

>> No.690051

What's that David Sedaris story that ends with a self-congratulatory epiphany?

>> No.690055

Can somebody identify the Robert Heinlein work I read a long time ago? I don't know know if it was a story or a novel, but the main character was this ultra-competent hero who changed the world.

>> No.690066

what's that sinclair lewis novel that has critiques of capitalism in it?

>> No.690070

Whats that russian novel about bored aristocrats?

>> No.690074

Whats that Ayn Rand novel about empathy?

>> No.690098


Oh, you mean the one that read like a second rate amalgamation of the plots and writing styles of other authors in similar genres? The name escapes me at the moment,

>> No.690143

What's that Vonnegut story that's basically pulpy sci-fi with post-modern references?

>> No.690148

What's that Faulkner story about a southern family coping with a changing society?

>> No.690162

What's that Murakami story about a lonely person experiencing the inexplicable?

>> No.690165

What's that Terry Pratchett story about broad social caricature?

>> No.690172

Could this be /lit/'s first archived thread??! Make it so!

>> No.690174

What's that John Barth story where he refers to himself and writes about writing?

>> No.690176

What's that Michael Chabon story about secular Jews finding a sense of identity?

>> No.690177

Hey guys, seriously though, I'm really looking for something, it's important.
I need a Sylvia Plath poem about a woman struggling to overcome despair and male domination.

>> No.690178

What's that Philip K. Dick story about being unable to tell what's real?

>> No.690180

What's that one novel by Theodore Dreiser that focuses on the American Dream?

>> No.690181

What's that Molière play that focuses on satire?

>> No.690182

What's that 4chan thread filled wiht unfunny morons?

>> No.690188



>18 threads archived from /lit/.


>> No.690187

You're posting in it!!!

>> No.690184

What's that Poe story about death?

>> No.690194



>> No.690195

What's that William S. Burroughs novel about drugs?

>> No.690196

What's that post with the obvious butthurt?

>> No.690200



This thread is awesome.

>> No.690204

What's that Philip Roth novel about Jewish identity?

>> No.690210

What's that Michael Chabon article that reads like a freshman term paper?

>> No.690214

What's this thing by this guy that has things in it he usually has in his books

>> No.690216

What's that Oscar Wilde story about snobby Englishmen?

>> No.690219

Whats taht story by Nigger about Watermelon?

>> No.690225

What is that Butthole story that has poop in it??

>> No.690229
File: 18 KB, 452x339, thats_the_joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.690232

What's that story in which Dostoyesfki is preaching christfaggotry?

>> No.690233

What's that Austen story about vapid women finding rich husbands?

>> No.690242

What is that Faggot story that has AIDS in it