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6898912 No.6898912 [Reply] [Original]

is humility a good or a bad trait?

>> No.6898953

being able to fake humility is a good trait.

>> No.6898982

neither it's a social construct :^)

>> No.6898999

Humility is a virtue. One of the most devout Monastics of early Christianity, though I forget his name, was dying, and someone asked him why he didn't want to die(as he was praying for more life), and he said to the man: "I wish I had more time to repent.".

Even the best of us need humility. False-humility is a bad trait, as anyone will tell you. Looking at yourself and disparaging your legitimate qualities to make some peculiar form of the trait is not right, but being genuinely humble in things you struggle with or don't know is absolutely a virtue, a great antithesis of sin.

>> No.6899068
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Humility is a vice. To think yourself lowly, pathetic, vulgar, or bad will make you lowly pathetic vulgar and bad. Pride, humility's antithesis, is the foundation of all good and noble conduct.
What kind of person would spend their lives apologizing for being alive, then ask for more life just to keep apologizing? What a pathetic, disgusting creature.

>> No.6899100

The only way we should describe ourselves is honestly.

>> No.6899136

I think this is a good one.

Humility in the context it is what is important. If you talk to a bunch of art faggots about books you don't need to be humble because they have the opportunity to be at your level but bragging about all the shit you read to an old poor man that never learnt how to read has no benefit other than to your ego

>> No.6899137


You don't understand what humility is

>> No.6899149

Honesty is what I respect the most. If you talk big of yourself, but back it up with words - you have earned the right to do so in my eyes.
I hate people who are not being honest about themselves, to either direction.

Then again, that's just my taste in people.

>> No.6899157

back it up with actions***

>> No.6899169

Humility: a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.

First result on google.

>> No.6899188

>/lit/ - literature

>> No.6899233
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>What kind of person would spend their lives apologizing for being alive, then ask for more life just to keep apologizing?

The kind of person not clouded by petty pride and concepts of reality dependent upon the senses, who acts humble so that he may find perfection outside of the limited world he inhabits.

Yes, he was pathetic, yes, he was disgusting, but sin is what made him like this, humility is what saved him from it.

>> No.6899238

humility seems to have athousand different interpretations

>> No.6899281

*tips fedora*
Actually humility is a very good thing if united to selfconciousness. And a smart thing too, because it allows you to be more empathic and learn a lot

>> No.6899284

>frist result on Google
Nice research mate

>> No.6899328

Doesn't humilty = wisdom to a certain extent? Knowing the vastness of how little one knows, accepting and realizing that insignificance of one's self.

>> No.6899355

Harbour pride, demonstrate humility.

>> No.6899381

>deluding yourself and acting pathetic is preferable to facing reality and living full of piss and vinegar

christianity is the world's biggest pity party and the most popular game at the party is 'who can kiss god's ass the best'.

mise en place mon frere

>> No.6899670
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>deluding yourself and acting pathetic is preferable to facing reality and living full of piss and vinegar
>christianity is the world's biggest pity party and the most popular game at the party is 'who can kiss god's ass the best'.

reddit please go

>> No.6901092

what a perfectly awful mentality

>> No.6901169

Aristotle listed humility as a vice, but I think he associated it more with being self-deprecating, disingenuous, and/or irresponsible. If you are learned or experienced in a particular subject, you shouldn't feign modesty out of politeness, but share your knowledge whenever it is directly asked of you or is particularly relevant in some other way; do not brag, but also do not understate your abilities. It's just dishonest and can even be kind of sickening - remember those Asian kids in school who would call themselves stupid if they only got 95% on an exam?

It's true what that earlier anon said: self-respect and pride (though not in excess) is important in the development of virtue. Admitting you are ignorant or unqualified in a particular way is not humility, it's just honesty.

>> No.6902372
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Humility makes other people feel safe around you, arrogance betrays that you're insecure and perhaps not worth knowing, and pride is inspiring but often intimidating.

Around most regular folks it pays to be humble. For others it is sign of weakness

>> No.6902400

It's both. Stop asking stupid questions in the first place.