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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 76 KB, 500x272, war-peace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6891560 No.6891560 [Reply] [Original]

I just got my first one (pic is not it, I won't post it because you all will just make fun of me qq).

Has anyone else gotten a tattoo based on a book you love, one you grew up with, a phrase that inspired you? Post and explain!

>> No.6891570

Nah. Perhaps in my 30's. A tatto has to have a really strong meaning to me, At 24 It would be stupid trying to get one.

>> No.6891575

I wanted to get the image on the cover of A Farewell to Arms on some part of my body because that book really got me into literature.

Now, I'm not so sure.

>> No.6891579

I would never get a tattoo. It doesn't matter how much I like anything. I'm not getting a tattoo of it.

>> No.6891581


It's anonymous you fig post it. Who cares about the cyber bullying that will follow

>> No.6891591

Tattoos are just embarrassing. It's like wearing a band shirt or listening to loud music on public transport. You're screaming out for someone to approach you and validate your existence. It's just sad.

>> No.6891593
File: 538 KB, 942x1017, 2015-07-28 07.31.48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At one point I wanted to get the quote "The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places." tattooed on me but the rest of the quote kind of changes the meaning.

I posted it to another thread once already but I may as well share it here too. It's from Harry Potter, I basically grew up with the series, it was how I met the person I ended up spending six years of my life with, etc.

I want to get a bunch more, some stuff in Sindarin, maybe something related to Mary Shelley because she's such an inspiration to me. I love so many of the tattoos I see other people get but I'd like to come up with something on my own.

>> No.6891596


Your artist can't draw circles.

>> No.6891597

75% of my tattoos aren't even visible when I'm clothed so... no. You clearly have none and no understanding of those who do.

>> No.6891601

Mah Hemingway nigga. I want a matador to remind me about the passage on greatness in The Sun Also Rises.

>> No.6891602

considering getting a trystero one or a pilcrow.

>> No.6891605

It's scabbed up so it's looking a little rough today lol. The left side did get a bit smushed but I think I twitched or something.

>> No.6891607

So defensive. Hilarious. What a manchild.

>> No.6891609

I hav a tattoo of a fish eating a banana

>> No.6891614

Why come into a thread about tattoos and whine about how they're for attention, then call someone a manchild when they defend the subject of the thread?

Go be a pseudo-intellectual troll somewhere else.

>> No.6891621


You're the only one whining, manchild.

>tattooed manchild accusing others of being a pseud

>> No.6891624

A girl I like has tattoos and I can't deal. Why can't she not have tattoos instead?

>> No.6891626
File: 217 KB, 900x900, bananafish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6891631
File: 26 KB, 460x460, especial-tatuajes-literarios-L-7Lrmw6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6891637

Literally what reasons do people have to pay others to put permanent doodles on their skin

>"i-it looks good"
No, it doesn't. It's just like drawing on school textbooks. If you're incapable of looking good by excercising and dieting then writing some "deep" quote or drawing some "meaningful" doodle on your skin won't help. It's the same as wearing a Death Grips band shirt, coloring your hair, or listening to loud music on public transport.

>"it reminds me of someone / something"
Is your memory that bad that you need a doodle to remind you of it / them?

>"umm okay it's *my* body shitlord..."
Sure it is. Some people like piercing their genitals. It's no less retarded.

>> No.6891643

absolutely haram

>> No.6891648

>It's the same as wearing a Death Grips band shirt, coloring your hair, or listening to loud music on public transport.
I see no connection between these other than that you seem to imply they're all somehow obnoxious.

>> No.6891659

The connection is that they're all representations of the personality you want others to perceive. You're crying out for people to perceive you a certain way, like an emo kid. You're begging for people to either think you're cool or to approach you and comment on your [quirky hair, tattoo, clothing]. It's something insecure children do.

>> No.6891680
File: 66 KB, 550x412, 1436627332141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand.
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.

>> No.6891684

i think its cute, why do people always have to be so critical of others? It's got nothing to do with you, live and let live i say.

>> No.6891686

I can't be the only one who sees the irony in you coming onto an image board and basically taking a dump on the way someone chooses to find happiness in themself by calling it insecure and attention seeking. If you don't like it, fine. Ignore it.

>> No.6891689

>muh conformism

>> No.6891703


>> No.6891720

>crying out
Or, you know, you just wouldn't mind if someone talked to you about the band in your shirt.

Why does it have to be "begging"? Of course you are against those things, you put too much weight on it, you are the one extremely concerned about the way people perceive you, enough for you to avoid looking like "an emo kid crying out for people to perceive you in a certain way". People are just wearing shirts they like or that they think that looks good on them, having the hair in a way they think it's pretty, drawing on their skin designs that they feel good to look at for one reason or another. Relax, faggot.

>> No.6891724

This guy is absolutely right though, there is nothing more superficial and immature than a tattoo. By tattooing yourself you are forcibly trying to change the way others perceive you and you perceive yourself. For one thing it's insecure, for another it's lazy -- if you are so dedicated to changing who you are then put in the work, don't just sit a chair for three hours while some college dropout sticks a needle inside you.

>> No.6891727

gross, would not want to even be seen or talk to these people

>> No.6891730


You must have absolutely no sense of joy in your life.

You actually think that when people say they have a tattoo to 'remind them of something' that they literally mean they have a hard time remembering it? Like a shopping list?

I know some people don't like sentimentality but to actually not feel it's existence is something else. I can just imagine how grey and dull your life is.

>> No.6891734

By tattooing yourself you are forcibly trying to change the way others perceive you and you perceive yourself

>what is fashion.

>> No.6891738

Maybe he's just bitter because his mommy still won't give him enough allowance money to get one. Let's try to be compassionate here guys.

>> No.6891740

The essence of consumerism and superficiality?

>> No.6891741

Why forcibly? Why take it as if it was stretching far like that? It's just a tattoo, not a watermelon hat with golden wings.

Jesus Christ, I don't have any tattoos, but you guys are absolute fags projecting your insecurities onto them. Your tattoos may say something about you, but you are not your tattoos. You assume that all tattooed people are as anal as you are about the way people perceive you.

You are forcibly trying to make people perceive you as not-immature, not-lazy and not-superficial. And you're failing.

>> No.6891746

>"U don't like scribbling on ur skin bcuz ur boring!!"

How pathetic.

>> No.6891747


You can't live without fashion, anon. It's not like you either are adressing your superficial image or your "deep core". That core does not exist, all you have is statements, in actions, in appearance or otherwise. The way you dress yourself or take care of your body or ornament yourself is fashion whether you think about it all day or if you don't mind it at all. Your grease soaked tits on that 10 year old once-black-now-grey t-shirt is statement about how much you care about all else in your life and people notice it, even if you don't.

>> No.6891750

Yeah, right. "Fuck the man bro!!". You're sure showing him with your nautical-themed half-sleeve.

>> No.6891754

This guy is 100% correct. I immediately dismiss you as someone I'd like to get to know if I see you have a tattoo.

>> No.6891755


That's not a counter argument to what I said. You just inexplicably called me pathetic. I think you need to calm down and stop taking everything so seriously.

>> No.6891756

Wow. Look at this fucking love connection

>> No.6891758

I would consider it every decision about your appearance you make. A form of non-verbal communication.

Decide to wear ugly jeans? Fashion choice.
Decide to have a tattoo? Fashion choice.
Decide to go out naked? Fashion choice.

These are all stylistic decisions that influence others to perceive you in a certain way. I find it hard to understand why one could be angry at these decisions, given that we all make them continuously.

>> No.6891759

>equating disinterest in "fashion" with being a NEET basement dweller

Cute. You sure proved that he's the insecure one here.

>> No.6891761

>"Chill out bro life's a beach dude. Kawabunga maaan"

>> No.6891764

Want to know the difference between a patrician and a pleb?

One appreciated and even admires something that looks cool, the other wants to scribble that thing on their skin.

>> No.6891765

>what is aesthetic
Some people just think they're pretty.

Besides, there's no escaping expressing yourself through looks. Even if you dress like the most normal of all the normalfags, that says something about you and your personality.

>> No.6891766

I would like to inform you that not everyone thinks like you do and that some people enjoy things for the sake of enjoying them. It seems you have a superficial view of the world and are far too concerned with what others think judging by the fact you think others get tattoos for solely that reason. I'm sure you'll insult me over the internet like the others you already have but it won't do much. Please look into yourself to find some happiness and stop worrying about what others think or do, especially in real life but try on the internet also. You're wasting your time with this negativity.

>> No.6891768

> even if you dress like the most normal of all the normalfags, that says something about you and your personality.
>this is what poseurs actually believe

>> No.6891774

Otherkin getting BTFO

>> No.6891776

Forearm tattoos look distorted according to how you position your arm. For obvious reasons. You can have the most perfect circle and it will still be crooked most of the time.

>> No.6891777

Okay this thread has gone way off the rails, can we make this post about book tattoos again and take the arguing over to /pol/ please?

>> No.6891782

>he think I'm retarded
>m-must be from /pol/

Is that really how you dismiss people who see how fucking stupid you look?

>> No.6891784

The point is not that if you're not interested in fashion you're a NEET basement dweller, but that if you're not interested in fashion you wouldn't be able to tell if you were a NEET basement dweller.

>> No.6891785

ohhh sick burn bro

>> No.6891792

Manchild logic, ladies and gentleman

>> No.6891794

This isn't a thread to argue over whether tattoos are stupid or not. Are you retarded? Is there something wrong with your reading comprehension? It wasn't a dismissal, I was actually being serious. If you want to debate the merits of tattoos, go do it somewhere else, like /pol/. I don't give a fuck what you think of the fact that I have tattoos, because I didn't get them for you or anyone else. My point is, stick to the topic or fuck your egocentric ass off.

>> No.6891797

>ou actually think that when people say they have a tattoo to 'remind them of something' that they literally mean they have a hard time remembering it? Like a shopping list?

Oh not wait, it's because it's "symbolic" to have that shit etched onto your skin, right? "Huh, oh this? Yeah it's just a tribute to my grandpa, he was way into boats so I had this anchor on it. Yeah I kinda don't care if people see it or not, I just like to stare pensively at it in public places once in a while, you know?"

>> No.6891798

You seem awfully concerned with how superficial other people appear.

>> No.6891802

It's quite logical though.

>> No.6891803

, said the tripfag.

>> No.6891806

you seem awfully concerned by my dick. Heyyooo.

But seriously, read your Aristophanes. 9/11 was a hoax.

>> No.6891807

>Are you retarded?
Nope, I'm not the one with a tattoo.

>don't give a fuck what you think of the fact that I have tattoos, because I didn't get them for you or anyone else
"I didn't wear these high heels and miniskirt for you, shitlord!!"

>> No.6891808

Yes, people can tell it's me posting because the name form has been filled in, you don't need to write "said the tripfag" afterwards, it's redundant.

>> No.6891811

, the tripfag explained.

>> No.6891822

"Also, you shouldn't have been using those commas there; that would only be appropriate if I my words were preceded and followed by speech marks."

>> No.6891826

, the tripfag continued.

>> No.6891827

, the tripfag jizzed out on the computer

>> No.6891834

I agree with this. I have friends with tattoos and most of them are cringeworthy. I tell them they look great but inside I'm wincing from second-hand embarrassment. I think there's a correlation between having tattoos and lacking self-awareness.

>> No.6891838

Can I be a tripfag?

>> No.6891840

hey faggot, shut the fuck up. Just because you're friends with a bunch of idiots don't mean we all don't know what's what. Educate yourself on the NWO, 2016 is the year of ascension.

>> No.6891844

"See? Now we're getting somewhere", the tripfag chuckled gaily, slapping Anon's butt as he did.
"Everything's better when we work together." he chuckled, not moving his hand from where it lay between Anon's butt-cheeks and rubbing his loose sphincter with a cheeky finger.
"Don't you agree?"

>> No.6891845

, the tripfag went on, apparently attempting humour.

>> No.6891846

> the tripfag chuckled
More like cuckled, amirite?

>> No.6891849

Tatcucks getting rekt in this thread. Hehehee

>> No.6891851


>> No.6891854

, the tripfag loudly announced.

>> No.6891861


>> No.6891873

This is great, can you narrate everything I do from now on? Thanks. Heads up, I'm about to go take a shit.

>> No.6891874

It says something. Everything does, the absence of everything that you could be wearing and presence of what you're actually wearing shows a choice. You're a person who, for whatever reason, want to look in accordance to what's normal.

It would only not be a telling sign if literally everyone were forced to wear uniforms all the time.

>> No.6891884

I don't have any tattoos, but if I were to get one it'd be after I reach a certain level of aptitude in some skill, and the tattoo would be representative of that.
For example, I like doing martial arts, especially Tai Chi Chuan. If I were to ever reach the point where my teacher were to tell me that I should teach others, I would get the characters for Tai Chi Chuan tattooed onto me somewhere where no one would usually see it, like by my shoulder or something. Or, if I were to get a Ph.D. in philosophy, I'd get Phaedo written on me in Greek. A Ph.D. in chemistry would get a beaker or something. You know, stuff that represents who I am.

>> No.6891885

>want to look in accordance to what's normal.

Wrong, faggot.

>It would only not be a telling sign if literally everyone were forced to wear uniforms all the time.

This is what should happen. Every civilized country throughout history has had a form of civilian uniform that would not look out of place if worn. We only lack one in the West because of the desire to make money from pushing the fashion meme.

>> No.6891887


Such crude speech is beneath you, my son.

>> No.6891895

But why get a tattoo if nobody sees it? It's literally a waste of money.

>> No.6891903
File: 20 KB, 348x597, gonzo fist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this and the Post Horn from CoL49

>> No.6891912


Some things are matters of the human spirit. Why keep your grandfather's copy of Huckleberry Finn? It's not like you're going to re-read it. It's about sentimentality and personal satisfaction.

When I first started working out, I was dating a girl who was convinced that I was only exercising because I wanted to pick up other chicks. It baffled me that she couldn't understand that I was doing it for myself, not for any gain from other people, but for self satisfaction. You might consider the fact that I can do the splits or bench 200lbs a waste of time and even money spent on weights. But these things are part of who I am, and I feel that I would be lesser if I didn't have these traits. Being permanently marked, too, whether it's a tattoo, scar, brand, etc. should be an extension of who you are; for it is to goal of the vain to seek an appearance for the sake of approval, but it is the goal of a wise man to represent visually who they are in their soul, even if the rest of the world is blind.

>> No.6891914

Sorry mom.

>> No.6891925


Why the edge, my son? What troubles you? All men seek joy in their heart, but some struggle to find the path. Is there really a need for such behavior which only breeds conflict and misery? Tell me what brings you to speak in such a way.

>> No.6891929

You don't see the difference between keeping the Huck Finn novel (and presumably not carrying it around everywhere with the cover on display) and getting some lame-ass pseudo-tribute to a dead relative?

Also working out is different and you're girlfriend is a retard for failing to understand that. It makes you healthy regardless of any aesthetic benefits. Getting a tattoo is a lazy form of gaining attention.

>Being permanently marked, too, whether it's a tattoo, scar, brand, etc. should be an extension of who you are; for it is to goal of the vain to seek an appearance for the sake of approval, but it is the goal of a wise man to represent visually who they are in their soul, even if the rest of the world is blind.
Wow you really are a manchild. Also equating a scar to a tattoo is retarded as fuck. You generally don't volunteer yourself to get a scar, and if you do you're a self-harmer and should seek mental help. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.6891941

Please get tattoos everyone, especially visible ones. That way I can identity you as plebs on sight and avoid associating with you.

>> No.6891942


>> No.6891945

thats pretty fucking awful

>> No.6891963

I got the devil in me, ma'am, and he sure is a lively critter.

>> No.6891966

>"I didn't wear these high heels and miniskirt for you, shitlord!!"

>> No.6891972

>literary tattoo cringe thread
>92 replies
>3 tattoos

Guys, what gives?

>> No.6891979

/lit/ is one of the most opinionated places on the planet.

>> No.6892131

Good thread guys

>> No.6892212

Never again will the needle break my skin.

>> No.6892221

/lit/ isn't poor or stupid enough to actually get tattoos.

>> No.6892229

Pls answer this question

>> No.6892242

Just roofie her and either burn her tattoos off or cut them off while she's unconscious.

>> No.6892251

Because I was dumb enough to make this thread hoping for some cool looking stuff and this is what happened.

That's what I get for raving about how glad I was to have found /lit/.

>> No.6892262

I want to get a tattoo as a tribute to my dead mother.

What do?

>> No.6892264

Tattoos are for juvenile faggots who have to brand themselves with stupid shit because they think it looks cool. Fuck tattoos.

>> No.6892269


>> No.6892270

Don't be cliche, just get a piece of jewelry engraved or something and keep it on you. Write her something, but tattoos commemorating the death of a relative are so cliché and boring

>> No.6892275

Still, anons could at least post other people's shitty tattoos and give the thread some kind of value.

Of course this is what happened. Why are you glad to have found /lit/? In its own special way, it's one of the worst boards of them all.

>> No.6892276

I think that there are better ways to honor a departed loved one.

For example I wear my grandfather's jacket and cross.

My father wrote poetry when his brother passed away and read it as his funeral. It was very moving.

>> No.6892280

This thread is making me ill.

Tattoos are great for literally marking out people I should never talk to.

>> No.6892287

Why not just dig her up, cut off one of her fingers, dry it and pierce it so it'll fit on your keychain? Much better than some shitty tattoo, and you'll have a little piece of mum with you wherever you go.

>> No.6892289
File: 70 KB, 720x960, 11721409_397742047089829_881985586_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6892293

How much do you bench

>> No.6892294

Because I was happy to have found a thread of people that seemed like-minded to me, geeking out about books and stuff.

Alas. I have learned my lesson well.

>> No.6892296

>Because I was happy to have found a thread of people that seemed like-minded to me, geeking out about books and stuff.
it's that, edgelords and memers. you gotta sift, my friendo

>> No.6892298

>uses 'literally' like a tumblr brat
>criticizes others for idiotically branding themselves while covered in meme leprosy

>> No.6892311

>starts with a post complaining about how other people look
>Nuhuh you're whining!

>> No.6892313

You realize such uses of the word literally are hyperboles, right ? Surely you would be aware that this is a figure of speech if you actually read books.


>> No.6892318

>I have to look like the person next to me or I'll be too edgy

>> No.6892325

Maybe if I admitted I was a hot female, I'd have a better response hue hue.

Just kidding. That'd just make it 100x worse.

>> No.6892328

Nice false dichotomy, friendo.

>> No.6892362

You are really a retard to tatoo that shit.

>> No.6892369
File: 60 KB, 540x531, t15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys reconcile with the fact that it's going to be there forever? Even if I had wanted to, and I have at some points throughout my life, it's just too much commitment for me. If I've learned anything throughout my life it's that my desires and interests are malleable, and sometimes fleeting.

I'm not really opposed to body art, but I do notice that the whole "piercing", "body art" "holes in my ears" community seems to be the unabashedly liberal type, which makes me even a little more averted from such body modifications because I think liberals are nasty and I would prefer to never be grouped with them.

>> No.6892376

Don't feel bad, but that was a really stupid place to get a tattoo.

>> No.6892381

I got one that says "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" because fuck you /lit/ i grew up with that shit

>> No.6892400

That's why I got mine :)

I already had one on the other wrist of a similar size and coloring, so I liked the balance.

>> No.6892422

I'd wager many of us did, including me, partially, but oh idk I don't have nearly high enough opinion of it currently to personally acquire one, and I suppose I never truly liked it as much as others did.

>> No.6892436
File: 33 KB, 450x338, dumbshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do I have a personality yet?

>> No.6892456

I had a little piece of your mum last nite m8

>> No.6892461


>> No.6892507

that's my friend; afaik, he doesn't bench.
he's an outdoorsy guy, though, and hikes.

>> No.6892533

This is precisely why I don't own any pictures of my parents, siblings, wife, or kids. My memory is so good, I don't need pictures.

>> No.6892535

>I can't be the only one who sees the irony in you coming onto an image board and basically taking a dump on the way someone chooses to find happiness in themself by calling it insecure and attention seeking. If you don't like it, fine. Ignore it.


>> No.6892537
File: 135 KB, 1280x853, 1426904556406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these pretencious little fucks who post some autistic tattoos just because they can't even write some good argument.
Implying any of you fat fucks won't fuck this with tattoos or without

>> No.6892540

Equating the ownership of photographs, presumably kept in a private space, to some shitty scribble on your skin is retarded.

>> No.6892550

is this one autistic?
also, I don't think they were arguing whether or not tattoo ownership revoked fuckability or not -- for most people here (ie., most robots) fuckability equates to mere being female.

>> No.6892566

Why would you presume /lit/ is populated by /r9k/ posters? It's not.

>> No.6892568

I don't get tattoos for the same reason I only wear blue jeans and a white t-shirt or refuse to leave my house.

Fucking plebs

>> No.6892578

Are you covered in tattoos, or do you just have the two?

>> No.6892585


Grow up.

>> No.6892589
File: 59 KB, 531x471, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6892605
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>> No.6892608

Underage ban

>> No.6892614
File: 41 KB, 500x358, sexton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one looks hot

>> No.6892633

>implying you don't love big brother
Thought police on the way, bruh.

>> No.6892641

I get that what I said was unclear.
Hem: for most people here (or even most robots, which must be some significant portion of the /lit/ population given the general reaction to female posters, of which I'm aware may also be symptomatic of those which hail from /pol/) ...

>> No.6892648

Okay, thanks for the clarification.

>> No.6892662

Tattoos, unless you're in a gang, should mean literally nothing.

All the assmad autistic sperges in this thread desperate to prove there is no deeper meaning to it are right in this instance.

However in my experience the people who say
>"Why would anyone ever get a tattoo?"
Are the kind of people who think to deeply about banal trivialities and end up never enjoying anything because they're desperate to find some deeper meaning.

>> No.6892668
File: 5 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>new typewriter bold

3/10 wouldn't bang pleb font detected

>> No.6892707

>How do you guys reconcile with the fact that it's going to be there forever?
I completely understand that concern. My tattoos are culturally relevant, to me (my father is Scandinavian and my mother is from Lithuania), so they're things that have always been important to me and that, I have reason to believe, will always be relevant. Also, I did make sure that my tattoos are traditional symbols, black ink (with a little white, for contrast) and easily covered by clothing.

There are ways to have tattoos removed. They're not great, they take time, they're costly, and they can be painful. I like to compare that to marriage. It's meant to be permanent. You can dissolve a marriage, but it takes time, it's costly (especially if you're the husband), and it can be painful.

>I'm not really opposed to body art, but I do notice that the whole "piercing", "body art" "holes in my ears" community seems to be the unabashedly liberal type, which makes me even a little more averted from such body modifications because I think liberals are nasty and I would prefer to never be grouped with them.

That's somewhat true, but, in my experience, it's mostly just the liberals who advertise their tattoos (which, usually, are either something from some TV show, something meant to be humorous, or something that they just picked off the shop's wall). The tattooed conservatives that I know tend to have things like religious symbols (modest ones; not your common "Hispanic male" cross-tattoos) and bible quotes, literary quotes (usually from classic literature or non-fiction), or something military-themed (on those who served, at least).

>> No.6892725

I have four, and they're all very small. Two of them are usually beneath clothing. All of them are significant and symbols not commonly seen in tatttoo forms.

Most people are surprised to find out I have tattoos at all because I'm a quiet bookish nerdy chick, very traditional otherwise.

>> No.6892737


>My tattoos are culturally relevant, to me (my father is Scandinavian and my mother is from Lithuania), so they're things that have always been important to me and that, I have reason to believe, will always be relevant.

Well, that's my issue; I will probably never have something important to tattoo on me. The closest I ever came was as a junior enlistee -- a platoon tattoo the would recognize our deployment. I still never got it.

I can appreciate the art, and a part of me wants an ornate, colorful chest piece, but I can't see it happening, and I'm certainly not going to be an old man walking into a tattoo parlor, so it's rather soon or never.

>> No.6892764

I'd really like to have a full back tattoo like a yakuza, but I don't have anything of cultural relevancy in my life akin a cherry tree or fish or anything they get painted in there.

>> No.6892779

Guess a whole blank back is enough symbolism for your existence.

>> No.6892782
File: 220 KB, 750x746, jeanne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tattoos, unless you're in a gang, should mean literally nothing.

this is pretty much where i stand on things. i have about 60-80 hours of tattooing done on me and there isn't any that have some sort of deeper meaning to them. the whole idea of tattoos only being representative of personal truths is a relatively new phenomenon. in the sailor jerry days, you got a tattoo because you were fucking drunk off of your ass in honolulu and you wanted to impress the whore that you were about to go try to buy on hotel street.

i'll post a couple of mine, like joan of arc here. no meaning, just thought she's a cool bitch.

>> No.6892790
File: 800 KB, 2448x2448, 19kvXVy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6892791

>tfw tattoo appointment in two hours.

>> No.6892794
File: 374 KB, 2448x2448, IMG_4186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in progress - color and a tiny bit more shading next time.

>> No.6892795

maybe, but it's more of taking a message from your culture and traditions and identifying with it, and my culture doesn't have anything particularly appealing in visual terms.

>> No.6892797
File: 91 KB, 640x640, goose low quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in progress as well

>> No.6892799

What is your culture ?

>> No.6892803

what do you have in mind?

woah, that one looks really good. if i were a drunk woman on a pier i would fuck you.

>> No.6892810
File: 1.62 MB, 1272x1274, Screen Shot 2015-07-28 at 7.13.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are thinking too much about it. just think about some imagery you like and work with an artist to expand on that idea. pic related.

>> No.6893030

I am not denying that fashion exists so there is no need to try to prove that to me. All I am saying is that fashion is a lazy art based on consumerism and vanity. Whether or not I participate in fashion trends is unimportant because I don't confuse my clothes with my very identity. You might base your identity around the opinions of others, but I don't.

>> No.6893038

I would *prefer* not to

>> No.6893044

Kind of want to get "TIMES" (in Times of course) with a line through it on my inner arm. Thoughts?

>> No.6893054

I want an ampersand

>> No.6893058

There is nothing wrong with tattoos, but getting tattoos myself doesn't interest me. Which is not to say there is no such thing as a bad tattoo, we've all seen them.

My sister is a tumblrina and she got a really ugly Miss Piggy tattoo, supposedly representing how large womyn can be sexually empowered or whatever. I love her, but goddamn.

>> No.6893081

argentinian, maybe I could take a bit from the aboriginal cultures but still, there is very little visual value in the things I can imagine.

but I really don't like that one. it's too easy to end up looking kitch and overworked like that, it has to be more restrained in a way and with a more clear structure to it. something like http://i0.wp.com/www.dubuddha.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Dark-Full-body-japanese-yakuza-tattoo-for-girl.jpg?resize=965%2C800 (linking because NSFW)

>> No.6894161

you do know thats there forever right?

>> No.6894205

Wait one or two years, read some more books, then re-evaluate your position on the gonzo tattoo

>> No.6894216

I have a tat of Sancho Panza sucking Don Quixote amidst windmills. A separate tat pictures Holden Caulfield raping his sister while looking at the above scene.

>> No.6894269

i would get a tattoo if i were a member of an ethnic/cultural group with a proud tradition of tattoos or heraldry, a jew during the holocaust, or had no other way to record and display identification and medical information. otherwise nothing is symbolic or visually appealing enough to be a permanent part of my skin.

>> No.6894287


Holy shit you are one edgy faggot. Why do you give a flying fuck about what someone else wants to do to themselves? If you really feel the need to try and put eveyone else down for what they enjoy you should probably take a look in the mirror. I want to say you're pathetic, but I pity you more than anything else.

>> No.6894537
File: 220 KB, 1000x474, Special_Forces_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, actually. But I can't get any tattoos anyway

>tfw trying to get into SOF after uni and won't get selected for certain things if I have tattoos or body mods that make me 100% identifiable
I guess I could get tats and just be a Ranger, but that's no fun.

>> No.6894553

You'll probably find more like minded individuals there

>> No.6894660

ITT: Status quo bias

>you're crying out for attention!
Not really, in many places tattoos are extremely common, to the point of being unremarkable. Alternatively, you might have them in an inconspicuous location.

>you're trying to present yourself a certain way!
So are you. So is everyone. Working out, choosing clothes, grooming, speaking, even body language are all performances. How is this different?

>but it's permanent! you'll regret it!
Maybe some people regret their tattoos. I'd be interested to see a poll on that. Many people certainly do not, and in any case, people regret all sorts of things, many of which leave equally important marks on their lives.

>but they're ugly!
Sure, a lot of tattoos, maybe even most, are ugly in my opinion. But I don't find the form inherently ugly, and I think good tattoos can enhance the appeal of an already attractive physique. Maybe you disagree, and that's fine.

>look how defensive he is!
I enjoy debate on all sorts of topics, some of which are relevant to me, while others are not. Writing down my thoughts is a beneficial and enjoyable exercise.

>m-muh degeneracy!
I think you're on the wrong board friend.

>> No.6894679


Good post. Consider me officially convinced :)

>> No.6894696

That's more reasonable. Brush up on your use of "id est" though.

>> No.6894722


Did you get it on your neck like the pic?

Don't get neck tats. I would want to be able to see it without some corridor of mirrors gambit.

>> No.6894726

Well reddited friendo.

>> No.6894767
File: 1.73 MB, 1500x1000, greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think tattoos are almost always ugly and they generally make me think less of the person who has them. Not because they I necessarily think they are stupid or bad people, but because I dislike their aesthetic sensibilities.

I judge people more by their aesthetic than their ethical preferences.

>> No.6894782

>you will never wrestle naked with sixteen year old Greek boys after a philosophical lesson from your erastes
Why live?

>> No.6894831

Most people with tats would be glad that you dismissed them. Who the fuck would want to be friends with someone so ungodly stuckup?

>> No.6895369

I look at that painting and at first was like: "that's some really darn good censorship, not one penis in a painting of a whole bunch of nigh-nude males." Then there's that one dude in the far back left. He ruined it. I thought this painter was really clever.

>> No.6895371
File: 19 KB, 209x351, I think this bitch-nigga actually just implied that I'm not going to get my 7th consularship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People still getting tattoos in post-tribal societies

The fuck?

>> No.6895379

He sure got wrong the Satsuki message.

>> No.6895392

>what do you have in mind?
Finished up a Japanese-style grizzly bear.

>> No.6895401


>'is' left uncapitalized

>> No.6895403

Are you trying to get me banned m8?

>> No.6895406

While I love Hunter, and would not presume to tell you what to do with your life, I'd recommend not doing this.

>> No.6895410

No sir. Just pointing out that you should definitely mark this NSFW cos I found a penis. I very small, far away, and subject-appropriate penis.

>> No.6895412


This will be awkward when they grow out of YA and each other.

>> No.6895437

I appreciate the effort you made looking for dicks though.

>> No.6895458

A Pi and a Theta from Boethius book

>> No.6895562
File: 41 KB, 660x433, combat-helicopters-vietnam-660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What type of greenie?

>> No.6895571
File: 7 KB, 400x409, trystero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on the edge for a few years now.

But part that I haven't got it is I don't want assholes who only know him from fear and loathing in las vegas trying to talk to me all the time about how EPIC THAT MOVE IS and all that uncle duke shit
I might get a more "subtle" ralph Steadman one like something like from The Curse of Lono

This is the one from CoL49 I want to get

>> No.6895575

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste. Remember what peace there may be in silence.

>> No.6895582

I have considered getting a tattoo of a few lines of a poem, not very good, but for which I have a certain attachment.

My idea was separating a few lines of the final poem in Suicide by Eduoard Leve, and getting a tattoo in my upper back or upper shoulder.

>> No.6895619

You are really insecure about yourself. You should probably just...go ahead and tie that knot, anon.


>> No.6895623

Lol, what a fucking fag you must be.

>> No.6895628
File: 15 KB, 374x250, funnydumbfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adults are doing what they want to their own bodies because they are adults and they can
>he makes fun of them for being adults
>he tells them to grow up

Oh god, kill yourself already.

>> No.6895640

>not liking a thing means you don't like yourself

this is freud abuse

>> No.6895646
File: 27 KB, 469x462, 1242219143301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best part of books isn't reading them, it's showing everyone online that I did.

>> No.6895659

Not liking things, coming to a thread, participating in the thread of something you don't like, and spending the time to militantly assault the people enjoying something in a thread of something you don't like that you are participating in.....does mean you hate yourself.
And we hate you too. And probably so does everyone else you come across.

>> No.6895672
File: 144 KB, 599x700, nintendo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a literary tattoo

you figuratively have a fedora in your dermis now.

>> No.6895675

Aw shit, tattoos are forever? Thanks for letting me know, I can't believe no one ever told me that before, bastards! Better go reevaluate my life choices now.

If I'd known /lit/ was full of such whiny over sensitive faggots maybe I would've started there in the first place.

>> No.6895680

>I've spent my whole life doing things only other people like
>I still ended up a depressed, whiny, neckbeard cunt.
>at least I never had fun


>> No.6895702
File: 472 KB, 562x1157, tattoos are for retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people without tattoos are sheep
>that's why people without ink are a minority


>> No.6895715

Tattoos aren't stupid because of what they symbolize.

Tattoos are stupid for the same reason that bodybuilding is stupid, for the same reason that fashion is stupid, for the same reason that jumping up career ladders is stupid, and for the same reason that purchasing the newest cars and RVs is stupid. It's just trading money and time to put a message across to others, which is not how mature people spend their money and time.

It's a fucking waste of money and time. If you haven't matured to the point that when considering getting a tattoo you think "Sounds like a waste of money and time." then you're probably in your 20s, socialist, unemployed and immature.

This is why people don't respect the tattooed. It's not that they are criticising the meaning behind the tattoo or questioning the integrity of what it "represents." It's moreso that anyone who wastes money and time to try to become a special snowflake by getting someone to draw a picture on their body is an idiot.

>> No.6895719
File: 888 KB, 864x1258, cc2011512_marinetti_3550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering getting pick related. Typographic art lends itself to tattoos, and futurism is always fresh and underrated.

Either pic related or some combination of zumb thumb thumb. There's literally no aesthetic reason not to.

>> No.6895725
File: 7 KB, 255x197, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate myself
>I just can't kill myself
>let me hate one people in a thread because I'm 30 and still have a 17 year olds angst
>here we go

>> No.6895728


>> No.6895734
File: 357 KB, 900x506, dead meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't anon

>> No.6895751

>I want to express myself
>but I can't draw, write, or do anything original
>I know! I'll get someone else to inject another person's art into my body!
>I'm creative!

>> No.6895813

Post pic of other wrist tattoo?

>> No.6895852

What I don't get is why the fuck someone would want a sentence on their body. Like, I was about to get the France's motto "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" or the good ol' green pill slogan "non serviam" but I can't fathom getting more than five consecutive words. Shit's just foolish.

Also, would it be gay to have both the WASTE symbol and the circuit version of Killroy from V. as tattoos? I really like Pynchon. I guess if I do those, I may as well get a V-2 or something

Or like a triptych representing the Meme Trilogy

>> No.6895874

>>"it reminds me of someone / something"

The thing that bothers me with this one, and this is pretty specific.

My girlfriend's best friend recently died and she had just gotten a tattoo of some quote. So all of her friends went ahead and got the same tattoo in honour of her, which was fine I get that.

But each time one of them got the money and eventually got the tattoo they went on Facebook and posted it for everyone to see, then they get heaps of likes:

>"ohh she'd be so happy! etc. etc."

But I wonder. If they posted it on Facebook and it got 0 likes would they feel like it was kind of pointless? Would they feel like since it had not been recognized by anyone that it didn't have the same meaning, because no one knew or cared that she was being a good friend?

I don't know they might, but I get the impression they're treating Facebook as the thing that legitimizes the act. Like you can write a novel but if it never gets published it kind of doesn't feel "real", know what I'm saying? Now my girlfriend is getting hers this week and I asked her if she felt that way, like a post of the tattoo on Facebook was the final stamp the authenticate the memorial.

Hmm, I don't know if it's moral or immoral and I'm not saying it is either I guess but it does kind of irk me...

>> No.6895876

Not going to post a picture of it because I've had enough from the peanut gallery, but the other side is just a black ankh. I got it when I decided I wanted to go into archaeology. Twelve years later and I'm starting to think about grad school for it. So.

>> No.6895883

>hot female
>Harry Potter tattoo

>> No.6895900

>no eyebrows
Gonna have to pass. Can't stand sleeves anyway tbh
If she had real eyebrows and more subtle tattoos in black and white instead of garish color, then sure

>> No.6895901


to each their own, I agree, but this is the reason why I wouldn't get one.

>> No.6895911

I can't speak for anyone else but tattoos to me are a private thing. The experience of getting one is, as well, and I prefer artists who don't feel the need to talk, because that way I can focus on the experience. All of mine have a meaning, and most of the time I don't even explain to people what that meaning is. I like the way they look in my skin, I like the way it feels getting them, and I like the fact that I have chosen my own way to memorialize various times in my life.

I'm not the most mature of people, but I'm closer to thirty than twenty and I haven't been unemployed since high school. Maybe most people get tattoos for stupid reasons, or for attention, or because they haven't thought it through properly, or because they're immature/financially irresponsible/whatever, but not everyone can be painted with that same brush. The same way some people like to use their money to buy large televisions or flashy cars or unnecessarily overpowered rigs, I choose tattoos every now and again. I'm not going to judge someone else for how they choose to spend their money or time, because I'm not the most mature or responsible person either, but I still do the best that I can with myself in the fashion that I choose and that's good enough for me.

>> No.6895912

Get some Borges and Cortazar related images, m8

>> No.6895920

I hope to god this is real

>> No.6895952

get a gaucho with a yakuza tattoo

>> No.6895958

OK. I actually thought you might be someone I used to know years ago based on your other posts, but apparently not.

Anyway, yeah people here can be annoying, try not to let it get to you. Good luck if you decide to pursue that master's.

>> No.6896002

A funny idea but still,

after someone asks and it was explained to them, what then?

>> No.6896024

>come ITT to see cool literature inspired tattoos
>nothing but a giant shit flinging contest somewhat resembling philosophical debate
>remember im on /lit/

>> No.6896258

Fuck you anon, this made me cry :(

>> No.6896290

I'm never getting a /lit/-related tattoo on the off-chance that somebody releases a half-written character assassination sequel for a quick buck.

>> No.6896300
File: 58 KB, 717x960, FB_IMG_1425886257289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A literary tattoos thread wouldn't be complete with that faggot with the Redwall tattoo (aka me), now would it?

>> No.6896492
File: 308 KB, 1051x788, oda-3336-hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just turned 20, will be turning 22 about a week after I graduate uni before basic.

Double major: Philosophy and Political Science
Doing a minor in French as well

Fly fishing, reading, running, backpacking, hunting (mainly deer and grouse), snowboarding, mountain biking (xc, though I've tried some downhill before), and of course, shitposting on /lit/, /K/, and /out/.

>>What type of greenie?
What do you mean by this? Like which group? What I want to do on an ODA? Please elaborate, anon

>> No.6896548

>getting a tattoo of a porn genre

top kek

>> No.6896717

>Not just getting practical tattoos like a tea/tablespoon in your hand or meter, inch, foot markers on your arm

I know tattoos on your palm would fade, it doesn't need to remain dark

>> No.6896771

ayo, Martin, sick. I woulda got sunflash

>> No.6896778

well meme'd bucko

>> No.6896791

>It's just trading money and time to put a message across to others, which is not how mature people spend their money and time.

>> No.6896796

I really enjoy the art there showcased.
I am indifferent to tattoos, in general.
go have fun, anon

>> No.6896807

>>Not just getting practical tattoos like a tea/tablespoon in your hand or meter, inch, foot markers on your arm

>> No.6896833

if you think its a good idea to get a quote from anything tattooed on your body, put a bullet in your brain

>> No.6896996



>> No.6897011

Should I use a gun or just cut open a flap of skull and insert it that way?

>> No.6897025

motherfucker u haunted

>> No.6897688
File: 131 KB, 1200x780, ss-100429-vietnam-10.ss_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool I just started university
Going to be a mechanical engineer
I'm learning French as well along with Arabic
> I tried to go rangers after high school but did pass the linguistics test to become a translator
>I still cant get joining out of my head
> What MOS do you want in SOF

>> No.6897801

being cannon fodder is for stupid people, anon.

>> No.6898158
File: 335 KB, 1533x1006, ssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you try RASP or Ranger school? And I'm not even in the Army now. I'm enlisting after I graduate. Planning on going in 11x option 4 (jump school), hoping to get time with the 173rd, do Ranger school (not trying to do 75th), then drop my SFAS packet. I know 18x exists, but I want to spend time getting to learn light infantry tactics and what not first then go. I don't just want to know it, I want it to be my background and have a commanding knowledge first. And what I'm shooting for is 18B and possibly 180A later on in 10th group. But I'll go where they need me.

You have nothing to contribute to this conversation. If you think Green Berets are "canon fodder," then you don't understand the special operations community or what Special Forces does, anon. I'm not trying to be mean, it's just that you're confusing Green Berets with something like Marines or regular infantry in the Army. They do very different things overseas.
It'd be in your interest to stay with the rest of the thread, man.

>> No.6898164


>> No.6898277


See >>6895675

Wow you all are such a creative little bunch, aren't you?

Anyone else going to suggest I go to Tumblr? I think I've only heard it five times now, maybe if I hear it once more it'll actually mean something.

>> No.6898308

I find it interesting that the people that hate tattoos are more concerned with how others will perceive them if they associated with people who have tattoos. It's as if they are so concerned with appearing mature or intelligent that they must mark every aspect of their lives with something that displays that.
If they were mature they would probably judge their friends on their moral beliefs, rather than their taste in aesthetics; if they had any confidence at all they would be unconcerned with what others thought of their friends and would me more concerned in how people viewed their personality -- basically, themselves.

To contribute to the thread, I really enjoy old navy tattoos. Nine out of ten, if an old man talks to you and has those faded tats on their forearms they are generally super cool.

>> No.6898381


"Why did you get a tattoo that says pedo, anon?"

>> No.6898394

Are you going to be an officer?

>> No.6898411

you better believe the guy in OP's pic took high school english!

>> No.6898412


>not getting everything all caps

>> No.6898462
File: 47 KB, 570x390, 74191_004_B0D40245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I want to be an operator and spend more time on the ground and with the local people. Captains only get 2-4years max on an A team, then it's desk work.

>> No.6898882

Fish love bananas

>> No.6899017

>women in charge of handling the bantz

>> No.6899028

>You have nothing to contribute to this conversation. If you think Green Berets are "canon fodder," then you don't understand the special operations community or what Special Forces does, anon. I'm not trying to be mean, it's just that you're confusing Green Berets with something like Marines or regular infantry in the Army. They do very different things overseas.
>It'd be in your interest to stay with the rest of the thread, man.
People who willingly put their lives in danger for some bullshit interest of someone else for shit pay are cannon fodder, anon. Doesn't matter if you're cool cannon fodder or not.

>> No.6899039

but the renderings will always be inferior to both authors since they focused a lot on conveying things in ways that only literature could.

like a tattoo of a gaucho with a yakuza tattoo on his back or finding some dude who works in a farm and using him as canvas? I like both ideas.

>> No.6899083

Only worthy post ITT

>> No.6899140
File: 213 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-07-29-16-32-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what that phrase means.

>> No.6899201
File: 45 KB, 750x600, 750px-101st_AB_M60_Gunner_Vietnam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to be in the 75th Ranger Regiment, but didn't get the MOS I wanted.
So I'll finish university and keep studying languages.
But I'll see where that gets me.

>> No.6899209
File: 33 KB, 396x700, g7QYa9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6899219
File: 530 KB, 1600x1200, whatever...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this a few years ago. So far no regrets

>> No.6899222

I was making the point that ultimately the whole military are expendable trash slaving away for other people's interests.

There's nothing glorious about being some rich cunt's guard dog.

>> No.6899534

>middle school: the post

>> No.6899585

>expendable trash slaving away for other people's interests.
You just described most of humanity, military or not, so who cares.

>> No.6899597

Not something I'd have chosen myself but nice. Are the wings visible from the front?

>> No.6899705
File: 73 KB, 453x700, Edgar Allan Poe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering getting this on my calf.

>> No.6899897

>Would most likely be offended if people complained about what they wore

>Come into thread complaining about people wearing tattoos

I don't really understand people. Why do you get so upset? There's a hide button.

I don't even have any tattoos, won't get any, but I'm not beta enough to cry about others having them.

I just don't get it.

>> No.6900178

Real grown ups die for spooks, right?

>> No.6900220

>permanently putting some racist hack on your back

>> No.6900459

>can't get tattoo
>literary internet message board will disapprove

>> No.6900529

what are you talking about, literally everything you do is putting across a message to others. I don't even have tattoo....

By your own thinking, why even post on this board?

>> No.6900580

>caring about ethnic cleansing

>> No.6900597

Is this bait?
This whole thread seems like bait from getting tattoos at all, especially literary ones, and a fucking Orwell quote tattoo in the OP

>> No.6900639

>maybe something related to Mary Shelley because she's such an inspiration to me.
You're a girl aren't you? Please leave. Percy wrote Frankenstein by the way.

>> No.6900706
File: 56 KB, 631x434, michael_jacson_no_regerts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Che Guevara tattoo on my calf when I was 14.
My parents didn't know anything about it though.

>> No.6900739


What is your proof that Percy wrote Frankenstein, plz.

>> No.6900742


>> No.6900753


Thought it would be that faggot. Nah, he's wrong.

>> No.6900769

It is, in fact. Thinking that "ethnic cleansing" is somehow worse than "killing a bunch of people" is assigning some unwarranted special value to ethnicity, which is merely a silly concept applied to a certain group of individuals. To care about genocide is to care about an idea, not about people.

>> No.6900779

Literally marking yourself as a pleb for life

>> No.6900820

Except he used he word correctly, people are marking themselves in the literal sense.
Fuck off

>> No.6900825

Fuck off SpecOpsBear

>> No.6900857

see >>6895883
You're a typical tumblrtard
ew no

>> No.6900891

surprisingly unterrible

>> No.6900951

I plan on getting "Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone." But in Korean from Oldboy not from the original poem.

>> No.6901010


>> No.6901049

>I enjoy debate
Top pleb, a true patrician (aesthete) only cares about art, and even then the aesthetic beauty does all the arguing.

>> No.6901058
File: 49 KB, 643x960, 1414519560409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy debate on all sorts of topics

>> No.6901065

>adults are doing what they want to their own bodies because they are adults and they can
People also waste their intellects on petty things because they can, nice post.

>> No.6901071

Being ugly isn't fun.

>> No.6901083

Nice strawman

>> No.6901115

>I find it interesting that the people that hate tattoos are more concerned with how others will perceive them if they associated with people who have tattoos.
Nice strawman.
>It's as if they are so concerned with appearing mature or intelligent that they must mark every aspect of their lives with something that displays that.
No, it's called being aesthetically pleasing.
>rather than their taste in aesthetics
Spotted the uncultured retard.
Aesthetic beauty trumps all; what the fuck are you doing on an art board if you don't know this?

>> No.6901166


i pray you are not furry

>> No.6901181

Thanks guys. Now I understand why you're all in here stroking your own cocks talking about Nietzsche and gloating about how incredibly intelligent and cultured you are.

I have no interest in tumblr because I'm not a feminist, a retard, or twelve. Didn't realize until now that to be on this board you had to be an autist, a retard, or twelve.

Same shit, different label slapped on the front. I'll continue my search for people who actually want to talk about their passion for reading and literature instead of putting other people down to make themselves feel better for the sake of "not being a pleb".

>> No.6901191

If you don't understand that aesthetic beauty is the single most important thing and the basis of all art then you're going to continue to be clueless.

>> No.6901223

"irrelevancy" "ur cluless lol"

tell me about yr shit tattoo

“The one great crusade worthy of an enlightened man is that directed against whatever impoverishes imagination, wonder, sensation, dramatic life, and the appreciation of beauty. Nothing else matters. And not even this really matters in the great void, but it is amusing to play a little in the sun before the blind universe dispassionately pulverizes us again into that primordial nothingness from whence it moulded us for a second’s sport.” – HP Lovecraft

>> No.6901556

Tattoos are for degenerates.

>> No.6901564

If I was to ever get a tattoo I would base it on some sort of ancient tattooing rituals not some fucking lame picture.

>> No.6901567

you gotta get to understand /lit/, is the thing

just surf around bullshitting and shitposting your ass off until the occasional conversation with people who know what they're talking about happens

it's the /lit/ way, from oldest times

tattoos own

didn't read thread

>> No.6901581

Not realizing that just cleverly removing all penises is not at all clever. His achievement is much more complex.
He made you think he did it but then find out he didnt and wish he did.

>> No.6901620

I've wanted to get this. I've played around turning it on its side so I could combine it with an Illuminatus prymid, the eye in the triangle of the horn, all overlaid a pendulum.

>> No.6901625

I like it.

Are you going to get something similar for his cat?

>> No.6901628

Would someone please explain to me what the fucking is going on in the dustcover of A Farewell to Arms. It's one of my favourite books, and I can't figure out what a Hellenistic sketch of a warrior and an angel has to do with anything. I see the loose connections (warrior = Henry, Angel = Barkley), but beyond that it seems so out of place.

>> No.6901744
File: 64 KB, 500x519, booktattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6901749
File: 2.07 MB, 3264x2448, 1433600799273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6902240

>knowing anything about aesthetic beauty

>> No.6902460

Tattoos are shit.
Opinion discarded