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/lit/ - Literature

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6885039 No.6885039 [Reply] [Original]

What do you talk about when you talk about books with your girlfriend?

>> No.6885047

Books generally.

>> No.6885053

My girlfriend isn't into books.

>> No.6885061

I just found out today that she likes military strategy. I don't know if she still like-likes me, though.

>> No.6885072
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>> No.6885073

fuck off normie scum

>> No.6885078


but what exactly? Let's say you're telling her about a book you like, what' do you mention

I find talking about books kind of difficult, and pointless

>> No.6885087


she only wants to talk about critical psychology/post-structuralism, she doesn't read literature, why am i even dating you, argh

i've never had a good literary/existential conversation with a woman. very few with anyone at all, to be fair. people just want to live on auto-pilot, bah

>> No.6885094

>I find talking about books kind of difficult, and pointless

This. 95% of the time I talk about books with anyone, including gf, is just to say "this is really good, I think you'd like it". Or if you want to go further you say "what about that part when that happens? It's great".

>> No.6885098

normie gtfo

>> No.6885100
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>What Do You Talk About When You Talk About Books
raymond get out

>> No.6885112

Normally I don't. She always complains that I only read sad books, so I've mostly stopped talking to her about what I read unless I take a break with some genre fiction.

>> No.6885117
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My ex and I read very different types of lit, but could tell each other about what we read and draw comparisons because we share a lot of background via ye olde liberal artes edumacation.

She read a lot I couldn't because she was fluent in Japanese, Mandarin, English and French. I could tell her about reading in Latin, Greek and English.

I used to hook up with a girl who always wanted to talk about Hamlet because she was taking a course on Shakespeare and Hamlet is my favourite of his plays.

I can handle a girl having pleb taste though. It's nice to have an intellectual partner but I find it just as easy to treat the dumber girls like children. Just depends on the girl.

I've read a lot of "ethnic" lit so I used that to hook up with SJW chicks in college.

Now it's just
>tfw no gf :'(

>> No.6885125


>> No.6885129
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>> No.6885134

>i've never had a good literary/existential conversation with a woman.

Welcome to the adult world, where gender roles aren't a social construct. Talk to your friends about literature. Women have completely different interest.

>b-but I dated a girl in college that read philosophy

Cool, go find a ugly sjw to talk about literature with, while the good women are cooking and shopping.

I am projecting so hard right now. I miss my hippie ex gf.

>> No.6885136

d40 masterrace

>> No.6885138

>Fat woman reading Story of O.

How is this superior to a fat woman reading Fifty Shades of Grey?

>> No.6885142
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Only ever been with someone into books once, and he really liked fantasy. I was okay with that and our relationship was basically one big escapism summer...
Then he cheated on me and fell terminally ill, so noqtbf

>> No.6885144

you need to meet a jewish girl, my friend

>> No.6885155

Better writing so she's not quite as retarded. Though that's not a difficult accomplishment.

>> No.6885156
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Don't do this to me, OP.

>> No.6885157

>It's nice to have an intellectual partner but I find it just as easy to treat the dumber girls like children
This. It's not so bad to have a girl with shit taste, no one says you must discuss literature with girls. I've had only one good conversation about lit with a girl, and it consisted mostly of the two of us taking turns namedropping. All other conversations I've had have mostly been a girl talking about John Green when I had not heard of him. This was before the cancer movie came out, so I have not gotten laid since whenever that was

>> No.6885158


>> No.6885159
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>a jewish girl

rather have the opposite

>> No.6885165

>opposite of a jewish girl
a catholic girl?

>> No.6885166

>rather have the opposite
A Teutonic boy?

>> No.6885172


>> No.6885174

I can't talk with my partner about fiction. He just doesn't care. He doesn't read anything himself.

I tell him interesting things from non-fiction I've read though, and he tends to ask me first if he has questions over most things to do with history.

>> No.6885178

when I get high I tend to get very emotional so i when I'm high with her I'll sometimes talk about some deep spiritual connection I feel with whichever philosopher I'm reading at the time. when were sober though and the conversation drifts toward books we tend to just provide synopsis of whatever literature were reading and one or the other provides their interpretation of the synopsis. this kind of improves my reading, I find, because defending or refuting her interpretation often makes me see the book differently. we're both 21 y/o English majors and I try to keep her reading as much as possible because she said that she loved to when she was a kid but kind of petered off in high school, as such I'm exposing her to new lit as need be. we make a date of going to a cafe for breakfast/lunch then wandering a used book store for a few years and then compare our finds and sit outside and read. it's very nice and I would recommend it

>> No.6885200

what is this mammary mistress reading?

>> No.6885220

As for particular subjects within that, usually we build off of each other's military history knowledge really well. He knows more about weaponry and engineering, I know more about strategy and logistics. And he favors modern wars while I like premodern. It's easy to have good arguments.

More often it's just trading anecdotes though. I gave him bits from a biography of Lord Byron I was reading, because I know he likes what he's heard of him. And he's always asking me to identify fonts from all the typography books I read.

But no fiction discussion, really. Unless I'm complaining/talking about the physical book itself.

>> No.6885234

when I get high I just try to channel Horacio and friends from Rayuela, and just namedrop obscure writers and quote poems and compare people with painters. I think it's because I'm almost always reading, so whenever I get high it's not long after closing a book

>> No.6885340

Tell me more

>> No.6885405

We don't talk about books often, we have very distinct tastes and they're totally different. I like long, detailed, slow-reading fantasy epics, like A Wheel of Time and the Dark Tower series. She likes mass-produced romance/fantasy or historical stuff, like Christine Feehan. Not really much in common there...

>> No.6885457

You guys have sad lifes. I've had several interesting conversations about literature with girls, and I don't even have a gf. Perhaps you're simply not interesting enough to intiate a good conversation.

Except you >>6885087, you're probably interesting, but too much of a cunt so people can't stand having actual conversations with you.

>> No.6885467
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Where's my gf?

>> No.6885475

Characters, theming, prose.
Her taste is kinda pleb but that's fine because she's still in High School.
Although she hates John Green, too.

>> No.6885538
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be patient anon, your turn to have a gf will come.

>> No.6885603


I was having a good day... thanks for remind me that i'm gonna die alone.

>> No.6885617


My boyfriend isn't very bookish, except for books on music charts from the 1960s onwards and obituaries for celebrities.

In his defence, it comes in very handy at pub trivia nights.

>> No.6885657

Story of O - Pauline Reage, I think.

>> No.6885694

She's a Maoist and only ever reads Lenin, Mao, Hoxha, and "anti-revisionist" apologetics.

I'm an anarcho-syndicalist, so any discussions we might have about theory or history usually devolve into a shouting match with her calling me an infantile leftist and me calling her a Stalinist bitch.

>> No.6885697
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Please stop making threads like these.

>> No.6885722
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anon, what's wrong?

>> No.6885754

I work at a local Flamebroiler (basically a socal-based fast food restaurant).

Often weekend days are quite slow, and if it's only one person in the place, I'll strike up conversation if it seems appropriate.

A few months ago there was a girl reading on her phone. I came over to ask her what she was reading, and it was some sci-fi. I joked that when I see people staring at their phones I hope that they're reading some science or some shit instead of just Instagram.

She laughed and we started talking a bit. Turns out she was in law school, we got to talking about literature. I was reading Naked Lunch at the time and to my surprise she had read it too.

I told her that numerous times I wondered if I should even be reading the book, because the imagery was so profane at certain parts. I joked that I thought the Internet had broken down all my boundaries, but some book ridden by a junkie over 50 years ago was really getting my goose.

She had a good laugh at that, and I don't really remember where it went after that, but it was good vibes all around. Keep in mind this girl was definitely pretty - a very pale brunette white girl, not exactly my type but I did think she was pretty.

So as she's leaving she kind of stood at the door looking at me, I thought to myself she probably wanted me to get her number, but since I've been working such low-class jobs for a while my confidence has really taken a blow and I figure that girls shouldn't be interested in me so I let it slide. She hasn't come back.

>> No.6885756

she quotes my post and calls me a faggot

>> No.6885761
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this is good. it's better to connect the book to real life experiences somehow, instead of just talking about a book like you would during a book report or essay

>didn't get her number


>> No.6885774


holy sht

>> No.6885802

>law student

If it's a nearby uni, try hanging out at their cafe someday? I go to our law school's cafe occasionally, it's all cool.

>> No.6885809

written by a junkie***

>> No.6885992
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Can we report threads for making us feel lonely?

>> No.6885996


>> No.6886062
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>> No.6886111

>she quotes my post and calls me a faggot

>> No.6886113

LOL I remember the time I let my lady friend borrow that book. Turned out to be a pretty good idea.

>> No.6886126

/lit/ is my girlfriend

>> No.6886364


>> No.6886483

she has different hobbies
I tried to get her into reading more but perhaps I threw her into the deep end a little with crime and punishment
she can be quite strong (which I maintain is good), but a little annoying at times when she asks me what I'm reading and then proceeds to say that I need to read more books written by females

>> No.6886484

That photo is from where I live. Literally 5 minutes away.

>> No.6886485

i don't have a girlfriend

i've never had a girlfriend

i probably will never have a girlfriend

>> No.6886486


>> No.6886507

Crime and Punishment definitely isn't where I'd start. Trying to get my gf into reading by giving her my copy of Fahrenheit 451 but it's already been 8 days and she hasn't fucking finished it.

>trying to tell you who to read despite not reading herself
>not suggesting books based on quality but on the author's gender


>> No.6886512


That girl is single btw.
go find her

>> No.6886518

i don't think she'd like me

>> No.6886538

>basically a social based

>> No.6886556

at some point you just need to escape from the tyranny that is the fantasy of having "good conversations".

>> No.6886720


Why do people try to get their gf/bf to do things they aren't interested in?

>> No.6886730

Usually it's me telling her that I don't have any interest in reading whatever crap she's into at the moment. Last month she was trying to get me to read Harry Potter and now it's the fucking DaVinci Code she's onto me about.

>> No.6886742
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>> No.6886758

always mistaken for green by blind ppl

>> No.6886764

that's not me.

yea, right, I'm gonna go pass the streets in the hopes of seeing her.

>> No.6886771

how the books relate to or express my inner most feelings and views on life and the world.
things i really liked or disliked or that i found interesting in one way or another regarding the style, composition, characters or certain events in the plot.
what she thought about the passages/parts that i found most engaging and vice versa.

it's great fun

>> No.6886776


>> No.6886784

She likes romantic books. She enjoys 19th century stuff, like classic Brazilian literature or something like that, even though she reads YA too. I was thinking about buying her Notes From Underground lately. She often says I read complicated books though.

>> No.6886789

My gf just gifted me Moby Dick, is it good?

>> No.6886795

Nothing, because last time I talked about books I made her feel inferior by accident. I don't talk about books anymore.

>> No.6886801


>> No.6886805

I don't have a thing for my sister, but I read and talk to her about brother-sister incest related books (and myth) when I can.

>> No.6886813

b a s e d
age is no excuse, btw: i had patrician friends in high school

>> No.6886814

Huh you were saying girlfriend and not woman

Oh god I'm so lonely.

>> No.6886816

vid me

>> No.6886821

you should really try to find her you dun-goof

>> No.6886823

*h u g s*

>> No.6886827

why thank you

>> No.6886831

i'm either a d20 or t07. not sure.

>> No.6886841
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Tfw i just read the entire "My Struggle" by Karl Ove Knausgaard at 22 and my life is almost identical to his so far. It is now inevitable that i will be just as succesful. C u guys in the western canon

>> No.6886928

>wanting to be an anomymous hack nobody read

Kierkegaard is the only “aard” that will ever count. See you in the void, forgotten faggot.

>> No.6886990


>> No.6887012
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I'm actually a girl tbh.

Wish I had a boyfriend who could knowledgeably talk about books. Most of the men I meet are manchildren who just wanna discuss the latest game of thrones episo- I mean "novel"

>> No.6887065

Quite a lot of people do want to read, they just find it work so have to be motivated/pushed due to the internet/TV shortening attention spans

>> No.6887098

a n

>> No.6887104

Holy shit you are super cute.

I'm a girl btw

>> No.6887187

What We Talk About When We Talk About Books

>> No.6887191

that's funny because most of the girls that have mentioned to me that they read only read self help books and GOT. Most guys I talk to either dont read at all or have only read pulp scifi. If I ever recomend anything they just act interested and forget about it.

>> No.6887197

we should totally talk some place, I could see myself falling hard for you.

>> No.6887220


>including pic for no reason

nice bait
already gotten a few

>> No.6887452

>My gf just gifted me Moby Dick, is it good?
Should you gift your "gf" with some dick of yours, Anona?

>> No.6887491
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talking about books with my ex became a taboo topic about 2 months into our relationship. apparently I made her insecure by knowing too much about lit, despite both us being English majors. and then she complained that we never had interesting or thoughtul discussions.

>> No.6887501

either sounds like you were being pretentious or she cucked herself

>> No.6887514

She calls me a nerd then I have sex with her

>> No.6887528

I can barely communicate appropriately with most people, how do you expect me to discuss something with a girl or even date her?

>> No.6887557

>what's wrong?
you're holding the book upside down

>> No.6887575
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>girlfriend sees me reading Anna Karenin
>girlfriend wants to borrow it and read it for herself
>the last book she read was literally 50 Shades of Grey
>hasn't read any classics, rarely reads anything
>my translation is in English which is her second language
>still pesters me to borrow it
What do, /lit/? I know AK is one of the more accessible Ruskie novels but she's just not ready and I don't think my heart can bear the woman I love reading Tolstoy and not enjoying it

>> No.6887580

Tell her its too advanced for her. She'll read it and then pretend to like it.

>> No.6887588

So basically you were harassing her in your working time? Was her laugh nervous? That look she gave you at the end - she was probably making sure you weren't going to follow her like some psycho.

>> No.6887598

She's not prideful. She would start reading it to prove me wrong, and then say that she gave up after 10 pages and say "you were right". And then I'd be even more upset than if she'd never started.

>> No.6887636

stop trying to show off. teach her or let her rant on.

playing the biggest dick game with your gf is subconsciously repulsive to her.

>> No.6887673

butterfly is my gf :)

>> No.6887726


here's an example of why I stopped mentioning books around her.

>Be reading something for class
>Ask her if she's read it
>"You know: I'm an English major too. Of course I've read (x)".
>Ask her what she thought of it
>Doesn't remember

And here's the alternate version of this scenario

>Be reading book for class
>Ask her what she thinks of it
>"Jesus anon: why do you assume I've read (x). Not everyone is a giant book nerd like you."

In either case she would get pretty upset. Half of the time I'm pretty sure she was trying to play biggest dick.

>> No.6887760

If i try to talk about what she's reading, I generally get "go away" in response. Then I have to read about these books on her blog, because if i don't, I hear that I'm not interested in what she thinks etc.

>> No.6887770

Czech qt, reading Buddenbrooks omg

>> No.6887781
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>> No.6887828


unlikely. sexual relationships spring up like weeds. by virtue of existing on this planet, you're inevitably going to end up fucking someone and then building a redundant set of practices and panderings which you will call a relationship.

this is not a good thing.

>> No.6887998

by virtue of existing on this planet, you're inevitably going to end up fucking someone and then ... relationship

wow normie pls leave

>> No.6888119
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>tfw perfect gf in every way except she hates reading

>> No.6888137


>> No.6888145

both responses to that question are utterly terrible.
you should probably remove her from your life.

>> No.6888151

but 99% get laid, so.
>perfect...but hates reading

>> No.6888179
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will you marry me?

>> No.6888588

are you a girl?

>> No.6888608

scrub detected

you're supposed to ask how much money they have

>> No.6888637

>having money

>> No.6888678
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She doesn't really read and all her favorite films are comedies.
I namedrop Kierkegaard and Stirner, try to say in two sentences what it's roughly about, implying I'm much smarter than her and she eats it up. I try to build up a strong mentor pupil vibe to get in a position where I can demand blowies whenever.

>> No.6888703

Any fags here ever had any luck?

>> No.6888724
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the doctors aren't sure yet

>> No.6889483
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That pic
Lucky guy
She is beautiful, a real gem and looks like a kind and generous soul. Cute couple ;_;

Oh btw what's an easy way to suicide?

>> No.6889517

Smoke inhalation
Don't let your dreams be dreams, just do it

>> No.6889542


I was thinking of starting smoking cigarettes since its a socially acceptable way of killing yourself.
Plus all cool movie guys do it. Maybe it'll help me find a girl

>> No.6889658

>>/suicide @8ch
no i'm serious
they have real tips and tricks
no feels BS
godspeed anon

>> No.6889727

Your life is a John Greene book.

>> No.6889732

Why not try doing a bunch of drugs, if you have access to even a little bit of money? Or go on a shooting spree.

>> No.6889786


I have 40k in savings. I thought of moving to some cheap tropical country and just living there a few years until my money runs out. Hopefully I could spark some relationships and work on my writing. And if it all fails I'd just blow my money on hookers and lsd then commit seppuku

>> No.6890328

The effortless way. Just live till you die. Easy