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/lit/ - Literature

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6877937 No.6877937 [Reply] [Original]

>taking lit. summer school class
>final project is a 2-3 minute presentation on our favourite book
>other students choose shit like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings and give pleb reasons like, "I love this part of the book because it's suspensful and awesome," or, "My grandma used to read it to me. She's dead now and I miss her so much!"
>my choice: Gravity's Rainbow
>talk about its incredibly deep themes and beautiful prose
>get marks back, teacher gives me a D while all the plebs gets As
>talk to her and demand explanation
>she says I never went into detail into anything and just talked about how "deep" it is without giving specific examples
>(like I have to spoonfeed everything to the class)
>she has the audacity to imply I've never read the book
>she also remarks that I speak in a monotone voice and should put more emotion into it
>(as if something being emotive automatically makes it better)
>call her a pleb and run out of the classroom trying to hold in tears for the degrading state of acaemic criticism

>> No.6877945

Gee....you think it's possible that the book sucks, and isn't really "Deep" and the reason you couldn't think of any examples is because there isn't any?

>> No.6877999

not your blog

>> No.6878018

If other students like HP and LotR, yes, you will have to spoonfeed fuckin' Gravity's Rainbow to them.

Did you give any examples in your presentation? Because explaining even one theme "in depth" in 2-3 minutes was going to be quite the task.

>> No.6878042
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I guess you... bombed... the assignment. Did ye get an erection??

>> No.6878056

Only good post ITT

The rest of you should examine your defective brains and kill yourselves

>> No.6878156

Sorry to hear.
But I would agree that emotion makes a short speech better.

>> No.6878165

kill yourself

>> No.6878177

>>(as if something being emotive automatically makes it better)
Public speaking and rhetoric is an art, and it absolutely includes the proper use of emotion, so you're wrong there. And no, that has nothing to do with 'modern times' or any misguided reactionary beliefs, it's been that way since Ancient Greece.

>> No.6878292

Why would you not go into detail about anything?

Any moron could go on Wikipedia and report back about a work's "deep themes."

I like to think your post is a joke, though.

>> No.6878429

you guys are thick as fuck if you can't tell OP is having a laugh