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/lit/ - Literature

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6876627 No.6876627 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't actually sat down to read and enjoy a book for more than five years because I always lose focus and can never really get into the books universe.

How can I enjoy a book? Do you have any recommendations for me? I prefer simpler stuff that is engaging and smaller so I can ease into reading bigger stuff and sinking some time into it. Pic unrelated.

>> No.6876643

>How do I enjoy reading a book?

>> No.6876645

turn off your internet
better yet, read outside as its summer etc.
or you know, just fucking read

>> No.6876646
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more annie

>> No.6876648

someone post the avid reader pls

>> No.6876649
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>I prefer simpler stuff that is engaging and smaller so I can ease into reading bigger stuff and sinking some time into it.
fucking plen!

>> No.6876668

>falling for this bait

>> No.6876696

I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.
>Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person
>Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure
>Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.
>It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.
>Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.
>Start with books highly discussed on /lit/ so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.6876736

this, op

>> No.6876758

Have you read any of O. Henry's short stories? They're tiny (20+ per collection), but exquisitely written, entertaining, and a joy to read. And each one has a twist ending, so you're constantly looking forward to it. His stories are *fun* to read. You won't have to force yourself, and you can read a whole self-contained story in a single effortless sitting.

>> No.6876846

It kinda sounds like you don't like books, OP. My advice? Be born a different person through some kind of complex time-machine.

>> No.6876847

Is that the OITNB chick? Morello, I think? She's got a hot face.

>> No.6876858
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annie goddamn clark

>> No.6876887

1. Read the words as if they are being spoken aloud. Say the words with the stresses, pace, tone in your head.

2. Reading is work to an extent. That work becomes easier if you do it repeatedly. Do the "5 pages a day" meme it actually works.

>> No.6876942

Like anything else, you get better at it the more you do it. The Internet is death to reading. It trains our brains to jump from one thing to another.
Start out with one hour a day where no TV or internet is on. Just sit/lay and read for that hour.

>> No.6876959

1. Don't sit down. Stand up and lean against something, it might help you concentrate.

2. Hear yourself read. Whispering is enough, but make sure you clearly hear the words you say.

>> No.6876970
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top kek m8

>> No.6876990 [DELETED] 

>he thinks people read for enjoyment

We read for showing off pleb.

>> No.6877757

great tip, man

>> No.6877771

Don't get your book recommendations from the autistics on /lit/

>> No.6877777

Oh, anon.

>> No.6877791

If someone posted the entirety of War and Peace as a greentext on /lit/ I'd probably get through it much quicker than if someone handed me a perfectly legible paperback.

I'm a fucking embarrassment.

>> No.6877800

I have evolved past reading. I just buy pretentious books and put them in my home, on my desk at work, and I carry them to Starbucks with me.

>> No.6877806

I have no idea how something so rational became a copypasta.

I'm pretty sure it was months and months of samefagging though.

>> No.6877815

If I started with the books highly discussed on lit I would be reading nothing but infinite jest and some autistic russian novel from the 1800s

>> No.6877822

>not reading pretentious books and then burning them in a fire and lying if anyone asks you if you've ever read them
>not filling your bookcases with 50 Shades of Grey and Hunger Games in order to filter out the shallow women who would only want to be with you for your sharp intellect and literary awareness

>> No.6877829

If you wanted to read books that would have guaranteed discussion on /lit/, you'd spend 90% of your time reading John Green and the remaining 10% on Sam Harris.

>> No.6877848

I remember when /lit/ was above the low hanging fruits of le epic /v/ hates video games maymay and recommending finnegans wake. Do you think reporting posts like this would do anything? I have seen mods ban people for shitposting but is this obvious enough? Hmm.

>> No.6877883

Who is this young lass of sterling repute?

>> No.6877905


>> No.6877919

read something light and plot-based, best-selling "page-turners" or something

>> No.6878040

Fantasy got me into reading. Narnia, more, asoiaf, enders game, etc. They are usually easier to read

>> No.6879210
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One day /lit/ will appreciate repeating digits.

>> No.6879226

did yew find moar pics amnom ? how yew noe she hab sturlin repewtay? did it lewk tight ? duz she hab a bleached star fish?

>> No.6879259
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>> No.6879263

>some autistic russian novel from the 1800s
Okay, I'll bite. What is it

>> No.6879280
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A book about bait, funny enough.

>> No.6879308

You're not supposed to enjoy it. It's supposed to make you angry and miserable.

>> No.6879309

Posting the definition to Autism because some of us are little special snowflakes.

A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.

>> No.6879333

Reading shorter fiction can help exercise your critical reading skills without taxing your concentration too much. Short stories by Flannery O'connor and Hemingway are interesting if you want to start that short (a fiction enthusiast should read short fiction anyway).

Below is a list of short novels from the past 60 years that should give a solid overview of what's been going on in fiction. These are neither SJW spiels nor are they all by and about university-educated white men, so you'll be entering a new perspective with each one without getting bashed over the head with ideology.

No-no Boy (the original asian-american novel)

Tike and Five Stories by Jonathan Strong (the original gay American novel)

The Subterraneans by Kerouac

The Shawl

Flight to Canada

The Old Man and The Sea

Play It As It Lays

>> No.6879979

holy fuk

>> No.6879986

this. that is why intellectuals prefer more challenging books like ulysses or infinite jest