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File: 264 KB, 404x364, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6875992 No.6875992[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck should I appreciate some abstract piece of shit "artwork," when I can look at masterpieces portraying the human condition and nature?

Squiggly lines on a canvas does nothing, only pretentious posers try and fill in the blanks to boast about their "unique" perceptions.

>> No.6875996


>> No.6875997


Can you explain to me why the picture in the OP portrays the human condition and nature? It just looks like a naked chick lying on a bed to me.

>> No.6876004

>Art should be about technical skill only, if it wasn't hard to create, it isn't good
The worst kind of person

>> No.6876012

it's a depiction of the Danaë, the mother of Perseus

Depicted as welcoming Zeus who impregnated her

>> No.6876016
File: 5 KB, 225x225, low quality bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys so easy?

>> No.6876018

That isn't what I said at all.

>> No.6876019

I dunno, I kind of feel that if just about anybody can replicate it, it doesn't belong in a museum.

>> No.6876021


And what's so "human condition-y" about it?

>> No.6876025


>> No.6876029

I cannot tell if the picture you posted is the shitty artwork you're referring to or the masterpiece, which is funny to me.

>> No.6876032

>rembrandt shitty

le epik contrarian XD

>> No.6876037

I wasn't a fan of modern art much aside from the "big names" and then i looked through a few modern art museum collections online, like 5000+ works or some shit and found a lot to appreciate. But after the 1950s art really falls off big time like fucking massively and then by 2000s a lot of it really is pretentious garbage (atleast as far as art sculptures and "installations" go)

>> No.6876038

abstraction is about human condition and nature

regardless that's not always the point in art

>> No.6876059

>>6875996 itself was b8 to the b8 m8
I ain't humoring this kinda shit on my /lit/

>> No.6876109
File: 30 KB, 563x542, 1db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's still good art out there which also happens to include some legitimately beautiful concept art and technically simple stuff but on the whole modern art is fuckin garbage

i got an art history book and it hits a wall of shit sometime around early 1900s. you go from Bouguereau to fucking egon schiele lmao

>> No.6876115

imo schiele is pretty cool

>> No.6876145

Art should be judged by the artists intentions. They could have no talent whatsoever but if they are genuinely trying to express something worthwhile they're a great artist by my standards.

>> No.6876147

>look up shiele real quick
>his shit's actually really cool
thanks for the recommendation, anon.

>> No.6876151


you coulda said pollack atleast fuckboy , atleast schiele is decent, too into himself but hes an artist i guess u cant expect much from bohemian hacks.

>> No.6876158

The "intention" as you describe is talent. You're an artist if you can successfully convey within your medium. That is the only "technical skill" there is. Everything else is wank, like the people who lament that every song on earth doesn't have a classic rock guitar solo.

>> No.6876159
File: 226 KB, 1125x664, schiele omarmingg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were saying

>> No.6876162


lamo objectively garbage taste detected

>> No.6876286
File: 54 KB, 452x469, schiele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying Schiele isn't good or what do this mean?

>> No.6876591

Anything before WW2 is simply purile trite. Artists such as Scneemann, Piper, and Warhol completely transcend 'muh aesthetics' plebeians such as El Greco or Goya.

>> No.6876594

If you think abstract art is good you are a literal pleb.

>> No.6876596

;lol this tbh

>> No.6876600

red flag thread?

>he unironically defends modern 'art'

>> No.6876603

schiele is interesting tbh

>> No.6876613

red flag/ ? ? red pill xD

>> No.6876619

what is wrong with you people

>> No.6876622

If you don't like post-modern art then you disgust me, not even meming, I'm fucking tired of hearing the sheeple moan about modern art as if they're in any position to critique it.

>> No.6876631
File: 1.71 MB, 2000x1653, Jean-Dubuffet-Paris-Plaisir-V-500-700k-1m[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""""""Modern""""""" art doesn't say anything to you, doesn't make you feel anything. That's fine. Much pre-Modern art doesn't speak to me or make me feel anything.

You don't need to hide that behind shit-flinging, projecting, and "muh human nature."

Hey man don't bring Goya into this.

>> No.6876636

Depends on what you mean by abstract art, m8. Orphic cubism and fauvism are nice, imo, but painting with fucking period blood will never be artistic

>> No.6876647

Lol that painting looks like it was created by a hyperactive child who didn't wash their hands properly after pooing

I have literally seen this stuff made in kindergarten

Fucking peasants and their Petit-bourgeois artform

>> No.6876651
File: 103 KB, 613x1024, 613px-Bouguereau_first_kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


literally Rachmaninoff of painting a go-to firetrucker for clueless dilettantes

>> No.6876657
File: 200 KB, 960x730, 1436654100300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6876658

>Lol that painting looks like it was created by a hyperactive child who didn't wash their hands properly after pooing
Dubuffet would welcome such a description.
>Fucking peasants and their Petit-bourgeois artform
is this supposed to be satire? because it makes so little sense I laughed

>> No.6876661


Looks like you took the Marxist meme a little too seriously.

>> No.6876662
File: 320 KB, 900x1514, goya_dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga Goya predated field paintings

>> No.6876665


Pretentious sods.

I bet you wear berets to your 100level fine art classes

You suck

>> No.6876667

If you like art you are a pleb, it is all twice removed imitation.
Seriously though abstract art be pleasing to the eyes.

>> No.6876669

>he buys into concrete/abstract dichotomy


>> No.6876671

>It's supposed to be really bad!

>> No.6876673

??????????? 'meme'?

>> No.6876678


Do you not know what abstract means?

>> No.6876687
File: 1.85 MB, 2001x3177, Willendorf-Venus-1468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck should I appreciate some dutch 19th century piece of shit "artwork," when I can look at masterpieces portraying the human condition and nature?

And I'm pretty sure you haven't been to the Hermitage (I have, a lot of times) and seen the original? You just look at crappy jpgs and try to tell us what is art and what's not when you never even experience the paintings the way they are supposed to be.

>> No.6876701
File: 550 KB, 977x1280, aHyNHMV3lhw7i5zw6OeiXunDo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't even remove yourself from what you think is good and bad, how are you supposed to distinguish art which intends to be bad from art which is just not what you personally like? prroooooojjjjjjjjjeeeeeecccccttttttiiiiinnnnnnggg

pic related is an artist who makes intentionally "bad" art, take notes please

>> No.6876702
File: 32 KB, 620x387, w620_h387_gi-photo-531087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that if you buy into post-Greek art development you're low test beta enabler.

>> No.6876708

you people are so retarded. i need to take a break from this forum

>> No.6876709

>this art has credibility because I made it intentionally awful
>I'm definitely not making up for my lack of talent

>> No.6876712


Muse: what u want?

Painter: just fuck my shit up

>> No.6876715

I actually have replicas of that venus and the one found at Lespugue sitting on my bookshelf.

>> No.6876727

It's almost like greentexting is designed to insert words into other people's mouths with no reason or justification behind them other than memearrows.

>> No.6876728

>Squiggly lines on a canvas

literally a simplified explanation of every painting in existence

>> No.6876737

the problem OP poses is that he mistakenly views time as linear

>> No.6876738

muses are for cucks

>> No.6876755
File: 203 KB, 635x800, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6876759

unironic shitposting is still shitposting, this applies to the art world too btw

>> No.6876768

As a piece of comedy this is damn close to a 10/10 tbh

>> No.6876777

I actually kinda like this

>> No.6876786


>> No.6876795
File: 42 KB, 510x427, 1437629030101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6876799
File: 279 KB, 1280x960, 1436912388695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you all OP and all of your problems would be solved if you stopped conceptualizing time as linear

>> No.6876801

reddit hates this as well, they think suck vidya concept art's dick

>> No.6876827
File: 47 KB, 434x500, kuspit12-4-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think 4chan adages apply to anything, then I don't know what to tell you.
What if I told you that work is partly making fun of an earlier group of artists? The post-modernists weren't afraid to have fun, even at the expense of themselves.

>> No.6876953

>projecting this hard

>> No.6876955


>> No.6876996

I'm not entirely repulsed by the definition, and I find it sorta attractive, but I think also that it's interesting to explore the spectrum of existence to essence.
I guess I have a disordered soul.

>> No.6876999

>you can't figure this out; leave it to the experts!
that's not the point of abstract expression.

>muh Jewssssssssssss

>> No.6877016

>appreciating anything after cave wall paintings
Art went right to shit after farming was invented.
Go oonga boonga yourselves.

>> No.6877027

Venus of Willendorf > All