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/lit/ - Literature

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6872662 No.6872662 [Reply] [Original]

You all claim that 99% of his readers don't get Nietzsche.

Time to prove you're part of the 1%. Describe Nietzsche's philosophy. His premises, his conclusions, his ideas, whatever you want. Just prove that you get him.

>> No.6872669

Basically you never read nietzsche yourself and are asking for somebody to spoonfeed you
Nice op :)

why don't u go watch alain de button videos school of life

>> No.6872671

Why couldn't the Romans into Germany mayor?

>> No.6872685

Because the Germanics into'd Rome first

>> No.6872699
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getting nietzsche is a spook

>> No.6872750

In this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony God's blessings but because I am enlightened, by my intelligence

>> No.6872756

But they tried. Why couldn't they?

>> No.6872758


>> No.6872831
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>> No.6872834

fuck, now i have cancer

>> No.6872838

It's true. Stupid alter boys.

>> No.6872855
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I already have someone else to do that for me


>> No.6872876

/thread tbh

>> No.6872899

Because there was nothing worth conquering there. Just one big dark forest inhabited by savages.

>> No.6873312

It was a bunch of illeterate savages flinging shit at each other, it wasn't worth conquering when there was so much better land

>> No.6873355

This site is proof that being a Nietzschean gets you nowhere

>> No.6873929

Ontology = will to power, rejection of metaphysics. Will to power is the teleological and primordial element that governs/ dictates the behaviour of all force.
Active/reactive force
Reactive - life denying, leads to the creation of external worlds to justify existence
Active - affirms the phenomenal world (life as we can know it ) including all suffering and deception through perception. This justifies his
Ethics - active force, destruction as a form of creation, aesthetics satisfies the religious impulse

Epistemology = perspectivism. Absolute truth is unattainable (although is does exist) the best way to get an objective knowledge is through examining all interpretations.

How did I do?

>> No.6873952

No Christianity because it glorifies weaknesses in man which distracts one from achieving übermensch status (no beer neither)
God is dead
Fill place religion is supposed to take up w/ art and culture

>> No.6873987

The core of Nietzsche's philosophy is that suffering shouldn't be avoided. In fact, suffering should be invited, as it makes you stronger.

Errors and contradictions also shouldn't be avoided, as errors make you more intelligent.

Basically, ever since Socrates, philosophy tried to build thought systems to avoid suffering and error. This leads to weakness and stupidity. The ultimate conclusion of this weakness and stupidity is nihilism, the pointlessness of life that sets in when all suffering and all error is avoided.

>> No.6873997

is it the fate of all genius to be bandied about by mental infants

>> No.6874015

he was a mustachio'd, anal, narcissist oddball who conjured up philosophic concepts in grandiose prose all day long, vague and pompous and open to interpretation not unlike religious texts, sparking a following not unlike religious followings. he said some smart stuff, he said some ridiculous stuff, he said some outrageous stuff. basically, he said everything and nothing, and he said it as loud and in as edgy a way as anyone possibly could.

> i'm no man, i am dynamite
- nietzsche, on himself

>> No.6874031
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>basically, he said everything and nothing

>> No.6874068

His philosophy essentially emanates from his obsession with edging, which was a dominant current throughout his life.

>> No.6874106

No one here claims to know Nietzsche perfectly, its just easy to point out what people get wrong.

>> No.6874119

1. Ontology

The will to power is not a primordial elemental that is and of itself an element; that would take Nietzsche's rejection of the subject of unity and replacing it with another unity, e.g. the unity of the "will." Rather, the will to power designates the processural occurrence of differing wills that occur within a given nominal subject. The sum assimilation of these wills result in the 'consciousness' of the subject. Thus, the subject is not defined by identity but rather difference. So, there is no teleology within Nietzsche since everything is merely the summation of a string of chaotic events that assimilate and transfigure, the ebb and flow. This might be just a quibble, but I think it is significant enough to mention.

2. Epistemology.

The phenomenal world is all there is for Nietzsche. There is no transcendental world apart from the phenomenal world. In other words, there is a collapse of the thing in itself to the phenomenal appearance within Nietzsche. What should and ought be affirmed is the appearance of the world to us; for that is all there is for us. All there 'is,' is that which shows itself to us. Hence, Nietzsche's rejection of the other-worldly and transcendental, e.g. transcendental values, God, heaven, hell, etc. Embrace that which is immanent to the world, that which appears and hence that which is interpreted.

>> No.6874423

You know what you believe
Yes, that
It's shit

>> No.6875247

Life guy

>> No.6877175


That would take more time than I'm willing to spend responding to your frivolous thread.

>> No.6877201

An Ubermench must cast off ze anachronistic abrahamic premises, vanquishing ze slave ethics of ze past - only through unprotected sex with many prostitutes and increasingly severe syphilis will ze mind comprehend ze innervekings of ze viking vill!

>> No.6877221

What is your favorite Nietzsche book?

>> No.6877222

>Reading books

Why not just skim wikipedia?

>> No.6877263

I see you come from not /lit/.
get out.

>> No.6877275

The Greeks had it right in personification of Gods by plurality, expressing human emotion through a series of Gods as opposed to one stern and omnipotent one

Christianity's flaw in its rigid morality has instilled a sense of self-hatred in Western Europe, however it's implication in the edification and history of it is not to be unappreciated

Will to power

>> No.6877300


>> No.6877325

I like EDs take on it:
"Stop being such a god fearing pussy, kick everyone's ass and steal their stuff, then go home and rape your baby factory whore of a wife who you keep tied up in the kitchen"

p.s. ive never read nietzsche except a few paragraphs of thus spake zarathustra

>> No.6877329

ED gets Hegel pretty much right.

>> No.6877337

Christianity is for cucks

b urself

Societies affected by Christianity are made by cucks for cucks

>> No.6878577

what is it?