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6862723 No.6862723 [Reply] [Original]

how do i into optimism?

>> No.6862730

Eat good, exercise, and get good sleep.
No joke, that is the secret.

>> No.6862740


>> No.6862779

Into Buddhism.

>> No.6862805
File: 34 KB, 600x860, 144242_poste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this film made buddhism seem like the literal opposite of optimism

>> No.6862820

Become a Marxist.

>> No.6862821

Take a flight down some stairs and hope for sufficient but not excessive brain damage.

>> No.6862834

That film is unironically bollocks

>> No.6863079

>made buddhism seem like the literal opposite of optimism
That's because that's what it literally is.

(ITT: Americans and their American understanding of Buddhism and everything else, lol.)

>> No.6863108

This. It helps a lot.

>Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter... and Spring
It was quite awful

Then tell that to >>6862779
This American knows enough about Buddhism. That's why I prefer Epicurus.

>> No.6863113

take a break from 4chan

>> No.6863170

Not the OP, but where do I start with Buddhism? Is Siddhartha a good start?

>> No.6863239

Siddartha got me interested.

But more importantly start meditating (properly), tbh you don't really need all the dogma of Buddhism, which is just used to explain the science behind the freakishly pleasant effects of meditation.

>> No.6863262
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You can also just read the words of the Buddha directly, it's not difficult at all.

The Dhammapada
>pic related.

>> No.6863535
File: 59 KB, 600x563, futurism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two kinds of optimism, soft cunt and hard cunt optimism.

Soft cunt optimism pretends things are/will be alright in a weak way. As in 'people will stop fighting, life isn't so bad, just look at the bright side, don't dwell on the bad, we can get along if we try' type of thinking.

Hard cunt optimism is not looking away from anything, not filtering, but looking on all aspects of life and deeming them good. It's a Nietzschean amor fati. It glorifies existence in all its aspects, every cute little puppy and every glorious BOOOOMBOOOOMBAAARDEMENTOOOOOOO

Embrace futurism.

>> No.6863781

Thanks, anons.

>> No.6863811

sabha gaman

>> No.6863909

Good post.

>> No.6863926

I read beyond good and evil and skipped over the parts about race mixing and such and actually got pretty happy bc of it

>> No.6863940

watch Gurren Lagann
also excersise and sleep help. as was mentioned before

>> No.6863975

It is impossible to glorify existence in all its aspects. Well, not impossible, but incongruous. You need to be a bit short sighted to believe that.

>> No.6865023
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i don't know if you've heard but futurism died in the trenches

>> No.6865424
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>It is impossible to glorify existence in all its aspects. Well, not impossible, but incongruous.
It's not an easy thing to do of course, but I think it's a beautiful thing to aspire to. It's the attempt itself that is worthwhile, to generally try to approach life in a yea saying manner. As Freddy said:

>I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who make things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.

>You need to be a bit short sighted to believe that.
You need to be short sighted to 'believe' in any values as if they are some truth apt thing encountered and adopted upon discovery in the first place. The not short sighted way is to realise their arbitrariness and choose as you please, realise that values are created by your very choice of adherence to them and not something that can be right or wrong, seeing as the very notion of right or wrong is dependant on the values you choose arbitrarily, that is to say, without any other reason than an irrational intuitive like or dislike.

>> No.6865532
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Easy, lie to yourself.

>> No.6866159

Be less intelligent.

>> No.6866164


>> No.6866170

silly, don't you realize you're living in the edgy postmodern era?

you're not allowed to me optimistic, instead you have to be bitter and ironic about everything

>> No.6866172


>> No.6866190

Fuck off, Leibniz. No one wants to into optimism.

>> No.6866195
File: 141 KB, 500x355, 2140313493_5ef72c2794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a necessary ingredient to pomo, that's just what the edge-lords of 4chin and other disaffected youth are like.

>> No.6866203

Yep, this.

And https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfydhxaRSeA

>> No.6866219

>secret to optimism is mindlessly working to enjoy hedonistic pleasure with no overarching meaning


>> No.6866228
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There is no inherent meaning to life but what you make of it.
"Hedonism" could be any number of things that you draw pleasure from. I dare say sadomasochism would plummet if capitalism and theism were abandoned

>> No.6866242

>There is no inherent meaning to life but what you make of it.
And the lifestyles promoted by supposed optimism avoid searching for any meaning and instead focus on keeping ones head down focused on the immediate future.

Instead of even giving an earnest effort to gleam the secrets of life, optimism/hedonism spurn the prospect entirely and focus on short term pleasure.

>> No.6866247

i did this for a while and still hated my life

it took finding friends and regular consumption of alcohol/marijuana to gain a better outlook on life, and even that starts to fade once the novelty wears off.

>> No.6866305
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>And the lifestyles promoted by supposed optimism avoid searching for any meaning and instead focus on keeping ones head down focused on the immediate future.
This is just false. I only use myself as an example, and I assure you it isn't true at all. I wish to prolong human existence, not just my own, and in my spare time actually think of how I, or people in general could do this. And though it seems a lost cause at this point, I don't believe in giving up.

>Instead of even giving an earnest effort to gleam the secrets of life...
I just gave you the secret of life. This *is* the proper frame of mind to a life well spent.

>> No.6866322

Collect more/better quality friends, keep eating right, smoke and drink occasionally if you like, but yeah, a good frame of mind is also important. Goals to keep you busy.

>> No.6866327
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Thanks butterfly you're not as bad as people say

>> No.6866330

>This *is* the proper frame of mind to a life well spent.

You speak from a position of authority, yet you can't be any older than 20something, and have only experienced a fraction of what life has to offer.

You view any possible higher meaning as possibly not existing, so you deem it unworthy of searching for and ignore it entirely. But just because something may not exist doesn't mean it isn't worth looking for.

>> No.6866338
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>> No.6866345

How can it be dead if we are in the future RIGHT NOW?

>> No.6866355

a rational disposition free of posturing and laziness

>> No.6866360

Anything that lowers your cognitive abilities.

>> No.6866367
File: 126 KB, 1024x768, Pippi The Übermensch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been "looking for" this higher meaning everywhere, and they can't find a thing (Some lie about finding it, but forget them) There is nothing higher in life, in my humble opinion, than the perpetuation and promotion of a better way of life. Happiness and love are truly sublime emotions. And the more the merrier. I supreme multigenerational quest for humanity. A journey inward as we go outward to explore of solar system.

And btw, I am *well* above 20, (Oh I wish I were again) though it isn't impossible for someone that age or even younger from comprehending this good news.

>> No.6866368

only correct answer

>> No.6866428
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>it took finding friends and regular consumption of alcohol/marijuana to gain a better outlook on life

I hate it when people give booze and smoking a bad rep.

I used to be something of a massive loner (more so than I am now) and it wasn't till I started going out more and getting over my inhibitions that I began to have some measure of joy in my life.

Part of this involved pulling my head out of my ass and being able to enjoy the instant with others.
This also led to the realisation that fundamentally we are all the same and that no one person is better than any other.

>> No.6867020

>searching for meaning
When's the last time you encountered a concept in the wild?

>> No.6867027

Long Term Hedonism is the best ism

>> No.6867032

>I hate it when people give booze and smoking a bad rep.
>I used to be something of a massive loner (more so than I am now) and it wasn't till I started going out more and getting over my inhibitions that I began to have some measure of joy in my life.

Since you're using booze as a necessary tool in order to be the person you want to be, you'll find out why it gets a bad rap soon enough.

>> No.6867057

just bee yourself

>> No.6867065

Practice a kind of cognitive reframing, like in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Whenever you have a pessimistic thought, catch it, observe it, and intentionally press into your mind a positive kind of spin on it or something.

>> No.6867407

>*A* supreme multigenerational quest for humanity.
Got carried away