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/lit/ - Literature

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6852095 No.6852095 [Reply] [Original]

So anyone here regularly steal books?

>> No.6852098

I've stolen a fair share in my day, but no, not regularly. I might pick up the practice.

>> No.6852105

No, But I have a one.

>> No.6852107

uncharacteristically no

>> No.6852111

Eh, I'd hate to feel the embarrassment of walking out of a shop only to have the buzzers go off, get molested by sales staff and security and to be humiliated in front of numerous people.

>> No.6852113

notes from the underground from high school library

should have stole more tbh none of the books were ever taken out

>> No.6852117

I stole a few books from Barnes and Noble back in my teens. The two-story venues are easier to steal from.

>> No.6852132

Yeah sometimes I go into Barnes and Noble and either put some in my backpack or bring a barnes and noble bag with me put them in there and then leave.

>> No.6852153

I was looking around the college library before I left but they didn't even have anything worth taking.

>> No.6852176

I go to my local used books bookstore and Rohypnol the cashier and fill up my old high school backpack. I've done this three times, one month apart each time, and have stolen most of their inventory.

>> No.6852187

I was planning on stealing go set a watchman from Walmart tomorrow when I buy cat litter.

Just set it in the bottom of the cart and lay the bag of litter next to it in the self checkout. If the underpaid black woman notices, I'll just say oops and pay for it.

I get fresh herbs this way all the time, I'm not paying three dollars for some chives.

>> No.6852242
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>try to steal On the Road
>get caught, manager comments, "Wow how original"
>staff makes fun of me for being a beat pleb

>> No.6852261

Stealing from libraries is much safer than stealing from bookshops.
I don't do it regularly, but if it's an obscure book I can only find there, I might.

>> No.6852264

it's no steal, culture can't be keep only by riches, it must be shared

>> No.6852307

By stealing from public libraries for your own selfish reasons?

lol, okay.

>> No.6852316

>Stealing from public libraries
>Not from shops

>> No.6852328

My gf tried to steal some Spinoza books and then the alarms went off in the library and it was super embarrassing, it definitely is easier to steal from a Barnes and Noble

>> No.6852332


I mean if the library has the book you're looking for and you don't want to get a card, swipe it but return it when you're done.

And donate the ones you get from shops that you don't want anymore to them.

>> No.6852336
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>can pirate books with zero risk
>attempts to steal physical books anyway

>> No.6852346
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So is everyone on /lit/ a God damn thief?

I've never stolen anything in my life. Not once. Believe it or not, it's the truth.

>> No.6852347

Never regularly. I stole a shit load of clothes over the course of my first year of college. Just wanted to appear less poor fag.
Yeah, I was a tryhard faggot.

>> No.6852352

Definitely could have figured out a less wasteful way to dispose of White Teeth

>> No.6852357

I don't read the kinds of books that would be worth stealing.

>> No.6852362

Go to bed, Tao

>> No.6852363

Did you by chance shoplift from... American apparel?

>> No.6852365

Have stolen so fucking much from the Chapters in my town. A few Vonnegut books, Catch 22, a Martin Amis and Kingsley Amis book, Money and Lucky Jim, respectively, I believe. A few non-fiction (I get a kick from those edge.org books). Walked out with a 10 pound, 40 dollar great mother of a Mark Twain autobiography once. That was nuts. Had to stop though, a buddy got in on it and got caught, and I kind of felt responsible for playing it off like it was easy, when I was probably just getting lucky.

>> No.6852375

The shit midwestern town I was in will never hve one. Mostly GAP, Urban Outfitters (in my hometown), Kohls for Levis jeans, as well as the big department stores

>> No.6852391

I look back on it a little unsettled and mad at myself for being a thieving cunt, but I also have read some seriously good books I would just not have read otherwise. I could definitely have just checked them out of a library, but I didn't, I don't know why.

>> No.6852402

yeah. i d/l books all the time. or at least as frequently as the up-and-down dl sites allow me to.

still pissed off about the pirated copy of Poul Anderson's "Three Hearts and Three Lions" i got - it's missing the last chapter.

at least i think it is.

>> No.6852403

I've only stolen socks from urban outfitters
Apparently my local book store owner helped bust a big book thief, he runs a cool place, would not steal from him.


>> No.6852439

>Gilkey used Modern Library's List of 100 Best Novels as a guide to what items he would steal. His motives for the thefts were personal: he saw an expansive library as a sign of being upper class

>> No.6852465

Stole a book from work once. It was okay. Got over stealing.

>> No.6852504

I think I stole 4 books from my high school physics teacher. They where:

Intro To Existentialism
Intro to Logic
The Manga Guide to Electricity
The Gay Science by Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.6852532
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I've never stolen anything from a store in my life. Couldn't you get a criminal record or spend time locked up, at least for a few days? I guess I've stolen a few beer glasses, but they were empty so it's not like they lost any product.

>> No.6852538

Stole a bunch of books from a senile English teacher.

>> No.6852574

In university the library often had only one copy of an assigned book, and in the second and third years people started buying books less and loaning them instead. I would often go in the library at night when it was empty, find a bunch of books that I knew people would be taking out in a panic the following week (they were on an assigned recommended reading list) and I would read them, takes my own notes,a and then deface the books the books to the point were they were ineligible., often ripping out pages or, if it was an old book, whole chapters. There were at least four emails sent around to every English student asking not to damage books and reminding us that other people wanted to use them too, but I would just trash them straight away. One time a girl in a lecture the day an essay was due tried to make the excuse that the book in the library that she'd reserved for loan had been torn in half and the lecturer criticized her for leaving it late and she started crying. Fucking normalfags man, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

>> No.6852578

you're a faggot and nothing more

>> No.6852581
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>leaving the house to get books

>> No.6852599


>> No.6852605

>not liking physical copies
top kek

>> No.6852689
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>leaving the house to get books

>> No.6852695


hah if this isn't a joke i read a comment from another guy on lit saying that they put those beat type books and edgy books behind counters cause teeny weenies like stealing them

>> No.6852706


>> No.6852717
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>> No.6852723
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>leaving the house or using the internet to get books

>> No.6852751

that was painful to read asshole and I don't even like that book

>> No.6852754


>> No.6852759

>not getting your physical copies for free by stealing them

>> No.6852760
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>not typing up manuscripts of books already written from memory.

>> No.6852813

What's the best .epub reader?

>> No.6852854

I've never shoplifted anything. I'd be too afraid of getting caught.

>> No.6852864

Who /stealsfromlibraries/ here?

>> No.6852924

I dont know how libraries are in your country, where I live they're usually old as fuck and most certainly do not have theft-alarms.

>> No.6852943

I used to steal books from the library when I was a teen but as I got older I felt guilty about taking things that weren't mine and just purchased everything. Stealing books (even if it's from a "lame corporate chain" is still wrong and if caught you should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Don't be a tool. Get a library card and you can steal all you want for a limited time. And your friends who listen to linking park won't call you a poser anymore.

Select all steak

>> No.6852970



>> No.6852981

Bang for buck: kindle touch 3/4? ($40)
Best kindle to buy: Paperwhite 2/3 ($100-$120)
Don't like your money and can go all the way: Voyage ($200)

Like reading in the tub? KoboH20 $200

Really, I just say that the new paperwhites are the best since they can easily be jailbroken, they have xray (which is great), are linked to goodreads, and the reading quality is superb. I now rarely buy paper books since ereaders just make more sense in a lot of cases.

>> No.6852985

File format doesn't matter. Calibre allows any book filetype on any device It's more of a choice on what device you want.

>> No.6852986

lol I meant a program

>> No.6852988

#bookz + calibre
Well established, works great.

>> No.6852992

e-read viewer on linux is great for reading on a computer

>> No.6853014

I once borrowed a book, didn't read it and forgot to give it back. I was 9. I still feel bad about it. Stealing books is mean mang.
Pirating does't count, does it?

>> No.6853031

I really like my kobo aura. Sometimes the touch screen is crummy, but it allows borrowing epubs from my library (I know that there must be some way to do so on a kindle, but eh), it's really small, the back feels fucking fantastic, and it works very, very well with PDFs, which is important for Uni stuff.

>> No.6853063

>I used to steal books and didn't get caught
>but people who steal books should be punished for it
are you going to turn yourself in, then?

>> No.6853065

also stole On the Road but did so successfully. Your experience sounds truly miserable

>> No.6853069

doing god's work

>> No.6853074

Libgen doesn't work any more. Download links are broke.
Any alternatives? Or did the site change URLs again?

>> No.6853079

http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ usually lists 4 download mirrors

>> No.6853107

Nice font rendering....

>> No.6853115

Yeah, i steal most of my books. I study philosphy and litterature and i could never afford to buy all of the assigned reading, so i started to just take it. All of it. Now im unable to pay for a book, unless its from a used book store. I never steel from them, only big chains.

Does this make me a shitty person? Sometimes i feel bad for it. How can one claim to take ethics seriously when you do do something like this regularly? I really like the greeks, but i guess they would spit on me of the knew what i was doing.

>> No.6853241

I've stolen around 600 books, you could say I'm a professional book thief.

>> No.6853253

How? I want to get back at a B&N for not refunding my money. Anyone know If you just peel the sticker off and that's it?

>> No.6853255

How do you steal books without being noticed?

>> No.6853258

The thing is: stealing from libraries is wrong, stealing from B&N and other chain stores sound closer to self defense than anything.

That being said, around half of my books are stolen, I came to a point where I was doing it for fun, more than anything.

I'm trying not to get into bookstores these days, I just can't control myself anymore. A few days ago mum sent me to the market to buy ham and cheese and I stole something around 30 bucks of chocolate, a woman started yelling at me (it wasn't that well hidden) and I just yelled back at her while walking.

Nothing happened, but it was a wake up call of sorts.

>> No.6853262

how did you steal them

>> No.6853267

come on, I don't wanna sound edgy but do me a favour

>> No.6853273

I got a decent amount of books concerning permaculture from a college library. All you had to do was find a place without cameras or people, quickly rip off the barcode sticker, drop in the stolen book among a backpack filled with course textbooks, and walk out the doors. Nobody suspected a thing, and I got several $100+ books out of my temporary escapades. As far as I was concerned, we ended up paying over $1000 for textbooks in my programming that year, but half of the courses never even needed the textbooks to be opened in the first place. They took my money, so I took their donated books.

I still can't believe that they didn't put a magnetic strip in the spines of the books, though. You could literally rip off the barcode stickers and just walk away with them, no problem-o.

>> No.6853278

>not writing a book when you want to read one

>> No.6853279


>> No.6853280


>> No.6853288

Libraries are having a hard time as it is, and while indeed, they seem to be hobo hiding ground in the US, there are still people who depend on them for ther reading material.

Besides, doing anything that helps the downfall of libraries is just furthering the existence of some information solely on virtual, private-owned servers, and that's not very healthy

>> No.6853291

post more

>> No.6853299
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I use pic related

>> No.6853306

I started stealing books at 17. I'd visit a few of the big chain bookstores and get 3-4 books a week. from 20-23 I worked part-time in one, where I would get an average of 5 books a week, The owners were assholes. I don't steal anymore.

>> No.6853451

I've felt like stealing from a WHS Smiths for a while now. Britbongs know how over-priced their shit is.

I don't feel right stealing from Waterstones - everyone is too nice there.

>> No.6853486
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>> No.6853496
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>not buying a god tier sony e-reader
>not stealing books

Come on /lit/, stop being pleb.

>> No.6853511

I used to do it in college. a lot. now with everything free & digital and my changing place quite often it is impractical. also, stealing from local or uni library is kill. you should feel bad if you do it. if you dont steal from large bookstores you should also feel bad. small independent bookstores are the only ones worth paying.

oh i didnt know those existed! i made one but a horizontal pocket instead of vertical. the book might fall!.

>> No.6853518

I walk out of stores holding my plunder in my hand, plain as day, and make no attempt to conceal it. I have never been caught.

>> No.6853561

This has to be a joke.

>> No.6853577

check out sherlock holmes over here

>> No.6853656

I've stolen a few from WHSmith; the book shelf fucking blocked the view of the security camera. I'd just duck down and fill my backpack. I stole The Republic that way and still haven't read it.

>> No.6853660

>/lit/ is filled with a bunch of edgy stirnerist niggers

Stealing should be punished by death.
Sandniggers were right all along.

>> No.6853699

there was a two story bookstore and on the deserted second story there were open windows; one of the open windows was facing the empty alley on the side of the bookstore

I swore I saw a guy who picked out a pile of books pretending to briefly read a few of them while discretely dropping books to his girlfriend down below in the alley when I was a kid

>> No.6853700

>The Republic
please tell me you appreciate the irony in this

>> No.6853721

Me and my friend used to do somthing simillar, but with candy and the gap between a shop's back-door to the floor. I just swiped shit into the street and he put it in his bag.

>> No.6853724

What's that?

>> No.6853831

When I worked at B and N we kept all beat lit and bukowski behind the counter because of people like you. Its pretty embarrassing, to be honest.

>> No.6853852

Not quite the same thing, but I changed a tag once so I basically got 50% of an item. I felt pretty proud of myself.

>> No.6853968

It's an IRC channel. Look it up on a search engine.

>> No.6853991

i tried #bookz recently but it is incredibly shit. yo can find nothing there. im not sure if i did it right but i could not find anything relevant there, at least nothing one could not get anywhere esle far more easily.

>> No.6853999

That looks horrible

>> No.6854063

i did, briefly, when i worked at a bookstore. now i steal them from the internet for my kindle

>> No.6854106

Anons in this thread who steal:

How is your limbo game?

Because you all seem to go pretty low. Stealing from stores and library, Jesus Christ.

>> No.6854112
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It was always a simple matter of removing the security sensors from the books (pic related is the best example I could find). If you are going to steal, just be smart about it. Dress well so as to attract less attention.

>> No.6854178

I had friends who used to nick books in high school. A couple of them got caught I think and chewed the fuck out by mall security, barred from the store/mall, etc. The books they stole were pretty shit though, so I think it was probably just to be edgy more than anything else.

>> No.6854205

You're a real human bean.


>> No.6854255

Why would you do this shit. man?

>> No.6854538

Kindle paper white 3 tm

>> No.6854565

I'm too much of a pussy, but I'm not above it morally, if it's from somewhere like "Indigo" charging 30 bucks a paperback.

>> No.6854716

There is nothing wrong with stealing books if it's from a dead author.

>> No.6854749

lol, most book stores put the stuff likely to be stolen somewhere where they can keep an eye on.

>> No.6854762

found a first edition of The Name of the Wind at my local library. should i swipe it?

>> No.6854765

this, Ive also never had a problem getting books to read. my library is big enough that it has most books that I'd read and I go about once every 2 months picking up a bag full of books so its very convenient. If I wanted to look up a quick quote or something I would just find the book online.

>> No.6854768

why? its not worth any special amount

>> No.6854772

Get a soul and a conscience first, then we'll talk.

>> No.6854786

check ebay, my friend
>Get a soul and a conscience first
and be a normalfag, nah

>> No.6854793

This is why you people have no friends, lovers, are distant from your family and you're always miserable.

>> No.6854812
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>> No.6854839

same here anon

>> No.6854857

I spend forever in B&N looking like I'm reading when I'm actually making a small tower of RFID sensors haha. Last week I put on my stealing jacket and walked out with 3 D&D core rulebooks for my ttrpg group haha.
Two story venues are the way to go! I walked out with an aesthetic-as-fuck stack of Verso Radical Thinkers, all that pastel on white mhmmm.
You read faster in print tbh.
Steal from the library of my hometown. Illiterate fucks.

>> No.6854861

not everyone bows down to spooks. a lot of people look at the good/bad consequences of it, and if the risk of obtaining a book over getting caught is worth it then they will be more driven to steal

>> No.6854877

>You read faster in print tbh.

says you?

>> No.6854892

Everyone posting in this thread is a literal nigger.

>> No.6854895

I was gonna steal a bookmark that comes with the book once. I saw the barcode on it and decided not to. I also like to live dangerously as you can see.

>> No.6854913


>> No.6854927

By the implied racism in your post I assume you are still tied to abstract and purely objective concepts of 'universal good' and 'sociable behavior'.

>> No.6855028

I want to steal my university's Cambridge Grammar but that shit is as huge as a Bible.
Any tips on how to steal huge books ?

>> No.6855093

serves you right, faggot

>> No.6855096

Fucking degenerate scoundrels, the entire lot of you.

>> No.6855148

Do it. I used to steal from them all the time, mostly because it was the only book shop we had locally.

>> No.6855160

I do it a lot when I'm hanging with the other godfathers of Visceral Realism in Mexico City.

>> No.6856101

There was never any gracious peak to fall from in the first place, big guh-eye~

>> No.6856111

You'd have to be a real piece of shit to steal a book when you're not even poor.

>> No.6856232

>stealing is only about money

>> No.6856311

I'm poor so I just do it on those grounds. I already spend about $80 on books a month and about 2/3rds of that is at my local used bookstores.

Stealing books is such a liberating thing. You realize that everything is at your hands for reading, that you could stuff Lukacs and Benjamin and Mallarme and Versos into your bag and walk off not feeling guilty because you won't be able to eat out that weekend or you'll have to scrimp on groceries.

Stealing is great. I would do it more if I wasn't such an anxious person and feared getting caught.

>> No.6856390

What bag do you use/how to do it

>> No.6856424

I used to work in a library. I'd only steal books that haden't been checked out for 35 years. We had a lot, and I thought a lot of them were interesting and unique, so I have maybe 6 or 7 of them.

Of course I still buy my books. But I figured really no harm done, they'd probably just end up in some trash bin after a couple decades.

>> No.6856441

What a disgusting thread.

>> No.6856488

read them, and then keep them in their mind

they'll never figure it out

>> No.6856622

I regularly leave copies of paperback books in places for them to be taken, asking only that they be left in the same manner when finished. I never stole books, but I was lucky enough never to have to. If you steal books when without much money, remember to leave books - good ones - when you finally have some.

>> No.6856671

Almost every fiction book that I've read I've stolen from Barnes and Noble and then returned at my own convenience. I buy books from there occasionally so it's not obvious but, there's only been a few that I never actually returned.

>> No.6856734
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>most of these reactions would still be genuine if this really happened and they all believed it.
>lit really is this cruel

>> No.6857573

you get points for creativity, at least

itt this in this thread it.t: terrible fiction and /lit/eral mouth-breathing niggers

>> No.6857593
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i've stolen books and never read them
still have 'em to fill my library
they habe nice covers

>> No.6857639

you have that backwards: ideas should be free, but the physical medium is a thing people can own

>> No.6857642

i worked in a library for 6 years or so and got to the point of being lazy and just not checking things out when i borrowed them (still bringing them back, though).

had a bunch in my house when i was fired (over a coworker's drama) and was too scared to ever go back.

>> No.6858082

Just gotta keep walking.

>> No.6858091

>MFW Panopticon Now

>> No.6858110

I stole a lot of high school library. I figured if they caught me, they'd be so thrilled that a student was actually reading for pleasure, that they wouldn't care.

>> No.6858381

lol at faggots who cry at stealing. too afraid to do it and need to justify your faggotry blaming others? just fuck off.

>> No.6858472

wow anon your such a badass if only i could be like you tbh smh

>> No.6858488
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>> No.6858510

Cut my eyes reading this.

>> No.6858538

Tell us about how you cursed at your homeroom teacher today, little Johnny.

>> No.6859609

This thread is to edgy for me, I guess this board is dead till summer ends.

>> No.6859740


>> No.6859802

You just need a proxy. They are blocking US/UK IPs because Elsevier is trying to get them taken down.

>> No.6859838

Guys, guys, it's like you're Bolaño in the Savage Detectives, liek ohmahguh

>> No.6859862


Nope. I lived in Baltimore for 7 years though, and they have a free book exchange that's well stocked and heavily trafficked. I probably cycled through 500 books from that place

>> No.6860385

Fuck university libraries. Charging 200$ for a textbook

>> No.6860393

Why steal from a high school library? Why not just check them out like a normal person you edgelord

>> No.6860406
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When I was younger I stole a ton of books, but now that i've got some spending money I like to support local bookshops.

If I could though, I would rob a books-a-million in a heartbeat...

>> No.6860425

I once accidentally brought home two university library books without loaning them. Was reading them at the library and out of habbit put them into my backpack when I was done. Went through the gate without any alarm going off and only discovered it once I got home.
Returned them the next day. Cause I don't need more shit taking up space in my room and I don't want to risk anything. But man, is it easy to sneak stuff out of a library if you wanted to.

>> No.6860437

At the 2-story B&N's I sometimes fill a garbage bag with books and toss it out the window and retrieve it from the alley. Problem is the one by my house's windows either overlook the sidewalk or the storefronts of other businesses across the way behind it, so I can't do it close to home.

>> No.6860453

nigga it's july why u in school library

>> No.6860455

If I had things my way, stealing books would be unheard of since they'd all be free.

>> No.6860474

>I'm poor so I just got a library card and utilize local universities and colleges on those grounds. I spend $0-5 on books a month for the privilege
>Borrowing books is such a liberating thing. You realize that everything is at your hands for reading, that you could stuff Lukacs and Benjamin and Mallarme and Versos into your bag and walk off not feeling guilty because you won't be able to eat out that weekend or you'll have to scrimp on groceries.
>The library is great. I would do it more if I wasn't such and faget

>> No.6860487

Wasn't there an episode where George tried to steal a book ?
Oh the ironing

>> No.6860517
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lol butters if we lived in a communist society like you want we'd all be working in communes all day with no time to read and there would be no profit to pay people to print and bind books, let alone write them. You've read the Dispossessed, the characters in that book barely got by.

>> No.6860527

The purest ideology

>> No.6860535

You think The Dispossessed was about communism?

Either a lame troll or too brain dead to understand a serious answer. Just... dumb.

>> No.6860597


Honestly butters how would your utopian ideas ever be accomplished? The best we can hope for is a sort of enlightened oligarchy.

>> No.6860608

I used to steal Goosebumps books whenever the "book fair" would roll around at my school.

>> No.6860661
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Little changes always bring little changes, more substantial changes would bring about some really big changes. Seems only obvious to me. But all I ever get from rightwingers is "no, human nature doesn't work that way".
With an end to capitalism (the use or over valuation of money) only the most necessary of work would be left to do and everyone fit would take a turn at these positions. Now with plentiful free time on our hands, since we have near full employment, IE minimum hours worked per week, we'd have more time to raise our kids, get an education and make dreams come true. We'd live like whichever class suites us, but know we're all in the class. Society would, could actually, be a responsible and mature mass of rustic intellectuals.

But we all gotta go sometime. I just didn't want it to be of heat exhaustion in the brown-out of 2071

>> No.6860683

oh they care. I would know.

>> No.6860771

I once accidentally stole the complete works of Oscar Wilde.

>> No.6860784
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>stealing it instead of just checking it out
but why

>> No.6860806

I'd love to steal some books, but for that I would need to leave my house.

>> No.6860827

but that's still evil

>> No.6860842

It's not my fault. I just kinda got given it to look at by my English teacher and forgot to take back and then exams were over and I moved to a different sixth form.

>> No.6860872
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>all the cheeky lads in this thread

>> No.6860899


>society would, could actually, be a responsible and mature mass of rustic intellectuals.

I don't think it would be that easy. There are whole continents worth of greedy, stupid, violent people that are going to throw a wrench into your perfect society. I mean what compelling arguments do you have that human nature would work the way you want it?

>> No.6860917


How much do you spend on drugs you guttertrash

>> No.6860928

I steal books from barnes and noble all the time, every monday and thursday as a matter of fact.

often I don't even have any interest in them and I donate them to libraries or prison programs.

I would probably not steal from a local bookstore since there are so few of them.

>> No.6860953

I just pirate them like a normal law abiding citizen

>> No.6861053

My friend's mom loaned me her copy of Atlas Shrugged when I was 14 and really wanted me to read it (she talked about Ayn Rand at every possible opportunity and was openly trying to indoctrinate me). Every time she asked me how I was liking it or if I was almost done I told her it was hard to understand and it would be a while, and eventually she just forgot about it and moved away. I still haven't touched it lel

Does that count as stealing?

>> No.6861070

I stole The Man Who Was Thursday from Waterstones, about a year ago. They were redesigning and their security system wasn't up yet, so I just walked out with it.

Never did get around to reading that now that I think about it.

>> No.6861075

How the fuck do you steal from Barnes and Noble? They have a shit ton of security and employees

>> No.6861096

It would take a multigenerational effort, but minor success could very well produce wider appeal and it would just spread.
Keep in mind I'm only trying to describe an improvement to what we have now, not some utopia.

>> No.6861151


>> No.6861177

at every b&n i've been too they have the theft deterrent scanner/alarm by the door (which you can slide your bag around, or if you cover the books with even the thinest layer of fabric ) and a bunch of old failed librarians and dumb college kids all making minimum wage who don't give a fuck if you take a crate full of nooks.

they're practically begging you to steal from them.
Do you live in south america? is it true grocery stores have security guards there?

>> No.6861188

>thinnest layer of fabric
are you serious mate because I think I'll go steal some books next time round if that's true

>> No.6861195

>it takes a multigeneration effort to stop bad people from being bad
We already tried that, and they became history's greatest villains.

>> No.6861209

>We already went without using money and educating free and happy people in a state of peace and plenty for three or four generations.

Sure we did.

>> No.6861227

>educating people to be free
No matter what, people crave discipline and no amount of social engineering can change that.

>> No.6861230

If you were to label your beliefs in a convenient categorical fashion, what would such a label be, aunt butters

>> No.6861239

The security tags don't work through bags? Lol are you serious? That's awesome if it's true, not sure if I believe it though

>> No.6861247

>Step 1. Twist point
>Step 2. Muh human nature

So by all means, lets continue down this path
Or is that you want us to go backwards into old systems most people, except for edgy teens, don't like anymore?

>> No.6861253

>no reading comprehension

>> No.6861263

people crave freedom . discipline is the opposite . no amount of social engineering will change bad habits. the more they try to force people to act a specific way the more the counter culture grows

>> No.6861271

I usually get my girlfriend to put what I want in her purse. The buzzer has never gone off, and if it did we would just act confused and pretend it was a malfunction.

those people don't get paid enough to be bouncers or security people. If you're an edgy asshole and try to walk out with a bag full of bulky textbooks they might call the cops but in my experience they don't give a fuck. It's not like most of them get paid less if books go missing.

>> No.6861288

I download ebooks from pirate bay if that counts... though for some reason I cant read them in my kindle fire. The damn thing wont let me. It is so frustrating.

>> No.6861289

Just anarchism.
Though that's just the end goal that can only fully happen when everyone is on board and working together. That seemingly contradictory union of egoists is achievable even if difficult.

>The buzzer has never gone off
Cheap buzzers. Some aren't that weak.

>> No.6861303
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Is there a way to get pass the eboook block with those tablets?

Pic not related

>> No.6861388

I work at Indigo/Chapters the largest book chain in Canada. We pretty much have a policy of if you walk out and the alarm goes off we don't care.

I have worked there for 2 years now and I have never ever seen a staff member approach a customer after the door alarm activated.

>> No.6861523

topkek this thread sure does have a large amount of people that steal

>> No.6861530

I need to steal books to afford my dope and my hobby.

>> No.6861542

Good. That book is fucking boring.

>> No.6861605

you forgot "prosecuted to the fullest extent of the"

>> No.6861629

>star trek
>star trek socialists
lel every fucking one of you, it's always star trek: the closest anyone has ever come to this pipe dream where resources fall from the sky is a shitty sci-fi franchise created solely to sell soap on television.


>> No.6861631

it was a big book

>> No.6861634

You realize that some books have bar code stickers inside the covers, right?

>> No.6861650

Out of respect for the authors and booksellers, the ones who run used bookstores that is, no. It's not like I can't afford a paperback. And if I don't want spend money I just look for it at my library

>> No.6861662

No I havent but damn dude $15 for a paperback copy of Gatsby is absurd

>> No.6861671

Isn't that book a classic? It might be a public domain book

>> No.6861681

It is but I wanted to walk into B&N and get a new copy for myself.

>> No.6861765
File: 63 KB, 512x384, Oh please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a tv show, anon.

>> No.6861948

No because I'm not a fucking retard.

>> No.6861967


>> No.6863466

How to steal from B&N with confidence:

>Get a sheet of tinfoil about 2ft long and make it 2 layers
>Laminate the whole thing in tape to prevent crinkling noises or tearing
>Fold up and tuck in pocket
>Find book you want
>Wrap it in tinfoil niggering device
>Tuck in back of pants

This means you won't have to worry about missing a tag (some books have 2).It's more suspicious to have a bag or big coat unless it's winter or a college bookstore, but sometimes worth the risk if employees are very distracted/don't care. Also dress well and hang around a bit until they forget about you.

How to steal from library:

Don't be an asshole, steal from B&N

>> No.6863479

Yes, laminating a 2ft sheet of tin foil and smuggling that into shops is so much more convenient than checking to see if a book has two tags.

>> No.6863496

It's not about easy, it's about being certain you don't get thrown in jail like the filth you are. 5 minutes of work to be 100% confident is worth it to me, but if you don't care that much then whatever. Also if you fold it up you can fit it in a pocket no problem. Plus you can steal faster because you don't have to look for tags so there's less time for someone to see you.

>> No.6863507

What shit hole do you live in where they throw you in jail for stealing a book?

>> No.6863508

Where are the security tags or stickers or whatever usually located on the book? Are they hidden with the book? Asking this because I've never purchased a book at B&N before or ever been into one.

>> No.6863521

America, land of the free. More specifically, California, where niggering is most harshly punished.

Usually inside the back cover for paperbacks, if they even bother. Hardcovers can have one or two inside the cover or between book jacket and cover. Sometimes they tuck them into the blank pages at the back, which is harder to find and can damage the book if you try to remove it too fast.

>> No.6863534

Forgot to mention that really expensive hardcovers sometimes have them inside the spine, like they open the book and tuck it in the gap behind the cover. Those are the main reason for the foil, because those are a bitch and a half to get to.

>> No.6863558
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>dress up nice, head into Barnes and Noble
>ask to speak to the manager about getting a job
>he agrees right away
>week after week, month after month, year after year, I show up in their official uniform and help customers find the things they want as if I was an employee
>every Friday I take $600 from them, they deposit it straight into my bank account
>use the money to buy books from them, which goes directly into the money I take
>after 8 years I tell the manager I'm quitting
>walk out the front door like nothing ever happened

>> No.6863596
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>tfw you stole a copy of Ecce Homo and a Pablo Neruda poetry collection but felt so bad that you put them back a week later

>> No.6863640

I doubt the library would care much if the books hadn't been checked out for 35 years or so - as long as they were in good condition and books I was interested in, I'd probably do the same (but maybe I'd ask first if there'd be a chance to buy the books or something - surely there's an arm you could twist into letting you have them for a small price/free if nobody else took them out).

Also do you get paid for working in a library or is it voluntary? I know this is probably a dumb question but I never knew. I wouldn't have thought there'd be much money earned at a library if the lending of books is free.

>> No.6863653

Just check it out, dude. They wouldn't give a shit if you returned it - you only have to pay them when you do return it, so you might as well keep the books if you like them. My mother did this a lot when she was in college - she kept hold of 1980s editions of Lord Of The Flies and a bunch of Austen novels from the college.

>> No.6863674

>steal from B&N, they have shit security!
>nearest B&N has 2 armed cops stationed at the door
Strand is probably easier to steal from since they're so big and are chill about backpacks, but I don't read enough to justify theft.

>> No.6863676
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Physical book shops and libraries have enough trouble staying open as it is you fucking knaves. You are all complicit in the defenestration of literary culture.

>> No.6863700

>Get magnetized security tag
>put in shoe
>walk into b&n
>alarm goes off
>spill your spaghetti, make sure you set it off twice
>go buy a coffee
>steal a book
>walk out
>alarm goes off, spill spaghetti again
>they wave you though
>you got it for free! Are you proud of yourself?

>> No.6863701

Buy more books then faggot

>> No.6863710

>not getting a sexy friend in fishnet stockings to lure the guards away while you sneak out

>> No.6863743

don't abuse that word or you'll find out what it really means

>> No.6863750


you selfish cunt

>> No.6863763

The reason (or a reason) physical bookshops are all going out of business is because of places like Barnes and Nobel out-competing independently owned bookshops.

Not only do they sell books below arranged price-points they also push all of the YA and genre fic shit /lit/ hates onto dimwit consumers to great profit.

>> No.6863820

I don't want to steal books, I'm afraid Waterstones will tell my parents.

>> No.6864031

This... sounds like it could work.

>> No.6864912
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Does this actually work???

>> No.6864961

Yeah, b&N... Totally not amazon.

>> No.6866226

you did the right thing, tho

>> No.6866514

great post tbh

>> No.6866531

>>sexy friend in fish stockings
I'd probably be too distracted myself tbh

>> No.6866537

I pretty much am only using Amazon if my local bookstore can't order a book in. Also to build up a wish list.

>> No.6866538

>defenestration of literary culture
looks like we got a plen here boys

>> No.6866550

sounds like a ps2 game tbh

>> No.6866612

same to be honest

hell, I'm distracted trying to picture female friends in fishnets now
>tfw thirsty

>> No.6867350

I tried doing this but I remembered I dont have female friends, or any friends for that matter.

>tfw no bro to watch your back as you go steal books from B&N