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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 320 KB, 1440x792, david+foster+wallace+funny+cringe+interview+9gag+reddit+meme+facejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6861152 No.6861152 [Reply] [Original]

>“There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says "Morning, boys. How's the water?" And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes "What the hell is water?”

>Faith moves mountains, but only knowledge can put them in the right place.

>I do things like get in a taxi and say, "The library, and step on it.

>> No.6861154

It is a bit better spending time on /lit/ doing these things.

>> No.6861157

he looks like a mongoloid there

>> No.6861166

He is the new man.

The new sort of man. You all know the kind. He's been completely castrated. He's been divorced from anything primal. Completely shorn of any crimethink.

He's like a little, supple, baby-oiled infant. A modern Cupid. A little faggy nothing of a thing who believes in nothing and flaps in the goddamn breeze, whichever way it happens to be flapping.

Tell me, would you ever respect a man who makes a fortune telling 13-year-old girls what they want to hear? Would you ever respect a man who writes fiction for girls whose breasts are still budding?

Look at him and weep. You see a piece of yourself in him, don't you? That piece that you're ashamed of. That cringing little coward in the corner of your soul.

For like him you've never cut down a pine. Never stood on a cliff's edge, bare-chested, roaring into the great wilds. Never killed with your hands.

The fire is gone from his eyes. The fire that the ancients had. The great men of eminence.

And now we have "logic" and "reason" and they're a small consolation to a beastly heart, which still beats, faint as it may be, still beats.

Can you hear it in your chest?

>> No.6861210


>> No.6861212

Are you sucking Nietzsche's dick or Evola's right now?

>> No.6861226

Are you suggesting that we all go out into the wilderness and kill animals with our bare hands? I don't care if this is b8. I'm biting. What do you suggest we do? What is the cure for modern man?

>> No.6861238

>Tell me, would you ever respect a man who makes a fortune telling 13-year-old girls what they want to hear? Would you ever respect a man who writes fiction for girls whose breasts are still budding?
if he somehow did that for the pussy i will respect him, but probably no.

>> No.6861243
File: 628 KB, 1016x720, dehumanize.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop paying attention to women and go have intercrural sex with nubile young boys imo

>> No.6861244

It's pasta, friendos.

>> No.6861261

I still find people who think like this pretty interesting, even though I am one of those post modern degenerate Anarchist SJW cultural Marxists that they rave against. If anyone here does happen to have Evola's dick (or anyone similar) in their mouth right now, I'd love to hear your rantings about modernity and the solutions you offer us.

>> No.6861267


>Never stood on a cliff's edge, bare-chested, roaring into the great wilds

Is this what you imagine men did back in whatever undefined "olden times" youre referring to? Took their shirts off, stood on the edges of cliffs, and just screamed at nothing? Sounds like a fucking reddit meme. A lot of men wore tights and powdered wigs in the 18th century. Most of the "men of eminence" youre referring to were hemophiliacs born of incest who sat on cushions all day long. I agree with everything you said about John Green though

>> No.6861275


A dualist plato scholar philosophy professor and designer of hydroelectric power stations was teaching a class on René Descartes, known metaphysician ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Descartes and accept that his "cogito ergo sum" is the most self-evident idea in the history of humanity, even more evident than "panta rei"!”

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, deep ecologist heideggerian traditional farmer who had written over 1500 papers on the ontological difference and understood the necessity of a new german beggining for western philosophy and fully supported all hermeutization of ontology spoke:

”What is that by terms of which this rock can be said to exist, pinhead?”-he said in a 19th century rural dialect of german

The arrogant professor smirked quite modernly and smugly replied “matter, you stupid postmodernist”

”Wrong. Matter is just an a posteriori theoretical understanding of reality. If its Being, as you say, is a metaphysical substance… then its Being is a being ”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Discourse on the Method. He stormed out of the room crying those dualist crocodile tears. The same tears modernists cry for the “res cogitans” when they jealously try to claw wonder from the world by making it an standing-reserve of resources. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Aristotle Spinoza, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than an inauthentic nihilist. He wished so much that he could experience aletheia, but he himself had created metaphysical cages that prevented Being from showing itself!

The students applauded and all enroled in the university of Freiburg that day and accepted historicity and finitude as the defining characteristics of human existance. An eagle named “Ereignis” flew into the room and perched atop the portrait of Friederich Nietzsche and shed a tear on the chalk. Sein und Zeit was read several times, and Being itself was disclosed and propagated authenticity and existential dread throughout the country.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died after being ran over by a motorized fleet of agricultural machinery and nothing happened to him after that because being-towards-death is a condition of possibility for experience.

>> No.6861281


This is pasta, friends. Please don't take the bait.

>> No.6861286

fucking saved

>> No.6861293

This might be the most ridiculous version of this meme that I've seen yet.

>> No.6861317


>> No.6861326

>What is the cure for modern man?

I know it's cliched, but start reading some philosophy. This question has been debated since the Greeks and many different conclusions have been drawn over the centuries. Find a path that is agreeable to yourself.

I myself like stoicism.

>> No.6861333

>Pay Attention to Me!: This Summer's top blog post brought to you by anon

>> No.6861338

What the fuck? That fish quote was made by Joyce. You memester.

>> No.6861362

I do read philosophy. Just finished some Nietzsche and now I'm working through Kierkegaard. I just like to hear what weird reactionary people have to say. They usually talk about Atlantis or Hyperborea and how egalitarianism is 4 gayboiz. I never take them seriously and usually find them pretty funny but it is interesting.

>> No.6861387

requesting the version with a trotskyist and a leninist

>> No.6861398

But John, we know what air is, we know what earth and even water are too.

>> No.6861400

Oh, I thought you wanted general suggestions. The stuff some of them say is pretty /x/ tier. Like I said, I (try to) have a stoic approach to life. Having said that though, John Green is a massive pussy.

>> No.6861413

I haven't read any of the Stoics yet. Where would you recommend starting?

>> No.6861421
File: 90 KB, 511x448, John Green, the philosopher of the Cheerios and the liberated women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls whose breasts are still budding?
my fetish tbh lads

>> No.6861482

Meditations is a quick read and easily accessible.

Then there's 'Letters from a Stoic' by Senneca. Expands on Stoic ideals in a series of letters from an old (dying) stoic to a young man.

Epictetus' discourses makes for great reading material as well. It's a shame that his works aren't as well known as Plato and Aristotle's.

For a modern interpretation and an expansion of stoic ideals there is "The Obstacle is the Way" which may appear a little selfhelpish, but is an interesting take on the application of stoicism to the modern world.

>> No.6861486


>> No.6861489

Does someone have the version of this quote with the picture of David Foster Wallace in it?

>> No.6861492

all DFW ya memester

>> No.6861535

The middle quote is Joseph Gobbels

>> No.6861548



>> No.6862123

Based anon telling it like it is.