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6859117 No.6859117 [Reply] [Original]

Why was he so mean?

>> No.6859128

overcompensating for his crippling insecurity

>> No.6859132


You have a weird way of spelling alpha.

>> No.6859142

He wasn't mean, just a fine man who knew how to cultivate his masculinity

>> No.6859147

He was a lisping fag roleplaying a lumberjack.

>> No.6859151

He got more pussy in an afternoon than you'll ever get in your life. In fact, he turned down more pussy than you'll ever beg your way into getting.

>> No.6859153


his father committed suicide and his mother made him wear girls clothes as a child

that's a pretty good start for fucking your psyche up, on top of the fact that then like 3 of his siblings committed suicide

>> No.6859177

Read him for the first time today, picked the Old Man and the Sea, fucking hated it.

>After that he began to dream of the long yellow beach and he saw the first of the lions come down onto it in the early dark and the other lions came and he rested his chin on the wood of the bows where the ship lay anchored with the evening off-shore breeze and he waited to see if there would be more lions and he was happy.

This is gay.

>I wish the boy were here
>I'm hungry
>he dreamt of the lions
>I'm old
>what would Jo DiMaggio do ?
>I'm sleepy

What a hack. Unbelievable.

>> No.6859190

stunningly poignant criticism m8

do you review books professionally?

>> No.6859217

Nah, I mostly sit in my adult diaper and jerk off to doujins.

>> No.6859233

>not admiring the simple, poignant prose
did you even get to the part where he goes out to sea? it contains probably the greatest description of masculinity in any book

>> No.6859242

fucked up mental history in his family

>> No.6859453


You mean being an ambulance driver in one war and being a well protected journalist in the other, both voluntarily because he wanted to fill out his ego with some interesting sounding credentials.

>> No.6859537

great many people are mean, some just take more effort to hide it

some don't give a fuck

>> No.6859551

Old man and the sea is by far his worst and least representative work. Try either The Sun also Rises or For Whom the Bell Tolls (personal favotire). Farewell to arms was good too.

>> No.6859554

Hemginway went out of his way to be epic. He did things like plan confrontations so that they would become anecdotal and such. He even made up nicknames for himself and tried to make others call him that way. And there's the photographs of course, carefully orchastrated to portray a specific image like a teen girl's instagram.

>> No.6859556
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>try desperately to participate in two World Wars where literally everyone who was over 18 had to fight
>try to get some side action
>write 3 books about how you were in the middle of it the whole time

>> No.6859560


He was a correspondent during the Spanish Revolution and WWII.

He did get side action.
He lead a revolt in France with the Resistance.

Fucking basement dwellers thinking they know a goddamn thing.

>> No.6859578

genetic mental disorder. I think everyone in his family killed themselves eventually.

>> No.6859587

there is nothing wrong with egotism

>> No.6859601

This. The PTSD probably didn't help either.

>> No.6859605

he didn't have PTSD.

>> No.6859610

see >>6859153
Followed by getting severely wounded during a war, he probably did. Ofcourse everything was exacerbated by excessive alcohol abuse and congenital mental illness.

>> No.6859653

nothing in his life ever hinted he was fucked up in some way besides the mental disease he inherited. He lead a cool life and all after and between the wars and maybe he was overcompensating a lot by the big game hunting for missing out on the action in the wars, or he just really liked it idk. Pretty normal dude all in all.

they killed themselves because they had the same genetic disorder that made everywone, eventually inevitably kill themselves at later age.

>> No.6859827

>lead a revolt

You mean tried to boss around a small group of French lads and thereby fucking up royally as a journalist because his ego just couldn't handle not being somehow the centre of attention.

Don't get caught up in his self-mythologising, anon.

>> No.6859878
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I think it's rather pathetic tbh, especially the way he went about it.

>> No.6859887

this. To me, all his work reeks of insecurity and sadness that plagued him all his life until his eventual suicide.

>> No.6861287

His stories hint that there was some trouble readjusting to life once the war was over. Soldiers Home, Big Two Hearted River, Now I Lay Me, The Natural History of the Dead and the first two novels