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/lit/ - Literature

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6852454 No.6852454 [Reply] [Original]

>your age

>your job

>your /lit/-related ambitions

>> No.6852461
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I am twenty one years of age.
I am not in employment, education or training.
I wish to read all the books in my local bookstore.

>> No.6852463


>odd-jobbing while studying

>I want to start and finsih 2 novels (erotic trash novel and more serious book I cant describe here) in the next 2 months. Ill start right now after cleaning my room one last time.

>> No.6852618


>> No.6852655

>meat shop
>I'd like to teach literary theory someday

>> No.6852658

read as much of the western cannon as possible

>> No.6852660

>Student but working part time at the movie theater
>Write my own epic fantasy series similar to ASoIaF

>> No.6852665
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8th U.S. History Teacher

I'm content with writing short stories (some historical pieces) and sharing it with friends, family, and a handful of colleagues.

I might keep the male family tradition in my family going; writing an autobiography before kicking the bucket.

>> No.6852668

>busboy lol
>major in english, maintain a lifelong reading career

>> No.6852686




>burn every copy of The Name of the Wind

>> No.6852687

>student / intern
>write a pseudo remake of the naked gun

im 11 pages in and i think it's funny

>> No.6852690

>being this much of a meek, humble loser

Meanwhile plebs are publishing novels and earning major bucks. Are you neutered or something?

>> No.6852748

Full-time writer
Have a book of short stories out in the fall

>> No.6852755

kill self

>> No.6853575


>> No.6853635
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>you age


>your job

No job right now, but atleast still an engineering student

>your /lit/-related ambitions

Changes often, but right now I am nostalgic as hell and I remembered that when I was around 11 y/o I used to read my cousins books. They were actually way above my level back then, but upon remembering parts of them now, I think those things were really fucking awesome.
The thing is, I forgot their name and they were really obscure soviet era, sci-fi influenced, tripy books, hell if I know where my cousin got them from.
I want to find them really bad right now, so I guess this is my ambition currently.
>tfw my homecountry might be shit right now, but atleast it has really nice literature

>> No.6853649


Write non-shit accessible science book

>> No.6853672


>implying most scientific books are not accessible

Teaching stupid people something only can go so far anon. If you wish for a more accessible book, you should rather wish for more willpower to actually learn shit.

>> No.6853674

>everybody is borderline underage

Explains all the shitposting.

>> No.6853737

Which country are you from?

>> No.6853754

Noob Architect.
I always want to be a story teller, or maybe short story writer. But didn't have any confidence to show em, only to small group of friends. Sadly, daily load of works has stole my time from doing this stuff.

Lame excuse, I know.

>> No.6853773

>your /lit/-related ambitions

To stop letting this retarded thread made

>> No.6853787


>English PhD student / instructor

>Reading books, teaching books, writing about books

>> No.6853809

network and server admin
read more books. write a memoir or autobiography.

>> No.6853810

Sure, but you also need to engage the public with your ideas in a way short of expecting them to read technical articles. I'm not so presumptuous to assume that I can understand technical articles outside of my very narrow field, at least without a serious amount of preparation. Yet I like to read accounts of those things that I can understand, but also have enough content to require the use of my brain. There's a balance to be struck. Also, not written like shit.

Examples of what I mean:

Early Dawkins books.
Hodges' biography of Turing.
Einstein's Relativity: the special and general theory
Godel, Escher, Bach


Anything written by Simon Singh.