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/lit/ - Literature

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6850687 No.6850687 [Reply] [Original]

How do I write a good female character?

>> No.6850689

be a female.

>> No.6850697

Give them some big ol' jugs.

>> No.6850699 [DELETED] 

Will Self said he imagines what it would be like to have a period, maybe try that.

>> No.6850713
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>writing anything but genderless characters
what's the motivation

>> No.6850720

most "genderless" characters are obviously male

>> No.6850736
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>it's not histrionic so it's male
sálvame de estos imbéciles

>> No.6850752

the grossness of testosterone permeates everything

>> No.6850755

here's your reply

>> No.6850762

There's nothing inherently gross about testosterone, it's just gross in abundance

>> No.6850776
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that only works if there isn't already a reply my sweet honey bee
a fair accusation, but women have been for millennia working toward the ability to be gross without much of it and i do believe they've succeeded

>> No.6850780

here's your reply.

>> No.6850784
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you've added a period into the equation and i'm not sure i'm prepared

>> No.6850785 [DELETED] 

heres you're reply,

>> No.6850786

>write a character
>add a vagina
>include some gender-specific problems as specified by the setting

>> No.6850788

make her retarded

>> No.6850800

Write a character that is driven by emotions instead of logic.

>> No.6850810

Simple. Write a guy, then give him a pair of tits.

>> No.6850873

Same way you would write any good character.

>> No.6850889
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i'm feeling things i've never felt before
anon doesn't realize there's a dearth of representation of the mentally impaired in literature and he's a sjw now

>> No.6852037

Kind of this. Perhaps more complex than that, but it all depends on the skill of the writer.
I recommend knowing some women, I really do.

But then you'd end up with 4chin-tyke characters. I'm not sure you understand OP's question.

>> No.6852053

just write about your mum but imagine she never had kids

>> No.6852067

Eat lots of pussy cuz you are what you eat.

>> No.6852072

That's not funny, there are real writers who do this.

>> No.6852121
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>write a male
>turn the pronouns into female specific ones
>change name
Why do people have problems with this?

>> No.6852148

Why are women more able to write men than men are to write women?

>> No.6852197

>Posts a tranime
It's just a tendency. You can get good at it too.

>> No.6852436

Because western culture has way more works with men in them, so they experience our viewpoint all the time.

>> No.6852464

Stop being a weenie

>> No.6852477 [DELETED] 

Have her overcome the societal limitations placed upon her by the evil white man.

bonus points if she's chunky, and dishes out quips left and right

extra bonus points if you make her the voice of reason surrounded by her illogical male counterparts

>> No.6852492

Make a Lancashire washerwomen, and take her on an adventure beyond the known world, many laughs and insightful dialogue to be taken from that.

>> No.6852500

write a man and change pronouns after.

literally the only way. Then laugh when people say "wow when you write women, you write REEL PEPLE"

>> No.6852505

Just think of a man, then remove reason and accountability.

>> No.6852521

>le ebin logikk meymey *tipping indensifisss*

Rational Actors are a myth.

>> No.6852539

i was waiting for this

>> No.6852557
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Read this book to see how it's done. I bet you faggots have never read this.

>> No.6852565

So basically write her as a black man.

>> No.6852569

I think the character's personality and history are more important aspects. Sex and gender are just minor details that should have little to no bearing on a character's actions.

>> No.6852575

>that recommendation quote

just fuck my shit up tbh

>> No.6852587
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I didn't see it at first. Jaden does these now?

>> No.6852590 [DELETED] 
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>you faggots

>> No.6852596

Write a male character, make it irrational, change it's name to a female name, and you've done.

Not joking, not even misogynist.

>> No.6852640


Male character

Female character

>> No.6852649

Read Portrait of a Lady, diregard cretins in this thread.

>> No.6852684
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Follow up with this. I bet you faggots never read this either.

>> No.6852698
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>tfw you try to think of arguments against sexuality being an important aspect of identity just to piss off fags in the future but you can't come up with anything solid
Your dumb.

>> No.6852715

Imagine a man and take away reason and accountability.

>> No.6852719

Your posts just ooze neckbeardism, terrible social skills and a feeling that the universe is just soooh unfayur to us :''''(((((((( .

>> No.6852724

mad roastie detected, stay salty being unable to coope with a inherently male reason exquisitely superior to womemes feelings

>> No.6852731


tbh why would i want to read this? i'm no virgin but it just makes me have to swallow what i already know about modern college youths engaging in disgusting behavior. there's nothing interesting in a bag of cliches

>smart girl from small town pressured into sex from jock

>gets dumped after losing virginity

>another jock becomes an intellect after almost losing spot on basketball team

>they start dating

>main jock who was jerk gets life ruined and humiliated cuz take that XDD girls rule! bad guys lose in the end

>girl feels comfortable with her place in society with constant dickings from her new nice athletic smart sensitive boyfriend

tbh it disgusts me cause it's too close to reality. i'm not even saying the prose is shit or the writing style just the content, could care less/10

>> No.6853371

*tips fedora to everyone in this thread*

>> No.6853398

Think with feeling and faith instead of logic and faith.

>> No.6853415

Talk to some females

>> No.6854238

yeah, i can only think of Faulkner, I wish there were more

>> No.6854241

Characters write themselves.

>> No.6854251

top kek tbh

>> No.6854261

by not focusing on how to write a good female character, and instead focusing on how to write a good character who happens to be female

either that or base them off of actual females you know

>> No.6854308

Are you trying to explore something about femininity or gender? If not, they don't have to be all that different from male characters.

>> No.6854333

Ignore the whole "just write a man with a feminine name" bullshit. Read the classics and you will realize that women and men are written differently. If such affirmation were true, you could switch Odysseus and Penelope's names and The Odyssey still would be the same work.

>> No.6854903

Think of a man, and take away reason and accountability.

>> No.6854922
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>> No.6854970

tuck it in

>> No.6854981 [DELETED] 
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>muh so jiny

>> No.6855639

You fucking pleb. The frat boy didn't lose. Don't you realize if he had gone to work for p&p Patrick Bateman would have killed him?

Holy shit you are 10/10 pleb

>> No.6855696

I'm glad someone got that.

>> No.6856017

read the fucking thread you chinless twat

>> No.6856022

Think of a man, and take away reason and accountability

>> No.6857272

>How do I write a good female character that someone isn't going to hate and hate me for writing?
You can't. Be thoughtful as you would about any character you write, but someone is going to hate you for it regardless.

>> No.6857293
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>mfw I think with feeling and faith and I'm a man

>> No.6857300
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>> No.6857302

isn't this about Patrick Bateman's secretary or something?

>> No.6857308

What's wrong with writing a dude then changing pronouns and name? Oedipa Maas isn't too different from Profane or Slothrop, she just has less sex

>> No.6857310
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That said, if you consider Casca a good character, don't write.

>> No.6857313

>confining your characters with gender
top fucking kek

>> No.6858125


>> No.6858172

>Think of a man, and take away reason and accountability

>> No.6858178 [DELETED] 


you should be writing your characters in regards to their race tbh

>> No.6858185

Oedipa is in her head a lot more and generally a more womanlike character... She is far less sure of herself and decisions than Profane or Slothrop, even when he's beginning to lose hope and his mind.

>> No.6858773

Think of a man, and take away reason and accountability.

>> No.6858777

Second poster here.
Didn't read the thread.

>> No.6859308

Alison Poole is one of Bateman's rape victims who also appears as victor's girlfriend in Glamorama

>> No.6859319

Tom Wolfe is basically required reading. If you don't read this and rules of attraction you are hopeless

>> No.6859428

Rationalize everything so none of it is your responsibility ever.

>> No.6859677

Write a man, change the pronouns, make other characters treat her as if she were a woman.

>> No.6860448

One my phone so ill have to be brief.

Ignore everyone saying just to write a man with a vj unless you want to settle for acceptable but lazy (assuminf you're a man, no one can blame you for writing with masculine presumptions.) A character written this way could be both good and female, but they wont be a good female.

Men and women are different, they think different. Men are like spikes, or penises if that amuses you, thrusting through the world with focused will and efficatious momentum. Women arent like that, as others in this thread have said, they dont have equal ambition or direction. But lacking these things means they have better attunement to their envirnment, the people and things around them. They notice lots of small things men dont due to being too mentally specialized to whatever is their current task-at-hand. Their awareness of these small things lets then tweak them to "set the stage" in whatever way they want, provided the envirnment is somewhat stable. If i get home and someones asked ill try and elaborate on what i mean by that.

Furthermore, i think it is wrong to just say "women are more emotional than men". Men run one or two mental "programs" at once, as necissary for their current task or disposition, and can compartmentalize emotions from other parts of their life from effecting that zone or even push emotions into a not currently running "program" thay will resurface later. Women just run all their programs at once, so if something makes them emotional it just spills over to every part of them which is really annoying in the shortterm or if there is a task at hand or whatever but on the plus side means they embrace the emotion with all parts of them till it sorts itself out, while men will occassional cause some seriously dangerous glitches with their emotional compartmentalization that can let one emotion run their life or make them go numb.

>> No.6860600

Pinecone managed to do it, why can't you?

>> No.6860693

honestly some top-notch advice, especially for someone who has to ask this question

>> No.6860701

is your Masters in BS or do you actually have a BS?

>> No.6860748

Think of a man, then take away reason and accountability.

>> No.6860755

You write a character and give them a vagina and a pair of breasts.

>> No.6860769

Testosterone has built and destroyed everything that has ever existed. Without testosterone, there would been no history. Spare me your above-it-all bitchy bullshit.

>> No.6860777

here's your reply

>> No.6860783

fuak check those sweet numbers if you want to lose your reason and accountability

>> No.6860786

Think of a man, and take away reason and accountability

>> No.6860787

But feminists hate that.

I would say females are level headed and pragmatic or histrionic and hedonistic.

They're not prone to principled self-reflection, navel gazing or philosophizing at all, so if they accept a belief system, they execute it completely mechanically and efficiently.

>> No.6860803

Go talk to actual women and learn how other people think for once

>> No.6860819

> all these posts recommending writing "genderless" characters

all the best, most distinctly female characters in literature could not be renamed and repronouned to be men - Oedipa Maas, for example, is an extremely feminine character that avoids cliches and stereotypes and has her own fleshed out personality. Honestly, she's what I aspire to with all the female characters I write. Read more good books with female protagonists.

>> No.6860824


if this is the "brief" version, I'd love to see you do a more in depth analysis. Everything you said is spot on. Could I give you my email or something?

>> No.6860838

>level headed and pragmatic
I wish I was on my phone so I could post silly reaction images

>> No.6860841

write a man, then make him twice as dumb and have him sleep with other men and complain a lot.

congrats you have a woman.

>> No.6860847

Think of a governess or a nun.

>> No.6860878

>tfw I just wrote a version of my mom, focused on her weird habits and sayings
>people think I'm excellent at writing women

>> No.6860895

Write a male character but use "she" and "her".

Slam Dunk.

>> No.6860909

Writing what you know will generally be better than making shit up

>> No.6860912

but making shit up is fun

>> No.6861820

Sure, if this thread is still around tomorrow. I'd enjoy typing it all out, helps give the thoughts form.

>> No.6861870

Bonus points if any sjw tries to call you on this and you just remind them that not everyone conforms to a gender binary.

>> No.6861890

this is one of my favorite books

>> No.6862148

There's a quote in a movie, I can't remember which one but it goes something like think of a man but take away reason and accountability.

>> No.6863081

youre like fifth in the thread to say this you lazy fuck

>> No.6863134


I don't think about genders when I write characters. I mean, I only write about interesting and fun people, so all sense of realism is lost straight from the get-go.

>> No.6863705

Nope, it would Penelopyssey

>> No.6864724

>writing a female character = writing a male character but give her a woman's name.
I'm dead serious it's that easy to write a decent female character.

>> No.6864774

people keep saying this but it's only clueless men and male pandering women. women are completely different to men in the sense that they're better.

>> No.6864797
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>> No.6864830


I tried to read it. Left it a bit after the middle. I was expecting it to get better, but it never, ever did. It's a mediocre book. I couldn't believe a book like that was written by one of the most higly regarded north-american writers.

It's so bad.

>> No.6864856
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if you ever write a scene where a woman is arguing make her ignore all principles of debate and assertions and just attack her opponents character,make her call him an ugly fat virgin or else attack his other failing rather than address his ideas.

>> No.6864938
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>> No.6864979
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ITT: butthurt dudes

>> No.6864999

Pretty sure it's not bait. Women ARE better than men, on average at least.

>> No.6865004
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>tfw being an actual convicted rapist

Should I write a book with a female protagonist?

>> No.6865050

Go ahead.
Mostly classic Disney stories are from convicted pedophiles, molesters, or both.

>> No.6865471

Don't shoehorn a romantic subplot

>> No.6865482


>> No.6865489

big tits and a fat ol ass

>> No.6865530

Depends on where you're coming from. Each society has a "default person." For most of US, its white male. For japan, its "japanese man." For some remote matriachy society, its "generic female."

>> No.6865545

It's like adding a gun and not shooting it.

>> No.6865596

Elaboration would be appreicated m8

You're onto something and I want to hear more. :)

>> No.6865644

Name one example of a romantic subplot that didn't feel forced beyond all belief.

>> No.6865671

Dare I say it?

I'm saying it.

Hunger Games Katniss and her love triangle.

Bring on the image macros to insult me, it's a published work, it's fair game.

>> No.6865722

Anon, you are entitled to that opinion. I never read or watched 'The Hunger Games' so I feel it is unfair to judge, no matter what the other anons say.

>> No.6866026

Whatever Jack Nicolson said in As Good As it Gets

>> No.6866200
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>> No.6866218


Why does her face unnerve me so?

>> No.6866238

no eyebrows

>> No.6866274

Yeah, better at sucking dick.

>> No.6866282

Imbécil, el plural no tiene tílde.

>> No.6866587

Who is this dangler wrangler?

>> No.6866593

What do you mean? Ift might drag a bit in the mid when he's introducing new characters, but it definitely is a powerhouse of a novel. I think the most valid complaint is that the ending wasn't great.

>> No.6866602


Self loathing

>> No.6866643

Think of a man, and take away reason and accountability

>> No.6866650

More serious advice: read up a bit on contemporary feminism and feminist critiques of contemporary lowbrow literature.

e.g. this stuff:

This will help you understand how women are seen in society. And it will enable you to explicitly communicate members of society push women to act in certain roles. For example, little stuff like 'women = nurturers -> it's the responsibility of women in the office to make the coffee and tidy up, while the men get the plum assignments'

Or how in western society, a default expectation is that a woman's role is to be sexually available for powerful men. (Following a maiden mother crone trajectory). With the consequences that women who aren't sexually attractive are basically invisible, or how men react when their role assumptions and sexual advances are challenged.

Also, develop your antennae for when people express contempt for women. Contempt displays, including the smallest, are a useful way to unpack society.

This doesn't mean you need to show men being sexist as fuck, but ... it's like understanding a bit about the black experience in order to write a story about a black cop from London walking down a street in Alabama.

>> No.6866660

>With the consequences that women who aren't sexually attractive are basically invisible
>things people actually study in university
pillar of great insights from critical theory, m8

>> No.6868321


Following up, try writing 2 women in a scene, as opposed to one token woman/minority/etc. This gives you a chance to develop them beyond generic scold / slut / sex reward for brave male protagonist / mom / hard-ass 1D fighter chick.

Think, not like the one woman in Original Star Trek, Star Wars, Galaxy Guardian, etc.

As an analogy, consider the case where a single black guy is playing foolish minstrel-show black guy, or contemporary hypersexualized black guy. Which are stereotypes, and the writer is sucked into perpetuating those stereotypes. However, if the writer instead did a 180 and had a genius black guy in minstrel times or a dry-witted classically educated guy in an 70s era show it's violating a norm, but reinforcing the norm by being absurd.

Having 2 minority characters is a way of hopping out of that trap.

Also, read about stuff including and beyond the Bechdel test.

Also, as a way of creating characters, pick people around you, and flip the gender. e.g. Abraham Lincoln as your female starfighter mechanic, working with Abraham Lincoln as first mate.

Just make all your characters Abraham Lincoln.

>> No.6868340
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Impersonate a woman for years in a Thai massage imageboard surely gives you credit bro

>> No.6868539

The doctor and Mrs Gould in Nostromo

>> No.6869467

Think of a man, then take away reason and accountability.

>> No.6871124

Ryukishi really likes to make a lot of female characters.

>> No.6871177

The only three things I can think of are,

A) Be a woman
B) Surround yourself with women
C) Be in an intimate relationship with a woman and have conversations with her.

I seriously hope that none of you guys are past your early twenties because this thread just reeks of terminal autism.

>> No.6871184
File: 150 KB, 558x860, fa043bd890eaacf92951bde0b5bc0351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read some novels popular with women.

Look for which characters they like the most.

Pick the characteristics of those characters and add to yours.


Or you can read more on gender.

You can write a male character in a female body and you would still be writing a female character. What matters is what kind of female you want, since each woman is different from the other depending on how connect to their gender roles they are.

>> No.6871224

was expecting this to be the first reply (w 20 quotes) tbh

>> No.6871292

Honestly if you're an adult and you still can't empathize with women, just don't write a book

>> No.6871331

these are the lamest sitcom-tier stereotypes. good for surface, impressions, maybe. most of that is just what sort of front people are expected to put on (and they do/don't to various degrees, when convenient)

>> No.6871349


>> No.6871468

There was a movie, I think it starred Nicholas Cage or someone but it had a funny quote about this, something like "think of a man, but take away reason and accountability"

>> No.6871500

close but it was actually a book by nicholas sparks, called "as acceptable as things will ever be"

>> No.6871743

>matriarchy society
haha yeah
you've been reading too much fiction

>> No.6872071

Think of a man, but take away reason and accounting. -- Jack Nicholson in "As Good As It Gets"

>> No.6872086


Actually, I don't think this is good advice. I find people with emic perspective take detail for granted compared to an etic analysis.

>> No.6872167

actually yeah, this. but do it without insulting sarcasm the sex or being too oblique. if it's genuine, it doesn't matter how stupid the character acts

translate suffering into something unique

>> No.6872179

that more depends if they are comfortable talking about their culture; maybe your description includes a lot of people who say 'oh i don't know, i just feel that way / do that thing' but try a richer culture that takes pride in sharing their differences with outsiders and you'll see detail (as well as blunt defensiveness) out the wazoo

>> No.6872186

Make them real people, just like the men.

Seriously, that's it. Press upon them the burdens of their gender when and if necessary, but otherwise just put yourself in their shoes to imagine what they might say or act like. And talk to females more often. This is beneficial for multiple reasons, and might get you friends and lovers while you're at it.

>> No.6872208

this tbh

>> No.6872216

Men are dominant and women submissive. Supposedly. So when writing from the woman's perspective, try to think how a woman might think in most situations. If a guy is unable to flirt back with her or make a move, feel her frustration and move her towards a move herself. When a guy can't make the right decision, or if the decision is on the woman but everyone is sneering about it or patronizing her, make her take control in an unexpected way or manipulate others with her feminine wiles. Like most things, it should have mendacity. A disconnect in what is seen and/or expected and what actually is true. This is a fine element of gender roles today, in a world where the definitions between male and female are so blurred.

>> No.6872351

The important thing is that she will merely be an auxiliary character, not the protagonist (At least I hope, since it has been proven that all genders subconsciously prefer male protagonists)

But some tips:
-western women are all sluts at heart on the same par as men, but they are repressed in their sexuality because society condemns a promiscuous female as crazy. So, their main motivation is to fit in and submit to society.

Most women cannot are inanely stupid, motivated mostly by approval of their peers. Blame society for raising them that their primary role is to be attractive to a man.

All women suffer from crippling insecurities. Just look at Instagram, they'd wither and die without constant approval from a throng of followers. Even if they are physically flawless, they are insecure about being desires only for their beauty. These ones are easy to exploit for this and flash bang, but anyways, just know these and you will a realistic female character.
Their lives revolve around approval from men or a man, and without thus

>> No.6872369

lol. you have truly opened my mind anon

>> No.6872372


>> No.6872381

Just the way you would write a good male character.

>> No.6872520

Fucking thank you

>> No.6874461

So women are entitled whiners with no perspective who complain about things like having to make coffee?

Got it.

>> No.6875024

>burdens of their gender

>> No.6875623

>someone asks a genuine question
>millennial "intellectuals" rush to shut the discussion down
>"check your privileges, shirlords"
>yfw, Alan bloom was right.
>yfw, expect civilization to collapse soon, as this was the next part of his prediction


Google confirmation bias as well.

>> No.6875676
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buen intento
she is a pretty lady, there is no need for such cruelty

>> No.6875717
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>> No.6875800

I feel it worked. Enough lives were on the line and the characters were unique enough and represented such separate roles for her that it was actually part of the plot and didn't feel angsty.

Since her relationship was such a big part of her image for the government to market there was actual stress on choosing, and the author wrote her internal struggle well.

>> No.6875808

Everything you consider a privilege is, in many instances, a burden.

>> No.6875878

>Most women cannot are inanely stupid, motivated mostly by approval of their peers
>All women suffer from crippling insecurities. Just look at Instagram, they'd wither and die without constant approval from a throng of followers
>People unironically say this shit like it doesn't apply to all humans

>> No.6876132 [DELETED] 

Think of a man, but take away reason and accountability.

>> No.6877098

make her a hacker so guys will read it
make her bisexual so guys will fap to it

>> No.6878064

King likes writing about retards a lot, but he's hardly /lit/.

>> No.6878094

Write a book about a female serial rapist. I'd read that shit. I've been working on a story on and off about a lady in her early 20s who likes to molest little boys and gets away with it because 'women can't be sex predators'.

>> No.6878109

I also saw that movie.

>> No.6878132

Worked for Dragon Tattoo.

>> No.6878147

>make her a tranny so the guys will fap to her

>> No.6878176

Make her less direct, more vulnerable, and more moody.

>> No.6878194


sounds like Tampa

>> No.6878196

watching anime to get ideas

>> No.6878267


>> No.6878290

write an character and give her some nice breasts

>> No.6878354

Have more conversations with women, pay more attention to women during said conversations, observe. Writing is a skill that can only be developed through observation and impersonation.

>> No.6878376
File: 341 KB, 704x440, 1291166540916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the recommendation

>> No.6878475

I looked it up and it seems like it might be interesting. Maybe I'll look into it and see if it informs my own writing any.

>> No.6878484

start with the greeks
listen to itaots
get a buzzcut

>> No.6878499

What if I'm a shut-in who can't leave his house and talking to people makes me nauseous and the only way I can meaningfully interact with people is through text?

Needs more oatz.

>> No.6878603

There's an old move from the 90s I think, something starring Nicholas Cage or someone, but it has a quote that's funny about this, it's something like "Think of a man, then take away reason and accountability."

>> No.6878669

So to write female character as if she were a black man.

>> No.6878677
File: 109 KB, 960x720, 1435233054932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ctrl-f "reason and accountability"
16 results

>> No.6878679

but thats subjective OP
it's like asking how to write a good male character or a good asian character.
I wish this subject didn't always pop up on /lit/, but I guess it'll stay, given the large shitshorm it always causes

>> No.6878692


Then write fan-fic :)

>> No.6878699


I'm getting 17 results

>> No.6879933 [DELETED] 

define "good female character" irl?
Hlaðgerðr? Livia? Empress Wu? Hypatia? Mata Hari? Roxelana? Catherine the Great? Theodora? Thaïs? Aspasia? Mata Hari? Inessa Armand? Lou Salome? Salome? Penthesilea? Lady Godiva? Cleopatra? Lady Macbeth? Desdemona? Tamora? Volumnia? Lavinia? Jayne Eyre? Hermione? Katniss? Cersei? Daeneris? Melisandre? Arya? Eowyn? Mulan? Arkadina? Nina? Filippovna? Marmeladova? Grushenka? Gretchen? The Portuguese Nun? Justine? Juliette? Casca? Farnese? Charlotte?

>> No.6880053

Like unicorns or North Dakota, they don't exist.

>> No.6880164

Not even misogynistic, but it's the truth, female personalities are boring.

>> No.6881733

Write a male character then take away reason and accountability

>> No.6882349

You are either a projecting woman, or a complete faggot.

>> No.6882423

Have her be rapped in the first chapter. Then she can either go one a murderous rampage or be unhappy about it and hero herself.

Wow. Such strong portrait. Much woman.

>that pic
Who is to pay for this?