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/lit/ - Literature

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6846694 No.6846694 [Reply] [Original]

Just made this order

Am I going to become a reactionary God?

>> No.6846699

nigger fuck off until you've read them and then make a thread you worthless fuck

>> No.6846702

no, because you're an idiot who decided to order two Julius 'meme' Evola books rather than two Spengler books, get Decline Of The West in there you buffoon

>> No.6846710

I have it already mate.

>> No.6846715


>> No.6846724

Read? I thought you're supposed to look at the covers

>> No.6846729

Don't forget to order these!


>> No.6846736

for sure brother

>> No.6846740

nope. posting your purchases with "Thoughts?" is the only way to be a real /lit/izen

>> No.6846742

Add Archeofuturism andFighting for the Essence

>> No.6846745

You'll soon enough be one of those 'degeneracy'-posters who cares a lot about female virginity and purity.

You gon' get spooked real hard

>> No.6846751

nah he'll realize 3D women are for faggots, keep it Evola and Asuka the best girl totes autism tbh

>> No.6846754

I have Fighting for the essence, and sure.

>> No.6846759

Do you have the Handbook for Traditional Living?

>> No.6846761

I'm already in a relationship with a girl who was a virgin prior.

Whether you want to call it a spook or not, it's very important if your goal is a lasting relationship.

>> No.6846762

Liberals will defend degenerate women.
Face it, 2D women don't have body odour, and they are not defiled by multiple nigger dicks. They -- unlike Western women -- are also capable of true love and loyalty.

>> No.6846766
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My hand's booked for Traditional Fapping.

>> No.6846767

Some western women hate the modern world as much as we do, very few but still.

>> No.6846773

I'd actually argue that most women long for the discipline and authority they were under in past pre-degenerate society.
Secretly they want to be dominated by men and not have to compete and be outside of the household.

We just need to figure out how to redpill them so that they can see their true interests

>> No.6846779

>most women long for the discipline and authority
fucked your mom, can confirm

>> No.6846783

Never read Evola but interested in him?

Opinions on him?

>> No.6846784

>buttfrustrated liberal feminist kike-worshipping niggerlover tumblrina redditor detected

>> No.6846787

Man, you just need to realize the sort of cognitive dissonance that goes in the mind of girls raised from age 0 to believe in these myths of equality.

>> No.6846788

your mom pegged me later, so can confirm as well

>> No.6846795

I have to remind myself that "pegging" is something liberal men actually partake in.

You god damn caricatures...

>> No.6846798
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Not him, but damn.

>> No.6846799

>I have to remind myself
how many times a day fam

>> No.6846801

>I'd actually argue that most women long for the discipline and authority they were under in past pre-degenerate society.
what's it like being a virgin?

>> No.6846802

Just now

btw we both got dubs

>> No.6846810

well this board is slow as fuck
i would ask your mom but it would be useless

>> No.6846816

This. Their natural role and essence lies in child rearing and domestic life.

They shouldn't be involved in politics, aesthetics, art, etc.
We have to realize that men are more rational and women are more emotional. That's evolution.
If women just embraced their own nature, there'd be a lot less conflict. Of course it's in the cultural logic of capitalism to have women enter the workforce, though, which is unfortuante.


I can guarantee you that in less than 10 years it will be stateordained that little will be taught how to peg males in sex ed.

>> No.6846820

little girls*

>> No.6846821

Thank god we have these virgin guardians of masculinity. Bravely taking a stand over their parent's internet connection.

>> No.6846831

>what's it like being a virgin?

Here come the feminist/female/libtard logic, i.e. to not rationally argue, but to go for the man.

And btw: There's nothing wrong with being a virgin. It's actually a sign that you can control your base animal urges and sublimate your libidinal energy into intellectual pursuits (something women are seemingly incapable of in slut culture).
Enjoy your vapid lifestyle, while I better myself intellectually and don't debase myself with degeneracy

>> No.6846833


>> No.6846835

>Spooks: the thread

>> No.6846837


>> No.6846839

You have to abstain from attacks on sexual status and sexual prowess if you wish to gain anything from discourse on this matter.

I'm not a virgin, as I've stated before. You can't take anything under the assumption that the one you disagree with is a virgin loser.

>> No.6846843

>while I better myself intellectually
you are posting on 4chan you cretin

>> No.6846844

what's wrong with femdom

>> No.6846847

it's against nature you nigger loving libtard cultural marxist kike nigger faggot statist cunt degenerate

>> No.6846849

If you seek a lasting relationship, and is the only thing you get off to, you are hopeless.

>> No.6846850

No one on this?

I forgot /lit/ isn't a board about books anymore.

>> No.6846851

I wish /pol would go

>> No.6846854

I am simply too intellectual to engage with people in the real world. Degenerate culture has rendered deep conversation superfluous or even impossible.

Women and liberals will talk about nothing but Game of Thrones, anime, and how much Chad dick they've sucked at the party last night.

>> No.6846857

nice parody

>> No.6846858

start with the greeks retard
anime has the purest women, it's platonist and anti degenerate, damn you rightists are vapid af

>> No.6846861


lmao I feel bad for her

>> No.6846863

what I get off to is beside the point, but I can't see how someone who only gets off to femdom is somehow 'hopeless' and incapable of having a 'lasting relationship'

>> No.6846865


Exceptional work friendo, 9.5/10. You've got a lot of replies in this thread.

>> No.6846866

i too, feel bad for your mom

>> No.6846868

>btw: There's nothing wrong with being a virgin
actual autism

>> No.6846869

But 4chan has high standards?

More likely, your unconventional opinions may be offputting so you rather not have them linked to your person.

Or maybe I'm projecting.

>> No.6846870

Male nature = dominant, assertive, aggressive
Female nature = submissive, cowardly, etc.

If you are into femdom, then you have a mental illness. It's degeneracy being pushed by the Jews in the porn industry. It's immoral and unnatural.

Men are being feminized by cultural marxism

>> No.6846872

You've got a lot of cum in your mom.

>> No.6846875

I've read ride the tiger and revolt against the modern world.
It is shit. Read Spengler instead.

>> No.6846878

A dominant woman will usually only have it as a side-fetish, not a lifestyle. She will still want to be dominated, and your sexuality will tag you as an inferior sex toy. You will never have a proper relationship and she will discard you on a whim.

Maybe a small fraction of them have a sort of maternal attraction to this kind of relationship and would treat you as a male would a female, I don't know never seen this happen.

>> No.6846885

Can you elaborate on why it's shit?

>> No.6846890
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Rigthism was a meme that died in 2007. It only exists in backwards countries such as Brazil nowadays.

>> No.6846896

We're taking over again. See how me and my friends on /pol/ have basically taken over every board.
The Right is winning a lot of members in Europe too.

>> No.6846897

Correction: Left-Right is a meme.

>> No.6846899

Because the current track of US and Europe is just fine, no problems at all, move along.

>> No.6846901

but dude, reddit's Dark Enlightenment has like over 1000 subcribers


>> No.6846902

Obnoxious people are always over-represented.

>> No.6846903

Last time I saw /pol/ was bandwagoning Bernie Sanders.

And what passes as "the Right" in Europe nowadays are social democrats who want to keep the welfare state but don't want to share it with immigrants.

>> No.6846907

He simply gave up. He keeps talking about "guarding the gate" and dying an honorable death but he never really adress any of the problems presentes in the book.
Better than the usual latin american populists.

>> No.6846912

It's actually sad what happened to Neoreaction. Mencius Moldbug actually was an interesting writer with good insights, though crazy. He realized that his cause was hopeless too so it wasn't to cringy like other rigthist writers.

His "followers" completely misundestood it all and began an actual political movement to restore absolute monarchy (!!!). Of course it didn't last 3 months before it collapsed.

>> No.6846920

>Better than the usual latin american populists
The right wing ones or the left wing ones?

>> No.6846922

The divine right of kings is no less valid than the divine right to vote by mere virtue of being alive and of a certain age.

Votes = ruler, the introduction of votes only makes it less upto a groomed up leader raised to be a leader, and more upto uneducated masses who are persuaded by marketing-equivalent political campaigns.

>> No.6846925

It's hard enough to keep the system running as it is.

I did vote social democrat, which is centre-right, here.

The left is full of meme parties right now.

>> No.6846928

That, and Nydwracu fell off a blimp

>> No.6846931

I disagree with every point being made here, but have fun with your life, bud.

>> No.6846936

The degree of education of today's voter is not lower than a courtier's was.

And there is little reason to think one person would represent the desires of the ruled better than themselves.

>> No.6846937

>Disagreeing with the notion of males generally being more dominant and females submissive

And you leftists pride yourself as being rational and scientific minded. It's truly amazing seeing your cognitive dissonance in action.

>> No.6846943

That is literally liberal logic.

They're so entrenched in ideology they cannot see the stupidity and contradictions of their brainwashed beliefs.

>> No.6846944

>The degree of education of today's voter is not lower than a courtier's was.

On matters of politics, are you kidding?

Of course the possibility of a bad king will be there, but a king is a part of his people, he should want what's good for him and as long as his entire administration isn't corrupt it will be strived for.

>> No.6846946

I'm not a leftist, I don't pride myself on 'rationality' or being 'scientifically minded,' and I'm not currently experiencing any cognitive dissonance, but thanks for your concern.

>> No.6846947

Both tbh
Anyone who tries to govern for the masses ends up shitting the economy. Fuck populists and fuck the people.

>> No.6846951

The ressentiment is strong in this thread.

>> No.6846952

well so long as you're honest about it. you do you, girl.

>> No.6846953

And then you're a racist hillbilly, because it's impossible to be right wing without being like their retarded parents.

State your beliefs or leave then, your last two posts amount to absolutely nothing

>> No.6846957

There is literally nothing wrong with being racist.

>> No.6846970

Depends on your definition of racist

>> No.6846974

More educated in general. Politics aren't a separate realm and the people that treat it as such have a weak seat. Economy, technology, such things play a part. The borgeoise easily toppled nobility because the later failed to adapt to the changing social order. The ones that adapted were assimilated. Aristocrats were reared for specific contexts.

A majority of people is a bigger part of the people than one king.

And rulers often weren't related to their people. See the Hapsburgs, the Ptolemaics, all colonialists, etc.

>> No.6846981

Damn, I follow right-wing ideas myself, but why does the right always have to make itself sound like bitter whiners who can't deal with the modern world? This thread is endless cringe.

>> No.6846982

This whole degeneracy/ENR meme gets boring eventually.

The ideals are about more than reading books. You can read those as you progress through life. Take maybe one hour a few nights per week to read them whilst progressing through life instead of being a massive faggot.

If you want to live volkisch, adapt your life to it.
Find an outdoors orientated degree to adopt a rural life. I picked up agriscience in Horticulture and Maths + Comsci in two Degrees. Read most of the political, philosophical and research during the spare time.

This wife debate shows a lack of experience. You won't find a perfect women from the get go, but you can find them. I recommend rural girls who are used to working, they seem to be better.

Find a place to settle down and grow your life. I took an enormous freaking loan to purchase land for apple orchards and now, I hire white university students to pick the apples during the seasons in which I need them. I'm only 28, but the enjoyment that can be head, reading a book with your orchard in full bloom can not be compared to.

>> No.6846983

You're saying some valid points but I can't take it seriously if you assert the average voter is capable of making such important decisions.

>> No.6846986

Racism is just recognizing the fact that whites are more intelligent than blacks, blacks are more violent and prone to rape, and that white people created civilization while blacks were living in mudhuts.

>> No.6846988

It's 4chan.

Here, centrism doesn't exist, you skip over neo-conservatism and loop around to national socialism.

>> No.6846990

>but the enjoyment that can be head, reading a book with your orchard in full bloom can not be compared to.
lmao what a fucking faggot


>> No.6846991

>This wife debate shows a lack of experience. You won't find a perfect women from the get go, but you can find them. I recommend rural girls who are used to working, they seem to be better.

Already found as was said

>Find a place to settle down and grow your life. I took an enormous freaking loan to purchase land for apple orchards and now, I hire white university students to pick the apples during the seasons in which I need them. I'm only 28, but the enjoyment that can be head, reading a book with your orchard in full bloom can not be compared to.

Sounds good. Some places are harder to purchase land on though.. but this is something to strive for.

>> No.6846993

>if you assert the average voter is capable of making such important decisions.
They don't make such decisions. Who do you think comes with monetary policy?

>> No.6846998

Leaving it to just blacks and whites makes you seem wrong.

Blacks are the black sheep of the whole human race, when compared to any race.

>> No.6847006

The decision on who will be the leader is massive, and it's weighted on who is better at marketing the current hot topic issues.

>> No.6847009
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How is being "racist" worst than being a socialist? Racist countries are livable, socialist countries are hell. Where would you rather live, South Korea, which is racist, or North Korea, which is socialist? Former Rhodesia or current Zimbabwe.

Heck, even Haitians, citizens of the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, refuse to live in Cuba, which should be a socialist paradise according to left-wing propaganda. They prefer to move to racist countries like the Dominican Republic or Brazil, where they are treated like shit.

So, again, tell me, why is racism beyond mainstream political discourse, and socialism is increasingly socially acceptable?

>> No.6847013

That just means that we have a natural hierarchy. Whites on top, and the more dark everyone else is, the more degenerate and subversive they are.

>> No.6847023

It's obvious most people don't understand much about policy making, but voting doesn't amount to much more than proposing some broad strokes. It's up to specialized groups, politicians and such, to actually plan and enforce policies.

The competence of the politicians may be reproachable but that isn't an issue limited to the democratic system.

>> No.6847031

Because of the religion of equality. Liberals are more pious than any religious man.

>> No.6847034

Not exactly. See "The Myth of the Strong Leader Political Leadership in the Modern Age".

North Korea is far more racist than South Korea. See "The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why It Matters"

>> No.6847036

What makes you sure whites are above asians?

>> No.6847037



>> No.6847039

>you will never sneak into every /pol/fags' basement and strangle them with their own neckfat, listening to the crying and clapping of their parents

>> No.6847043

You know there were/are some socialist parties in power over here in Europe?

All comunism is socialism, but the reverse isn't always true. The naming conventions have changed quite a bit.

>> No.6847045

Western civilization > Asian 'civilization'

>> No.6847046

The common man should be left entirely out of it if the ONLY standard for a right to vote is existing.

If there are higher standards to it, such as owning property, having been enlisted in the military or armed service, or at least being able to pass some tests, then it will be much more fine.

>> No.6847049

You realize that it wasn't inherently given to whites to be dominant. I don't mind it, in fact I encourage it since it benefits us all. But we earned it.

It cost a lot of men blood, sweat and tears to achieve what our ancestors achieved.

>> No.6847052

s t r a w m a n

>> No.6847061

Well, let's just say I believe that God chose the white race to carry out His will

>> No.6847075

The common man is bound to formal education.

Preparing the voters to play a part in policy making is a duty of the policy makers.

I do agree that you have to set a bar somewhere, but the interest should always be to give representation to the people, to give them the ability to assert their interests. It's just that some people aren't fit to assert their own interests.

>> No.6847082

That would be the jews.

>> No.6847085

>It's just that some people aren't fit to assert their own interests.

And that's where people tell you you're a crazy nazi and the debate on democracy ends

>> No.6847086

No, they're Satanic

>> No.6847094

Actually, North Korea was heavily involved in African liberation struggles during the Cold War, so yeah, that whole "they are not socialists but racists" thing is bullshit on the tradition of "my perfect, flawless version of communism was never tried."


They even raised, in North Korea, the daughter of one of the worst African dictators, and she seems to have been fine there.


>> No.6847102

There is no way this isn't a shill at this point.
Thanks for agitating /lit/ against the "idea of /pol/.

The way in which these shills operate, is called degrade, disrupt and destroy. The aim is to dissuaded 'Early Adaptors' to ideals that might be seen as dangerous or not liked by the person funding these shills.

They attempt to shape the movement, as they pushed /pol/ towards national socialism because it isolates them from expanding their ideas and gives them a solid set of ideas which have failed. There was a reason for the slander of libertarian values for like 3 years straight.

They also dissuade other boards and posters, to agitate them against these ideas. By crafting your opponents ideas through repetition and perseverance, ensures the internet is obedient. They won't ever stop nor will it end. This is the future of "counter-radicalism". Attempting to prevent the accumulation and arrival of new ideas to ensure the established ideas continue. It actually does nothing to stop these ideas, since anyone who is actually devoted to the ideas, goes offline.

>> No.6847106

hey guys look at this guy saying something's a strawman when it clearly isn't how classic

>> No.6847116

saged and reported

>> No.6847121

>Actually, North Korea was heavily involved in African liberation struggles during the Cold War,
Which does not in any way disprove their racism. The US providing aid to South Korea or African dictator #21 doesn't mean they weren't racist at the time.

>> No.6847131

And the Nazis cooperated with muslims and niggers.

>> No.6847133

>implying it's not true

>> No.6847139
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x1163, libertarianism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should re-read the Bible.

There's no way you aren't a shill for the left, promoting the word of the Lord and actively encouraging degeneracy in the form of atheism and libertarian values.

>> No.6847140

And had a pact with Stalin for a bit.

>> No.6847142

ironically, what started as a rejection of modern populist rightism became more populist than ever before. It's hilarious watching NRxers stating that they need to remove "entryists" to fix this problem when it's obvious that they're promoting it. Nowadays you'll see them cheer on Ann Coulter (poster child of shitty conservatism) just because she made a rude joke about trannies while also voicing their unironic support for fucking Trump.

>> No.6847149

This is very right for some of those posts.

Some of them are so obvious though that it seems ironic, but you can't know.

>> No.6847152
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>> No.6847153

And literally identified themselves as socialists.

>> No.6847232

Yeah, but the shills stopped posting after your post. Kek

>> No.6847547
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>Iron Pill Bro
>symbol of Esoteric Traditionalism

He's a symbol of /pol/s inability to handle the bantz. The character was created because they didn't like /x/ mocking them with Green Pill comics

>> No.6847563
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>shitposting on SSC
>see that NRx has new "leadership"
>the first thing they did was ban Michael Annisimov for being a man-baby and getting into Twitter fights

>> No.6847565

I thought it was because he was doxxing people though I don't know why.

>> No.6847574
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So who else did they lose besides Anissimov and Nydwracu

>> No.6847576
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>tfw the dark enlightenment can't handle the bantz

>> No.6847581

ITT: /pol/ fags unable to confront reality

>> No.6847597

As soon as a woman has one pre marital sexual partner her chances of getting a divorce jump from 10% to 50%. It increases the more partners she has. After 21 partners (ie average amount for girls who have gone through uni, if not more) her chances of getting divorced are 80%.
Women aren't meant to sleep around. It breaks their ability to form partnerships.

>> No.6847600

>I'd rather buy a gun and shoot you dead for implying I'm a faggot
>being this thin skinned on the internet

>> No.6847603

>Reactionaries in a nutshell

>> No.6847611

>this is your brain on /pol/io

>> No.6847612
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>Marxist - 1
>libtard - 2
>libertarian - 2
>Frankfurt - 0
>*pill - 3
Wow, better than expected for a political thread-

>degenerate - 7
>meme - 5
>racist - 10
>nigger - 6
whup spoke too soon

>> No.6847616

Just like every other thread!

>> No.6847621

you're assuming the divorce rates follow from her promiscuity, but I'd rather say that, oh fuck it, 6/10, this is so obvious, jesus christ, and then you people rail against those who are like 'monogamy is unreasonable' for some people, these people, these promiscuous people, jesus my lord, ugh

>> No.6847623

People on /pol/ can handle being called faggots. I get the feeling the people in that twitter fight were just trolling him.

>> No.6847626

I'm 100% serious. My stats are real. Nothing I said was unreasonable.

>> No.6847637
File: 35 KB, 400x400, oihohueJ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Right
>Neo Reactionary
>Dark Enlightenment
>not a Christian among them

>> No.6847643

There is always the Benedict option.

>> No.6847644

I don't care if they're real, and frankly I'm willing to believe you that they are, but you're interpreting the statistics incorrectly, if you somehow think causation is anywhere implied.

>> No.6847646

You're not looking hard enough. Christianism is pretty essential to the White Identity, muh Yurup bullshitters.

>> No.6847649

I prefer to call that the "Neomedieval" option. It involves invalidating the secular and asserting the primacy of the Church.

>> No.6847654

How could it possibly not be. There is a linear correlation.
My generation's divorce rate will be at least 80%. The next generation will not even bother getting married in the first place.
It had good intentions, but the Sexual Revolution was a mistake.

>> No.6847657

I was referring the movement guys like Rob Dreher are coming up with. I don't think the Church will ever gain primacy again.

>> No.6847665

Christianity transcends "whiteness," though. The vast majority of the world's Christians aren't white.

>> No.6847672


It's because marriage is an outdated institution and the more someone experiences real life the more that becomes apparent.

>> No.6847675
File: 8 KB, 223x288, coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw far right and it feels so good

It literally feels amazing. Every day I feel excellent knowing that I value strength and austerity, every day I am delighted by how the world makes perfect sense and there's no need to put on blinders and force it to be nice to trannies or whatever it is that leftists do. Every day is a new adventure, and everything feels fantastic. Join me on the right wing, anon.

>> No.6847680


>> No.6847688

Yes, well, forgive me if I'm thoroughly unimpressed with these pasty losers. I'll stick with the Church. At least its "traditional values" come from something transcendent.

>> No.6847691
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>> No.6847694
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>tfw far left and feel exactly the same

>> No.6847696

Nah, marriage has been around since civilization. Unless you're implying we've regressed so much we're no longer civilized, therefore rendering civil unions outdated.
Go on then, explain how promiscuity has nothing to do with divorce rates and how the stats are useless.

>> No.6847697

>I'll stick with the Church. At least its "traditional values" come from something transcendent.
So does he. He switched from Protestantism to Orthodox. Have you read anything he wrote recently?

>> No.6847698

I understand that, but these people are literally retarded. They're not about to think of anything more complex than the fact that they don't feel good about things.

>> No.6847702

yay extremism

>> No.6847704

Except the far left actually understands reality.

>> No.6847713

goddamn reading comprehension mate. see: >>6847621

>> No.6847727

I confess I haven't. I just got done with reading a piece of his on the "Benedict Option," and I think I understand now.

However, I still don't quite agree with his approach, because it's one of retreat. As a Catholic, I'd rather the Church assert itself as it did under Saint Gregory VII, and remind the secular world that faithful Catholics owe allegiance to it first and foremost, and to the State second. A restatement of the Dictatus Papae, in other words.

>> No.6847729

That post has no explanation or argument. It trails off into nothingness. All it says is I'm wrong and strawmans.

>> No.6847743

>and to the State second
With how strong things like nationalism are I don't think that is going to happen. From what I've seen most of the New Right guys only see the Church as some sort of cultural protector, a tool in their wider game.

>> No.6847772

It all just seems so self-serving. It's like if /pol/ turned pretentious and deceptive. For all of /pol/'s sins, they're honest: they come right out and say they want to save and uplift "the white race." That seems to be the subtle aim of nearly all the New Right, also, but they cloak it in mealy-mouthed buzzwords like "values" and "tradition."

And while I hate to judge a book by its cover, it doesn't escape my attention that most of these people are ugly neckbeards.

>> No.6847789

well there ya go hotshot

>> No.6847797

alright I don't really want to humor you, but it should be obvious that promiscuity for some people is a part of their personality/nature, and the number of sexual partners they have after a certain age and higher divorce rates arise from that same fact.

>> No.6847817

>/pol/ fags unable to confront reality
Because /lit/ isn't 99% fiction. The definition of escapism.

>> No.6847835
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See for yourself

>an internet political ideology is now a "brand"
>if you try and use it without their permission they'll send the blogging police after you

>> No.6847857

>implying good fiction isn't a reflection of reality

>> No.6847974

>And while I hate to judge a book by its cover, it doesn't escape my attention that most of these people are ugly neckbeards.

A way to escape making themselves into anything better is to simply assume they were born better.

>> No.6847997
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Monogamy is based on a spook and goes against what made humans as great as they are now (i.e. evolution) and you should literally disembowel yourself if you plan on marrying.

>> No.6847998
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Are there any good books written on what drives people towards different ends of the political spectrum?

As I've grown and read more I have found myself identifying with a lot of more"left" political concepts for various reasons closer to pragmatism than any moral indignation.
The process of political ideology is still pretty mysterious to me, and I feel it always shifts in directions I never expect till I am knee deep in ideology.

>> No.6848005

North Korea is extremely racist you retard

>> No.6848067

There was no human before 3300 BC, just primitive monkeys. The only History of the human is the History of civilization.

>> No.6848078

Humans first arrived in Europe roughly 125,000 years ago.

>> No.6848329

Humans have sorta existed as a species for 100k-200k years mate

>> No.6848333

>strength and austerity
>implying civic humanism, a variation of republicanism, doesn't also advocate these virtues
>the republic requires widespread civic virtue, i.e., the active participation of citizens united by a concern for the common good. The virtues of citizenship are in turn developed and enhanced by being exercised in upholding republican political and legal institutions and making them work by being involved in their operation. Republican life is then thought to be formative of the public spirit on which it rests. Republican freedom depends on constant civic activity.
>The reconstruction of Florentine republicanism stressing the ideal of a republic of frugal, public-minded citizens in danger of being corrupted by luxury and the pursuit of private gain, a theme that could be traced back to ancient, especially Roman, authors, provided an attractive inspiration for a revisionist view of American history. Bernard Bailyn sought to elicit of The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution (1967), based on the classical republican rhetoric to be found in the political pamphlets and controversialist literature of the time leading up to the American founding. This recovery of a republican discourse was meant to counterbalance the canonical view, most clearly and forcefully expressed in Louis Hartz's Liberal Tradition in America (1955), of an American consensus of Lockean derivation, centered on the defense of property rights and animated by liberal individualism.
the problem is is that we need to love be more patriotic and love our republic anon :^) then we can basically act fascist

>> No.6848334

trips confirms, begrudgingly

>> No.6848350

They can't, hence the appeal to tradition

>> No.6848353

Christianity is a Jewish splinter cult, there's nothing European about it

>> No.6848356

Ignoring how stupid the rest of your post is

>no civilization before 3300 B.C.

Had me for a second, bait-master

>> No.6848363

Try 40,000 years ago, bub.

>> No.6848404

Nothing proves it doesn't, and the divorce rate is still there, so you might as well be on the safe side.

>> No.6848410

It's true though.

Source: not a virgin

>> No.6848413

>implying your negation isn't a spook too

>> No.6848416

It makes you gay. Even the Greeks knew it was pathetic

>> No.6848418

I want moments of happiness with someone, and it'd be beautiful for us to continue to have such for 20+ years, but I can't see how virginity guarantees that.

>> No.6848420

What are /pol/ approved fetishes, then?

>> No.6848421


Real men don't consume pandering media, they shape the world

>> No.6848423

sexual intercourse in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation

>> No.6848429

It obviously doesn't guarantee it. It just makes it a lot more likely (if she isn't an idiot, and if she doesn't have cognitive dissonance that tells her she shouldn't value virginity at all).

>> No.6848432

Leftists need to take a good look at human nature theories.

>> No.6848435

You have to realize weakness in order to stave it off. All people experience ressentiment during oppression. What matters is what you do with that energy.

Liberals use it to watch cuck porn, be cucked or harass right wingers until they commit suicide (literally happened recently)

>> No.6848436

Because the only way to "deal" with this society is to fight it or leave it. Being a right winger "in" this society doesn't work.

>> No.6848443

It does. Bitches suddenly beg to be with you, and you earn and use money intelligently.

You're surrounded by fucking idiots and pussified men, it's like a game on easy mode.

>> No.6848449

Stirner was right! In both senses

The day people realize stirner is THE right-nihilist reaction to socialism and liberalism, the better

>> No.6848453

It's funny when lefties try to appropriate him to them.

>> No.6848455

I have. It does feel good.

>> No.6848456

>liberals are cucks

You must be the biggest liberal of all then :^)

>> No.6848465

>getting married
Enjoy your ayylimony, cuckboy.

>> No.6848469

Yes. I have a right to discriminate. Fuck this world that doesn't allow intellectual freedom.

>> No.6848470
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>Buying all those books new
>Will loose most of their value immediately after you bought them
>Not just buying an e-reader and pirating all those books and much more while saving trees

There is no reason to buy mainstream books. Only (unknown) classics are to be read on paper, and you can buy those books at thriftstores for a few bucks.

>> No.6848472

if you don't read real books you don't even read

>> No.6848482

As long as you have white babies and run your estate, doesn't matter.

That's the bottom line. The only thing I care about is the white birth rate being so low. Which is due to "female empowerment"

If feminists forced Muslims and other cultures to empower women, it would be better. The problem is, the multicultural liberals are racist, they're afraid to tell nignogs and sand people what to do, so they instead bully who they feel safe around, other white people

>> No.6848484

What job do you have?

Do you openly admit your views? Do you lift?

>> No.6848489

Same with Nietzsche. Nietzsche isn't too far from iron pill, actually. Weird

>> No.6848492

>while saving trees

Trees get planted for a purpose and then more trees get planted afterwards

fucking idiot

>> No.6848495




>> No.6848500

what's with you guys and 'cognitive dissonance'

>> No.6848501

>iron pill
is a slave mentality disguised as master

>> No.6848502

Nothing, it's lefties who live with it.

>> No.6848505

Ignoring the fact I've cucked men far more than I've ever been cucked, if I have, never done so willingly but slept with a couple married women.

That being said, your syllogism is wrong. My logic was, "if you're a liberal, you're a cuck". You then imply I'm a cuck, and affirm the consequent, a logical fallacy.

Sorry, you should try studying more.

>> No.6848506

obsession with the image of redditor stereotype being all about le stem masterrace and le logical fallacies blueprinted into that image into them

>> No.6848509

I don't care at all about my being part of some 'white race' or 'contributing to the white birth rate' that I'm not going to be paying that much attention to the women that I find attractive.
My enjoyment in their presence is more important to me than whatever happens to the 'white race' in the future, which I can't be arsed to care about.

>> No.6848510

Okay, well I'm going back to the university, so wish me luck bro.

So is the übermensch.

>> No.6848513

>i-I'm not a cuck ;_;

Nice try, kid

Accept that you've been BTFO and head back to r/books

>> No.6848514


>> No.6848517

Left-wingers need to have massive amounts of dissonance.

There was a great AMA on Voat recently of a self-professed social justice warrior turned reactionary, it was an awesome read. He admits that the stereotypes are largely true.

>> No.6848522


>> No.6848523


>> No.6848525

Well, good luck.

Oh good post mate thanks for sharing.

>> No.6848526

Sharing like black men share your wife :^)

>> No.6848533


>> No.6848537

>Have you swallowed the red pill yet?

jesus crhist

>> No.6848544
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>reddit now has its own ieghtchan

>> No.6848546

page not found

>> No.6848549

it might be full of ex-redditors who were non-pc, but they are still as obnoxious as the pc ones, reddit changes person, the inane humour, the overblown self-importance etc.

>> No.6848558

What's wrong with the red pill?

I mean, I get you're trying to do *le exasperated* emotions, but what's actually wrong with it?

>> No.6848560

Just look on /v/iama then, it's on the front page.

>> No.6848564

>DUDE dae Nietzsche, redpill af XDXD
>DUDE dae Oscar Wilde, redpill af XDXD
>DUDE dae Stoics, redpill af XDXD
>DUDE dae Stirner, redpill af XDXD
>DUDE dae redpill actually perennial thoughts af XDXD

revisionism and high school tier of understanding philosophy

>> No.6848567


>> No.6848586

This sort of posting is intellectual inferiority.

>> No.6848621

So, when are you guys going to start talking about literature?

>> No.6848631

when people stop shitposting in those threads

>> No.6848781

Can you take a good look at yourself, please?

You have to understand your post says absolutely nothing other than that you're a moron who can't communicate his ideas.

>> No.6848798

You have to understand your mom likes it in the ass.

>> No.6848803

>muh 4chinz iz srs bzns
>being this butthurt
>also faggot

>> No.6848817
File: 240 KB, 800x822, Aleksandr_Dugin_on_White_race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander Dugin in is an anti-white and anti-European fascist you dip shit. Clearly you've done fuck all research.

>> No.6848839

He looks cool though

>> No.6848858

I think you overlooked the part where he's just jumping the countercultural bandwagon.

>> No.6848868

seems like he's referring to modern white liberals

>> No.6848889

Obviously. My main point is that a -single- pre marital partner increases chance of divorce by 40%. Someone said virginity isn't important for long last relationships. It clearly is. Non-virgin women cannot commit.

>> No.6848890
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wew gr8 thread

i r8 9/11

>> No.6848894
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>MTV, gays and lesbians

>> No.6848901

The fantasies of Iron pill and his ilk are born of helpless ressentiment against the world they inhabit. Slave morality, claiming to be master morality, opposed by more slave morality, with not a creative thinker on either side. Nietzsche would have been disgusted.

>> No.6848905

wrong he could have see nthat shit and been like "cool"

>> No.6848922

He has turned his cuckoldry into an ideology.

>> No.6848967

whitey is the cuck who's letting niggers and muslims in his countries

>> No.6848971

your mom is letting niggers and muslims in her "countries" tbh

>> No.6848978

reddit tier banter, tbh

>> No.6849044

you would know what passes for reddit tier, woldnt you, smh smh

>> No.6849053

I don't see how that applies to all those 'Left-wing' or that proves them to have 'massive amounts of dissonance'

>> No.6849691

All SJW are left wing, so draw some conclusions.

>> No.6849726

Don't buy generation identity. It's trash.

>> No.6849735

Butthurt ex-redditors populate voat is what conclunsion I drew.

>> No.6849769

If you want to regret it when you come of age.

>> No.6849822

and not all left wing are sjw

>> No.6849957

Yes but they have to be like-minded to all be leftist.

>> No.6849966

None of them are, they're reformist liberals.

>> No.6849971

that's some really bad logic mate

>> No.6849978
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A бaтю тo зaбыл.

>> No.6849994

Who is this French Muslim?

>In America, liberalism = leftism

>> No.6850016

He's the most reactionary Western philosopher.

>> No.6850091

A lot of leftists suffer from it pretty bad. Watch this video of a Norwegian social scientist being confronted with scientific evidence and personal testimony that her beliefs about the socially constructed nature of gender are not only wrong but harmful.
She responds to the argument by ignoring it, attacking instead the argument's language. She falls back on social science jargon. She attributes the intersex boy's identification with the male gender to something that can only be born out of language. She does not admit that his life has been horrible because of the application of her own ideas about gender, instead she squirms and denies all responsibility.

This is the problem with progressive leftists. They are not interested in facts or evidence that contradict their worldview, so they stifle them entirely and isolate themselves in highly specialized subfields of the humanities that only those who are unwilling to question their progressive doctrine may participate in. It's irritating, it's intellectually dishonest, and it's socially destructive.

>> No.6850128

sounds like you need to spend some time on /mtfg/ but sure I'll humor the show, and come back to you -- though, this 'nature v. nurture' thing seems so old-hat now, I can't see how anyone really takes the question so seriously as the show does as it begins, nowadays.

>> No.6850160

Criticizing challenges to social constructionism by portraying the opposition as old-fashioned and out-dated is explicitly addressed in the opening minutes of the show's first episode, so you should probably watch that next.

>> No.6850190

oh, I -- that sounds awfully interesting, so I'll be sure to check it out, but I meant the debate itself seems old-hat as a number of characteristics have been shown to be both affected by nature and nurture, and that we aren't blank slates -- diathesis-stress model, etc, etc

>> No.6850718

Left/right as a sliding scale is a spook. The Left is a group of ideologies that began with Marx/Engels, and earlier ideas of social liberalism and egalitarianism might be better described as proto-leftist. The Right is any ideology that bases itself around opposing the Left, though many people will simply label any ideas that include inequality as natural or okay as right wing. I myself hold many very "conservative" ideas socially and religiously, support an economy based around Unions of Egoists, consider equality and private property to both be spooks, believe that fascism and aristocracy have more merit than democracy, and support Republican policies and candidates over Democratic ones most of the time, and I've always come out as a centrist on political compass quizzes.