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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.84 MB, 2304x1600, El-presidente-Enrique-Peña-Nieto-durante-una-reunión-del-Consejo-Nacional-de-Seguridad-Pública-en-diciembre-pasado-en-México-JORGE-NUÑEZ-EFE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6844761 No.6844761 [Reply] [Original]

"Anon, mention three books that changed or influenced your life".

>> No.6844769

Tai Pei, Eeeee Eee Eeee, Shoplifting from American Apparel

>> No.6844778

The Bible is the only book that can change a man's life for the better

>> No.6844803

disappointment with bait
disappointment with lies

>> No.6844814
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Aesop's Fables
The True Believer
The Essential Rumi

The Bible's been really great so far, I'm not finished with it, but so far the book's given me some great ideas to meditate on.

>> No.6844826

Invisible Man, Ellison

The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus

The Price of Inequality, Stiglitz

>> No.6844844

he is being sincere dude

>> No.6844867
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The Hero With a Thousand Faces
Fear and Trembling

>> No.6844880

Incognito - David Eagleman

The manipulated man - Esther Vilar

Siddartha - Herman Hesse

>> No.6844899

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Human, All Too Human

>> No.6844990


>> No.6845347

A Hero of our Time
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Contemplations

>> No.6845363

>uhhhhh im such a nihilist

>> No.6845367


>> No.6845368


>> No.6845383

The Antichrist
The First Man
Cience and Human Behavior

>> No.6845389

>im such a nihilist

Implying Nietzsche was nihilist, retard

>> No.6845401

Naming and Necessity
The Genealogy of Morals
Das Kapital

>> No.6845448

>he thinks Nietzsche was a nihilist

>> No.6845508

how wasn't e?

>> No.6845543

>Art of War
>The Prince
>Thus spoke Zarathustra

>> No.6845593

Beneath the Wheel
Crime and Punishment
The Trial

>> No.6845603

The Things They Carried
Fear and Trembling

>> No.6845624

>The Prince
>Thus spoke Zarathustra
Since they "changed or influenced your life", would you mind telling me which copies/publications of them you read?
Is TSZ a good place to begin w/ Fred?

>> No.6845628

Sorry m8 was a bait post.

>> No.6845640

>The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar
>A Children's Guide To Railway Safety (illustrated by Quentin Blake)
>Jamie Oliver's 30 Minute Meals

>> No.6845903

how the fuck is neetshe not a nihilist

>> No.6845915

>The Stranger
>Blood Meridian
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.6845917

>Is TSZ a good place to begin w/ Fred?

>> No.6846297

>empire of illusion - chris hedges
>a people's history of the US - howard zinn
>masks of god - joseph campbell

>> No.6846407

>Eeeee Eee Eeee
>Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.6846429


The Bible.
Spinoza's Ethics.
Einsteins papers on relativity.

>> No.6846432


>Crime and Punishment
Just got hyped. I'm reading it right now.

>The Demon Haunted World
>The Gay Science
>Fahrenheit 451

>> No.6846433
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>The Revolution of Everyday Life
>The Ego and His Own

>> No.6846600
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Native Son
Man's Search for Meaning
To Kill a Mockingbird

i'm just so le tolerant now. thanks public english education

>> No.6846649

Could you elaborate on A Hero of our Time?
What kind of influence did it exactly have on you?

>> No.6846654

Books don't affect me. They're just entertainment

>> No.6846656

Plato's Republic
Spinoza's Ethics
Darkness At Noon

>Spinoza's Ethics.
my nigga

>> No.6846680

The Castle
Being and Time

>> No.6846687

Outer Dark
The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
The Ego and its Own

Sorry if edgy but those three most instrumentally shaped my worldview.

Also obligatory 'helped me realize literature could be wicked' book was Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas at 18

>> No.6846703

Nietzsche's entire philosophical project was to warn against nihilism. He literally could not be less of one.
You could say he was a *moral nihilist* but even this doesn't seem true to me--he had a clear preference for 'master morality' and also gave examples of people he thought were doing life right. His morals may have been idiosyncratic, but he definitely had them.

>> No.6846711

Mason & Dixon - Thomas Pynchon
Essays - Michel de Montaigne
Stoner - John Williams

>> No.6846811

Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man is the only one that really did it for me.

>> No.6846855

master morality was the same as slave morality for nietzsche, both were something to overcome

>> No.6846862

The Outsider by Colin Wilson
The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill
Demian by Herman Hesse

>> No.6846924

>Man's Search for Meaning
there's a bit in Brief Interviews where a guy talks about this book, saying it's some great masterpiece

>> No.6846939

>Man's Search for Meaning

Aw shit my nigger

>> No.6846962

Basic Teachings of the Buddha
Starting Strength
can't even think of a third, really

>> No.6846964

>The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.6847200
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kek pic related for me

>> No.6847209


Meme (but true) answers:
>All Things Shining
>Beyond Good and Evil

>Zizek & Gunjevic God In Pain
>Tripping With Allah
>Heroes: Mass Murder and Suicide by Franco 'Bifo' Berardi, literally saved my life and loaned it to my friend when his dad died and his mom attempted suicide and it saved him too.

>The Lost Art of Reading by Daniel K Ulin

>> No.6847212

>Man's Search for Nigger

how I read your post

>> No.6847244

Would you mind sharing some of what you've gotten? I'm going to read the KJV after I finish Moby Dick.

I dare you to elaborate.

The antichrist was really good, I've gotten a lot out of his reading of Jesus as an apocalyptic anarchist poet.

Oh shit my copy of Beneath the Wheel is on my shelf, how did you like it anon? My buddy is really into Hesse and said it helped him not drop a German Lit class.

Love Spinoza. Are you a Christian? Are you influenced by his pan(en)theism? What's your favorite book of the Bible?

>Demon Haunted World
Changed my life too, holy shit. I had to drop religion like a hot coal for a bit there, find some healthier connections with it. The Varieties of Scientific Experience is a mandatory follow up.

Recommending Alan Watts, Pema Chodron, and Tao Te Ching

>> No.6847247

>I comment on every post in the thread

>> No.6847252

Mein Kampf
Atlas Shrugged
The Prince

>> No.6847260

Conversation is good, no? Why else post?

>> No.6847270

Mother Night
Blood Meridian

>> No.6847289

ignore them. posts like that are a bit tedious to scan but ultimately enliven conversation which is what this board needs. actual discussion.

>> No.6847351

De Rerum Natura.
The Canonical Gospels(Mark, Luke, Matthew, John).
The Way of a Pilgrim(and Vitae Patrum).

Say what you will about Christianity, it has a beautiful contemplative tradition..

>> No.6847375

Evolution - Baxter
On the Road - Kerouac
Paradise Lost - Milton

>> No.6847407

spinoza's ethics
kierkegaard's work
buber's i and thou

>> No.6847415

kierkegaard's works of love*

>> No.6847480

Breakfast of Champions
The Great Gatsby
As You Like It

>> No.6847532

The Idiot
The Border Trilogy


>> No.6847591

Grapes of Wrath
Tao te Ching

>> No.6847605

>Would you mind sharing some of what you've gotten? I'm going to read the KJV after I finish Moby Dick.

I'm sorry, anon, but I actually would.
I intend to use the ideas in my writing.
I'm reading the KJV though so you may pick on some of those very ideas.

Moby Dick is my favorite book btw.

>> No.6847642

>I'm sorry, anon, but I actually would.
>I intend to use the ideas in my writing.
fucking really.......what a joke

>> No.6847740
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made me blue tbh

>> No.6847859

The Black Riders and Other Lines by Stephen Crane

>> No.6847864

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
Its sequel, Miami
The third book, Tokyo Drift

What do I win?

>> No.6847903

Tao Te Ching
The Stranger

>> No.6847965

No sé, no soy la señora de la casa

>> No.6848024
File: 446 KB, 1236x2045, my books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these come to mind at first thought

>> No.6848033

The Spook's Apprentice - basically the first book that got me into reading as a hobby, yeah it's not very complex but I enjoyed the story and stimulated my mind to think more visually. I appreciated that.

The Man in the High Castle - It just left me very uncertain about the way things are, I suppose you could say it's actually made me more cynical and lazy.

Alamut - made me appreciate people more, and how to tackle the difficulties of feeling like your alone with your own thoughts. Made me more social, yet cautious.

i'm pretty simple tbh

>> No.6848174


The only, single, simple criteria for becoming and Ubermench is essentially transvaluating values and creating a system for yourself that allows you to escape nihilism. Nietzsche is very interested in Nhilism, though not because he supports it; he feels that hte values of the past are meaningless in this modern world. God is dead, we have killed him, etc, etc. Consider how Nietzsche relates to Christian Existentialism, the christian philosophical 'answer' to Nietzsche's philosophy. Alternatively ,compare Kierkegaard and Nietzsche if interested.

>> No.6848320

They weren't the same, he clearly has more disdain for slave morality, and talks about how master is similar, or in parts imitates the morality of an ubermensch.

>> No.6848337

Thus spoke Zarathustra
The Logic of Scientific Discovery
The Edda (translation by Jan de Vries)

>> No.6848372

Nothing, you've lost at life already.

>> No.6848483

The Divine Comedy, 1984, or V.

>> No.6848486

the brothers karamazov
ender's game, mostly because I was 11