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/lit/ - Literature

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6842666 No.6842666 [Reply] [Original]

Can one claim to "know" philosophy without having studied and Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, or NYU?

Can one really claim to have studied Literature without having studied at Oxford, Harvard or Cambridge?

What does it mean to "study" philosophy or literature without ever having attended institutions where the greats in these fields exist?

Philosophy and literature are not rapidly publicized and popularized like science is.

I think it's entirely reasonable to suggest that if you've never taken a lecture with Putnam, Chalmers, Kripke etc, you aren't really studying philosophy at all, but a kind of "history of outdated ideas."

So tell me /lit/:

Have you actually studied philosophy and literature? Or are you merely pretending to?

>> No.6842672


>> No.6842676

People can claim a lot of things. You should disregard all that they claim and look at what they do instead.

>> No.6842683

>being this americentric

>> No.6842687



>> No.6842703

Just fucking read and you'll be ok, do t worry people will think you're smart and gay all at the same time

>> No.6842704



>> No.6842714

In terms of credentials you might be right. In terms of actual understanding probably no.

>> No.6842732


>> No.6842733
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I don't even read.

>> No.6842744

All you need to study literature is a copy of the work of literature you are studying. Secondary materials are just a bonus.

>> No.6842774


What makes you think that just because someone isn't famous that they don't have good and original philosophical ideas? I'm glad I have a diverse department of many different kinds of Philosophers, many of whom are not within the philosophical mainstream. Philosophy isn't about celebrity status, it's about critical thinking. Being in an actual department with people who have PHDs is sufficient to actually be doing Philosophy. The history of Philosophy is also allot more than just the history of others' ideas, it requires that one critically examines the philosophical worth of those ideas. These ideas are rarely ever "outdated", because such a term is philosophically loaded and it's usage the subject of philosophical debate.

>> No.6842787


reminder that anyone with access to a large library and a high intelligence can learn better than anyone from a top-ranked school. Want to read the lessons of those professors? find them online or read their (probably multiple) published essay books.

Or you can pretend you're smart and rest your laurels on a Harvard Degree where no truly great authors have attended for decades.

>> No.6842817

Oh, I'm not a regular barista, I studied at Harvard, NYU, or Oxbidge!

>> No.6842824
File: 1.88 MB, 2550x3300, time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because at least in the United States there are more like 20 universities where an undergraduate can learn as much about philosophy and literature as he would at Harvard or Stanford, and there at at least half a dozen graduate programs where he could expect to gain as much as he would at Harvard or Stanford. As for "history of outdated ideas" you seem to be forgetting that academics like the ones you're talking about publish articles as quickly as they responsibly can, and often tell other academics what they're doing before the articles appear in print. It might surprise you how many of the philosophy PhD candidates at the schools you listed did one or two year unfunded masters degrees at "lesser" universities before arriving at their PhD program. Honestly you'd probably be surprised at just how careerist and usually wealthy one has to be to land at any Harvard graduate school. A unique talent like Kripke is the exception, even at the pointy tip of the long ivory cock.

>> No.6842884

Can one think and be at the same time?

>> No.6842919


That discredits the list even more than NYU. Not that the list proves anything anyway.

>> No.6842934

Thanks Satan.

>> No.6843667


When I eventually become Caesar of the planet Earth and get Nero powers I will regularly have people like you rounded up and slaughtered at my orgies.

>> No.6843674

well guess the rest of the world is just garbage for you.

>> No.6843797

>>UVA's English doctoral program

>> No.6843804


10/10 b8

>> No.6845663

Given that the public education system is a joke and that those universities are filled with privileged turbo-nerds, as well as the fact that you can get all those resources online for free, I'd argue that attending one of those universities would probably be detrimental if anything.

I mean, with the internet, you could, today, spend hours talking about philosophy, art, and politics with Russian gangsters, drug dealers, and ISIS insurgents. Instead you surround yourself with people who's biggest accomplishment is "applying themselves" to whatever mind numbing school exercises they were given and being born into a upper middle class.

Have you actually lived philosophy and literature? Or are you merely pretending to?

>> No.6845785
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>> No.6845794

great b8, satan, you almost had me

>academic elitism

>> No.6845822

Those institutions suck
Modern education != education
Academia != good

>> No.6845826

>Can one claim to "know"
>zizek picture

try to make it so obvious

>> No.6845833

>Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, or NYU?
Pretty sure you'll find nothing but tumbltears there friend

>> No.6845862

I think you can rework all these questions to:
What does it mean to "study" at Oxford, Harvard or Cambridge?
Hope you find the answer

>> No.6845976

No lectures are required for English at Oxford, so you can potentially go through the entire degree without learning from a true field leader. That said, it is funny when your teacher's praise is cited on the cover of the books you are reading.

>> No.6846314

>being this elitist
do piss off satan