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/lit/ - Literature

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6837913 No.6837913 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend good Catholic fiction besides the Divine Comedy?

>> No.6837925

The bible

>> No.6837927

written by Catholics or just theme wise?

>> No.6837938

its considered non-fiction

>> No.6837946

Lord of the Rings is all Catholic.

>> No.6837957

>Divine Comedy
>Catholic fiction

>> No.6837960


>> No.6837961

OP asked for fiction silly

The Canterbury Tales

daily reminder Joyce and Shakespeare were catholics

>> No.6837971

I don't see the discrepancy.

>> No.6837984
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please come back stray lamb, the lord will forgive you for straying from the herd.

>> No.6837991

"My mind rejects the whole present social order and Christianity—home, the recognised virtues, classes of life, and religious doctrines. [...] Six years ago I left the Catholic church, hating it most fervently. I found it impossible for me to remain in it on account of the impulses of my nature. I made secret war upon it when I was a student and declined to accept the positions it offered me. By doing this I made myself a beggar but I retained my pride. Now I make open war upon it by what I write and say and do."


>> No.6838000

>he hasn't even read Portrait of the Artist

>> No.6838013

Dear Anon: I want to fuck the Christian out of you. I can't help myself. Every time you come into my board with your low cut shirt and cross necklace subtly splayed across your immaculate breasts I think about taking you, right there, as a man (with your consent, of course, rape culture is not okay). I want to pull off your panties and eat your pussy until your juices trickle down to the lower classes. I want you to moan so hard and so loud that you can't form coherent words, let alone talk about what Rush Limbaugh said about immigrants the other day.
Each time 'those people' crosses your lips I think about your mouth wrapped around my prodigious cock as my little people spill out of it. I want to make an anchor baby with you. I want to throw all the papers off my desk and ride you until gay marriage is legal in a majority of States or until you've come enough times to admit that maybe universal health care makes sense. And I mean all this respectfully, of course. I'm a feminist.
Why do you do this to me. Why. Do you know what you're doing? Every time you come into my office and sit across from me and cross and recross your legs and talk about the weather and then (somehow) about how unemployment insurance is actually bad for poor people do you know that I'm wondering if your panties are equally as conservative? That I'm curious what you'd look like on top of me, my hands tweaking your nipples like doing so would be tweaking taxes on the top one percent? That I'm thinking about you looking back at me as I fuck you from behind, your Jesus necklace swaying back and forth as you scream "Drill, baby, drill!"
You're not crazy, just politically hypocritical. Social conservatism is selfish and untenable. Your adherence to laws written when people owned slaves and the largest city was 1/10th of what it is now is ruining this god damn country. And I want you so bad. I want you so so bad.
Ugh. Be my Monica Lewinsky. I'll be your Bill Clinton. Let's reach across the aisle... and into each other's pants.

>> No.6838016

I meant they were born catholics, it's like Chomsky is jewish, you get to claim them regardless of their later mistakes, In joyce's case it was leaving the church, in Chomsky case it was criticizing israel.

>> No.6838017

Is this some kind of copypasta?

>> No.6838050
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Get behind me, Satan! I know your tricks

>> No.6838064

>barbaric beheading fixation
>disgracing a fallen foe
>obsession with putting feet on things to disrespect them

muslim spy trying to make based christians look as bad as his shit culture, 0/10

>> No.6838085

Christfags are this schizophrenic.

>> No.6838138

put your name back on buttermeme

>> No.6838153

athiests ignore the feeling of wonder and of a loving god because they cant see it

>> No.6838154

>criticizing israel
oh boy

>> No.6838158

So is the story of Santa Clause.

HAHA. Don't help.

Must be. He had to make "right there, as a man"

>> No.6838171

You think being an atheist is something to poke fun at?
I got beaten up in seventh grade for publicizing my beliefs, and I couldn't even tell my parents the reason for it because they'd probably hate me for it too. I moved from Georgia to South Carolina within the next two years and watched a Muslim kid get sent to the hospital because of his religion. The Christian majority seemed to hate anyone who was different from them wherever I went.
And guess what? I don't own a fedora. I'm not "euphoric." Hell, I even eat healthy. You all can hide behind your facade as much as you want, but the truth is that you all would take part in that beating had you the chance. You're all a bunch of bigots. Atheists are the most hated group in America, and this board only exists to further propagate that hate.
So again, fuck you!

>> No.6838189

Orion Furioso. Better than the Divine Comedy.

>> No.6838198

Beating the shit out of a straw man like an angry dog. You're absolutely delusional, religious people are torn to shreds in public schools but, not surprisingly, their faith helps them through that.

>> No.6838200

delicious tears

>> No.6838210

You forget that most atheists have started their lives as theists of one stripe or another. I know what stage of denial you're feeling, I was there once. I held onto my faith for an embarrassingly long time, anon. I thought my way carefully out of it, and as a result I have never felt better in my life. I mean major crises happen all around me and without anything to pray to, I take it calmly and happily.

If this is a sincere poster and not some troll, I do hope you come around to my way of thinking someday.

>> No.6838223

butterfly do you honestly have any sense of self awareness

I want you to look at how condescending and uppity your post is. You sound like an autistic or narcissistic Ignatius

>> No.6838231


>> No.6838235

Would you care to guess my I.Q.?
Keep going...
Let me help you. It's 210 (not the highest ever, but close). My homework, is your life's work. Lol, indeed.

>> No.6838236

Wise Bloods by Flannery O'connor

>> No.6838238

Israel isn't the paramount testament to being a Jew, you could be a Gentile and still be Israeli. Same way you could be a Jew and not a Zionist.

>> No.6838240
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>yfw the origin of Santa Claus is actually nonfiction
>yfw you made a poor parallel

>> No.6838241

A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.6838249
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>not some gibberish made up so that Westerners can pretend they still have some sort of mental advantage over Brown People

Next you'll tell us your Meyers-Briggs, won't you?

>> No.6838252

Religions are highly evolved, complex mind viruses, not just 'bad things' but structurally, functionally viruses. They disable the mind's immune system with faith, take every other thought captive, and label dissenters as heretics and blasphemers. 'offensive' is a religious concept evolved to stop thought and speech, and anyone who is offended about anything can go fuck themselves, including you.

>> No.6838261

>and anyone who is offended about anything can go fuck themselves, including you.

c a l m d o w n
a l m d o w n
l m d o w n
m d o w n
d o w n
o w n
w n

>> No.6838265

The Bible.

>> No.6838269

>yfw the origin of Santa Claus is actually nonfiction
Uh, yeah, but you know that whole North Pole, flying reindeer, etc. gig ain't real yeah?

>> No.6838273

>its whiteys fault he smarter!

mad at memes

>> No.6838308

At my school it was the reverse, kids would get picked on for being religious, and this was at a religious school.

>> No.6838374

You just set up ANOTHER straw man. I did not question your intelligence, intelligent people are often incredibly delusional. A Christian lets you know that you are alway welcome in their religion and you unleash all of your middle school sad times when all the mean Christians beat you up (which sounds retarded by the way, are you from Alabama?). In what world do you live in where the big bad Christians are the schoolyard bullies? On this planet it's the ones completely unconcerned with creation that project their insecurities on the weak.

>> No.6838377

That is how it is at 99% of all schools.

>> No.6838396

You apply a snide condescension when you read it. But it's said with genuine love and concern.
Is it such a hard truth to swallow? Let it settle a while.

To *some* it isn't a fiction, to some it is.
Now show me your face when you realize it's a good parallel.

>> No.6838402
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Good on your parents then for stepping up and doing some actual parenting. I'm glad this happened to you, it gave you every opportunity to escape your degeneracy

>> No.6838446


>> No.6838489

>Catholics reading the Bible
top kek

>> No.6838505

"Fiction" is a more precise term than "it doesn't real", is what anon is saying. You won't find Beowulf in fiction, for instance.

>> No.6838516

How are parts like the Epistles and Psalms and the Laws fiction?

>> No.6838563

atheism is a very reasonable position, but
>are the most hated group in America
persecution complexes are for religious people. give it a rest.

>> No.6838567

they may be torn to pieces in some schools, but they certainly aren't in the public forum. The obligation to prattle on about god is a particularly irritating (although minor) aspect of america's political dysfunction

>> No.6838568
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Some are not fictions, Thomas. I can admit to that. It's a meme-joke response.

>> No.6838595

The Golden Legend
Brideshead Revisited
anything by Hilaire Belloc
Joseph de Maistre (not fiction, though)

>> No.6838609

you mean Orlando?
Also, Jerusalem Regained, by Tasso

>> No.6838726


I'd love for you to swallow my truth, if ya get my digest.

>> No.6838892

Actually, I would say that it's pretty apt. The origin of Santa Claus is nonfiction, but the canon that society chooses to accept is pure fiction.

If one were so inclined, they could say the same about the bible.

>> No.6838918

>publicizing my beliefs
Just how exactly were you going about this?

>> No.6838946
File: 108 KB, 704x960, 1546192_10101421942946735_338943718_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based protestantism

>> No.6838953

Reminder that Luther is responsible for atheism.

>> No.6838964
File: 223 KB, 1200x1327, 1435428492483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protestants are a fucking joke, everywhere universally they are regarded as trash and the "smart" ones always turn away from it and fall into another equal vat of claptrap like New Atheism.

>> No.6838974
File: 92 KB, 630x900, mulher-na-praia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet, they are the purer form of Christianity.

>> No.6838983

Based Luther
>Know that Marriage is an outward material thing like any other secular business.

>But the woman is free through the divine law and cannot be compelled to suppress her carnal desires. Therefore the man ought to concede her right and give up to somebody else the wife who is his only in outward appearance.

>Suppose I should counsel the wife of an impotent man, with his consent, to giver herself to another, say her husband’s brother, but to keep this marriage secret and to ascribe the children to the so-called putative father. The question is: Is such a women in a saved state? I answer, certainly.

>I confess that I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict the Scripture. If a man wishes to marry more than one wife he should be asked whether he is satisfied in his conscience that he may do so in accordance with the word of God. In such a case the civil authority has nothing to do in the matter.

>Christ committed adultery first of all with the women at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: ‘Whatever has He been doing with her?’ Secondly, with Mary Magdalen, and thirdly with the women taken in adultery whom He dismissed so lightly. Thus even, Christ who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died.

>> No.6838990

How do you mean?

>> No.6839009

Catholicism isn't actual Christianity. It's the European/Hellenic version. Not all forms of protestantism got it right either, but some of them eventually got very close to its middle eastern roots.

>> No.6839029

How is Catholicism not actual Christianity?

Which forms of Protestantism are you referring to?

>> No.6839034

>but some of them eventually got very close to its middle eastern roots.
You mean the masses are in Aramaic?

>> No.6839040

I think she means they aren't modernists, they aren't even Medievalists, they're ancientists. But I find that hard to believe. Protestants tend to be modernist by definition.

>> No.6839046

Protestantism is a purer form of Christianity the way Klingon Hamlet is the purer form of Shakespeare.

>> No.6839082

What would you say about the iconoclasts?

>> No.6839092

Very Jewish and silly.

>> No.6839098

The Chronicles of Narnia?

>> No.6839100


>> No.6839105


>> No.6839118

Like I said

C.S. Lewis was Anglican.

>> No.6839137
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>> No.6839173
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>some of them eventually got very close to its middle eastern roots.

The churches in the Levant have some of the oldest rites and traditions in Christianity. Would you say they were closer to Roman Catholics or Protestants?

>> No.6839195

Hey guys I've recently converted to Catholicism and I plan on reading the Divine Comedy but are there books based on the crusades or like anti-muslim/degeneracy books written by Catholics? I really want to be able to be an active Catholic by going on my own personal crusade against degenerates and muslims (nonviolent ofcourse but I didn't know a better word)

>> No.6839216

The Betrothed by Alessandro Manzoni

>> No.6839226

If you mean engage Muslims and atheists, Summa Theologica includes many parts on that, and in fact was heavily inspired by pagan and Muslim thinkers.

But I seriously doubt you are you going to go hassle a Muslims irl and try to get him to convert. That sounds like a bad idea.

>> No.6839227

On the Side of the Poor: The Theology of Liberation
by Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino and Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller

>> No.6839278

I respect you Butterfly, but the old Santa Clause route? Really?

Don't you think something as complex and important to the human condition as faith is a little deeper than the nice fat guy who gives toys to kids?

>> No.6839668
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I wonder how real religious people feel when they see idiots convert to their religion because of epic /pol/ memes.

>> No.6839732

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run

>> No.6839750

I got a weird phone...

>> No.6839904

change =/= improvement
recency =/= superiority

>> No.6839927

pity, mixed with sadness.
>feels bad meng

>> No.6839945

The other works of Dante: De Monarchia, Convivio, Vita Nova.
The Petrarch's Canzoniere.

Read the Catholic political manifesto: Giovanni Botero's Della Ragion di Stato. Use judiciously it aganist the machiavellian, tacitean and french devils; above all use aganist the german boar.

Tasso and Manzoni, good choice.
Ariosto isn't a good choice: he is a frivolous and immoral man.

>> No.6839949

Ugh, this is embarrassing. As a fellow atheist, please, stop being so condescending towards people with different beliefs. You sound like one of those religious fanatics everyone hates.

>> No.6839976

>fellow atheist

that's not how atheism works you silly religicuck shill

>> No.6840131
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>Unironically denying that one race is destructive while the other is constructive so you can feel like a good person
>being this easily swept away by academia

>> No.6840134


>> Friend amor fati. That is your friend, I don't see how atheism is any different than theology in essence. THe best faith to have is one for none because if you want power seek zeroes.

See this man you don't understand what i'm saying because you're not like the 'old' atheist intellectuals. I admit I have a fetish for intellectuals who form their own beliefs based upon their own understanding of the world, not other people telling them how to think which is what modern new age atheism is all about. It's no different than Christianity in my opinion. Both of you fuckers ask for help from a higher power whether it be from pity from the old tards or from pity from a god. Either way you're so pitiful and ugly and disgusting, you shold totally end it all. tl;dr Life is a mistake.

>> No.6840141

what ye gonna do about it fget.

>> No.6840159


"Gas the heretics, holy war now!". No of course I've never been to mass or read any theology or done any charitable works!

>> No.6840228

>Hell, I even
So you believe in Heaven and Hell but you are not Christian ?

>> No.6840427

Death Comes for the Archbishop

>> No.6840616

/pol/ needs Jesus more than anyone. As long as they don't go Protestant or some heretical Catholic fringe group, it can only help

>> No.6841942

if you're serious, you may be disappointed to find that most catholic writers in history were far more interested in hating jews than hating muslims.

And much of the anti-muslim stuff that does exist is pretty low-grade, and not going to convince anyone who isn't an illiterate medieval peasant. This was because catholic theologians didn't feel much threatened by Islam, while the historical precedence and proximity of judaism disturbed them.

>> No.6841958

>I have no knowlege and I must speak

M8 half of that board is christian. Most of their IRC users are christian.

>> No.6842002

Yeah, and mostly Protestant.The Catholics (and I don't mean the people who are "drawn to Catholics" and talk about how they want to go to a Latin Mass) tend to be decent enough.

>> No.6842005

>muh no true incestuous denominations


>> No.6842020

Yeah, sure, and Denmark is socialist.

>> No.6842039
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Uh, you don't get to bring non-sequitors

>> No.6842055

>people who don't accept the Nicene Creed, formulated specifically to define "Christian",are proper Christians
Yeah, nah.