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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 252 KB, 720x922, 50b0484b_7a44cc01_d3704ebb5121062699616141f6dc6036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6835378 No.6835378 [Reply] [Original]

How is your literary lifestyle going, /lit/?

>wake up every morning to write for 25 minutes
>drink cheap instant coffee
>look at the sun rise as I write

>be living in South East Asia
>fuck my qt gf, picture related
>get paid from amazon publishing

>living the /lit/ life

>> No.6835388

not interesting as Puck

>> No.6835434

I find your lifestyle Won Ting.

>> No.6835445

sounds gay tbh

>> No.6835468

Great artist only focus on 1 thing in their life ... write. I write about 10 hours a day.

>> No.6835477

Sounds pretty pleb. Great artist != worker ant proletarian

>> No.6835487
File: 51 KB, 292x315, oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up late in the afternoon
>regret sleeping in so long
>consider the little bit of day ahead of me
>tell myself I will get up, shower and run some errands, clean, exercise, read, write, go to bed early to fix my sleeping schedule
>get out of bed
>have some breakfast
>go browse the internet for a bit
>feel like having a drink
>have a few drinks
>feel hungry, make dinner
>have some wine with dinner
>browse the internet a bit more, maybe read a few pages while having a shit
>have a drink maybe
>internet is interesting as fuck
>hear roosters crowing and birds chirping
>the sun is coming up
>surprised that it's late/early
>go to bed
>put alarm to get up relatively early to fix my sleeping schedule
>next day immediate shut off alarm and sleep well into the afternoon

>> No.6835494

well if your so damn cool link us to your apparently super well written and cool book thats so damn good and cool

>> No.6835503

>failing at stock trading as my lack of fire/motivation allows me to be complacent in trades
>don't write
>read almost 4 books past 2 weeks
>sleep odd hours during day and night
>gf is online

it's okay.

>> No.6835508 [DELETED] 

lel get a job nigger

>> No.6835513

inotersting as fuck

>> No.6835518

resting in as fuck

>> No.6835540

Nice song.

>> No.6835561

Jobs are tiresome as fuck.

>> No.6835597

>wake up
>go to work
>get home at night tired as fuck
>read for 2 hours
>shit chat with gf
>I should be writing
>go to sleep instead

I think I'll start writing at my job, because I got a lot of free time there... If I keep on doing this cycle I will fail...

>> No.6835600

Video game OSTs are childish as fuck

>> No.6835608

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835635
File: 9 KB, 429x307, frog face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Plunged up to the ears in work, good friend!" thought Oblomov as he
watched him depart. "Yes, and blind and deaf and dumb to everything
else in the world! Yet by going into society and, at the same time, busying
yourself about your affairs you will yet win distinction and promotion.
Such is what they call 'a career'! Yet of how little use is a man like that! His
intellect, his will, his feelings--what do they avail him? So many luxuries is
what they are--nothing more. Such an individual lives out his little span
without achieving a single thing worth mentioning; and meanwhile he
works in an office from morning till night--yes, from morning till night,
poor wretch!"

>Certainly a modicum of quiet satisfaction was to be derived from the
thought that from nine o'clock until three, and from eight o'clock until nine
on the following day, he, Oblomov, could remain lying prone on a sofa
instead of having to trot about with reports and to inscribe multitudes of
documents. Yes, he preferred, rather, leisure for the indulgence of his
feelings and imagination.

>> No.6835650

Interesting as fuck >>6835608

>> No.6835703

>can't wake up

>> No.6835728

interesting as brother

>> No.6835759

wake up, read for a couple of hours before work
Go to work, read a bit if I have the time
come back home, maybe eat, maybe shower, but definitely read for a couple of hours before back to sleep.

I mean I'm as literary as you can get in a modern environment without being some consumer neet leeching off society.

>> No.6835773

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835782

>consumer neet
>implying you're less of a consumer than a neet

>> No.6835788

What kind of job do you have? I'm envious of people who have office jobs and they got all this fucking free time at work, free time that they could use to be writing.

>> No.6835804

Graphic design, I make video ads. Most of the time I'm just reading stuff, I even bring my books here.

>> No.6835813

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6835815

We're all consumers, but having a job, I'm also producing and pulling my weight in the society.

>> No.6836199

'Pulling your weight' hasn't been a necessity for the entire population since we got mules to pull the weight of our plows though.

There's nothing wrong with being NEET. Society is so overproductive that only a minority of people need to be part of the production process.

>> No.6836200

fucking as interest

>> No.6836209

I-I can't handle this, OP.

>> No.6836246

>see picture
>think they are on some boat in NYC
>think the guy taking the picture is going to get some pussy tonight
>realize they are at some hillbilly barbeque
>that's not water, those are rocks
>those aren't buildings in the background, just motorcycles and a billboard
>her vagina probably smells like rotten fish anyway

My literary lifestyle isn't going. I had a job for a little while but now I'm back to being a useless piece of shit and playing video games all day.

>> No.6836249

>literary lifestyle
>south east asia
are you for certain senpai?

>> No.6836251

>not an adolescent child

>> No.6836323

>I'm back to being a useless piece of shit and playing video games all day.

Yeah ... you're not going to make it

>not using your free time to read, exercise, write

Once you're past the age of 16, you shouldn't be playing video games.

>> No.6836345

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836347

SE Asia is the poor man's place, unlike god tier Korea or Japan ;__;

>> No.6836354
File: 135 KB, 788x1024, 001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

games are for kids and teenagers, dude. quit this shit and do some real work

>> No.6836372

>have a friend
>he's 28
>lives with his parents
>plays video games all day
>works part-time at for minimum wage
>tells him to stop playing video games 3 years ago
>he did, then relapsed
>his day revolves around playing video games and watching TV
>America, 2015.

>> No.6836389

You described me except I'm 29 and in addition to playing video games and watching TV all day, I also watch some porn.

>> No.6836407

what about reading some /lit/ - Literature, you fucking clown

>> No.6836436

>Once you're past the age of 16, you shouldn't be playing video games

says who? Fucking Plato?
fuck off nigger who thinks life is all about reading, writing and exercising. I can sort of agree with reading, meaning that more people should dedicate a bit more time / day to reading, but the fact that you posted a definite age when someone should stop doing something is just extremely plebian and ridiculous.

tl;dr fuck off

>> No.6836441
File: 20 KB, 160x160, RS0TaDRb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Southeast Asia
That's not a bad ladyboy, but don't think you're fooling us.

>> No.6836442

Interesting as fuck

>> No.6836446

>Start writing
>keep doing it for a few months
>get hole in left ear
>half deaf in left war
>can't relate to anythinf
>stop writing

>> No.6836457

Not that anon, but while there's nothing wrong vidya, I wouldn't make it part of your regular lifestyle.

>> No.6836464

>wake up at 7ish to my radio, still drunk and with a headache
>lie in bed for an hour snoozing my mobile alarm, feeling like shit, having anxiety dreams in ten minutes snapshots
>get up, have a quick shower, dress, go to my shitty job
>drink lots of coffee, have agonising interactions with my coworkers, constantly fantasise about walking out and never coming back
>get home
>open bottle of wine
>go on /lit/
>get too drunk to read
>pass out
it's going pretty well

>> No.6836510
File: 9 KB, 682x597, 1418658239171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>watch TV
>come up with a good story
>fantasize about being a relatively successful author
>start planning stuff in my head
>tell myself i really should write that stuff down and actually start writing
>get distracted and forget
>suddenly lose motivation and drive to write
>spend rest of the day at work or in my bed

Unfulfilling. .

>> No.6836518

>not fucking bitches
>not exploring the world
>not lifting weights or playing sports
>not experiencing amazing in the world
>not having a business and making money
>sitting in your house playing video games like a pleb

You're free to do as you pleased, but video games is a shit tier hobby. Nothing is more cringe then seeing an adult play video games, and I'm speaking to you as a person who played video games from 6 years old to 23 ... then I just stopped cold turkey.

>> No.6836524

>nothing wrong with vidya
>nothing wrong with treading water
Embarrassing as fuck

>> No.6836530

Try writing for 5 minutes a day. Just write and slowly build up your habit.

But it just sounds like you don't want to be a writer bad enough ...

>> No.6836537

Lel vidya. You'll never get your youth back, enjoy spending it watching numbers go up all my top keks

>> No.6836557

That sounds stupid. If all you do is write, then what the fuck do you write about? Whatever it is, I'd guess it reads inauthentic as fuck.

>> No.6836576

I mean like an idle thirty-minute to an hour session once a week or less. when the mood strikes. I play imaginative adventures/RPGs, and they stoke my imagination, actually.

'Course, fuck, I don't own any next-gen systems except for a 3DS. So I guess I count as a casual and am in the clear.

>> No.6836579
File: 25 KB, 463x325, 1430156962612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836614

I do.
I just tend to get easily distracted and overwhelmed with things. I's not just writing I have that problem with.

>> No.6836620
File: 45 KB, 717x508, the wu wei lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking american "success" self help lifestyles seriously

>> No.6836638
File: 813 KB, 2592x1936, Secular-Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /lit/ really thinks it's important to start with the Greeks, why wouldn't you start by learning Greek? If you're serious about philosophy and literature, that seems like the first step.

>> No.6836643

found the neet

>> No.6836670

Excessive makeup/10

>> No.6836674

Found the wageslave. :^)

>> No.6836683

I haven't been sleeping very much lately and it's turning my brain over. Everything I write is absolute gibberish full of run on sentences or fragments. Sometimes I wake up and find a few .txt documents saved on my desktop with names like 'asdfahiob' that just have like two or three words in them.

I've been sleeping maybe 3 hours twice a day because of a new job I got has fucked up hours and I've been trying to adjust my sleep schedule. I think I'm going mad though. Things don't taste right. I have trouble reading because my eyes just water instead of focusing correctly.

>> No.6836686

>not fucking bitches
Shallow and only fuckup virgins think that way. Once you've found love and acceptance, you no longer need to, ahem, fuck bitches, to feel like you worth something as a man.

>not exploring the world
Make up your mind, read, write or explore the world? Exploring the world means you have enough money to do it, means you must work extra hard for that amount of money and time to do it, means you have less and less to dedicate to writing and reading.... Or you're leeching off your parents in which case, your opinion holds absolutely no weight.

>not lifting weights or playing sports
Extremely shallow, even comparing to the previous statement of fucking bitches. If you think being healthy revolves around lifting and playing sports, you are mistaken... that, IF you do lifting and sports to be healthy, not not to impress the opposite sex, in which case, as before, your opinion holds no weight.

>not experiencing amazing in the world
What is that supposed to mean? There is no objective amazing. If you are referring to doing drugs and get wasted in the club, then, once again, your opinion holds no weight.

>not having a business and making money
One does not simple "have a business". This statement alone proves that you literally have no idea of what you're talking bout and you are likely part of the majority middle class. Also, as a person who "has money" let me tell you that I'm in no way happier than I was when I was poor enough to literally eat on the floor because i could not afford a table and chairs.

>sitting in your house playing video games like a pleb
The verdict is that your opinion is bottom tier and I would rather listen to a 5 bucks improve yourself book's advice that whatever you're trying to say here.

>> No.6836690

Work is the leading cause of death.

>> No.6836709

>Exploring the world means you have enough money to do it, means you must work extra hard for that amount of money and time to do it... or you're leeching off your parents
Or go teach English somewhere. Generally that involves low hours and enough money to live/travel on.

>> No.6836726

>There is no objective amazing
Not the same anon, but there doesn't need to be. Something's amazing if it makes you think 'wow, that was amazing'. In my experience, vidya very, very rarely provides that feeling, and provides it less and less the more you play.

Playing lots of vidya is, for me at least, pretty much the same feeling as watching porn or browsing dank memes on 4chan... a long, long way from amazing.

>> No.6836738
File: 191 KB, 600x638, timf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read your post because the picture you posted is my weakness.
I spent about a full minute looking at her, and I am now going to masturbate to Asian porn.
Just thought you should now.

>> No.6836756

>attractive asian girl in a shitty environment wearing sexy clothes
A prostitute.

>> No.6836760

OP here. Thanks anon for sharing.

You too, can fuck someone hot as her. While you're jacking off I'm fucking her in the pussy.

Are you up for the challenge of getting a hot gf?

>> No.6836762

>masturbate to Asian porn.
And that there, gents, is the literary lifestyle.

>> No.6836768

Don't forget the make-up. Really bugs me how they try to look as white as possible, but I guess they're catering to local tastes.

>> No.6836772

I stand by what I said.

>> No.6836777

nah, asians are pleb to the max

>> No.6836778
File: 104 KB, 634x895, 1416263361195_Image_galleryImage_EXCLUSIVE_Pregnant_Tila_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you do, don't fap to old hag Asian Americans

>tia nguyen
>she used to be hot as fuck
>now ugly and preggo at 33 single mom

>> No.6836790

I beg to differ >>6834896

>> No.6836799
File: 130 KB, 736x1104, 1436747871888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tess Gerritsen.
>one of those creepy Asians that marry white men

Gotta get those genuine, authentic Asian, not sure tier Asian Americans

>> No.6836801

>email an adult performed when I heard her mention Dave Eggers in an interview
>she lists her favourite book and links her amazon wishlist page
>she doesn't reply any more even though I'm still asking questions
>buy her a book from her wishlist
>we talk about it and other things for like five minutes
>buy her more books
>we talk a little every time
>tfw became so lonely that I started buying other things (beauty products, kitchen utensils, yoga equipment) along with books not on her list
>tfw keep sending her messages asking if she read them
>tfw no reply
>tfw it's been three months now since the last automated thank you email
>tfw mom is harassing me for wasting her money
>claim I spent it on taking a girl out dating and on a weekend trip to her hometown
>she asks why I didn't tell her about having a gf and calms down
>tfw have to keep up the act now I guess

>> No.6836814
File: 753 KB, 900x1350, 52f9a960_039be421_dsc_3771n_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to hang out with ;__;

>> No.6836821
File: 35 KB, 500x720, anh-girl-xinh853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to hang out by the water front and hold hands, and admire the sunset with ;__;

>> No.6836824

hi5 OP, my wife is vietnamese too

>> No.6836826


For real, I would kick the inventor of skin-whitener in the balls.

>> No.6836830 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 519x768, girl-xinh-ao-dai-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to play peek a boo in the park on a sunny afternoon ;__;

>> No.6836842
File: 45 KB, 640x960, anh-midu-dep-trong-ta-ao-dai-truyen-thong-goi-net-viet-day-duyen-dang-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she? Nice? Does she have a northern accent or a southern accent, or is she Vietnamese American who speaks no Vietmamese

Actually, Vietnamese people can be really light skin, if they don't work in the rice field ... it's their natural skin color for the most part. But you're right, people do use skin whitening cream.

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend who dresses in an traditional outfit - ao dai - to hang out with during Vietnamese new year ;__;

>> No.6836846
File: 96 KB, 640x960, co-gai-viet-nam-ao-dai-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to pray for you good health.

Vietnamese are pure maids, an angel from heaven. Koreans and Japanese girls are known for being prositutes, especially Korean women :(

>> No.6836852
File: 63 KB, 427x640, co-gai-viet-nam-ao-dai-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to live the /lit/ style with, she massages your shoulders while you write your 1,000 page novel ;__;

>> No.6836853

Southern accent. Real Vietnamese. A real qt. We never argue about anything, never raise our voices at each other, been happily married for over a year now. She gives amazing rimjob and keeps asking me when we're gonna have kids. Soon, bb.. soon...

>> No.6836855

gook loving shitposters ruin yet another thread!

>> No.6836857
File: 1.87 MB, 359x360, 7GdxBP8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon pls stop posting asian qts, we're supposed to be discussing literature ;__;

>> No.6836861
File: 111 KB, 682x1024, co-gai-viet-nam-ao-dai-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, I hope you treat her well.

>dat amazing rim job feeling, especially when she sucks on your ass lol

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to make love with on a Thursday ;___;

>> No.6836864

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to play peek a boo in the park on a sunny afternoon ;__;

>tfw no girlfriend

>> No.6836866

>obsesses over avarage asian girls
>lots of feels

Say...did you used to post on /fit/?

>> No.6836867

is bitten off

>> No.6836871

>proud to write only 25 minutes a day.
>proud to drink cheap instant coffee.
>proud to get published by amazon.
well at least you're getting laid.

>> No.6836872
File: 128 KB, 727x960, co-gai-viet-nam-ao-dai-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian girls are part of /lit/ lifestyle.

Interestingly enough, Korean girls and Vietnamese girls look similar.

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to ride in the rain with, on a hot humid rainy day in Vietnam ;__;

>> No.6836873

Fuck me. Go back to /r9k/ or something, this thread is pathetic.

>> No.6836875

but Oblomov is a miserable failure

>> No.6836877

i actually met her on an asian dating website, man. give it a try since you're so into them. the payed ones though, not the free ones.

>> No.6836883

Did it take 25 minutes to write this shit post, OP?

>> No.6836888
File: 45 KB, 513x720, gai-xinh-gai-dep-viet-nam (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, but I wasn't feelbrah. Come to think of it, I was the first anon to make "tfw no average korean gf" as a meme, this was like 2 years ago?

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to hang out with at the coffee shop and play fireworks with during Vietnamese new year ;__;

>> No.6836907

>i actually met her on an asian dating website, man. give it a try since you're so into them. the payed ones though, not the free ones.

My number for Asian women is 19 so far (life time), I lived in many different Asian countries and had many different Asian girlfriends (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese)

The only Asian girlfriend I haven't had yet is Monogolian and Nepalese. Finding a Mongolian is like finding a rare pokemon.

I'm just posting cute Vietnamese girls because it's funny.

>> No.6836918
File: 58 KB, 650x868, gai-xinh-gai-dep-viet-nam (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend who cries over you because you broke up with her ;__;


I can translate it if anyone is curious what she's saying

>> No.6836925
File: 1.33 MB, 2560x1600, wallpapers_48226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never spend an evening reading with a qt like this
why live

I was going to say if you are feelbrah then its weird recognizing your posts, on a different board, just from the average Korean gf posts.

Its still kind of weird though that you knew where I was going with this when I asked if you were on /fit/. Feelbrah was just that good of a shitposter I guess.

>> No.6836935

This is the post of a Moby Dick sized neckbeard.

>> No.6836936

it's not really funny though, shitlord

>> No.6836954

autism doesn't understand humour

>> No.6836958

better be a true neckbeard than a fake sad fuck pretending to travel the world and own businesses and experiencing everything amazing in the world. At least I am what I say I am.

>> No.6836962
File: 64 KB, 600x800, gai-dep-9x-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, the hive minds on 4chan is awesome.

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to kiss you good night ;__;

>> No.6836969

>no one can do things because I can't
Green isn't a good color on you, anon.

>> No.6836981
File: 83 KB, 683x1024, co-gai-viet-nam-ao-dai-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to inspect the window, making sure the hinges are safe

>> No.6836989
File: 154 KB, 427x640, bo-anh-cuc-dep-ve-nu-sinh-mac-ao-dai-1562-1394680836-53212404aa2b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend on a scooter to pick you up and hang out in the mall

>> No.6836998
File: 87 KB, 1024x768, anh-dep-nu-sinh-voi-chiec-ao-dai-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend admiring you as you life your /lit/ lifestyle

>> No.6837010

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend chilling at the doorstep
>"anon, you always make me smile :3"

>> No.6837014
File: 46 KB, 720x960, hinh-anh-dep4206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot picture

>> No.6837015

Average Vietnamese girl looks like a half Montagnard monkey.

>> No.6837024
File: 110 KB, 550x825, 6-kieu-toc-mac-ao-dai-dep-cho-ban-gai-tu-tin-duyen-dang-dao-pho-ngay-xuan-2015-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I know, but let's not ruin the neckbeard fantasy.

Gotta make the white man marry Asians, right? Good goy, heheheh.

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend praying for you every day

>> No.6837028
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, anh-dep-nu-sinh-voi-chiec-ao-dai-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing I like Vietnamese girls over Koreans is that plastic surgery is very, vey rare in Vietnam.

What you see is what you get.

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend to do home work with at the park

>> No.6837035
File: 372 KB, 580x873, hai_co_gai_dep_nhat_duyen_dang_ao_dai_tuan_6_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend saving an injured cat

>> No.6837042
File: 158 KB, 640x1024, yeusexvietorg-014-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend waiting in the park, with roses in her hand to give to you

>> No.6837049

You aren't even trying to pretend this is /lit/ related anymore. This whole board is becoming worse every single day, I might as well be on /v/ or /r9k/.

>> No.6837051

Okay. There's an incredibly easy way to solve this. Go to PM. Give me your Skype name. I'll add you and you can talk to me. I will also give you my LinkedIn profile.

>> No.6837057

Yeah you're right. I'll stop posting average Vietnamese girls.

>> No.6837061
File: 359 KB, 768x1024, AoDai---425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you buddy.

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend at school waiting to hang out with you after school, riding in the scooter and drinking Vietnamese coffee

>> No.6837332
File: 127 KB, 345x337, Neckbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Once you've found love and acceptance, you no longer need to, ahem, fuck bitches,
>leeching off your parents
> If you think being healthy revolves around lifting and playing sports, you are mistaken
>eat on the floor because i could not afford a table and chairs
>your opinion holds no weight.

>> No.6837358

>all these pictures of Vietnamese women
>implying Vietnam isn't the shittiest part of civilized Asia
>mfw living in Korea, the Vietnamese were seen as the Mexicans of Asia
>mfw middle aged Korean men living on farms order Vietnamese mail order brides

good luck with your poverty tier Asian "literary" endeavors
>mfw you spend 25 minutes every morning writing about the Vietnamese tramp from the night before

>> No.6837376

>tfw no average vietnamese hooker at a bar waiting to hang out with you after whoring, riding in the scooter with 12 family members and drinking Carlsberg

fixed it for you

>> No.6837382

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend waiting in the car park, with roses in her hand to give you a handjob

>> No.6837390

>tfw no average vietnamese girlfriend eating an injured cat

>> No.6837426

How is life as a white guy living in Korean teaching english?

>> No.6837432

Good Korea or the republic of Korea

>> No.6837438

Actually, my lady in the picture has a Ph.D in lingistic ... never judge a b00k by it's cover.

>> No.6837442

>not befriending a vietnamese hooker

>> No.6837447

Why does she look like a whore then?

>> No.6837693

>start work at 3pm, finish at 10pm
>go straight to a bar
>drink till daylight with an international crew of friends
>no laws regarding public intoxication or otherwise limiting alcohol sales
>20% alcohol at $1 per bottle
>sleep til afternoon, if at all
>repeat every day until you die of alcohol poisoning

>also cultural shit and scenic mountain landscape if you are into that

>> No.6837703

>and free airfare to Korea payed for by your school

>> No.6837835

That's autistic

>> No.6837850

That's like the saddest thing I've ever heard. You should write a book about it. I'd read that book.

>> No.6837856

me as well tbh

>> No.6837965

I kind of stopped reading after I found work. I'm not sure exactly when I stopped. I work long shifts but few days, so you would think that I would be productive since it's a work hard, play hard kind of thing, but I mostly just sleep and drown my life in video games during my days off.

Now I don't read because I'm supposed to be studying for the most important exam of my life, so I feel like any time I spend reading is time wasted since I should be reading exam material instead. The problem is that I don't study either. It's a vicious cycle.

>> No.6838482

This is the only literary lifestyle in the thread

>> No.6839232

How long are you going to teach english for in Korea? Teaching english isn't a career.

>> No.6839302

Wake up at 6am go to work at 7 finish at 4.30pm get home at 6. Spend 2 hours reading and with gf. Then bed. Repeat.

>> No.6839308

Reverse image search gives us this

>> No.6839487

It isn't a surprise that my supreme GF is around on the internet.

>> No.6839535

>wake up at 5am
>waste time and socialize at work
>come back at 4pm
>try to catch up with gf
>remember I don't have a gf anymore
>start writing till 11pm

Living the dream.

>> No.6839538

> definite age when someone should stop doing something
But that's how it is. At a certain age you're supposed to stop shitting yourself, stop leeching from your parents and obviously stop wasting your times smashing buttons.

>> No.6839563

Told you, until I die of alcohol poisoning.

Or until I get tired of getting wasted 7 nights a week. Most English teachers are in there mid to late 20s, though there are lots who are in their 30s. Known a few who are in their 40s and 50s, they been here since the 1990s, have wife and kids.

>> No.6839573


I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with video games in the abstract, but in reality they are all shit, poorly written or time sinks.

They might be slightly above wasting your time on TV, but overall they are just worthless.

Unless you are making money off them somehow you should probably stop playing them ASAP

>> No.6839575



>> No.6839585

>I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with video games in the abstract
>inherently wrong
>misusing abstract

>> No.6839600


'Inherently wrong' makes sense in this case because the point is there is nothing bad in the concept of video games as a medium.

The concept of a medium is an abstract category.

Stop being a butthurt gaymer and grow up.

>> No.6839602

i didn't ask you to keep proving how pretentious you are. please stop

>> No.6839607

>uses the word pretentious without any pretense in the context

Are you the one who thought abstract was being used as a noun and not an adjective?


>> No.6839628

What's more sad is a middle age man playing video games ... saw this 42 years old mother fucker with 1,500 hours in his steam account

>> No.6839634

It wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't a fat fuck, mother fucker could've have used that 1,500 hours (this was just one game) to go to the gym

>> No.6839638


Spending your time on video games is even more pathetic than spending your time working TBH.
People who work then come home and play video games to "unwind" are the absolute worst.

NEET + No video games is god tier.