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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6826623 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/izens, help me out.

I've got 150USD to dump. I want to get into poetry, I've read Stephen Fry's book on meter and so on, other than that I haven't read any poetry. I would like some secondary text that can explain shit for me, and some books of poetry. As said, I've got 150 bucks to spend.

What should I buy /lit/?

Pic unrelated, my drink.for the night (white Russian)

>> No.6826635
File: 799 KB, 2790x1284, Screen+Shot+2015-07-01+at+9.46.48+PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two of the worst drinks in one. never understood the appeal of white russians ugh. also dairy and alcohol makes me barf anyways

>> No.6826643

>Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman
>Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Season 1
>Complete Poetry of W.B. Yeats

>> No.6826653

Don't buy Fry's book, instead buy Cleanth Brooks' The Well Wrought Urn

>> No.6826656

>don't buy this book that does a thing, buy this book that does the exact same thing instead because I said so

>> No.6826658

>I've got 150 bucks to spend.
Go to Project Gutenberg. You'll find tons of stuff for FREE.

>> No.6826664

Brooks basically invented new criticism, Fry's book is only famous because Fry is a famous comedian.

>> No.6826666

Buy some good poetry anthologies. Buying the complete works of random poets you've never read is stupid.

>Poetry That Makes Grown Men Cry
>Norton Anthology of Poetry
>Good Poems For Hard Times

>> No.6826668
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>> No.6826669

What does that matter? You're trying to learn metre, not new criticism.

>> No.6826676

That's why they add kaluha. Kind of the glue that binds the two shitty things and makes it passable.

But I know what you're getting at.

>> No.6826691

First things first, lets get you making a proper white russian.

>Half that much cream
>twice that much vodka
>Shorter glass
>just a touch more kahlua

Kill that one, make it again--right this time--and I will post poetry recommendations all night for you.

>> No.6826713
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About 2/9 milk, 2/9 kahlua and 5/9 vodka now.

>> No.6826721

dude just drink what tastes good to you

>> No.6826723

Vodka in general is worthless for anything other than cocktails and that one pasta sauce.

>> No.6826743

That is much better.

Well, what kind of poetic background do you have? There are as many types of poetry in the world as types of booze

>> No.6826745

This post is a mental not to myself:

I was about to make an ironic shitpoat but I didn't.

>> No.6826748

But...I want poetry recs. Also, it is actually better than what I usually make.

>> No.6826751
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"Just read what feels good to you" is the exact reason we have to deal with this shit (pic related)

>> No.6826755

You've already had recs. You want recs?
>Ibn al-Farid
>Geoffrey Chaucer
>William Dunbar
>Thomas Wyatt
>Sir Walter Ralegh
>Edmund Spenser
>Sir Philip Sydney
>Lope de Vega
>Michael Drayton
>Christopher Marlowe
>William Shakespeare
>Thomas Campion
>Thomas Nashe
>John Donne
>Ben Jonson
>Robert Herrick
>George Herbert
>Thomas Carew
>John Milton
>Anne Bradstreet
>Richard Lovelace
>Andrew Marvell
>Henry Vaughan
>John Dryden
>Aphra Behn
>Jonathan Swift
>Alexander Pope
>Samuel Johnson
>Friedrich Gottlieb
>Johann Von Goethe
>William Blake
>Robert Burns
>William Wordsworth
>Samuel Taylor Coleridge
>Walter Savage Landor
>George Gordon Lord Byron
>Percy Bysshe Shelley
>John Clare
>John Keats
>Heinrich Heine
>Ralph Waldo Emerson
>Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
>Edward Fitzgerald
>Edgar Allen Poe
>Alfred Lord Tennyson
>Robert Browning
>Herman Melville
>Walt Whitman
>Dante Gabrielle Rossetti
>Victor Hugo
>Théophile Gautier
>Charles Baudelaire
>Emily Dickinson
>Christina Rossetti
>Lewis Carroll
>Algernon Charles Swinburne
>Thomas Hardy
>Paul Verlaine
>Gerard Manley Hopkins
>Arthur Rimbaud
>A.E Housman
>Rudyard Kipling
>Paul Valéry
>Gottfried Ben
>Max Ernst
>W.B Yeats
>Robert Frost
>Rainer Maria Rilke
>Wallace Stevens
>William Carlos Williams
>D.H Lawrence
>Ezra Pound
>T.S Eliot
>Wilfred Owen
>e.e cummings
>Hart Crane
>Jorge Luis Borges
>Pablo Neruda
>W.H Auden
>Philip Larkin
>James Merrill
>John Ashbery
>W.S Merwin
>Ted Hughes

there's your recs

>> No.6826757

Now that you are drinking, lets run through some shit...read this and tell me what you think about it.


>> No.6826760

>books are the same thing as alcohol
fuck off retard

>> No.6826764


None really, of the few poems I have read, I prefer poems with meter, not much of a fan of free verse, I like rythm and structure. I like Blake's The Tyger, that's really as much as I can say.

>> No.6826765

Seriously though, classic booze taste pairings don't taste good because you think they taste good. They taste good because they taste good to everyone. It works together. Poetry is the same way, yes there is wiggle room for subjectivity, but doing it right is just plain better.

>> No.6826767

Seconded, Well Wrough Urn is fantastic.

>> No.6826771

Hmm...ok...Lets take a step back and do it from the beginning. Read this and tell me if the style strikes you in anyway in particular. Also, you should be almost done with that drink by now.


>> No.6826779


Is getting tipsy a part of reading poetry? If so, I'm fine with that. About 3/4 way through

>> No.6826780

Yes a first timer looking for poetry....Give him a massive list and tell him to read Yeats.

>> No.6826784
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>reading sober

>> No.6826786

>in vino veritas

>> No.6826797

Did you not see
or are you a retard?

>> No.6826799


>> No.6826802

Yeats is pretty accessible.

>> No.6826807

I really enjoy the newer stuff by Charles Wright. It's main focuses are landscape, god, and the metaphor & simile.

>> No.6826808


Hmm, I sort of like it. The problem is that I don't know enough to tell you why. I guess another thing I like in poetry is recitabilty. I guess I like poems that sound good when spoken (or read).

>> No.6826812

Whoops, check me down as 'retarded', apparently.

>> No.6826817

>please hold my hand and force feed me information because i'm too handicapped to figure out how to fucking read by myself
Really, you people are unbelievable. The amount of shitheads that ask "how do i into poetry" absolutely baffles me. I can't imagine what you people would do if you were born before the internet. Perhaps you'd go to the library like the rest of us and start reading, or more likely you'd give up because you're retarded and reading is hard.

>> No.6826821

Don't get much more quotable than Frost. Hmm, perhaps now that you are drunk you should read Bukowski and see if his lighter/cleaner/poppier stuff jumps out to you


>> No.6826825


Yeah, what a sinner I am for using the tools that are available today. Like some dude said once, there is too little time to read bad books.

>> No.6826829

Oh, please. The boy is trying. Don't handicap him with choices on day 1. I'm getting him drunk and feeding him feel good poetry.

>> No.6826833

Not OP, but I like what you're doing. Guided tour through poetry on a Malaysian hopscotch enthusiast board.

>> No.6826855

Special ed classes are also "tools" that would be appropriate for you yet I don't see you utilizing those.

>> No.6826864


I like the alliteration and repetition in this, it's good, I like this one better than the Frost Poem.

>> No.6826871


OP here, whilst /lit/ is mostly shitposting, it can actually be useful and educating once in a while, like now. Much appreciated, anon

>> No.6826887
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Cool, cool. A more modern approach might be a good way to go, but just for the meantime lets take a step back into the classic realm and read something they make you read in E101...just for comparison's sake.


Also, about time for another drinky-poo isn't it?

>> No.6826896
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Muh ivory tower

>> No.6826907

You are speaking above your mental station here, pal. Just accept you are a fairly simple bastard and find new interests. TV, the gym, crack, drinking warm Popov out of a trunk.


>> No.6826917

What? Do you even know what that is or are you just using buzzwords you saw on the internet, because that post and your post are entirely unrelated

>> No.6826938


Also good, always liked Shakespeare, speaks to what most (wo)men can relate to. Especially like the theme in this. I guess the language with Bukowski flows better for me, probably because the language is more contemporary, but I think with time I would appreciate this more than Bukowski.

>> No.6826967

Alright neato. So lets go in some other direction and see if it was the language or the token irreverence that you like.


>> No.6826979
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Ya. You know better because you were probably a BA in english working as a barista so you are threatened by everything that isn't super cynical because you wen't through the proper channels to become an asshole....correct me if i'm wrong.

>> No.6827003

Will you insecure ass sat-alone-during-lunch-k-12 ass niggas get the fuck off this board already?

and lel you think you're above working out. noodle-armed faggot

>> No.6827007


Probably my favorite of those you have posted so far, I like the way the sentences are broken by the parentheses, gives it a good flow/rythm. It sounds good, I especially like:

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

this part. I also like how it is written to someone. Is good man.

>> No.6827028

Alright, alright, alright! now we are getting somewhere. So try on a couple of other modernist on for size and compare them to ee cummins. It doesn't get much weirder in terms of line breaks than cummins.

this guy is pretty well regarded:

>> No.6827038

>ee cummings

mah nigga

>> No.6827056

you're probably a doodyhead poopface

>> No.6827062


Like cummins, I like the short breaks that let's you pace it yourself, like:

It is summer, it is the solstice
the crowd is

cheering, the crowd is laughing
in detail

permanently, seriously
without thought

this. Liked the Cummins poem more, but I like this as well, and for some of the same reasons I suppose.

>> No.6827071
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its ok, anon, i still love you. I am an underemployed BA too.

>> No.6827080

Cool. Well, I think we are getting somewhere. You like cummins and bukowski and I can't say I disagree. However, OP, we had an arrangement, and I'm going to need an update on your drinking status before I continue to post recs. I think a pic of you taking a shot of that aforementioned vodka will do fine.

>> No.6827110 [SPOILER] 
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i'm with you, anons

got an MFA in creative writing and am working as a plumber, six figures but no time to write


>> No.6827134
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Bottoms up

>> No.6827176

John von Dorf, $3.09 on Amazon, it's a pomo shitshow

>> No.6827198

That wasn't me and I didn't major in english because I'm not a retard and can read books without somebody else telling me how, unlike you

>> No.6827211

Perfect. Alright, so you teeter on the edge of modernists and postmodernists...I'm going to throw a couple tracing rounds at you to see what you like about each of them.


Second (long but skim it if you don't have time):


>> No.6827227

>being this dense
>being on an anooonymoose chinese food blogging board and taking yourself this seriously
>being so smug and not contributing anything

wow, anon. Thanks so much for being so cool.

>> No.6827261
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Not a big fan, I like the repetition as stated before, and a few lines of the poem sound good, but in general I am not a fan. Maybe it is because it feels clunky to me. I like the first verse, bit I think second and last fall apart (due to clunkiness)


I like this one, repetitions just works for me, it doesn't have to be much, but just that who in the beginning of every sentence rolls with me. I also liked how there was polysyndeton and use of conjunctions instead of commas. I like longer poems, of the few I have read, I quite liked The Sleepers by Whitman.


I sort of like the style of this one, though I think it may be approaching prose a tad too much. From what I've learned about myself and poetry tonight, is that I like poetry to be about form and not substance I suppose, not that substance is unimportant, but the sound and aesthetics of a poem mean more to me I guess.

>> No.6827281

Cool. Well i'm going to bounce. Just keep reading, man.

>> No.6827290

Alright, cool. Thanks for the tour. Have a good one.

>> No.6827312

How is vodka bad? It's alcoholic water.

>> No.6827905

Vodka is a tasteless drink for people to mix with their cranberry juice, nothing more and nothing less.

If you want to taste something get some gin.

>> No.6827920
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>not drinking JW Blue everytime you sit down to read



>> No.6828002

It's also a drink for people who enjoy the taste of alcohol itself. Vodka is neutral except for the alcohol and water, there's nothing to distract you from the thing itself. Sort of a purist's drink. If you like the taste of alcohol, it's good.

That said, I love gin and more so than vodka.

>> No.6828013


> Johnnie Walker Blue

Kek. How long have you been drinking whiskey? Expensive is not the same thing as good.

>> No.6828020
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>> No.6828098

I want this so bad. Fuck.
Would i be able to start with Baudelaire then move to Rimbaud as an intro to modern poetry?

>> No.6828103


The Norton Anthology of Poetry and W.H Auden's Book of Light Verse.

>> No.6828116

>Implying JW Blue isn't just overpriced

>> No.6828925


Vodka has fueled the creation of so much good literature. How can you dismiss it like that?

>> No.6829317


>> No.6829321

Because it's actual piss water, boyo. "Quality vodka" is an oxymoron. Sure it's good for warming you up in a Soviet snowstorm while you're out hunting bears and fighting nazis and for getting drunk but it's not something I want to drink if I want to enjoy what I'm drinking.

>> No.6829331

>i want to enjoy what I'm drinking

never gonna make it
dukkha forever

>> No.6829334

Time for you to knock back that whole bottle of pills.

>> No.6829343

Well, you got me there. Enjoying things is the literal antithesis to being a writer. Fuck

>> No.6829726

jwb is pleb tier overpriced new money whisky.

>> No.6829748

>drinking anything other than Lux, UV, Barton or Popov straight from the bottle