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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6826858 [Reply] [Original]

>doing drugs like MDMA/DMT because 'durr thats what dreams r made out of u release dmt when u like dream and die man *PUFFS SMOKE*
>pretending as if it helps you write better things or comprehend the works you are reading
>willingly tricking yourself into 'living the lit lifestyle' or that it's gonna trigger a catharsis and make you write your magnum opus that you otherwise couldn't

Why are you so full of shit /lit/?
Why are you so inept to write something without a using 'steroid' or a so-called 'mental enhancer' as you people defend being jacked up on shit?

>> No.6826899
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I don't do drugs because it helps me write, or it create an image. I do drugs because I enjoy experiencing new things. If I don't like a drug, that I have done before, then I won't do it. I wont ever so shrooms again, that's for sure. Acid however, incredible. The point is that I just flat out like drugs, I'm not a drug addict, its just a fun hobby that I partake in from time to time.

If you don't like drugs, or drinking, "crutches" or etc, then that's fine. But just because you don't have to same outlook on substances that others might doesn't mean that they are pathetic, what is pathetic is believing your views to be objective law, how things truly are. You must be very intelligent, I bet you consider yourself a true Tyler Durden esk, T.S. Elliot wonderboy. You are shit, just like me.

>> No.6826910

I'm the next Walt Disney, Elon Musk.

>> No.6826913


OP stop being butthurt you don't have any friends

>> No.6826920

>I avoid doing drugs because I'm so narcissistic and autistic that I think doing drugs makes me into a tryhard

>> No.6826924

So you will invent an extreamly efficient gas chamber? Garbage, just like me OP. Garbage.

>> No.6826931

Esk. Tar and feather me anon, go ahead. I'll enjoy esk.

>> No.6826950



You aren't wrong though. You sound like me two years ago. Just be careful and don't waste too much time, the people you gather around you whilst in the acid/mdma once-in-a-while yeah whatever it's all experience maahn lifestyle are mostly useless if they keep in their current state. Remember it's just a phase, that if you play with fire long enough you will get burned, theres no substitute for hard work and it's better to pace out your experiences sometimes. I'm out that life, if I do psychedelics it's either at burning man once every few years or DMT very sparingly and only if I think it's time (3-4 years)

>> No.6826951

uh people who prefer lsd to psyclobin mushrooms are so weird and offputting. i understand the astral appeal to lsd, but mushrooms are so earthy and oozy and much more grounded and feel less artificial and not preferring them is just odd.

>> No.6826994


not sure why my phone corrected it to that???

>> No.6827008


Hurr durr I've never had good acid.. Have you ever had liquid acid? What about microdots?

Acid is like Star Wars and shrooms are like LoTR

>> No.6827016

Because /lit/ is young and dumb.
They're like teens idolizing rockstars and their drug infused lives, but since they're fucking nerds they do the same thing with writers and some romanticized "literary lifestyle" that doesn't even exist outside the collective fantasy of this board.

>> No.6827021

Its 'esque' you fuck. For the record its voila not wallah as well.

>> No.6827022


>> No.6827026

kek, acid is much better than shrooms

>> No.6827029

know how I know youre a pleb

>> No.6827041

Yeah I'm still pretty fresh into the whole adult drug scene. Just about to turn 21 and just this last year have I had opportunities to experiment with acid. I'm not really that into it, but it made me have an extreamly important appifany about an ex girlfriend so that was nice. I'm pretty much a constant worker as is, not in a super conventional sense as I do stand up comedy and act but I'm out and about pretty much every day all day.

I had a terrible experience with shrooms, it felt like all the negative emotions I had been putting off for years all accumulated into one massive kiss and it made me almost jump off my apartment building. I exaturated earlier, I would most likley try shrooms again if I felt like I was in a more mentally healthy place. I made the mistake of going into it on one of my massive downs, I'm diagnosed type 2 bi polar and so when I'm down I just do anything.

>> No.6827045

no i've had really good acid and large amounts of acid? i really do enjoy how astral it feels, like i said. the intertwining narratives are very interesting, but i feel like mushrooms always have more relevance. my mushroom trips have always aligned and been interconnected with each other, while acid trips seem to be floaty stories (though i'm not saying they do not have value).

i think it's fun, though, how dmt is such an obvious connector between the two.

>> No.6827054

Hey thanks buddy, I'm a truly awful speller and people telling me those things really helps. Gratzi.

>> No.6827077

>it felt like all the negative emotions I had been putting off for years all accumulated into one massive kiss

mm, yeah, i think that's what i like about mushrooms. they always sort of emotionally wrecked me and left me searching once i stood up.

i guess it depends on the dosage and type and etc. i don't care too much for the very visual types of mushrooms, because i find them to be a waste.

>> No.6827097

Not to sound like a little bitch, but chemically speaking I think I just have too many negative emotions to handle it. To each and his own, explore your universe my friend.

>> No.6827104

Why do you think I, or anybody else needs to justify themself to you?

Should you, or what you think, be even remotely important to me? To us?

>> No.6827108


Bro you seem very much like me a couple years ago. I'm 22 but was doing psychedelics since 17 with gaps in between but things got out of hand when I was 19-20 -and my girl left and I was a richfag NEET who used to party every weekend. Trust me, as interesting as the drugs are and whatever insight you gain you pay a cost for and you can end up in an emotional tangle. Try keep it to once or twice a year anon, and only on the right occasions. I know it's a platitude but I'm saying it because I have some massive regrets and got out just in time and seeing my friends who are still in it now and have dropped out of med school etc is upsetting. Focus on achievements first.

>> No.6827126

i don't do psychedelics anymore. i mean, i somehow got roped into taking a research chemical like 5 months ago, but it's been a while besides that because i have pretty bad hppd and don't need to worsen it. also all the psychedelics really triggered some psychosis in me, which was fun and all, but it's hard to live a life if you're not grounded

so yeah i'm not really advocating for you to use mushrooms. i just think they're better in the long run than acid is.

>> No.6827135

>whatever insight you gain you pay a cost for

this is incredibly true and important to really consider and understand.

>> No.6827144

Honestly, thank you. Most people just shrug off online advice and such, especially when not asked for, however I will definitely try to internalize and heed your warning. I don't really have any friends, that is the closest one lives an hour and a half away, so unfortunately/luckily? The opportunity doesn't rear too often. But if I do find myself in a situation with too much going on, I will try and be aware of backing out. Thanks my kindred spirit.

>> No.6827150

I agree but I'm sensitive to boomers and get rainbows off of less than 1.7g so I eat them anyway
>as interesting as the drugs are and whatever insight you gain you pay a cost for and you can end up in an emotional tangle
I know what you mean but this isn't a rule. My advice is to treat them more like booze then meditation but that's really unpopular with the hipster internet crowd trying to buy enlightenment for ($10) a hit.

>> No.6827155
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Any other straight edges on /lit/?

>> No.6827163

>My advice is to treat them more like booze

i don't think this is really a practical way of thinking.

>> No.6827183
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It is if you want to see some cool shit and not sound like a generic vacuous faggot

Just don't mis-dose ;^)

>> No.6827196

yeah i guess that's my issue because visuals kind of bore me, especially now that i have low-key open and closed-eye visuals most of the time.

i guess that's why these research chemicals appeal so heavily to some people. they are basically just visual-bombs.

>> No.6827202

Thank you.

>> No.6827208

First poster here, out of curiosity, why do you not do drugs?

>> No.6827209

i wonder if tao lin is in this topic

>> No.6827228

hi tao

>> No.6827271

I'm not him but I don't do drugs (pills, shrooms, weed, lsd, mdma, meth, etc.) because it seems like too much of a hassle and the end results don't sound like they're worth it. I just drink.

>> No.6827294

Without doing it though how would you know?

>> No.6827316

well i use heroin/opiates for pure escapism

am i /lit/erary lifestyle yet?

>> No.6827375

I get panic attacks on shrooms.

>> No.6827395


This is going to sound quite edgy but I think that weed can help. It makes it feel as if the cogs in your brain are working seamlessly, as if they were oiled to perfection and processing information with utmost clarity. It's like I'm doing it at the best of my ability, but it's ability I know I have, it just seems to make you take the right path. To be honest, you don't even have to get super high, it's more the relaxing phase that produces the most astute concentration and skill.

So it doesn't "help" in the sense that it brings about thoughts that weren't there. It just makes you less indecisive about what actions you will take, as if the path forward is illuminated by proper action. So it "helps" in the sense that it unlocks your real potential. Though admittedly I am not a distinguished scientist, I am still telling the truth because it is my truth, which makes it real coming from my perspective.

Though I'm still not sure if it's the greatest thing to do. I just want to be really responsible. I want to do the right thing. It seems I never take the proper action, I'm made to feel guilty just for who I am. I hope it will turn out alright. But I am filled with apprehension and guilt.

>> No.6827557
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why is there a picture of Sudo on /lit/

anyway I'm drug-free, don't even drink coffee because fuck mornings anyway

I get along very well with pot users, though I dislike the smell. I've been described by them as the 'highest sober guy ever' whatever that means. Probably just that I'm spacey and weird.

I dislike hanging out with people who drink enough to get drunk, they just seem to get loud and stupid. Don't really notice a difference between buzzed and sober people.

Cigarette smoke repulses me completely, I cannot abide to be near smokers, and I can't really respect people who smoke/chew tobacco either. That's one drug that seems to exist solely for the sake of physical addiction-People talk about life-changing experiences on LSD but cigs?
it's an awful smelling cancer stick that makes you feel bad if you don't smoke more- the gain is so minimal compared to the cost, ya know?

Psychedelics sound interesting but the people I've talked to who tried them weren't really able to translate the experience into words

thank's for reading my blog be sure to like and subscribe :^)

>> No.6827595

Using straight edginess to posture is as bad as using substance use to do so.

>> No.6827599

I don't think he meant that one should be taking them as often as one, on average, in the American populace, partakes of such drink, but that one shouldn't be taking any drug so seriously, thinking the hit will be some epiphanic experience, always.

>> No.6827610

go to bed tao

>> No.6827618

Writers and alcohol have a very long and sordid history.
To deny that is to be pleb.

>> No.6827619

Smoking is a consistent source of comfort and joy to a lot of people and your oversimplification of what it offers people shows you have no experience with it tbh. It's also silly to not be able to respect great writers because they liked to burn plants. Seems like a trivial hangup.

>> No.6827620
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>> No.6827631

>acting naturally like a stoner

Disgusting. You should pick up a coke habit or something.

>> No.6827641

Coming up on shrooms absolutely blows.

Acid is a good time from start to finish

>> No.6827647

>rainbows off less than 1.7

How the fuck?

>> No.6827655

>I get along very well with pot users, though I dislike the smell. I've been described by them as the 'highest sober guy ever' whatever that means. Probably just that I'm spacey and weird.

>> No.6827686

This entire post reeks of underage.
>Probably just that I'm spacey and weird.
>I dislike hanging out with people who drink enough to get drunk, they just seem to get loud and stupid.
>Cigarette smoke repulses me completely, I cannot abide to be near smokers, and I can't really respect people who smoke/chew tobacco either.
>I can't really respect people who smoke
>I can't really respect people who smoke
>the gain is so minimal compared to the cost, ya know?
>ya know?
>Psychedelics sound interesting but the people I've talked to who tried them weren't really able to translate the experience into words

If I was a mod I would ban you on the spot. how the fuck can you be this transparent

Lurk for a few more years

>> No.6827687

I haven't done drugs in a very long time, OP.
Perhaps you shouldn't generalize?

>> No.6827688

OP I do drugs because i hate ymself !

>> No.6827718

I'm pretty sure the /lit/erary lifestyle is just a joke. Living a low intensity life of leisure that gives you time to contemplate and study your own interests is basically the lowest bar for entrance into patricianhood. Besides, no matter how much of a bore you are, a shitty job isn't going to make it any better.
We live in a society where our almost every need is taken care of, provided you aren't too incapable to function, and all the culture, entertainment, and aesthetics you could consume in a lifetime is available either online or through your public library.
So really there's no reason not to be living the bohemian lifestyle.

Obviously, however, opium and chess are the thinking man's drugs of choice.

>> No.6827726

wait what? then what is the highest bar?

>> No.6827740

Actually being the 'amoral artist god.'

>> No.6827745

>implying drugs dont enhance your experience of said art

a shameful nigga

>> No.6827750

i don't feel much of anyone could be an artist without a lot of time "studying" their own interests

how do you go about being that?

>> No.6827755

I think he means literally being God, breh.

>> No.6827769

I don't think you're comprehending that sentence correctly. He's saying being a bohemian with lots of leisure time to pursue their interests in itself isn't that impressive, and is around the bare minimum as a start to becoming 'patrician.' It's not that you must stop doing that to advance further, just build upon it.

>> No.6827776


so the high bar is just a joke? considering we aren't becoming god anytime soon?

>> No.6827788

I was quoting Nietzsche. In other words, the 'highest bar' would be becoming a Goethe, Beethoven, Joyce, etc.

I didn't literally mean 'God.'

>> No.6827789
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There is nothing wrong with convincing yourself that you're a great writer and living in that delusion.

We all have deluded ideas of ourselves and its not good to suprress them or live them out in fantasy

>> No.6827824

ok. i was just taken off guard by the word "bore", it surprised me. like, a job won't "make you interesting" or as if being a "bore" is the worst fate you could suffer.

>> No.6827828
File: 395 KB, 1506x841, Hey-Wait...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being the World Spirit on Horseback

>not being able to achieve an ecstatic state through pure aesthetics
>needing to "enhance" your experience of art in the first place
>being so disingenuous as to care about "enhancement" when you could just smoke opium until you can't stand up

>> No.6827829

Nice shitpost. And no, the meme at the end does not excuse your shit personality and opinions.

>> No.6827837
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>as if being a "bore" is the worst fate you could suffer

It is though. At least, if you want to be a writer.

Have you ever read books written by boring people? They're not great, I can tell you that much.

>> No.6827840

The most sensible post is yet again the least noticed
Classic /lit/

>> No.6827844

>being so disingenuous as to care about "enhancement" when you could just smoke opium until you can't stand up


>> No.6827845
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>some romanticized "literary lifestyle" that doesn't even exist

>> No.6827848


except it does exist tho

>> No.6827851

It depends hugely on what research chemical you're talking about.

e.g. 2C-B has much less pronounced visuals and a lot more emotional/thought-process related content which is very nice.

>> No.6827854

toppest of keks

>> No.6827867
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>implying listening to music after smoking a blunt to the dome isn't a religious experience
>implying i'd be somehow cheating or devaluing art if i experienced it high

>> No.6827874
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I'm legit curious why y'all so mad.

You seem to be upset about a perceived immaturity, perhaps due to my conversational writing style being at odds with the usual belligerent 4chan posturing? I'm 23 and have been here for 9 years so being called underageb& was a real blast of nostalgia, lol.

Of course I have no experience with it, I said I'm drug free didn't I? but there's a lot of sources of consistent comfort and joy that aren't expensive carcinogen bombs assaulting everyone near by, and liking someone's writing is completely independent of what their life was like. Is it just a matter of 'oh no he finds my lifestyle distasteful?' Are you insecure about your smoking? Quitting only has benefits, ya know.

You lost me. How is expressing the thoughts of others and my own thoughts on their thoughts 'tumblr?' Did you think I'm Anonymous 'humblebragging' about being 'weird and spacey?' That's just, a level of paranoia I can't relate to, fella.

I'm imagining you as some sort of high-stakes libertarian businessman who gets very stressed out when other people aren't concerned about money as he is. Probably not true because /lit/ but still fun

Wow, rude dude. You really hurt my feelings, with me trying to be Newly Sincere.

>> No.6827876

>actually responding to bby's first troll

>> No.6827894

just drop a tab and you'll know anon.

....you will know....

>> No.6827901

Do you actually think that MDMA is in any way, shape, or form similar to DMT?

>> No.6827935

>not doing drugs
It's fun, why not

>> No.6827942

look at this cool guy, he's got everything figured out

>> No.6827948

Yea, I guess I am.
>soft drugs
illegal, too much of a hassle to acquire.
>hard drugs
too dangerous, very illegal.
Too gross, don't like medical issues it causes.
Not worth doing alone, too depressing.

>> No.6827954

how do you feel about sugar tho

>> No.6827955
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>too dangerous
>not worth it
>too depressing

>> No.6827970

Because I am pure man and will one day dethrone God.

>> No.6827972

he listens to memerap

>> No.6827974

taking a new drug is hardly a new experience

>> No.6827981
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>very illegal
>too dangerous
>too gross
>too depressing

>> No.6827989
File: 23 KB, 480x360, puh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, kid.
Also wrinkly pug for the Lulz

>> No.6828000
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What's there not to understand? I could be straddling the borderline between dreams and reality in an opiate induced bliss, or I could fry my brains on pot and fool myself into thinking I'm somehow getting more bang for my buck when I listen to music.
The only difference is that the former doesn't require the pretense that my drug use is somehow "artistically motivated" or whatever.
If you aren't going to be sober, you can at least be somber.

Except it really isn't. The fact you think a blunt to the dome is impressive or quasi-religious demonstrates your age a lot more than it does your maturity.
Needing to be high to appreciate art doesn't mean you're cheating art, it means you're cheating yourself.

>> No.6828007

it's not that you need to be high to appreciate art, it's that the aesthetic experience might have a different character when the mental state is altered.
also jenkem

>> No.6828011

Alright, I admit I'm boring.
I'll never be as cool as you.

>> No.6828019


while anon COULD be spooked I somehow suspect his thought process is more
>undertaking these actions will displease me due to the unsatisfying ratio of effort-potential pleasure-potential consequences
rather than
>I am an AMERICAN and I am FREE to NOT USE the FILTHY and DISGUSTING DEVILWEED made by TERRORISTS and COMMIES, I will get high on the american DREAM as every TRUE PATRIOT SHOULD. semper fi

>> No.6828028

I was actually curious though about not the sugar, but if this sort of restraint carried over into other aspects of your life. like you only eat perfectly healthy foods, you follow a regimented everything (diet, exercise, sleep schedule), if you have everything under control. you always put your keys on the same hook, etc.

>> No.6828030
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Annnnnnd /thread

it was a fun little shitfest we had here, now let's pack up and head home

>> No.6828035

but that is the point of ENHANCEMENT. you aren't "knocked out", you aren't "dreaming/awake" its a "mood changer" in the sense that caffeine is. the phrase "religious experience" is mainly used as an exaggeration (im not speaking for that anon however). right? you drink coffee, like in your picture, and it "enhances" your focus. it "enhances" your attention.

also: there has been shit tons of art made under the influence. I'd be curious if you feel that is automatically discounted as well.

>> No.6828044

I like sugar just as much as anyone else.

>but if this sort of restraint carried over into other aspects of your life
Yes and no, I'm not as autistic as you've described, but I like being in my comfort zone.

I wouldn't be adverse to doing any drugs/beer, but as >>6828019 said, it's not worth doing.

>> No.6828046

hey bud, when I was in high school all my stoner friends would also describe me as "the highest sober guy" and I thought that meant I could get along fine without weed. And I could. But then I tried weed and let me tell you, being the "high sober, spacey and weird" type will make the drug experience even better.

>> No.6828050


I interpreted his post completely differently (probably because I'm projecting lol)

I viewed his disavowal as an avoidant withdrawal.

He don't want no trouble, so he doesn't do anything illegal
He doesn't want pain, so he avoids things with side effects
He takes little pleasure from drinking and only does it socially, but has no friends

There's just no volition to seek pleasure and risk a disruption of his flatline contentment

>> No.6828057

"drink is the curse of the writing class" --Oscar Wilde

good post anon I think you're right

>> No.6828060

sorry anon but I actively avoid pleasurable experiences that cost money or require significant effort.

'Pleasure will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!'

I already resent being awake most of the time because it means I'm missing out on the pleasure of dreaming.

And I'm sure I'd like weed and psychedelics A LOT, which means I would grow to resent not being high A LOT.

>> No.6828070

your path is as valid as anyone else's bro. we're not pushing anything

>> No.6828081



>> No.6828252

>You seem to be upset about a perceived immaturity, perhaps due to my conversational writing style being at odds with the usual belligerent 4chan posturing? I'm 23 and have been here for 9 years so being called underageb& was a real blast of nostalgia, lol.

I called you underage because of your embarassing naïveté. Seriously, this is gold:
>it's an awful smelling cancer stick that makes you feel bad if you don't smoke more- the gain is so minimal compared to the cost, ya know?
I don't want to get into an entire debate with you, I just want to cast some light as to why you come across as a narcissistic stay-at-home-son who has never had a job or any hardships. A lot of people that smoke cigarettes aren't doing so because "hell, this is a nice buzz." They're smoking because they're recovering from other addictions or couple it with other addictions. You'll be hard-pressed to find someone that smokes and only smokes without having once been addicted to something. My father was a raging alcoholic all throughout my teen years and now, instead of that, he smokes. I would much rather him smoke. Lung damage is preferred to being perpetually insufferable. You saying "I have no respect for people that smoke" is just a kid thing to say. Same goes for your whole comment about how you detest those that drink to get drunk. I mean, really, do you ever leave your anime cave?

The whole "im just weird and spacey" thing is a transparent "special snowflake" attention grab. You're just frustrating. You got me. Im mad. Even more insufferable, your whole notion of "what? Not used to coherent conversational tone?"
We get it. You can construct a sentence. You're above the filthy Proles of 4chan.

You come off as a whiny, self-absorbed bitch who turns his nose up at others and writes everyone off as mongrels and I'm sure that's exactly who you are.

>> No.6828305
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>> No.6828973

I listen to music sober every day, but weed can help give you new perspectives on music you listen to. It doesn't mean you have to smoke it errytime in case you don't appreciate art. In some ways, once a certain 'doorway' is opened (i.e. a neural pathway), you don't need the drug to access this mode of thinking.

>> No.6829006

America: the post