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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.6825407 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ so statist and socialist while /pol/ is very pro-business rights and libertarian?
/lit/ is the most left wing board on 4chan by far and I really do not understand why at all.

>> No.6825418

It's because of all the Christfags.

>> No.6825431

Patricians like order and proles like 'freedom', meaning they want to act like retards without party poopers.

>> No.6825439

Because well-read individuals are naturally smart and leftist, you small-minded capitalist.

>> No.6825459
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>just went over to /pol/ to see what it was like now a days
>Im a pretty racist guy figure /pol/ hate is just SJW types crying
>3 threads about the price of burritos
>4 about gay marriage
>Somebody is literally unironically saying Ayn Rand is a good "philosopher"
>bunch of meme threads
>non ironic donald trump supporters
>blame everything on jews yet oppose market regulation or any form of profit sharing operations
I seriously don't get it

>> No.6825461

none of the boards are "left wing".
4chan is populated by emasculated beta fuck-ups...... who have a tendency to become attracted to right wing politics.

When /lit/ talks politics it tends to become /pol/tier pretty quickly... the stiky was introduced to try and disuade political discussion.

also read the sticky and fuck off

>> No.6825470

/pol/ is a bunch of Jews who want to be Nazis.

>> No.6825473
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>Why is /lit/ so statist and socialist


>> No.6825481

Actually beta losers who haven't accomplished anything tend to be leftist and this board attracts them in droves

>> No.6825491


I bet your boss says how accomplished you are everytime he fingers your butthole

>> No.6825492

Sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

>> No.6825495


>> No.6825496

>implying anybody can ever accomplish anything meaningful

>> No.6825509

You think we're leftist because we are, Only relative to conservative extremists. Also patricians tend to take from both sides of the political spectrum

>> No.6825510

not who you replied to.... but I'm not sure if there's much correlation to being a fuck-up and being drawn to " pro-business rights and libertarianism"... but there is certainly a strong corelation between young men who feel inadequate and emasculated being drawn to racist ideologies.

You can watch this on /r9k/. as /r9k/ becomes increasingly the domain of beta fuck-ups who are determined to drive away "normies" the ammount of /pol/ style threads or threads that degenerate into /pol/ and stormfront bullshit increases.

>> No.6825545

*tips fedora*
I too am an intellectual college major
Those big greedy businesses just want to make money and dont give a shit about the repercussions for the rest of us >:(

>> No.6825560

Relative to /pol/ anyone seems leftist.

Most threads I've made about contemporary leftist theory that didn't involve Zizek have gotten no replies, or devolved into shitflinging between /pol/ types and "leftist" people who haven't even read Das Kapital.

>> No.6825574

>/pol/ is very pro-business rights and libertarian?

top b8

>> No.6825581

I mean libertarian int he American sense of the word, not the classical one

>> No.6825591

Because Marx makes for better reading than Ayn Rand.

>> No.6825597

>blame everything on jews yet oppose market regulation or any form of profit sharing operations
What's you're point hear?
There is nothing wrong with opposing any of that, all those ideas are retarded and based on "my feels" rather than sound economic theory

>> No.6825601

Why do murricans equate socialism with statism, while failing to recognize the only thing keeping the unnatural "right" to private property is the state itself?

>> No.6825614

private property is the foundation of all personal liberty

>> No.6825615

Yes, but they are still not even that. I perused /pol/ alot when they were like that, and /pol/ right now is completely "GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW", and nowhere near libertarian.

And if they espouse something that can be considered a libertarian trope, it's almost always because it's because it's about denying niggers or jews or spics rights, indirectly, like a company having the right to refuse to serve blacks or fags.

So they are just opportunist national socialists to be honest.

>> No.6825616

>What's you're point hear?
Pls no

>> No.6825628

>private property is the foundation of all personal liberty
why can't i hold all these spooks

>> No.6825629

nice ad hominem fallacy
But I'm still waiting for a response to my question

>> No.6825642

>what's you're point hear
>nice ad hominem fallacy

I thought metatrolling died a few months ago

>> No.6825645
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>> No.6825647
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/pol/ is a brilliant example of groupthink producing a negative echo chamber of ideas; on /pol/, the incentive is for a member to so drastically rethink his morality, ethics, social values, and political ideology that he comes out the other side essentially unrecognizable, precisely because he is severely socially punished for thought which does not go along with the norm. This is the root of ideology; /pol/ may claim that it is not censored only as far as legality is concerned. In every other sense, there is no dissent on /pol/ unless you are prepared to go absolutely nowhere.
This didn't happen overnight. /pol/ is unique in that it arose out of contrarianism that gelled into a facsimile of earlier ideologies; it is an internet version of cargo cults, borrowing ideological elements from failed political experiments precisely because they contain shock value and repulse ordinary people; the point is not, then, to actually benefit the members of any group except its own, certainly not the public at large, which it loathes; the point for many of them who are "true believers" is exactly what it seems: total rejection of social norms and morality because they feel enfranchised by the power and attention that being morally and politically incorrect garners.
For lesser posters, it's more of a shitshow, a form of interactive entertainment. Over time, what was once catharsis and parody may become genuine belief as the poster in question has more incentive to actually believe that his internet role is genuine. However, it would be a mistake to take /pol/ at its word about anything; they haven't a clue how to recruit more people than those who have already A) chugged the kool-aid or B) are generally antisocial.
The thing to remember is that the very reason that /pol/lack regulars post so often and are so vehemently angry isn't even that anger is addicting, although it is; it is that they are politically losers, and they know it. Disconnection from reality, like misery, loves company.

>> No.6825671

We are patrician men of God, sir. Do not bring your politics to our doorstep.

>> No.6825685

This seems applicable to any political echochamber to be honest.

>> No.6825707
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Because only /lit/ read enough to see the /pol/ ideological contradictions

>If movies and other forms of mass media have for the longest time portrayed the Soviet Union as some sort of evil empire (and at least in the United States, socialism and communism as ideologies of tyranny.) then why would the jews want to portray their own favored country (besides Israel) and ideology as something to be feared? What is the end goal in the continued fear-mongering about communism to the point that the first thought on any liberal/conservative/moderate/centrist's mind when they hear the word being mentioned is: "Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot were evil gommunids, muh 100 gorillion." if the jews (who again, control the whole narrative in the media.) wanted communism to be their way to achieve world domination?

>the supposedly Judeo-American empire has been opposing and overthrowing leftist regimes all over the world, often replacing them with far-right dictators.

>'Cultural Marxism' wants to flood Europe with Muslims (the enemies of Israel) so the Muslims can take over the entire continent

>Believes that "cultural marxism" exists when all mainstream media is capitalist in nature
>Thinks that liberalism = communism when liberalism is the ideology of the bourgeois

>all people are naturally racist, yet people are race-mixing too much

>think jews are better off because muh conspiracy while blacks are inferiors because muh genetics

>Jews are the ones benefiting from capitalism, so naturally they want to abolish the private ownership over the means of production

I like how /pol/-mongrels genuinely do not see how feminism (and in general identity politics), diversity (migration flows, blurring of national identities, more open boarders and cultural appropriation, etc), anti-Western resentment (and terror), and 'degeneracy' (i.e. sex sells) have anything to do with capitalism

>> No.6825713

nice projecting faggot

>> No.6825715

Do you honestly believe businesses give a shit about you? Because you're trying to sound like a retarded strawman, but kind of failing at it

>> No.6825719

Welp looks like we've got an sjw here. Sorry if you didn't realise but 4chan isn't a website for cucks okay? This is a website meant to be the bastion of white masculinity in a sea of self-hate and nigger woship. It disgusts me when I see leftys like you posting on the chan, in over words GTFO before me and my boys from /pol/ dox your cuck ass and message you on facebook

>> No.6825724

>Because only /lit/ read enough to see the /pol/ ideological contradictions

Topkek. Stupidest shit I've ever read. I don't go to /pol/ anymore because it's a retarded circlejerk, but this board is full of edgy hipster leftists who echo-chamber all day as well m8.

>> No.6825726
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>> No.6825730

Where does that contradict what I said?


>> No.6825733

It wasn't my goal to contradict you, it was my goal to make you carefully realize that /pol/ is not a unique center of mass on the internet, yet that's what it seems like you believe.

But whatever m8.

>> No.6825743

I said that only /lit/ are sufficiently well-read to notice the contradictions in their ideological edifice.

That's not incompatible with this place being an echo-chamber (which it isn't compared to /pol/)

>> No.6825746

>this board is full of edgy hipster leftists who echo-chamber all day as well m8.
We disagree about every single topic

>> No.6825752

It's not completely comparable to /pol/, because this is a literature board. So yes, you're right, but whenever there is a politics thread on this board, there is a serious influx of edgy marxists, who think reality revolves around Slavoj Zizek's Lacanian bullshit.

So it does happen here as well, just so you know.

>> No.6825756


>but this board is full of edgy hipster leftists

these days the /pol/ tourists and christposters outnumber them.

this board has seen a huge shift toward conservatism in the last year.

>> No.6825760

You must be new here. /lit/ were once much more leftist than they are now.

There's been a serious influx of /r9k/ and /pol/-mongrels over the last year and a half.

This place is slowly turning into a /pol/-/r9k/-hybrid

>> No.6825769

Fuck you piece of shit, like die for real. Us /pol/acks are capitalist cucks, we are pro-tradition, not degenerate capitalist indivudualism.

>> No.6825789

kek this is from leftypol

>> No.6825800

Anyone else getting really upset about how the whore in the OP is holding her chopsticks?

>> No.6825801

College Leftists exist mainly in America, it is not an experience shared by the majority of the world

>> No.6825803

you know anon, these days it's hard to distinguish shitposting from real /pol/-core posting on /lit/.
It's actually sad

>> No.6825813

I'm upset with the fact that she is wearing that fucking Joy Division t-shirt

>> No.6825817

he WAS describing a political echo chamber. the fact that it is no different from another is part of the point. echo chambers are intellectual sinks that send critical thought into the gutter. there is nothing to gain from them. /pol/ just happens to be the most retarded of them all

>> No.6825818

All women are whores! Take the redpill!

>> No.6825824

so new you don't even know our memes

>> No.6825827

Religion is also a meme m8.

>> No.6825828

no. this place is an echo chamber when it comes to 'muh canon'

>> No.6825833

/pol/ (and by extension /new/) used to be good for current affairs and political speculation despite the rampet racism. I can be pretty reactionary but there was a point when the entire board diluged into nothing but American racial politics (and the odd muslim hate thread)

>> No.6825834

uh, atheism is a meme? m8?

>> No.6825835

The proper leftists went to leftypol. Now we're /pol/-lite or even /r9k/-lite.

Start a thread on the literary merit of women or blacks and it'll 'degenerate' into absolute shit within 10 posts.

It wasn't always like this

>> No.6825839

point is, just because something is a meme, doesn't mean people don't believe in it.

>> No.6825843

/lit/ is all about "my feels", sympathy and empathy.

That is why e/lit/es read books about nothing, so they can gorge themselves in feels.

Being all emotional like that is a typical leftist and female trait.

>> No.6825850

*sniff*. Take your Zizekean-Lacanian nonsense back to tumblr-

we're rational men here and continental philosophy or theory is for muh feels faggots and not real men of logic

>> No.6825853

So anyone interested in art is like that?

top kek. Uncultured swine, please fuck off back to


>> No.6825862
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Pro-tip: Everyone is about their feels. Just because you're are edgy doesn't mean that they aren't feels.

>> No.6825874

Not all, but most musicians, artists and writers tend to be stupid and libreal, just because its trendy or whatever

heres and exception:

>> No.6825876

So when I scream 'cuck' at leftists and 'race traitor' the top of my lungs when I see a white girl with a black boyfriend, does that make it emotional?

It's born from rationality of scientific images I've found on /pol/ denoting the superiotiy of whiteness and the degeneracy of diversity.It's objective, it's logic, and it's male rationality, not 'muh feels'.

>> No.6825884

>"I also teach kids about trading. We teach kids to share, which is fine, but also bogus because I really want them to learn how to trade. I hate when the kids say "he's not sharing with me" and I'm like "what do you want me to do, rip it out of his hands and give it to you? Does that sound like a good solution for everyone?" I'd much rather kids learn to trade with somebody and if they want something that someone else is playing with and ask them to trade and they say no, they have to learn that they have to find something else better to trade with and not just rely on an authority figure, me, to solve the problem. Sharing will just foster their reliance on the government to solve their problems later in life. It's like when our country wants what the 1% has and has the government come in and make them share it with them. We learn that shit when we're four years old and it's a dangerous concept because that thought process continues through life."
Jesus christ, is he suggesting we raise a generation of Super Kids not capable of empathy?
top fucking kek

>> No.6825886

Read some actual literature and not rightist claptrap.

>> No.6825900

man red-pillers really get me down but this post brings me back up. thanks OP

>> No.6825910

Weak, tbh.

>> No.6825915
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why not just teach them to take the other kid's shit?