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6817845 No.6817845 [Reply] [Original]

You have ten seconds to make up a plot worthy of a 1000-page novel.

>> No.6817858

there's a big war
then there's some peace

>> No.6817861

Napoleon is invading Russia and the only person who can stop him is Tolstoy. Everyone remembers the Battle of the Historians part, a 300 page war scene described in detail.

>> No.6817863

niggas on the moon pass blunts and walk the walk of dream life

>> No.6817866

All the women in the world are infected with a disease
One research team holds the answers

>> No.6817873

You could take any historical period really. Like take the 1920-40s in any European country and you got more than enough material for 1000+ pages

>> No.6817887

>some dipshit kid comes across a man reading the Arabian Nights
>asks what that shit's about
>man just reads the whole fucking thing
>at the end the kid is pissed

>> No.6817891

>Whaling and the meaning of life. Mostl whaling though.

>There are like 3 brothers, and a father, but then theres a bastard also, father gets killed, brother 2 is suspect, but bastard was killer and blames brother 1. Brother 3 is 24/7 christposting on lit. Brother 2 is hedonist, Brother 1 is stirnerposting. Bastard is wagecuck as their housemaid. Father is chad thndercock type. Also theres a priest who stinks after getting banned for too obvious christposting.

>> No.6817893

man alone in a room trying to call up his past

>> No.6817909

the children want to disappear

>> No.6817919

isnt that the Relunctant Fundamentalist?

>> No.6817923

the internal monologue of a man seated at a computer scrolling through 4chan for hundreds of hours.

>> No.6817925

A modern version of the Theosophical Society/Order of the Star in the East uses modern biology to create a male-child born of a virgin and trains him to be the Final Messiah, including leaving him to do his own thing for those lost eighteen years.

>> No.6817932
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History of the World, Part I except what it's a book

>> No.6817943

A child discovering a repressed heritage of his father, who exorcised it from himself to marry the mother, and dealing with how this makes him grow up and choose to marry.

>> No.6817944

What? No!

It's just an easy way to fill 1000 pages. By copying the Arabian Nights word for word.

>> No.6817948

OOOOhhh I have an opening for that actually
>"I greeted Sunday morning like I had for the past few years, still awake from last night, not a single thing accomplished. What was keeping me company in my room that night, like usual, was an almost empty bottle of Evan Williams, a dated prescription bottle holding in a musky scent along side a glass pipe still yet to be replaced, a bottle of generic aleve and above it on a shelf, a fake red wax candle made of recycled babybel cheese wax filled with 80 mg tablets"

>> No.6817950


That's kind of brilliant. Whoever eventually writes it will almost certainly go insane though. 4chan addiction is tough enough as it is.

>> No.6817951

..it kinda is

>> No.6817954

>ah, a lot of postmodern tangent-wankery, my favorite!

>> No.6817967

boy attends grades K-12 in america, then proceeds to attend a 4 year university, then graduate school, then attains a PHd

>> No.6817982


Alan Moore has written like a million words for "Jerusalem" and that shit's just about the town he lives in.

>implying Alan Moore isn't a genius
>implying Voice of the Fire wasn't a masterpiece
>implying I give a fuck about his comics except Promethea and Halo Jones

>> No.6817989

alan loves to write

>> No.6817998

they say write what you know

>> No.6818007

I can picture a tree but what does "therefore" look like? Or "and", or "or", or "but"?

>inb4 "butt"
>inb4 muh logic symbols

oh and the plot, I'd make...

Part 1: man falls in love with women
Part 2: man raises a family of two sons and a daughter
Part 3: man dies after [something inappropriate regarding his daughter]
Part 4: sibling fight determines which one will replace the father's role in the family

Now, this plot exists in potential and does not belong to characters but to archetypes. Its potential would be actualized throughout several different stories that would have, in essence, the same potential or plot. In a western society, Part 3 would be about incest. In a more uptight society, Part 3 could consist merely on a perverted look. The man's death could also consist in his incarceration. Etc. etc.

Part 4 could not be a literal fight at all in some stories. Maybe one sibling would just an hero from the shame, as in a sort of (un)natural (yes I just used one of those stupid parentheses) selection.

throw in historical data, and you'll actually see this book as a guide to understanding how the same potential, if you will, actualizes itself in apparently different (but essentially equal) forms.

I've just kind of described finnegans wake

>> No.6818026

My rambling insane science fiction story of a time traveler who has fucked with time so much he doesn't know his own past or the origins of his machine and is trying to rediscover it, while developing an army and a civilization to combat other time travelers and alien "gods" until he realizes that the machine itself has achieved some sentience and is in the process of giving birth to some new form of life completely unfettered by time.

It's really about deriving pleasure from putting your past behind you and everyone forgetting you as you get old and your friends die and the world turns into a weird place with different values that you're disgusted with, to the point where you want to get your part in it over with.

>> No.6818054

>the same potential, if you will, actualizes itself in apparently different (but essentially equal) forms.

no i dont see that. elaborate

>> No.6820037

Vampires + Cowboys + Time Travel

>> No.6820056

A man is reciting DFW's "infinite jest" verbatim.

>> No.6820105

Your mother's weight loss diary.

>> No.6820136

my autobiography

>> No.6820180

The books follows a boys life from age 5 to age 50 after an apocalyptic event kills his parents and destroys civilization. He grows up into a jaded survivor, but as the world begins putting the pieces back together, he finds that he is unable to let go of the freedom of the wasteland.

>> No.6820189

A giant glass dome falls out of the sky and encloses a small rural American town

>> No.6820209

A guy goes whale hunting, the first 970 pages will be filled will whales and whale accessories. The last 30 pages will be filled will him chasing the whale, and the whale escaping. Will sell millions.

>> No.6820221

Why write 1000 pages of fiction if you can ghostwrite 200 about some shitty celebrity and make CASH

>> No.6820248
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i love it, anon

i want 450,000 words on my desk by friday

>> No.6821959

Horse gets ridden into battle its rider gets killed horse gets teleported to alternate universe, in this universe horses that were better suited for battle and or better groomed are royalty leaving those with armor to rule the rest horses begin to have babies and since they were born with nothing they are considered slaves to other horse.A lot of the royalty dies from dehydration or overheating who gives a shit leaving only a few royals to rule many seeing this as their chance slave horses revolt killing all of those that have any sort of armor or saddle on, the horses that are left realize that its not what's one the outside but what's on the inside that counts.
Jk they go mad from the idea that there is no one to rule them and eventually all fight to the death.

>> No.6822119

man finds left size 11 shoe on the ground. sets on journey to find owner

>> No.6822125

>How dry I am

>> No.6822133

A portal to the magic fantasy world opens and the US Army invades for resources. Cue story of imperialism vs natives except with a lot more magic and guns.

>> No.6822179

A guy goes on a walk

>> No.6822196

A king has three daughters and one newborn son. He unexpectedly dies and his infant son is murdered shortly after. The kingdom is under gavlekind succession, so his lands are split between his three daughters, but the kings eldest daughter is sentenced to exile for the murder of her brother, and she tries to find her way in a new continent with only a strange man to help her survive. The youngest is a sickly child who learns the value of trade and attempts to bring her backwards country kicking and screaming into the modern world, and the middle child is a deeply religous warrior type who believes the stories her father and grandfather told her about the savage world outside of their island. the book is split into three perspectives, following the daughters and the war between the two still at home to unite their fathers land under their rule. In her travels, the third daughter discovers a plot to conquer her former home and raises an army composed of the allies she's gathered to defend it.

in the end, she comes to the rescue of her former home, but has learned that being Queen would limit her ability to protect her home. she allows the more sickly daughter to rule and convinces the religious one to step down, and instead lead her armies to invade the other lands. The eldest stays as a spy, traveling the lands looking for weakness for her sisters to take advantage of. their country becomes a veritable mordor

>> No.6822207
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>He reads for the plot

>> No.6822211

Some faggot posts on a cantonese cartoon and porn board, is called a faggot and then he realizes the truth in this. His life becomes complicated and sad with a light at the end of the tunnel but finally kills himself and goes to hell. Happy ending achieved.

>> No.6822217

He stands on a street corner, while doing it.
Problems ensue with the local populace, the police, and eventually, a covert group of revolutionaries who think he may be some use to them.

>> No.6822224

>And what's a plotless novel that has any literary merit?

>> No.6822234
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accolades to mr. landau for stirring up confusing feelings in my youthful gut

>> No.6822248

DFW wannabe/10

>> No.6822249

We had this conversation before, when I wasn't tripping.

>> No.6822290
File: 1.18 MB, 1256x1184, Screen Shot 2014-10-14 at 8.59.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the club, illuminato

>> No.6822294

narcissistic author hangs self

>> No.6822325

Rich people give speeches about how oppressed they are by the government and make a hidden world in a valley.

>> No.6822354

The Temple of Jerusalem is rebuilt.

>> No.6822375

I...I would read that.

>> No.6822379

1/10 literally a 3k word story.

>> No.6822467

I can see this going to 3-400 pages, but 1k? The gist of it is too narrow, if it's only a single bullet point like that.

10/10 would read.

>> No.6822527

I take that as a compliment

>> No.6822532

At the height of the Cold War, a CIA officer convinces his lover, a female Soviet politician, to defect and return with him to America. After he impregnates her, she agrees to go with him on the condition that they marry. The CIA officer returns to his hometown as a hero, while she speaks no english and is barely tolerated as his wife. In anachronistic order, the stream of conciousness first-person narrative details their crumbling relationship. He has an affair with his highschool sweetheart as the Russian woman's pregnancy, nationality and language isolates her from everyone. Most time is spent dealing with the leadup and fallout of some unspecified traumatic event, which eventually turns out to be the protagonist's miscarriage. It is ambiguous whether or not it was an accident or self-induced. There are underlying elements of American vs Russian folklore, protestantism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity, marriage and gender, and the ugly complexities of small town life.

>> No.6822595

A man goes to a fishing town in order to go to his daughters wedding. The town is not meant for mere mortals.

>> No.6822615

>implying any story requires 1000 words to be told

>> No.6822831

He loves her, she doesn't notice.
He loves her, she doesn't love him.
They are far apart.
They come back together.
She loves him, he doesn't notice.
He notices, but it might be too late.
This looks like the end, but wait...
They love each other.
They loved each other.
The end.

>> No.6822865

A novel about a man's struggle in writing a fictional novel of the same name, eventually ending in failure and/or suicide.

>> No.6822873

A self-insert of the author does normal life things in purple prose.