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6821419 No.6821419[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best book about all of the fucked up shit the Nazis did?

>> No.6821435

Literally any pop history about Nazis. I once read a book about Hitler which was almost totally autist spaghetti stories from his youth. It was terrible

>> No.6821438

...no, not "literally any pop history about Nazis." I'm looking for quality and obscurity.

Anyone who actually knows what they're talking about want to chime in?

>> No.6821439

The Nazis didn't do that much fucked up stuff. Only Dr. Mengele did anything truly depraved but even then he did so in the pursuit of knowledge and medicine. Stop believing everything you hear in the super anti-german, pro-jew TV shows.

Watch The Greatest Story Never Told.

>> No.6821446
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>Anyone who actually knows what they're talking about want to chime in?

>> No.6821448

Do you even know who the person in the OP pic is? Fucking retard.

>> No.6821458

Kill yourself

>> No.6821473
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>> No.6821475
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>> No.6821476

Primo Levi, Raul Hilberg, Ian Kershaw, Mommsen

>> No.6821484

and Minima Moralia, post-war Adorno in general, also Celan

>> No.6821487

It was mostly typhus
The lampshade stuff was just cartoony nonsense.

>> No.6821491

they dindu nuffin
they was a good nation

>> No.6821493

If this is a man by Primo Levi is good insight on concentration camps. It's very objective.

>> No.6821520

>I once read a book about Hitler which was almost totally autist spaghetti stories from his youth.
It got worse. When he visited Venice in 1934 Mussolini couldn't get a word in the edgeways. Hee ruined a boat trip by constantly talking about the horrible jews. What a bad taste!

>Watch The Greatest Story Never Told.
Does it adress the pre-war atrocities the nazis commited? Does it adress the atrocities the nazis commited in the Salò republic alone?

>> No.6821523

The French wrote a few novels around Nazis - try The Kindly Ones. I remember reading a book with the "diaries" of the guy who basically invented the gas chamber, but I can't find the title right now.

As for non-fiction, get Death Dealer - it's the English translation of Rudolf Höss' diaries (Auschwitz commandant). Extremely harsh read because it's so dry.

Hannah Arendt wrote "Eichmann in Jerusalem", a journalistic account of Eichmann's process in Isreal.

Victor Klemperer's diaries are published too, I read them about ten years ago - there's an abridged version AFAIK. He was a jew and a decorated hero of WW1, with an Aryan wife, so while he was constantly being attacked, lost his job, was forced to work on the streets etc. he wasn't deported.

There are a few non-fiction book on "minor" side events such as Browning's Ordinary Men, which chronicles the events around a special voluntary (!) reserve battalion of "normal people" involved in the holocaust.

Will post more when I can think of more.

>> No.6821539

Nazi have been and will always be, autistic spergs.

>> No.6821541

>muh industrial thyphus
According to the 3rd Geneva convention of 1929 POWs must be treated humanely. An interpretation of that is that you can't allow POWs to die from stoppable epidemics.

It doesn't adress the civilian population. But I can see no support in the any Geneva convention for the concentration camps of the nazis.

>> No.6821548

One book I'd love to read, together with Goebbel's diaries, is Mit Goebbels zum Ende by Wilfred von Oven. Clive James compares him to the stupid nazi of The Producers.

>> No.6821560

Reminder the allies did even worse things during the war. Both sides were equally depraved. I'm sick of popular media acting like it was a fight between good and evil.


>> No.6821561
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>Hannah Arendt wrote "Eichmann in Jerusalem", a journalistic account of Eichmann's process in [Palestine]
fixed that for you, mein Freund

>> No.6821569
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Funny how it's the genocidal maniacs that always think they're the real sufferers.

>> No.6821570

The allies did terrible things to people who deserved it, that's the difference.

>> No.6821573

Take your bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.6821578


Me too, it's been on my to-read list since reading James' Cultural Amnesia.

Albert Speer (the "main architect") also published his memoirs in 1969. There's an interesting story in Reich-Ranicki's memoirs in which he's invited to the book release by the German intelligentsia and is extremely offended, IIRC thinking about going so he can punch Speer.
Lastly, NYRB recently published Diary of a Man in Despair - it's the diary of a far-right German who's completely against the Nazis (comparing them with the Goths).

>> No.6821581

Who isn't anti-german these days?

>> No.6821582

That's the exact justification the nazis used. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6821584

Yeah, but they were wrong lol, are you against anyone being punished for anything ever?

>> No.6821588
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>firebombing innocents
>nuking innocents
>thousands of dead babies
>deserved it

>> No.6821589

>it's ok when we commit genocide, because we're da good guys!

>> No.6821602
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>firebombing nazis


>> No.6821607

Yeah, fucking crybabies. Has always been.

>> No.6821608
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The Allies killed civilians but they were never attempting to wipe out entire populations, which is what genocide entails.

>> No.6821612

ZVAB has van Oven's Finale Furioso for 20€-40€, too much for a joke-buy :(

>> No.6821630

I guess that makes it ok then.

>> No.6821636

Do you think you can wage war without killing civilians?

>> No.6821637

>You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.. --Winston Churchill


>> No.6821644

If only we'd succeed in doing that, they wouldn't have got the chance to destroy europe again.

>> No.6821646

>OP asks for a book
>/pol/ and anti-/pol/ pissing contest ensues

Typical thread tbh

>> No.6821648

And then we can go back to the poor little misunderstood Oskar-meme?

>> No.6821650

Hitler didn't want to bomb civilians. In fact he did everything he could to avoid doing so. He was forced to in retaliation to the allied bombing of German civilians.

>> No.6821655

He was cool with the industrialised slaughter of civilians though

>> No.6821656

>it's ok when we commit genocide
Wait, when did the Allies commit genocide?

>> No.6821657
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>> No.6821662

>anyone implying that any kind of nazi apologia is acceptable, respectable or grounded in reality
kill yourself tbh

>> No.6821665

>Hitler didn't want to
Oh, give me a fucking break! When the allies was bombing Germany like a clockwork, Hitler did not order more production of fighter planes. He instead ordered production of more bombers, because defensive warfare is baad, mkay?

>> No.6821666

when did Willem Dafoe get so old

>> No.6821682
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Read about this.

>> No.6821685

Yeah, firebombing entire cities and nuking the Japanese was so much more respectable.

>> No.6821693

Yes, why is that so difficult for you to understand

>> No.6821709

Because there was nothing respectable about the way the allies treated the Germans.

>> No.6821712

The Investigation (Die Ermittlung) by Peter Weiss is a play that's mostly a collection of straightforward facts taken directly from the Auschwitz trials.

>> No.6821720


There's nothing respectable about war dude, and the Germans should have remembered this before they started one.

>> No.6821721

Nazi time machine reasoning:

In 10 years, they will firebomb our cities. Better gotta go fast and round up my political enemies into the Dachau concentration camp!

>> No.6821728


The nazis never successfully committed genocide either.

>> No.6821733
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>implying that the Allies really got into high gear killing civilians *after* their victories

>> No.6821750
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>opening credits
>the nazi symbol "black sun"

>> No.6821752

Anyone ever read "The Cunning of History"?

>> No.6821759

>Auswitch trials
You mean the Numenburg Hanging Trials?
There were no facts in those trials.

>> No.6821764

I linked the last ten minutes for a reason. It's not like the mass rape and murder of the Germans is remotely revisionist.

>> No.6821765

just stop posting, no-one believes your unfounded bla and your wacky youtube links

>> No.6821776
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Except those Nazis swung high and that's a fact brother.

>> No.6821780
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>James' Cultural Amnesia.
I'd say it's the GOAT of the livres de chevets. Also, I like the two chapters on the two resistans fighters that Sartre a shit kinda swept under the rug.


>> No.6821781

The British firebombed Dresden killing thousands of unarmed women and children, even though the city was of no military significance. You probably believe that all Iraqis are terrorists too. Please kill yourself.

>> No.6821784

see >>6821776

>> No.6821785
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>invade and destroy peoples countries
>cry when they give a tiny little bit of that back to you

>> No.6821793
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>It's not like the mass rape and murder of the Germans is remotely revisionist.
No, but with a nazi symbol it is.

>> No.6821795

That was literally my only post ITT, but keep being a retarded sheep.

>> No.6821799

>a tiny bit

Even Nazis wouldn't stoop so low.

>> No.6821806

Agreed, Cultural Amnesia was my favorite book read in 2014.

There's also the beautiful Die Wunderbaren Falschmünzer on German literature from 1800 to 1930 mentioning and explaining about 300 people and 1000 books, but it's only available in German :(

>> No.6821807

Bombing Dresden was pointless. But check this post: >>6821785

>Hitler dindu noffing

>> No.6821809

>but keep being a retarded sheep.
>pic of sonic meme.tiff

>> No.6821812

>l Die Wunderbaren Falschmünzer on German literature
Thanks for the tip, Anon! :3

>> No.6821813

But he didn't, he was just the 20th century Napoleon.

>> No.6821816

>But I can see no support in the any Geneva convention for the concentration camps of the nazis.
How about for Japanese Americans?

>> No.6821822
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Do you think he was crying when he blew his brains out?

>> No.6821825

Terrorism against the German population was a legitimate tactic. Fact.

>> No.6821826
File: 69 KB, 600x360, see these bunheads - they are the exact opposite to stormfags - pretty not liars and most important of all - they got poise - stormfags have no poise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my days, trolling had poise.

>> No.6821832

>he was just the 20th century Napoleon

ayyyy, hitler is well known for his military genius.

>> No.6821835

I think he was sad that he never got any dubs.

>> No.6821840

>genius anything
Ha-ha-ha! He fucking didn't even get the military concept of retreat. Retreat is jokingly called advancing backwards. But it has a point if you're going to regroup and set up a better firing zone etc. That he never understood.

>> No.6821850

>Even Nazis wouldn't stoop so low.


>> No.6821851

People with autism are known to not understand sarcasm.

>> No.6821859

There's even antinazis who actually believe that he was a military genius.

>> No.6821885

>Hitler didn't want to bomb civilians

Tell that to the Poles and the Russians

>> No.6821895

KL - Nikolaus Wachsmann
Bloodlands - Timothy Snyder (has bonus chapters on the Soviets too)

>> No.6821928

that was also against international law but no one got that butthurt over it probably because 1. they weren't death camps, 2. they got overshadowed by the war efforts of the US against Japan, notably the bombs, 3. and they afaik got some retribution afterwards, the interned and the country.
the German concentration camps were much worse in both scale and tragedy.

>> No.6821941

not the point tbh
nazis were all a shit; so were the allies.
different ideological standpoints and intentions, though.
war a shit in general tbh.

>> No.6821947

No, dingus, it doesn't stop being a commitment of genocide if it fails. The Allies didn't target racial/ethnic groups for extermination, the Nazis did. Pull yourself together.

>> No.6821948

Fuck off
Better than most

>> No.6822034
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They're probably very intelligent historians.

>> No.6822194
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>Comparing Hitler to Napoleon
>Comparing a Bohemian corporal to the best European commander since Belisarius invaded Italy
>Thinks Hitler had anything to do with the successes of Guderian, Manstein, Rommel, Raus or Kleist
>Thinks that a politician who only accomplished in ineffectively meddling with military plans is at all worthy of military renown.
>Why the fuck do wehraboos know nothing about the Third Reich or WW2

The Third Reich had some outstanding military achievements, it's just that the actual people who designed, pulled off and get recognition for those accomplishments aren't Hitler.

Face it, Hitler was just Wilhelm II on acid.

>> No.6822221

>Military genius
>Knowing this little about Nazi German military operations

Do you even know who Manstein was?

>> No.6822238
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>best European commander since Belisarius
If you think this you're wrong.

>> No.6822272

>Hitler didn't want to bomb civilians

The Germans pioneered bombing tactics and methods. From the Spanish Civil War to their loss of air superiority, the Germans bombed civilian areas as a matter of course. You would have to know next to nothing about WW2 to not know that.

>He did everything he could to avoid doing so

Hitler gave zero shits about civilian casualties, enemy or German. In 1945 he flooded the Berlin subways, which were filled with wounded soldiers and sheltering civilians, because he was paranoid about the Soviets using the tunnels. Thousands died, nearly all of them Germans who weren't combatants.

German forces caused significant civilian casualties in the Spanish Civil Wa and later in Poland, in France, in the Netherlands, in Norway, in Denmark, on the Channel Islands, in the Soviet Union, in Italy and plenty when fighting in Germany, on their own soil.

Read a book faggot

>> No.6822275

Maybe you and hitler wouldn't be so mad if he had been accepted into art school.

>> No.6822295

Yeah, I was exaggerating tbh, still Napoleon is leagues above a politician like Hitler. If Hitler is a military genius so were Stalin, George W Bush and just about any leader who has overseen a successful invasion.

Curious though, who would you place as the best European commander prior to Napoleon?

>> No.6822363


Maybe Frederick or that swedish guy, Gustav something

>> No.6822466

Gustav Adolf?

He was pretty damn good.

Personally I'm going to either Suvorov, Jan Zizka or the Duke of Marlborough

If we just say prior to Napoleon, including antiquity, then Alexander the Great, Scipio Africanus, Caesar, Aetius and Belisarius dominate the list