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/lit/ - Literature

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6819485 No.6819485 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any series more overrated than GoT/ASoFaI?

>> No.6819492

A Song of Fire and Ice, havn't heard of that One.

>> No.6819816

Not that you know about.

>> No.6819833

Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Twilight.

>> No.6819836

Pretty much any post-Tolkien epic fantasy series makes you life worse because it exists. That there are people who look me in the eye and say Wheel of Time, Mistborn, ASOIAF are enjoyable, let alone good, is bamboozling.

>> No.6821060

asoiaf is enjoyable I find, even if it isn't good prose.

>> No.6821099

Is lotr even good? I've heard mixed opinions

>> No.6821119

Yes but you're gonna get memed soon by people who've never read it.

>> No.6821129

i'm re-reading it currently and its fucking fantastic. It really makes all other fantasy after it look bad

>> No.6821135

>Wheel of Time
This shit right here.

>> No.6821140

Dostoevsky's entire body of work. Mediocre and juvenile writing.

>> No.6821148

are you saying its bad or good. It gets circlejerked hard on reddit

>> No.6821154


yeah.. right.. I bet you read it in russian, too, not a shitty translation that loses all the sublties and makes the prose sound horrible. right?

>> No.6821163

I don't have gripes with the prose, it is notoriously horrendous even in Russian.

>> No.6821171

You are objectively wrong.

>> No.6821185


>it is notoriously horrendous even in Russian.

can you elaborate on that? why is it bad, if not for the prose? the characters? the story arch? explain.

have you read it in russian? you kind of dodged my question there.

>> No.6821276

Why is it that Sci-fi has managed to survive with some decent works now and then, but fantasy died once Tolkien kicked the bucket?

>> No.6821298

That anon is just trolling but, incidentally, it's true that his prose is nothing special in Russian.

>> No.6821303

DAE DAE DAE Government = 1984, Andy Weir = genius, The Road = heartbreaking

>> No.6821312

because Tolkien wrote fantasy better than anyone, so every fantasy author since him has been trying to imitate him and failing. Whereas sci-fi authors seem to be more innovative

>> No.6821330


I loved his prose personally (really, really old German translation, like the book is almost 90 years old)

>> No.6821335
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Since when was it overrated? It sounds like you're just a dumbass who thinks opinions from Reddit matter.

>> No.6821351


Ur mom

>> No.6821361

The fantasy and magical reality elements really weaken it.

>dragon eggs
Immersion broken
>chase these diseased rabid cats and let them claw the shit out of you to learn magic powers
Immersion broken

>> No.6821379

Black company is nice

>> No.6821416

>haven't read LoTR

>> No.6821443

All Russian, Greek or Latin writing translates to awesome German prose because the German habitually use a very monotonous syntax in writing and translations seem much more alive than native text.
Popular German authors in Russian, on the other hand (Kafka, Musil, Remarque, Feuchwanger, Hesse), are prized exactly because they're so monotonous. It sounds narcotic to the Russian ear. A Hesse doesn't sound natural. It sounds as if you're listening to a fugue.
Dosto is nothing special and should translate extremely well. There are expressions and passages in Leskov and Gogol that I cannot imagine translated right, whereas the only problem in Dostoyevsky is the occasional piece of clothing you do not have in the West. You'd almost say he has been drawing mainly from Russian translations of foreign novels.

>> No.6821454

LoTR is loved by those that read it as a kid. Nostalgia factor.

Those that read it after modern fantasy tend not to like it so much.

I enjoyed the hobbit but really couldn't finish LoTR.

Asoiaf isn't over rated. It's just been spoilt by people jumping on the band wagon banging on night and day.

>> No.6821464

/lit/ and the dank maymay nazis

>> No.6821465

I was the exact same way. Loved the hobbit, could never really get into/ finish LoTR

>> No.6821505

>good writer

sure is undergraduate in here, with every passing day /lit/ becomes more unbearable

>> No.6821769

Err... I read LoTR as a kid but don't especially love it now, and, not to be a contrarian, but I've also found myself liking it better after having read modern fantasy.

>> No.6821808

You're asking this question in a universe where 50 shades of grey exists.

>> No.6821814

No. HP is good. The rest are bland, boring, predictable trash.

Learn the difference instead of grouping everything into one big meme.

>hurr durr HP is aimed at kids so it's YA so it can't be good

>> No.6821841

le patrician face xd

>> No.6822116

fuck off back to reddit

>> No.6822139

He's right though, you're playing the patrician game because you once heard a guy pretending to be Russian trashing Dosto over the internet (or you read Nabokov's oft-copypasted criticisms, which is functionally the same thing), while young Dosto was recognized as a genius by the most patrician literary critic of Russia in his time.

>> No.6822146

>being this contrarian

you should be embarrassed

>> No.6822161

Stop reading

>> No.6822190
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>> No.6822232

that hammer is fucking ridiculous
this picture is supposed to be 'badass' but its just laughable because the strongest man on earth couldn't wield it effectively unless Westeros has figured out aluminum
even then it would be worse than useless one-handed

0.2 seconds after this image: robert gets the hammer around in front of him, gets pulled completely off balance, and has to take all the strength out of his swing just to stay upright.
0.5 seconds after image: Rhaegar trips him, or takes the opportunity to stand and jab at will anywhere on Robert's hammer side, as that hand is completely tied up and the hammer could never be moved fast enough to block anything

>> No.6822244


>> No.6822260


ASOIAF is better than Tolkien tbh, precisely because it eschews the good guys versus bad guys narrative Tolkien established. I haven't read the others.

>> No.6822307

>Asoiaf is better than Tolkien

>> No.6822315


>implying it isn't

>> No.6822320

projecting pretty hard there aren't you, there are dozens of mediocre authors who were praised during their lifetimes

>>>/r/books you insipid newfag

>> No.6822490

Are they good? I've been meaning to read at least the first 2 books of this.
Never been into fantasy but I heard this series is like Berserk so I'm really interested

>> No.6822605

that shit tolkien wrote

>> No.6822728


ASOIAF is only overrated due to the TV series, if it wasn't made then it would still be perfectly acceptable to discuss the books on /lit/. The threads before the TV show happened were always pretty amicable and the only serious trolling going on was R+L=J. The TV show fucking ruined everything.

I'm going with Harry Potter, there's nothing remotely interesting about it despite the so called praised world building apparently being one of the finer points to it and it ends in the most cliche unoriginal way possible.

>> No.6822774

No it's not. Go back to reddit.

>> No.6822849

ASOIAF could be better than Tolkien if GRRM's prose wasn't so garbage and if he could fucking edit himself or hire a competent editor. The amount of useless garbage information and plotlines that go nowhere in ASOIAF is staggering

>> No.6822862

Harry Potter?

>> No.6823525

There's always exceptions. That's just my very general view from a sample size of a dozen people and various random forum comments.

Entirely scientific I'm sure all will agree lol.