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6819736 No.6819736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Besides Ayn Rand, what kind of books do right libertarians read?

>> No.6819743

No one here knows

We only discuss Marxism, Christianity, and John Green

>> No.6819749


>> No.6819774


>> No.6819781
File: 46 KB, 567x567, Boble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever met a tea party landwhale?

pretty sure they don't even read ayn rand dude. Probably just pic related and even then only pretending.

>> No.6819783

This is how fucked the US is. "Libertarian" basically means "stateless capitalist".

>> No.6819785
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Nozick and Hoppe I guess.
Also Austrian Economics.

>> No.6819786

As opposed to what? Left Libertarians? The oxymoron of political ideologies? But generally nothing, Libertarians (of which there is only one true Libertarian party and assigning a left/right dichotomy is pointless) do not read beyond Atlas Shrugged. Further reading tends to evoke emotions which the Libertarian will claim not to have for other people. Perhaps they'll venture into other Rand works or maybe even some non-fiction books from the likes of Sowell or Hayek, but any additional readings by better writers will generally force such silly ideologies out of ones head.

>> No.6819787

OP, you need to remember that everywhere outside of the nation in which you live, the word "Libertarian" still refers to its original use, one which is radically different from the one which you associate it with.

>> No.6819802

And the libertarians here aren't really for statelessness. The in politics anyway.

>> No.6819803

Rothbard, Julian Simon, Hoppe, Milton Friedman, David Friedman, Mises, Karl Menger, Walter Block, henry hazlitt, Ron Paul, Hayek

>> No.6819804

I don't think you have a very proper understanding of libertarians in US culture.

Left-leaning libertarians tend to be your hippies. People who like the idea of anarcho-capitalism(lolololololol) and just want everyone to coexist peacefully without government intervention and micro-management. Potheads that are tired of getting busted, etc, people that believe people would form small peaceful communities in a tribe-like system(they don't understand that there are people like me totally hellbent on being feudalistic warlords if plausible)

Right-leaning libertarians are your Idaho, I gots 200 guns and food for fiddy years anti-gubments muh jeezus fuck off with gubment taxes type. They give little fucks about communities, they're more of your bear in a bearcave, stay off my land or I'll shoot ya type.

Both are fucking retarded, and don't get me wrong, I don't see anarchy as anything negative whatsoever. I just see the idea of making a widespread agreement through anarchy like libertarianism an intrinsically paradoxical idea.

>> No.6819807

The nation where we reside was the creator of this website and the internet as a whole. It pretty much rules the english language and shapes its usage. While here you WILL abide by its rules like a good bitch.

>> No.6819810

Other than the obvious famous right-leaning economists, libertarians don't really have a dedicated library that they exclusively read like, say, Marxists. Libertarians tend to just read around. Except illiterate Tea Partiers, they just read Ayn Rand.

>> No.6819826
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as opposed to the opposite side of your hyperbolic extremist fence, who are all rational, well-adjusted individuals.

>> No.6819835

I live in the US and i break its rules on a faily basis, using the word "libertarian" wont be some exception.

>> No.6819855
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Zoophilia erotica.

>> No.6819858
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Whoops, that was the other kind of /pol/tard.

Here's the right one.

>> No.6819864

>Milton Friedman

Remember that time Friedman #rekt Michael Moore when he was university?


>> No.6819892



>> No.6819895

They don't

>> No.6819896

swear to god marxists are the cringeworthiest group of people on this planet but hey, retarded political views = retarded person

>> No.6819898

>still trying to convince anyone this picture of a right-wing cosplayer with a clearly fake Quotations trying to mock leftists is an actual Maoist
Why are Rightists so dumb?

>> No.6819899


tell me what is inherently wrong with these people

>> No.6819918
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>>still trying to convince anyone this picture of a right-wing cosplayer with a clearly fake Quotations trying to mock leftists is an actual Maoist

He identifies as a 'she', and as a 'Marxist-Maoist', dedicating the majority of 'her' life to preaching the LTV.

>> No.6819924


They have no love in their hearts

>> No.6819927
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>swear to god marxists are the cringeworthiest group of people on this planet

You wouldn't say that to my face.

>> No.6819932

their existence

>> No.6819951

They seem to love Ponys and Marxist ideologies.

Why? They merely are different than you, that isn't to say there is something wrong with it.

>> No.6819965

They don't, reading and education are symbolic of statist systems.

>> No.6819974

Is it morally consistent with their doctrine for Libertarians to use public roads and utilities?

>> No.6820005

aren't libertarians just slightly more spooky Stirnerites?

>> No.6820014
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Hayak, Friedman, (probably) anything existentialist, von Mises, the constitution, economic textbooks, things written by the founding fathers

>> No.6820015

oh and Bastiat

>> No.6820034

>Is it morally consistent with their doctrine for Libertarians to use public roads and utilities?
Of course. A libertarian would be economically opposed to the government using taxation as an inefficient and wasteful method of providing these services; would be opposed to the deprivation of individuals being able to access these areas of the free market; would be opposed to the usage of taxation-to-employee as a means of regulating inflation, but they have no alternative but to use these services at the moment whilst speaking out against them.

A great example is the Spanish entrepreneur in Cartagena. He owned a recycling facility, and petitioned the government for free market access to the cities waste disposal. He was able to generate a profit from glass, metal, wood and paper, and had co-developed a way to chemically bond the carbon atoms in biological waste (food waste and garden waste) to create a durable, plastic-like material that was resistant to fire: he could mold this product and create everything from bricks, to benches and kitchen countertops.

In his petition, he even requested a split system -- let the public choose to pay the tax for the governments waste collection which went mainly to landfill sites, or to choose his fully recycled service; a service which he would actually pay the households roughly $5 a month to take their waste.

Naturally he was rejected, and the citizens of Cartagena to this day have to forfeit their hard-earned money on an inefficient government waste management system. They are deprived of a way to profit from their waste, and rival companies are prevented from creating new, innovative ways to counter the original guy and provide better services.

As a libertarian, he is not 'morally' obliged to not use the governments forced waste collection -- all that would do is end up with a huge pile of waste in his garden, or arrested for not paying tax. All he can do is speak out against the governments stupidity.

>> No.6820051

>don't disagree with me or you'll look like this

>> No.6820055
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>you'll look like this

>> No.6820059


>> No.6820064

>don't hold different opinions than me or you'll look like this

>> No.6820067
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They are the image of everything their proscribed ideology detests. If you believe in "degeneracy" and that 10/10 blonde "ethnic white Americans" should rule the world - yet you yourself are a basement dwelling sperg who jacks of to ponies, you should seriously re-evaluate your life.

It wouldn't be a problem if you really wanted everyone to be free to whatever, but they don't - yet want special privileges specific to their group only.

>> No.6820068
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>you'll look like this

>> No.6820069
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This is how most libertarians look anyways, not like OP.

>> No.6820071

>don't hold these certain ideas, agree with me or you'll look like this

>> No.6820074
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>you'll look like this

>> No.6820075

>hold these ideas and you'll look like Robert Nozick isn't that cool?

>> No.6820077

don't hold this ideology or you'll appear this way

>> No.6820080
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Sweet mother of God, a 'communist summer camp'.

lol @ waged/unwaged

>> No.6820083
File: 75 KB, 625x416, may_day_2012___philadelphia_by_mlm_ahuviya_harel_gq-d5v5gdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll appear this way

>> No.6820088

>don't deviate from my ideas or you will look this way

>> No.6820089

No. A true libertarian should raise themselves in the woods and construct every tool they need by their own hand.

Any libertarian who is not a hermit is intellectually dishonest.

>> No.6820090
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Most libertarians look like this anyway.

>> No.6820093

That's dumb. Just because you don't agree with the way things are doesn't mean you have to run off to the woods.

>> No.6820096

An anarcho-primitivist hermit is not the same thing as a free-market libertarian.

>Any libertarian who is not a hermit is intellectually dishonest.
no tru libertarian...

>> No.6820102

libertarians actually read a surprising amount of fascist literature.

>> No.6820104
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Yep, every single one of them.

>> No.6820110

isn't this the thread where we make sweeping generalizations?

>> No.6820121
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>don't get me wrong
the only way anyone could possibly learn from this post is if they got you wrong

this is one of the most embarrassing, ill-studied and oblivious explanations of any concept in political theory that i have ever read

every single one of your premises is unsound and your conclusions are somehow exponentially more so

i'm flattered to occupy even this most fleeting of positions in your presence, o magna idiota

>> No.6820123


read a fucking book jesus christ.

>> No.6820153

I'd rather say that a lot of neo-nazis have started to call themselves libertarian to avoid the bad rep.

Dude, almost every political organization have these kinds of camps? Have you actually ever even known someone who has been politically active - beyond trolling a Sudanese angler-fishing forum?

>> No.6820154

As a Commie, I can tell you right now most Lolbertarians look like white teenage nerd lords and they generally have massive undeserved superiority complexes.

The reason you find so many cringe worthy people on the fringes of politics is that the fringe of politics attracts people who know the system is fucked beyond belief, some people like myself and your typical old school leftist got there by spending decades in the work force and realizing how fucking bullshit it is, you will also find many people who are mentally ill there as well because they are ostracized from society and don't fit in, this isn't only the far-left, but on the far-right as well.

Don't lump us all in with overzealous student politics idiots and mentally ill people.

>> No.6820169

>I'd rather say that a lot of neo-nazis have started to call themselves libertarian to avoid the bad rep.

You only need to spend 5 minutes on any Lolbertarian forum to realize the vast majority of members are crypto/proto-Fascists and just look at Lee Rockwell, Briebart, AVFM network who have straight up links to Stormfront.

>> No.6820171

>Left Libertarians? The oxymoron of political ideologies?
Not the ideology that promotes anarchy (that is, horizontal government) and human liberty by giving over all power to authoritarian profit-seeking corporations?

Top kek.

>> No.6820198

It's as if they've gone back to calling themselves social anarchists because the connotations of libertarianism have gotten worse than the ones of anarchism as of recent

>> No.6820218

My roommate freshman year was a huge marxist/social justice warrior who claimed that "british imperialism is the root of all the problems in the middle east, the muslims aren't to blame for their extremism" (he was a typical skinny white leftist).

Most people avoided him, he had really few friends, never went out, sat in front of his computer all day, and never got any girls.

It's how I imagine most people with fringe political views, except for /pol/ who I see as a drunken bald construction worker with a huge gut yelling at Mexican day laborers.

>> No.6820223

Eh? Most Maoists tend to be black ghetto kids who actually have a shred of intellectualism. Tupac was a hardcore Maoist and was even a member of a Maoist party and ran a Maoist Youth Group and his misses was the daughter of the head of the Communist Party chapter in Baltimore.

>> No.6820229

No they are being 100% serious


>> No.6820232

Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series.

>> No.6820234

Hah, /pol/ doesn't work, much less do actual manual labor

>> No.6820235

Where's Breivik when you need him?

>> No.6820239

Oh wow so intellectual!

>> No.6820527


The Greeks (especially Aristotle), Shakespeare, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Smith, Ricardo, Hume, Keynes, Friedman, Hayek, Rothbard, Milton, Browne, Locke, Darwin, Stirner, Jugner, Hesse, Mann, Kafka, Dovstoyetsky, Wittgenstein, Virgil, Voltaire, Rosseau, Elliot, Dickens, Tolstoy, Marx, Engels, Freud, Kant, Goethe, Hardy, Marlowe, Conrad, Bacon, Pynchon, The pre Socratics, Hobbes, Machiavelli, The Upanishads, The Eddas, Joyce, Cervantes, Foucault, Levi-Strauss.

>what books do reds read

The communist manifesto (abridged version)

>> No.6820533


>> No.6820543

>but any additional readings by better writers

Lel like Marx, Thomas Picketty or Russel Brand?

Gtfo with your mickey mouse degree in political science

>> No.6820553

Both of those lads have a pretty average and acceptable appearance. Well, the track suit jacket thing isn't great, I guess.

>> No.6820558

Are you going to community college in the fall or are you going for that managerial position at Arby's?

>> No.6820577


Actually I just completed my MSc at Imperial.

How about you? I'm sure the post office is hiring.

>> No.6820578

that guy looks a lot like me 5 years ago

>> No.6820589

Not Michael Moore.

>> No.6820596


Still btfo

Also the Pinto was proven to be no more unsafe than the average American car

>> No.6820597

>what kind of books do right libertarians read?
I don't imagine they do much reading, how else do they end up as right libertarians?

>> No.6820604
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>Actually I just completed my MSc at Imperial.
Ouch. For their own sake, let's hope that's not the case.

>> No.6820612 [DELETED] 


Oh the ironing

The only Karl Marx ever excelled at in life was spending other people's money. He was a third rate philosopher who wouldn't have even survived in print if he'd lived at the same time as Leibniz, Kant or Schopenhauer. It's time to grow up and reckon with the world as an adult.

>> No.6820618

>>6820597 #

Oh the ironing

The only thing Karl Marx ever excelled at in life was spending other people's money. He was a third rate philosopher who wouldn't have even survived in print if he'd lived at the same time as Leibniz, Kant or Schopenhauer. It's time to grow up and reckon with the world as an adult.

>> No.6820623

I actually read an interesting article about that. The essence was that it wasn't some massive coverup by Ford, there was a breakdown of communication in the corporate bureaucracy that led to the gas tank issue not being properly fixed before it was released.

>> No.6820629

oh you

>> No.6820642

>right libertarians don't read
>Oh yeah? well marx is a bad philosopher
These aren't mutually exclusive positions and I'm still fairly convinced you don't actually read much.

>> No.6820647


Are we talking quality or quantity m8?

>> No.6820662

Whichever metric helps you engage with the western political canon.

>> No.6820674


I'm not interested in politics m8. My discipline is economics. The two are pretty strongly opposed.

>> No.6820843


Nigga, econ student here. You realize econ is inexorably linked to politics right, that no matter how good your research is or how strong your argument what determines weather or not it's regarded or implemented will always be politics.

>tfw economists should rule the world

>> No.6820872


Economics is about facts and practicality. Politics is about winning votes. Most any economist who works today believes in the free market. The great tragedy is that the majority of non teaching jobs in economics today have grown out of government regulation.

Like any 'experts', economists are usually employed by someone else.

>> No.6820874

>Economics is about facts and practicality
l o l

>> No.6820883


You definitely belong here m8

>> No.6820900


Yea exactly, mostly politicians who use them to keep countries running whilst the implement their bread and circus social policies so the great unwashed keep them in power. I wanted to become an economist but decided to do my postgrad in international trade law and hopefully get to geneva and start fucking shit up for politicians world wide. You the Imperial samefag?

Words can't express the disdain I have for most anti-market partisan fuccbois.

>> No.6820918


That's me. I'm back in Burgerland now but I'm looking at job offers in Germany and Switzerland.

The kids on here don't have any educational background worth mentioning. They go to their little feel good liberal colleges and puff themselves up with theory and politics. Then they graduate and have to face the realities of life. It's a sobering transition.

Studying the history of economic policy on the other hand will turn you into a cynic very quickly.

>> No.6820940


> Attracts people who think the system is fucked beyond belief

hurr durr I'm so edgy.

>> No.6820943


How is it not? It's a heavily quantitative field of study aimed at understanding the nature, causes and effects of economic phenomena and human actions and how resources are created and distributed and expended. Most economists admit that economic models don't reflect reality entirely and this still doesn't dampen the validity or relevant of economic theory. Economics is one of the few social sciences which actually can explain aspects of human behavior and interaction and offer relevant knowledge of corrective mechanisims.

>Inb4 hurr durr muh post-structural language games

>> No.6820980


I know tfw brah, I'm at quite a shit tier uni but marks are good enough for postgrad somewhere decent. Wanted to become an economist until I realized that no matter what as economist I'd always be a peon of a politician or a bank to some extent. It's strange how literally all the hard econ grads I know abhor leftist econ but every fuckboy who took a BA with like four ecos courses is somehow an expert because they did 'post-colonial zoo-semiotics of economic justice' but yea what are you looking to do? IB? NGO? Public economist? Consulting?

>> No.6820994

Libertarianism has always been in the left spectrum. You are literally brainwashed by newspeak from people that want to associate the left with lack of freedom.

>> No.6821005


There are several NGOs in Switzerland that I'm looking at.

FGC, ICTSD, SMP. The only bad thing about Switzerland is that Geneva is drowning in charity and human rights organizations, but at least they're privately funded.

>> No.6821045



Libertarians and classical liberals actually sat on the left during the French legislative assembly and were considered left wing.

>> No.6821058


I also hope to make it to geneva, it's going to take years of hard work for me though. At least some most of those human rights organizations are well organized and resourced. Microfinance is an interesting arena if you wind up at SMP, I know a guy who started a microfinance funeral plan service and is doing super well. You got kik?

>> No.6821064


Sigmund Freud's Civilization and It's Discontents does a good job of answering the question, "Why are we the most advanced we have ever been yet more unhappy than ever?"

>> No.6821067


Butthurt lib arts major detected.

>> No.6821069


I had to do it.

>> No.6821088
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>marxists cringeworthy

I hate this meme.

Historical materialism is still an important philosophical idea. Dubious politics aside, Marx's legacy still maintains relevancy in historical, anthropological, and philosophical circles for this approach of his alone.

What do lolbertarians have to offer the world?


>> No.6821090


>> No.6821097

>Butthurt lib arts major detected.

The answer that he comes up with is a pleasing one to someone who ascribes to a libertarian viewpoint.

If you want me to spoil the main ideas for you, I will...

>> No.6821107


No I'm waiting for topkik to release.

Actually I don't even have a LinkedIn profile right now

>> No.6821309

when will americans stop being such a fucking joke or at least become irrelevant? its disgusting how many retarded people you guys have. at least dumb yuros are not outspoken
americans are all going muh free speech means i HAVE TO spout shit 24/7

>> No.6821315
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Good luck in your endeavors regardless anon.

>> No.6821321

>spending decades in the work force and realizing how fucking bullshit it is

im speciul plis gib more moneys I DESSSERVE

>> No.6821341


>decades in the workforce

Hurr durr I have no degree/tradable skill/creative capacity. No wants to gib me a good job and I'm a vampiric leech on society, pls gib big moneys for my menial labour.

>> No.6821917

>All these /pol/fags on shitting up /lit/

When in fuck did right Lolbertarianism become an philosophy allowed here?

>> No.6821927

Nothing is forbidden.
Everything is permitted.

That's how we've always rolled.

If you don't like them, then please, use all the tools at your disposal to drive them out.

I'll be in some other thread ignoring that they even exist.

>> No.6821933

>That's how we've always rolled.

A few months ago Lolbertarians and most right wing faggots would be laughed out of /lit/ within minutes.

Now /lit/ is filled with Reactionaries, Lolbertarians and Catholicfags who just shit up every conversation with their /pol/ tier shitposting.

>> No.6821997
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>Muslims just decided to attack the West one day for no reason in particular

>> No.6822020

>That's how we've always rolled.
Rand was literally against the rules originally, but moot hates us.

>> No.6822050
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since le /leftypol/ army and /pol/ decided /lit/ would be the place they et up to argue with each other.

>> No.6822055

Second from the left is a qt

>> No.6822079

Everything looked alright until
>Che Guevara shirt

>> No.6822121

No it didn't. It reeks of petty-bourgeois infanitillism all round.

>> No.6822149

where is this meme coming from

>> No.6822150

true libertarians take over the government, blackmailing, bribing or just lobbying to use it to make more profit.

>> No.6822155

neo-liberal, chicago school economy books.

>> No.6822166

he's actually pretty cute tbh

>> No.6822173

>Right wingers
>Reading books

Right wingers only read Lew Rockwell, Briebart, Fox News, Mises.org.

You can't expect and ideology that is holds anti-intellectualism as a pillar to be reading books and the only "intellectualism" they do hold up is STEM but only when it agrees with them (which means 99% of STEM is ignored anyway)

>> No.6822188

>the realities of life
worst IRL meme

>> No.6822191
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>understanding economic or philosophical theory in any way
kekking hard right now

>> No.6822237

If the che shirt is the only thing you see wrong with that photo I would suggest you seek professional help.

>> No.6822401
