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File: 6 KB, 300x168, shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6813525 No.6813525 [Reply] [Original]

Is he overrated?

>> No.6813529


>> No.6813532

No, unless you're Tolstoy and no fun is allowed.

>> No.6813533

overrating shakespeare is p. much an impossibility

so no

>> No.6813534

Fuck off Shylock

>> No.6813541
File: 77 KB, 403x512, tolstoi-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6813580

Tolstoy's OSI prevented him from seeing the Bard's greatness.

>> No.6813613

No but his sonnets suck

>> No.6813664


Sonnet 57 is god tier though

>> No.6813682

Here's the thing about Shakespere being overrated: no, he's not.

>> No.6815050


>> No.6815058

Whether he is or not, he'll still be remembered when all of us are long dead and forgotten.

>> No.6815059
File: 11 KB, 304x405, Shakespeares Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the opinion of someone who's never felt love.

>> No.6815634

I don't really love his stuff but I can see why some people do so no.

>> No.6815695

The fuck is OSI

>> No.6815726

did anyone actually speak like his plays?

>> No.6815736

Yes, the Victorians were well known for giving monologues addressed to the audience in daily life.

>> No.6815757
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The English still do that to this day.

>> No.6815783

you know what i mean: the over verbose language. i just find the man's work to be too "purple"

>> No.6815801

realism is a modern invention

>> No.6815803

No because it's poetry written in iambic pentameter. It's not supposed to sound authentic, but I can see why that bothers some people.

>> No.6815848

thank you for understanding. i feel better now.

>> No.6815888

Yeah. I think he fits into the category of overrated considering some people see him as a god, rather than a guy who wrote some poems and plays (some of which aren't very good. People will call Shakespeare the greatest creative mind off all time and cite Hamlet, but what about Cymbeline, Timon of Athens, King John or Troilus in Cressida which are okay at best?)

>> No.6816194

[absolutely retarded question incoming, stop reading if you don't want to lower your IQ]

Shouldn't "Macbeth" be written as MacBeth?

Also, where does the accent go?

>> No.6816842

It's a tool. He uses it well. That's the thing. It should only be kept out of bad writing. That doesn't mean florid prose is bad in itself. Thanks to the rise of invisible style, hardly anyone understands this distinction.

>> No.6816844

No, no, aaaaaaaand no.

>> No.6816857


"Economy is an aesthetic criterion for shoemakers, not artists"

>> No.6816858

It would be written as "MacBeth" (or McBeth) is he were Irish instead of Scottish.

>> No.6816865

Every single one of the plays is fascinating in its own way except for the very earliest ones and the late ones that he may have co-written with collaborators.

To take two of your examples, Timon of Athens is understated but is still great drama, probably better than its opposite number, Molière's "Le Misanthrope". And Troilus and Cressida might be the most underrated of all his plays, fascinatingly ambiguous and playing on our preconceptions about the source material in all sorts of ingenious ways.

It's good to be skeptical, but Shakespeare's reputation really does withstand the most minute scrutiny, and has done so for centuries.

>> No.6816940
