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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 500x688, 1436648969980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6813278 No.6813278 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone give me some texts on distributism? as far as I understand it, the idea is everyone owns the means of production for their job, so they can more freely negotiate labor, probably with fellow laborers, but this doesn't seem practical.

>> No.6813281

Who is this semen demon

>> No.6813284

every god damn time

>> No.6813294

who is this spunk monk

>> No.6813343


See what you did wrong OP?

>> No.6813344

i could give you those texts, but first i will need a higher resolution version of the picture in your post. for scientific research, you understand.

>> No.6813381

who is this ejaculatory receptory

>> No.6813396
File: 146 KB, 249x215, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much distraction I can not OP so sorry err....

>> No.6813708

who dis seed m'leed?

>> No.6813726

who is this cum plum

>> No.6813730

who's this bead to speed

>rubbing coke on clits is a good idea

>> No.6813731

tadpole abode

>> No.6813875

Who's that seed fiend

>> No.6813891


>> No.6813940

never change

>> No.6813948

Who is this fair bear?

who is this bang womang?

>> No.6813963

Who is this grease piece?

>> No.6813978

Who is this fluid druid?

>> No.6813979

/lit/ has the best classic blunders. I feel like people do it on purpose as a form of shitposting, because it always follows the same template of "boring question that no one knows the answer to on a topic that no one knows or cares about" with "picture of handsome woman with high-brow feminine aesthetics".

>> No.6814033

hips don't lie

t. fucker of females

>> No.6814059

Who is this boner condoner?
Who is this jizz djinn that I see?
from the window of my den
cuck-a-doodle doo I hear her coo
a fuck-u-thrice cockatrice dancing away the night
begging me to
let her in
my residence
this gentle succubus suck n' buss my lips my nose filled with her sweet musk oh please OP just tell me this angels name before i cream myself in shame

>> No.6814065

you deserve to be truly proud of yourself, you poet you.

...Has anyone tried tineye?

>> No.6814067

a new meme form appears

>> No.6814077
File: 33 KB, 471x700, 1402184559260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could someone give me some texts on distributism?
Les Miserables.
Never heard of it called that (w/e) This is socialism, leftism, OP.
And why do you think it doesn't seem practical? It's immensely practical. Fire the loafer at the top of the totem pole, bingo, you save tons of cash for your business. Get every employee involved democratically (no not on every issue, duh) Fostering not just equality but democratic participation, which will heal the ills of politics. Again IMMENSELY PRACTICAL.

>> No.6814096


>> No.6814104

I'm new here, what exactly does 't.' signify?

>> No.6814120

she was the best slut in /fa/

and she was a good meme

>> No.6814126
File: 75 KB, 240x240, tumblr_inline_n031dyBYyS1s7qqr4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is small scale capitalism and it is shit. it will lead to fascism. it completely misunderstands marxism so in it's typically Catholic (I say this as a Catholic btw) way, it rejects it.

>> No.6814129

distributism is not socialism sadly. it's class collaboration with "voluntary worker co-ops"

>> No.6814132

fuggin newfaggud :DDDD


>> No.6814234

It's class collaboration superficially, but in actuality it really isn't, since it requires every worker be given the means of production of his own. So there could theoretically be a capitalist class, but it wouldn't be there in practice, because the workers don't need a capitalist class, they have their own means of production (which is appropriated from the capitalist class)

>> No.6814319
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It's a stepping stone towards a better world. Frankly it would be coming rather late even if it rushed up on us in the next few years.

Switching hips. Only two I know of.

>> No.6814490

Not really, distributism is more reminiscent of the pre-capitalist guild system or corporatism, where people collaborate based on occupation rather than economic class. It's basically democratic corporatism, instead of fascist. It's also unworkable in the modern world, just like georgism, gift economies, communism, anarcho capitalism or any other fringe economic theory.

>> No.6814497
File: 184 KB, 667x1000, 1428373610799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


muh test

>> No.6814503
File: 204 KB, 1188x1200, 58964358465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the high test thread?

>> No.6814530

It's actually not unworkable at all. It would come with a massive decline in productivity, but probably an increase in quality. The technology doesn't have to revert, it's just that everyone would have their workshop in their home. So instead of assembling cars in factory, you might specialize in making certain parts and you negotiate agreement with other workers to put together cars. Or you might just sell the parts to other workers.

>> No.6814534

doesn't sound post-scarcity

>> No.6814539

do lesbians even care about hips? i thought only men did, for evolutionary reasons

>> No.6814541
File: 119 KB, 500x750, nqixclx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still no texts on Distributism... and i'm not even OP

>> No.6814547

It's not. From a theological perspective, it would make more sense to have less stuff that's meaningful, rather than trying to fulfill consumerist heaven.

>> No.6814549
File: 213 KB, 475x700, X51Dh4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only two I know of.
Scratch that.
Sana Sadiq

Oddly enough.
I like a lot of things personally.

Gar Alperovitz's books.
And I said Les Miserables.

>> No.6814550

everyone cares about hips and ass
>pop evo psych reasons to find the human body attractive

>> No.6814686
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>> No.6814949
File: 789 KB, 144x192, 1377377938130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts attractive semen demon
>gets upset when people ask who it is

>> No.6814961

the ol' "don't post a picture more interesting than your post" meme

>> No.6814980

>being this new

>> No.6814991

i'm not in every thread mate
but yeah should've checked the archive
looks like some genius cooked that up first time in january

>> No.6814994

>i'm not in every thread mate
or indeed any thread for the past year

>> No.6814996

my interest fluctuates

>> No.6815037

Who is this dick dock?

>> No.6815073
File: 67 KB, 445x750, tumblr_lxuyj8hdHM1qcl5svo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana Sadiq

>> No.6815749

dem thighs

>> No.6815766

More like Saka Madiq, noam saying?

>> No.6815784

It's the abbreviation of "terveiset", which is "regards" in Finnish.

t. /int/

>> No.6815788
File: 214 KB, 1500x1000, 1411813051519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who unironically ask for the name of meme hot girl images

These are the same sort of people who feel guilty after jerking off, detest fake tits, and consider the thought of paid sex repulsive on the basis that the other person is faking it.

They literally cannot stand it if it isn't "real" enough for them. In spite of this, they inevitably ask for the name of the girl and then they inevitably, INEVITABLY, end up at a photogallery consisting mostly of the girl posing in front of a mirror with a camera, at which point the viewer inevitably thinks "hurr durr what an airheaded slut" (because, again, none of it is "real" enough for them), losing all interest and forever destroying whatever fantasy (and it is precisely with these people that the fantasy will always be more seductive for them than the real thing) was still possible with the initial image.

Don't fucking tell me it doesn't happen, don't tell me I'm just projecting because I don't have this problem. I've been here almost a decade, and I know how people's minds work on this website.

>> No.6815791

I just deeply enjoy making up variations on semen demon to be honest.

>> No.6815808

please go to /b/ and never leave

>> No.6815829

Thanks, Anon, now I feel ashamed, because i'm forced to let my sexuality free hand and masturbate.

>> No.6815837

It's weird that people get elitist about what porn they spank it to.

>Oh, I don't watch that 'staged' shit, I watch the amateur stuff and cams. It's more real.

Why do people hold this opinion? You're scrubbing your privates in the darkness of your bedroom to fleshy electronic stills and you're trying to maintain some kind of purity? As if exaggerated sex noises and fake orgasms have never occurred outside of professional porn. These same kids thumb their noses at cheesy erotica, but isn't that what they're trying to construct in their heads? A scenario where it happens "naturally".

>> No.6815889


>> No.6815917
File: 788 KB, 594x690, 1430183175462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joke's on you i just like to read my own writing

>> No.6815943

who is this jizz djinn

>> No.6815958

who is this man sauce shift boss?

>> No.6815999

I really, really, really like this image.

>> No.6816123


Who is this solution to the ejaculation equation?

>> No.6816151

Who is this wiener cleaner?

>> No.6816178

semen demen poetry is authentic lit lore

>> No.6816190

Who is this genitalia generator?

>> No.6816795

who is this smart tart?

>> No.6816804

who is this lube dude?

>> No.6816838

who is this strumpet cum-pet?

>> No.6816889

>labor theory of value

>> No.6816928

1. Distributism hasn't anything to do with the LTV

2. If I refine a diamond and it is worth more, what's the one variable that went into it? Labor

>> No.6816985

Who is this banger aptrgangr?

>> No.6816999


Can someone give me texts on HOW TO FUCK THIS BITCH?!

>> No.6817003

no but can you give that lady's name?

>> No.6817030


>> No.6817142

Ha what a fag right??!?

>> No.6817165

Maybe some people find it hotter you autist

>> No.6817181

What the hell is the deal with distributism lately? I've seen several people proscribing to it recently. Ffs, it's the catholic alternative to socialism without any of actual theoretical groundwork or applicability. Is it just a thing among left-leaning rightists who will proscribe to anything as long as it doesn't actually call itself socialist?

>> No.6817185

who is this cum mum

>> No.6817192

Who is this wenie genie

>> No.6817204

who is this impregnation proclamation

>> No.6817215

No, it's quite different from socialism, because it recognizes the psychological benefits and incentives that come with property ownership--pride and responsibility.

The Tragedy of the Commons is real.

>> No.6817349

>this doesn't seem practical.
it's not practical whatsoever.

but that won't stop upper middle class white academics from trying to espouse feel-good garbage about the emancipation of the working class from their ivory towers.

>> No.6818166
File: 623 KB, 1125x1746, Alperovitz - America Beyond Capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain how it isn't "practical".

>without any of actual theoretical groundwork

It really is baby steps to the left. You all know I'd prefer the end of capitalism, but this would be very beneficial

>> No.6818212

it means that hyperfeminine women are found attractive by men with high levels of testosterone.

bitchmade niggaz like boyish stick figures and such

>> No.6818215
File: 26 KB, 496x445, value.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legit love you lads

>> No.6818249

capitalist shill detected

>> No.6818312

Who is this up-chuck buttslut

>> No.6818324

who is this orgasm phantasm

>> No.6818335

No, he's right.

t. communist

>> No.6818378

what does "t." mean?

>> No.6818381

This post was brought to you by Broscience, Inc™

>> No.6818393
File: 92 KB, 968x547, Helsinki Cathedral - Midnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does "t." mean?
>It's the abbreviation of "terveiset", which is "regards" in Finnish.
>t. /int/

>> No.6818400

>2. If I refine a diamond and it is worth more, what's the one variable that went into it? Labor

This is so retarded. If I pick a diamond up off the ground with minimal effort, does it have less market value than a fat turd I laboured to eject from my anus?

>> No.6818932
File: 92 KB, 229x320, 4765476547654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pic not related is more triggering than the discussion

>> No.6818939
File: 251 KB, 399x556, elpN0YE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Triggering what exactly?

>> No.6818942
File: 32 KB, 318x318, 987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTV is based on socially average labor, not the labor for every individual product

>mfw liberals dismissing Marx's theory as ridiculous without even knowing it

>> No.6818946

muh phallus

>> No.6819033

who is this derogatory term for sperm?

>> No.6819050
File: 29 KB, 633x758, 1408543297950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she will never wrap her legs around you while calling you an infidel

>> No.6819052

i want her to crush my dick between those hips

>> No.6819625

It is ridiculous, because there are many natural resources that have high value without any labor being put into them whatsoever.

>> No.6819636
File: 1.89 MB, 172x285, hightest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high test thread now

>> No.6819752

/lit/ has good taste in female anatomy


>> No.6819793
File: 165 KB, 921x921, 1432314701337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shit, sauce me up?

>> No.6820215

>socialism mean none owns anything
>yet still the tragedy of the commons (a phenomena that critiques private exploitation) apply
So you've just confirmed that you don't know what socialism is, congratulations - please come back when you can actually forward a argument grounded in reality.

>> No.6820801

That's exactly what socialism is, apart from the "tragedy of commons" nonsense. Even with the relatively new idea of exceptions for "personal property", you still can't personally own the means of production or land or housing.