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6810019 No.6810019 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books to get into film?

>> No.6810021

Why would you want to get into film?

>> No.6810026

been watching movies my whole life, from akira to gordard. i would also want to improve my film making.

>> No.6810037

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.6810228



notes on cinematography by robert bresson

Cassavetes on Cassavetes.
Try other ones from this series(based on what director interests you.

Theory of Film, Kracauer

I personally am really interested in Deleuze's two books on Cinema and gonna start reading them soon.

I think there is a big difference between making films, and watching and analyzing films, so pick one and focus on it(but also get a good general grasp of the other).

>> No.6810251


Per Persson-Understanding Cinema_ A Psychological Theory of Moving Imagery-Cambridge University Press

>> No.6810264
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Is there something wrong with me if I just can't appreciate live-action films?

I have seen barely any, I don't know why, and a few of my friends have been trying to get me into it. They showed me Salo: 120 days of Sodom, Mulholland Drive, The Great Beauty, and The Fire Within.

I like Satie playing in The Fire Within but that was it. All the films I mentioned just seemed oddly empty.

But then I love End of Evangelion..

>> No.6810269


You're just a natural born pleb.
Embrace it.

>> No.6810272

What are some good films?

Honestly I want to give it a shot.

>> No.6810281

Go to /tv

Film is not Art

>> No.6810825

Watch Winter Light and the Mirror. If you can't into either of those then you should probably give up.

>> No.6810840

>They showed me Salo

And you're SURE these are your friends?

>> No.6811210

Marketa Lazarova