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File: 40 KB, 460x276, Peter-and-Christopher-Hit-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6804203 No.6804203 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the better brother? When I was younger I thought it was Christopher but now I have learned more about the world I'm tending toward Peter.

>> No.6804213
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wish he was still alive lads, even if I hate his soul

>> No.6804215

two ends of the idiot spectrum

>> No.6804224

they're both shit tbh

>> No.6804442

they're both fucking retards

>> No.6804453

they are both very eloquent its a shame to see ones younger brother die.

dont smoke anons

>> No.6804589

No, Peter is an idiot.

>> No.6804888

one was a silver-tongued demagogue too in love with his command of dinner party tier witticisms and the other was a prudish little ponce who let his character be too shaped by resentment of his brother's charisma

if i was forced to choose i'd reason like a faggot yank when choosing their potus and say i'd choose chris because he would at least be entertaining to drink with

>> No.6804895

No, you are an idiot.

>> No.6805002
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>now I have learned more about the world I'm tending toward Peter.

>> No.6805556

"learned more about the world" is a euphemism for "having a special folder for /pol/ infographics"?

>> No.6805578

Christopher, obviously.

Peter is a reationary muppet who wants to turn Britian in some kind of Christian serveillance state, where a priestly class in constantly babying its people.

Basically, what happened to Peter is the same thing that happened to Russia. The hammer and sickle was replaced by a cross. Besides that, the FSB still does pretty much the same the KGB did.

Same thing with Peter, he's still promoting the same failed top down command utopia, the only difference is that dialenticians are replaced by priests

>> No.6805634

Your description of them seems pretty spot on. Even in OP's picture you can see it.

Christopher is stylishly dishevelled and cool looking while Peter looks like he's slightly uncomfortable and has a ruler for a spine.

I prefer Peter because his writing brings to mind a closet with slightly fewer fedora's in it.