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6803414 No.6803414 [Reply] [Original]

>The closing of another day is here
>And I still haven't done my thousands words for the day

How do people find the time and energy to keep up with these writing-goals every single day?

Would this be easier if I quit my job, got on food stamps and unemployment, and just focused on writing?

>> No.6803448

You'll just spend more time shitposting on Croatian Genocide Forums.

There's no magic trick, you either do it or you don't, and it's all up to you.
Nobody can make you do something.


>> No.6803456

>Croatian Genocide Forums.
My fucking sides

>> No.6803480

It's hilarious and depressing at the same time to see all these people reading all these articles on how to get the best workflow and how to discipline yourself and create all this wonderful art that you were supposed to be creating.

If it is that hard, god damn it, fucking quit. There is a great athlete in you, but you'll never know if you shitpost on 4chan all day whining about how you can't write. I don't know, it's not about being smooth sailing, that's for sure, but stop whining, perhaps you are asking yourself the wrong questions. Fuck "the time and energy" of other people, that is totally not tangible or important to you at all. Why do you want to write anyway? Perhaps you don't know that and if that's the case, any shit like a nice looking article will suck all of your attention, because you know why you do that at least. I get that it's hard work and it's not about inpiration, but in one way or another I always see people complaining like that as if they were to be rewarded for being who they are. If yesterday people were complaining about lack of inspiration, other fags have hammered the idea that it is about discipline and not inspiration and the result is that you have the same fags complaining about the same thing: that they don't have the right discipline, the right method, the right time...

Time is never lacking, never. Never. It's only a matter of priorities and choices and we make a lot of shit choices that we need to handle later on, but damn it, be aware of them. If you have a 5 min window to write and you don't write at that moment, there is no reason to open a 5 hour window, you'll only procrastinate more. But you see, with procrastination, you just don't want to stop procrastinating, otherwise you'd do it. Procrastinate masturbation and watching that movie and you'll be writing your book or whatever. But those things you don't procrastinate, you want them right now. That's your choice, your doing. And here you're thinking how you can change things and force yourself to do it different, but that's exactly the problem, you're not listening that those are your priorities and wishes. First you must accept them, identify them, understand they are there, not to feel guilty about it every 5 secs and crying to us here. Go masturbate, go to sleep, shitpost some more, accept that fucking thing. Once you've done that and only after you've accepted the way you live to be the way of your choice, you'll begin to see the dishes on the sink are getting higher and shitposting won't be as funny anymore or whatever and from there you'll begin to move to other choices, you'll better see the pros and cons of each decision, not just living in this abstract world of "shoulds and coulds" that those "top 10 writers and their routines" get you to believe. When that happends, you'll see that to smoke pot or to study or to work or to write, all is there for you to do 24/7 and it's only a matter of doing what you want, but not in a childish way.

>> No.6803560


If you're having trouble with a thousand, try 500 instead.

Hell, start off with just a goal of 100 words a day and work up from there.

>> No.6803616
File: 204 KB, 816x816, 1384886767598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw want to write and produce music
>mfw keep f5ing /lit/
>mfw time is the most precious resource
>mfw reading all this wisdom literature but still post on a Polynesian gerbil care forum
>mfw read this post

>> No.6803647

wew lad

>> No.6803650

I don't set a wordcount goal. as long as I put in some work on one of my projects every day, that's good enough. I work for a living, and I be tired most of the time. even the ~500 words I normally come away with, I have to make myself do that much (and I force myself to try for something quality, i.e. revise-able, too, rather than just fucking around for a couple of sentences and saying Done). about one day a week I allow myself no words at all, but only one day per week.