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6801826 No.6801826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was civilisation a mistake? Did it ever give the man anything he needed? I recently feel like my life is stuck in a cloud, a bubble, obstructing the light and noise from outside. Everything that happens just makes everyone so miserable all the time.

>> No.6801880

The world will be hit by a meteorite one day so we need to go to space

>> No.6801890

That's true, but I don't think there are enough resources to build the technology needed to get us to the nearest habitable planet. Unless we start terraforming, but I've always thought that idea was horribly contrived and unrealistic.

>> No.6801891

if that is so then it follows that we wont be any safer from meteorites in space

>> No.6801895

If you think life in civilization is miserable, just wait until you see how miserable primitivism is.

The miseries of civilization are silly, meaningless little things like being bullied on the internet or having trouble finding a girlfriend. These things are only unpleasant because you care about them, and have no real objective impact on your life.

The miseries of primitivism are starvation, disease, and violence. Good luck living a happy life when you're mauled by a wolf and you lose your leg to gangrene.

>> No.6801906

I want primitive civilization

>> No.6801913

But if you spread out the entirety of humanity across the galaxy then one planetary civilization getting BTFO by an asteroid isn't a huge deal.

>> No.6801933

Your post proposes that being secure and comfortable makes for a happy life though. Primitive people can be happy too because finding a suitable lover isn't hindered by as many mental and sociological obstacles, most edibles taste good because they are nutritional and you haven't been conditioned to eat dinners that take hours to prepare, your life isn't too long nor is it unnecessarily long (I've worked in elder care and hospitals), you don't have to place your life into the differing values of material things. And so on and so forth.

It seems to me that primitivism gives you the same satisfactions and pleasures modern life gives you, but at easier cost. Simultaneously there is a greater chance at utter misery, unless you work hard.

>> No.6801943

Wake up call: interstellar space travel is impossible. It violates basic laws of physics.

>> No.6801945

Read some Rousseau (however you spell it)

>> No.6801946

>The miseries of primitivism are starvation, disease, and violence. Good luck living a happy life when you're mauled by a wolf and you lose your leg to gangrene.

Small prices to pay to regain our sense of purpose, imagination, and freedom. Our lives may be a hell of a lot more comfortable, but don't mistake comfort for joy. I'd take a full and enjoyable difficult life, filled with adventure and purpose, over an easy and empty life in which the standards are always raised too high to be met.

>> No.6801948

No it isn't.

>> No.6801951

Provide evidence

>> No.6801952

Read a physics textbook, you tards.

Nothing travels faster than light, not even information.

>> No.6801956

>he hasn't heard of tachyons

Read a physics textbook, you tard.

>> No.6801957

Not those guys, but how does that make interstellar travel impossible?
Couldn't you have some sort of generation ships?

>> No.6801970

Where do you think we would get the resources to sustain the power of multiple massive ships for decades of travel, as well as nutrition for the thousands of people traveling on board? Not even sure cryogenic sleep is possible.

>> No.6801978

Solar energy/solar wind

>> No.6801979

reminder teenagers realizing they can ask whatever retarded question they want will kill this board even more, and the only solution is to demand a /phil/ to sequester these idiots with the christcancer where they belong

>> No.6801981

Well, soon aging will be cured, so that technology will be put to use. But also, as we pass stars we will find ways to use their energy, which will be used for electricity and which will allow us to grow food in the ship.

>> No.6801988

Can you leave as well?

>> No.6801992

>literature is the sole medium for thorough philosophical analysis
>don't discuss philosophical questions on this board, shitpost in my John Greene/DFW thread instead!!

>> No.6802005

Nature created a system to prevent immortality, it's called cancer. I know you're gonna say that we'll find a way to prevent cancer, but we are far away from that stage. Can't comment on solar power though, but from what I understand solar powered generators aren't very effective, I'm unsure the energy converted will be enough to sustain the ship inbetween stars. The distance between stars is massive.

>> No.6802006
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>Hey /lit/ what doth life?
>am I profound yet xD
Taste the pain fgt

>> No.6802013

That's not even what I asked moron. You can simplify any topic like that, take your shitposting someplace else.

>> No.6802014

my god what have we wrought

>> No.6802030

Tachyons don't exist. They're fantasy. They might not violate the laws of physics, but there is exactly _zero_ real-world evidence for their existence. Tachyons are no more real than unicorns. (Unicorns, theoretically, also do not violate the laws of physics.)

>Couldn't you have some sort of generation ships?
Theoretically, yes, you could. Think of the timescales involved, though. Such a generation ship will spend literally millions of years traveling through space. If your civilization has spent a million years aboard a ship, what would they need a planet for?

>multiple massive ships for decades of travel
Decades?? Try dozens of millenia instead.

>> No.6802054

But at least in civilization you have a choice. You can go live in the fucking woods, pretend you're doing yourself a huge favor and suffer an agonizing death to frostbite/a septic wound/etc. if you like. Primitivism doesn't give you that choice.

>> No.6802087

I don't know, but that is a fantastic photograph.

>> No.6802113

Empty, unfulfilled 20 somethings love to wax romantic about going primitive.

There's something to be said about eating clean, getting fresh air, and getting out of the city for a bit but don't pretend like someone put a gun to ancient mans' head and told him to build cities. He had to do what he had to do. Economic security and the proliferation of services came at the cost of living next to people you might not like.

>> No.6802156

Watch 'Into the Wild'

>> No.6802167

Actually, it's highly illiegal in many places.

The issue IS the lack of choice.

A simpler, but more isolated life is actually preferable to some people.

Just ask that autistic guy who camped out in maine for 30 years.

I am aware he stole from locals to feed himself, but I would no more begrudge him that that I would a fox for taking chickens from an unguarded coop.

>> No.6802201

There's very little stopping someone buying a one way ticket to some backwater Asian country and living like Supertramp.

And even so, unless you live in Singapore there's very little stopping you finding somewhere more secluded without having to travel internationally.

Think this poster >>6802113 hit the nail on the head. If primitivism were so great people wouldn't be risking life and limb to escape from it. The people who romanticise primitivsm want a cosy, risk-free version of it and often are too narcissistic to admit that they only want to escape civilisation because it has left them behind.

>> No.6802216

>don't pretend like someone put a gun to ancient mans' head and told him to build cities
That's pretty much exactly what happened to Caïn, just saying.

>> No.6802240

>If primitivism were so great people wouldn't be risking life and limb to escape from it. The people who romanticise primitivsm want a cosy, risk-free version of it

Yurp. Not gonna lie, having a nice cabin in the woods with air conditioning and some books, netflix, good scotch and weed when I need it would be a dope, but that's a far cry from roughing it like an outdoorsman.

I'll concede that I probably would have been infinitely more fulfilled if I had grown up in the wild from the start, but it is what it is.

>> No.6802282


>Le body should rot meme

I suppose we should just stay more primitive than naked mole rats and lobsters, both of whom already have no problems with exactly what you're bitching about.

>> No.6802288

No, I like beer.

>> No.6802298

but you can go very close to the speed of light.

>> No.6802309


Weed literally helps with all of that. Your idiotic need to feel noble and pure while bleeding from a stump after a hunting accident is from fetishism and nothing more.

>> No.6802325

Aging is just a collection of ailments. Nothing wrong with curing ailments.

Or do you want to forbid artificial hips and pacemakers?

>> No.6802357

>i feel bad, i'd rather bring the entire world back 10.000 years than fix my attitude

Both unreasonable and impossible. Primitivism is merely an ultra-reactionary pipe dream.

>> No.6802396

civilization will collapse long before another large meteorite hits the earth

>> No.6802411
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>implying civilisation will collapse around the world at the same time
>implying the survivors won't build a new one
>implying humanity can be stopped

hell's march.mp3

>> No.6802464

lol exhibit A with how out of touch the modern person is.

guy's talking about living a real, noble life out there in the elements and this nigga's like "just roll a bone brosef" smh

and btw I've burned every day for the past 6 years

>> No.6802478

>le noble savage


>> No.6802493

does it matter?

>> No.6802500

That's not how it works. Assuming Einstein is correct, light travels the same speed faster than you regardless of yours . Regardless, you could just use negative energy to compress the space between you and your destination, or you could extend your wavelength to it. Please stop acting like you know anything about physics.

>> No.6802511

>Nature created a system to prevent immortality
Good God the ideology present in these few little words.

>> No.6802539

can a single person on this board engage in discussion without resorting to strawmen and memes? heysus christooooo

no I'm not saying living in the woods is a Rumi poem every minute of every day but I am saying living a life of purpose, energy, and vitality in a more natural mode (read: not quitting your job and stripping down to a loincloth) is an infinitely more fulfilling and spiritual life than rotting in a soulless cityscape of parking lots and block buildings.

>> No.6802547

> an infinitely more fulfilling and spiritual life than rotting in a soulless cityscape of parking lots and block buildings

You can avoid that without reverting to proto-human living standards you dumb little nugget

This fucking board

>> No.6802553

which is why I said "(read: not quitting your job and stripping down to a loincloth)" you assclown

>> No.6802562

ITT: people who think I actually want to live like a caveman. It would take generations upon generations to transition the general mindset back to nature, I'm just pondering what good society actually does us.

>> No.6802623


> I'm just pondering what good society actually does us.

These threads are always made by 18-20 year olds who are just smart enough to engage in critical thinking but not smart enough to realize basic knowledge.

Society does you good every day that you don't get your head bashed in by a rock so that they can take all of your food and supplies without consequences.

>> No.6802642

The world is safer, more prosperous and more comfortable than it has ever been in mankind's history.

The only downside is that it's all built on a titillating train of production and consumption that will implode on itself if it ever slows down. We're way past the point of no return and scaling down civilisation without condemning literally billions of people to death by starvation is impossible at this point.

There are far, far bigger threats facing humanity than le spiritual discomfort. Work that shit out in your own time, which unless you're tilling soil somewhere in South America to provide for your family of 10 or working 80 hour weeks at an investment bank you should have plenty of. With the amount of information and people with similar interests available at your fingertips you have no excuse.

The average /lit/izen honestly reminds of Ignatius J Reilly, i.e. romanticising bygone times and completely lacking in perspective, all the while touting themselves as unappreciated intellectuals that everyone else is 'too pleb' to appreciate.

>> No.6802789

>Society does you good every day that you don't get your head bashed in by a rock so that they can take all of your food and supplies without consequences.
This still happens, sometimes even where you live.

Don't patronize me. I've worked with the Medecins sans Frontieres in the Amhara region of Ethiopia, I've seen real poverty and disease, and starvation so bad just about all the elders were blind. I know full fucking well what discomfort is, do you? I am purely asking this question out of a curious, neutral, unbiased position for the sake of a philosophical discussion taking place. I'd sooner think you are the one who lacks perspective, just assuming things about how people think.

>> No.6802834

So what is this life you refer to? Living like a contemporary person but more rural and feeling good about yourself because you chop firewood or something?

The notion that living next to trees is more 'spiritual' is itself a meme. To call it more 'natural' is simply wrong.

>> No.6802855

Everything you like that can not be found in an undisturbed 'natural' landscape is what good society does us. Philosophical discussions are part of that. So is being able to interact with more than a few dozen people. Or being able to interact with people from all over the world so that you may engage with those you feel akin to by mind rather than mere circumstance. That and all the help technology and scientific discovery brings as, as well as all the art and interesting things produced by a more interconnect humanity that can spend their time engaging with other matters than the basics of survival.

>> No.6802917

And why is that "good?" Why do we need all those things? Have we been conditioned to think all that is good? That's what this topic boils down to if you didn't realize

>> No.6802924

"x is a meme" is a meme

>> No.6802927

You need to get laid op

>> No.6803033
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Not OP, but I don't think there is really much of a choice for most people to abandon this highly advanced civilization without high costs, for the simple reason that we have all been domesticated to be dependent on this system instead of learning about primitive survival.

Yeah maybe I can get a cabin in the woods somewhere but I never even killed an animal, something that in my 20s I would have already mastered in a society more primitive and more in contact with nature, so it's kind of hard.

Also, I think OP is not against technology itself and what it gives us, I just don't like that feel of dependence on the system and in a way or the other I feel forced to take part to it without huge sacrifices and risks.

>> No.6803063


Even hunter gatherer tribes depended on each other. Before sedentary life communal living was still the way to go. The lone hunter doesn't last long in anything except myth.

>> No.6803106
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Sure, but that level of dependence is nowhere near nowadays levels I think. You need to interact with others through a multileveled process that involves maybe hundreds if not thousands of people. That makes me itchy in a way.
That hunter-gatherer had much more experience and skills in survival even by itself.
Now thing is, they didn't even have technology so of course it was harder and cooperation was obviously an advantage, but still, I think with the aid of thousands of years of accumulated knowledge, a balance could be found.

>> No.6803123

We could try distributism. Give everyone the tools for a certain stage of production, and they can work it at home or in a workshop attached to their house. It wouldn't be as productive as what we have now, but the technology could still increase, the quality of the goods would be much higher, people wouldn't have to drive to work, and there would be no exploitation.

>> No.6803132

I think you're a lonely idiot who does too much weed. The problems in your life are derived from you most likely. If you feel like civilization is what caused it go live in the fucking woods, I don't think your lack of satisfaction in your shit life is directly the fault of one of man's greatest constructs.

>> No.6803201

Why would living primitively be good? Why is anything 'good'? Depends on your (meta)ethical position.

>> No.6803288

B-b-b-b muh profound "philosophical" questions! Muh right to never actually read or discuss a book on the /lit/ board!

>> No.6803304
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calm down dubsman, /lit/ is the de facto philosophical board until faggot admins don't open a dedicated /phil/ board

>> No.6803430

Have fun explaining to all the billions of people who literally depend on industrial agriculture for food that they would need to die because reasons

>> No.6803453
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>this thread

>> No.6803488
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>opinions about things should be measured according to my meter of correctness
>stop having wrong opinions you filthy casuals

>> No.6803512
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You might as well ask "was leaving the ocean a mistake?" or "was evolving from unicellular to multicellular life a mistake?"

You cannot stop the future.

>> No.6803523
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a thread about how different life was before modern technology is pretentious undergrad shit now, good one fuckwit

>> No.6803598
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>implying the myth of progress will overcome hardset physical limits of planetary resources and implode in on itself, resulting in a slow collapse of globalized industrial civilization

Yeah, that whole "you can't stop progress!" cliché has been disproven time and time again, even in modern times.

>> No.6803645
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>doesn't realize that oxygen-spewing bacteria killed off all life before
>just like carbon dioxide spewing humans are killing off all life now

There's no stopping it. Get over. Stuff changes and competes. Humans are just life-lifing. If the human experiment doesn't spread life to the stars, life will try something else.

The only aim of life is to spread and thrive. Life must conquer the stars.

>> No.6803654

Humans might be a very very unlikely accident though.
If an asteroid blows the fuck out of us, there might never appear another intelligent race like us before the universe collapses, assuming of course that current theories are correct. We might even be the only one.

>> No.6803690
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****Attention**** all shitposters, the major 4chan boards are all congregating in this thread:


There, a discussion about moving to a new chan is seriously being taken right now. The boards present in that thread are:

>co, g, fit, pol, int, k, tv, v, x, mu, lit, sp, r9k, mlp and b

Never before in the history of 4chan all boards joined in the same thread, united by the same ideal: to destroy mods forever. What a glorious day it is!

>> No.6803700
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Now THIS is christposting

>> No.6803705
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I'm not a christian though.