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/lit/ - Literature

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6802079 No.6802079 [Reply] [Original]

I met up with an old friend last week and she knows how much I love to read good literature. She excitedly told me that she herself had been doing a bit of reading and naturally I was joyous on her behalf. She proceeded to tell me some of the books she read (pic related), Also the Tina Fey and Amy Poehler book. What occasion did someone tell you about how avid of a reader they are and then proceed to disappoint you?

>> No.6802119

My sister told me that she wanted to be a writer, so I bought her Moby Dick, War and Peace and a collection of Bernard Shaw's plays.

She never touched them and only reads stuff like GoT and Twilight.

>> No.6802135

Some girls I know are ALLL over the female comedian books

>> No.6802149

It wasn't a big dissapointment, but my friend told me she doesn't read footnotes, but she has a pretty ok taste in literature

>> No.6802155

Those books you read in junior high dude? She probably didn't want to read books from a kid and would rather read books meant for her teenage grade level.

Some people like reading female voices especially if they are funny (the Tina Fey book is pretty fun light reading), doesn't make them plebs because they don't read 'serious' books about fisherman and war.

>> No.6802163

It does make them plebs. That's exactly what being a pleb is.

>> No.6802175


That mindy kaling book was an interesting read.

I never got why anyone would wanna stroke their cocks over patrician books. Unless you read the damn thing multiple times and have 1-2 published, printed, (no online journal shit) articles on the book you are just as plebean as that girl. Worse actually, at least she isn't pretending.

>> No.6802177

Every time I've met a woman who says she reads. I'm also not /r9k/ trolling, my experience honestly is like that.

>> No.6802179

Son, you're going to have to prove yourself a member of some hereditary equestrian or patrician household before we believe that you are not in fact also a pleb.

We are, in the literal Latin sense, most certainly all plebs, excepting those of us lucky enough to be landed gentry.


>> No.6802182

I've had the same problem with male "pleb" friends

Fucking Rosie Project and Jeff Jarvis and all loads of thriller crap

>> No.6802184

Mindy Kaling looks like a fat piece of brown shit with a mouth and eyes attached to it. Every time I see her I want to vomit.

>> No.6802190

Would a cis white male have been better for you? Prick.

>> No.6802209

Yup. Cis white males = dream team of history and civilization.

>> No.6802220


cis white males = dream team of cis white males

>> No.6802234

TIL you have to be a published author to be interested in the classics. Go read your YA lit dumbass.

>> No.6802263
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>mfw people defend YA near me

>> No.6802271

>Unless you read the damn thing multiple times and have 1-2 published, printed, (no online journal shit) articles on the book you are just as plebean as that girl. Worse actually, at least she isn't pretending.
lol what

>> No.6802286

>Tina Fey

>> No.6802292

Our social order now is not based on pleb/patrician, so now we use it as a way to mock people with bad taste and lack of knowledge.


>> No.6802294

I'm Indian and she is a tubby little annoying shit imo

>> No.6802302

Everyone ever. One of my friends even told me classics are boring and they're only classics because they're old and proceeded to shit on The Picture of Dorian Gray. I've never been so triggered in my life before.

>> No.6802310

Yeah, i dont doubt it. I mean, i personally dont talk much with girls but yeah my experience is the same.
Most guys who read read GoT though so its not limited to women tbh. Just people being plebs. I think its just more obvious with girls because most of them read

>> No.6802335

My wife hates to read, she says it puts her to sleep. But she challenged herself to read five books in 2015:

three were the ones you mentioned, then Lena 'holocaust' dunham's book as well as Grace Helbig's book.

At least she read them...

>> No.6802362

Did Dunham literally admit to rape in her book?

>> No.6802364

>on Yikyak
>girl posts about how 'guys never go for the girls who read, they only want the outgoing party girls'
>mention that it really depends on what you're reading
>she replies with 'for the record I don't read shitty books, I'm working through The Hobbit right now'

Not that the Hobbit is bad, but you're a fucking college graduate reading a book meant for someone 10 years younger than you.

>> No.6802365

What's most striking for me is that pleb men read books with some plot complexity and historical/cultural references, say things that have an ambition to be literary - Sharpe novels, King. With pleb women it's literal Danielle Steele tier. It's like they're choosing books by what is the most colorful cover to look good on the bookshelf.

>> No.6802366



>> No.6802367

The Hobbit is about as good as it gets for women man

>> No.6802368

As much as I realise that this is bait - neither Moby Dick nor War and Peace are the greatest entry into literature.

>> No.6802370


>thinks there's a quality distinction between Stephen King and Danielle Steele

airport trash is airport trash

>> No.6802372

>>girl posts about how 'guys never go for the girls who read, they only want the outgoing party girls'

It's kind of reassuring to know that women have the same stupid misconceptions about men as we have about them.

>> No.6802379

They are two of the most famous - therefore presumably most read - books of all time. It's hardly Finnegans Wake or something; anyone with a brain should be able to appreciate Moby-Dick and War and Peace.

>> No.6802380

Just think of it this way: most people read zero pages a day, so if you read five pages a day you're already doing five times better than everyone else.

>> No.6802385

I'm a girl and reading at the moment The Stranger by Albert Camus and History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell. Am I hot now?

>> No.6802388

Have you even read Moby Dick?

>> No.6802390

Bad literature is objectively worse than no literature at all.

>> No.6802395

I used to believe that, but I met this chick who's a big Faulkner fan and even though she's chubby she provides better literature conversation than all my guy friends.

Schopenhauer made an argument that it's better to not read at all than to read 'bad books', but I don't recall if it was any good.

>> No.6802399


>value judgment


>> No.6802401

I doubt that those two books are the most read, but Moby Dick is a pretty awesome book.

>> No.6802403

How many people agree with this? I do.

>> No.6802407

I was parodying that copy pasta which gets posted here all the time, but yeah I think Arthur was right.

>> No.6802408
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I had to click three sandwiches to bring you this meme, but I'd click a million more just to see you smile bby girl

>mfw thinking about you hurting

>> No.6802409

Philosophy 101 professors don't start off with Hegel's 'Phenomenology' and literature 101 professors won't assign Joyce's 'Ulysses'. Try starting her off with something more accessible. Also, try finding her works that might interest her, that might speak and help her understand her own experiences. I'm not saying people should only read stuff about their own lives, but it will help her get into books later if she's shown from the start how books are explorations of our own lives and experiences.

>> No.6802412


you know where the door is reddit scum

>> No.6802421
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This reminds me of how you didn't really go to the gym if you didn't tell anyone about it.

>> No.6802423

I do as well. I feel like I'd get along better with someone who wasn't interested in lit and was honest about it than someone who claimed to be a reader but just read shit like Tina Fey's book and The Hobbit.

>> No.6802426

No that's WRONG, it would be five times more if they read one page a day.

>> No.6802428

I think she's cute tbh.

>> No.6802441

If I could math then I wouldn't be shitposting in the middle of the day on a Somalian carpentry board, dude. Take your math oppression elsewhere.

>> No.6802444


>> No.6802448

It's not oppression if it's for your own good.

>> No.6802718

Oh yeah, he says something about how forcing yourself to think/take in stuff that doesn't chime with your state of mind teaches you to parrot the beliefs of others rather than develop your own thinking. You end up "thinking like an automaton rather than a human" was the analogy he used, if that helps. Although I do think it was specifically about books that you personally CONSIDER to be bad or unreadable, not about 'bad books' in general.

>> No.6802955

>My sister told me that she wanted to be a writer, so I bought her Dick, War and Peace. She never touched them.
At least you tried, anon.

>> No.6802970

desu baitu desu

>> No.6804127

One time there was this girl I had a crush on, so I figured I'd buy her a gift, but I wanted it to be something she couldn't easily forget about, and so I decided that it should be a living thing; the logic being that she would have to regularly feed it, etc. I ended up buying her a Siamese fighting fish, which I named Moby Dick, and I wrote an abbreviated version of his name on his little glass bowl. It took her several months to figure out that I wanted to give her M' Dick in more ways than one though.

>> No.6804198

Why do you faggots feel the need to push your taste onto others? Not even Beckett read all the "important books" of the last century.

You're all a bunch of pretentious faggots.

>> No.6804269

You need to start with the Greeks.

>> No.6804301

>Not even Beckett read all the "important books" of the last century.
a shit author is shit because he didn't read? more news at 11

>> No.6804319

could be worse, op
my wife reads serious shit (if with a womanly bent - stuff like alice munro) but she also enjoys books like that (in fact all three you've mentioned. she doesn't absorb them uncritically, though. sometimes she likes them, sometimes not (she didn't like poehler's). i think she liked that one (kaling). in fact I think i read a bit of it and chuckled

>> No.6804324
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Oh boy mate, you're in for a waking call.

>> No.6804329

I like reading "literature", but wonder how so many people cope reading for the sake of being elite.

So many of you faggots spend your time tasteposting all over this board, smearing yourself in the lauded meme-novels of this board's culture. How many threads have we had lately where anything but the most superficial analysis of any of these books is even provided? Most people here don't even bother doing that on their own, and just plagiarize those as well ("Hurr, Holden is an archon, it's so fucking apparent.")

Most of you don't show any of your own fucking tastes, which makes you about the same level of OP's friend. You faggots read books for the sole purpose of associating with a culture like the dilettantes you are. You treat books like clothes.

>> No.6804371

Moby Dick was my first foray into literature. Bought it on a whim after seeing it at a bookstore. I loved it.

>> No.6804887
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me too.

>> No.6805057

>Also the Tina Fey and Amy Poehler book. What occasion did someone tell you about how avid of a reader they are and then proceed to disappoint you?
When my bestie told me all she reads are drugstore novels.

>> No.6805731
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>> No.6805738
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>female comedians that aren't Maria Bamford

>> No.6805777

My girlfriend
She's read 27 books this year and they're all complete shit. Most recent two are the Orange is the new black book and breakfast at tiffanys. She hated the latter because Audrey (Aubrey?) is apparently pretty racist in the book.
Also, her favorite read of all time is the Harry potter series. She's still pretty obsessed with them and won't let me bring up any valid criticism (despite the fact that I've let her know I enjoy the books myself) no matter what it is. Also she's 21

>> No.6805797

Every person I've worked with at any wageslave job.

>What're you reading today, anon?
>Demian. It just came in the mail so I thought I'd get started on it. You?
>Generic werewolf romance #937

>Oh, I really like reading too.
>What are you reading? I was just working through Ficciones and I'm enjoying it a lot.
>Superman. I like Spider Man too.

Not readers, but people who comment on my reading:
>lolwuts the point of even reading anymore??? everything gets turned into movies now anyway.

>> No.6805839
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Correct response to that situation:
>Anon's friends are making fun of classic literature, shitting around, drinking heartily and eating his food
>Anon draws monarch's bow and quiver of bronze-tipped arrows
>Anon's son locks the door
>Anon's friends ask him what knavish tricks he intends with the bow
>Anon fires warning shot, the bowstring twanging with a clear sound as when a swallow screams.
>Anon's friends stop laughing
>Anon's son shows up in full armor
>Anon throws off cloak
>"That difficult strife is ended. Now I take another mark, which no man yet has hit. Now shall I see if I attain my aim, and by the aid of Phoebus, win renown."
>Shoots first friend in the neck, guy spills wine and shit everywhere, ragdolls on the floor like a PS2 character model
>Everyone starts panicking and running for the door
>Anon's son gives him javelins and a helmet wrought of brass
>Someone armed the guests with shields of ignorance and spears of apathy
>A small fear graces Anon's heart, but he quenches it and advances
>With their brazen spears, Anon and son begins to smite the guests
>One man is left, quivering in a puddle of his own making
>Anon presses the spear to the man's throat, leans in and gently whispers:
>"Start with the Greeks."

>> No.6805849

>pretentious faggots
Welcome to /lit/

>> No.6805857

i read amy poehler's book because i am a fan of improv and i think she is funny

what a boring memoir. i get that her whole schtick is empowering teenage girls or whatever but the book was 75% shit inspirational text with a bit of her history and very very few actual insights into comedy or show business.

>> No.6805858

fucking normies

>> No.6805884

What, in your opinion, is? Those two are usually named as the greatest. Not to say that popular consensus is correct.

>> No.6806188
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> i personally dont talk much with girls

>> No.6806199

he said not the greatest entry into literature, not the greatest literature

which would be incorrect as anyone with half a brain could read either of them

>> No.6806213
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>I don't read YA
>I'm better than the strata

>> No.6806214

>What are you reading?
>Clinical Anatomy, I'm studying to be a doctor. What's yours about anon?
>O-oh, t-there's a bit in here about this really big library
>Oh, that's cool.

>> No.6806307


>> No.6806334

>working through

>> No.6806896

So how many books have you read this year?

>> No.6806942


>Anon's son

Come on, now, that's not realistic. All of /lit/ is on it's way to becoming a wizard.

>> No.6806968

I'm directly descended from Etruscan kings like Tarquinius Superbus.

>> No.6806976

>tfw Mindy Project was saved from Fox's TV oblivion
thank you based Hulu

>> No.6806989

My girlfriend is currently reading 2666.

>> No.6807074

Most girls I know who also happen to read are usually only interested in LotR. I don't know how or why this happens, but it does.

Besides those LotR girls, I know a girl who became an "avid reader" when she broke her leg by stepping in a hole (after taking some bars and doing several shots). She reads Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, etc. Basically that entire line of shitty YA movies, she read the books.

Another girl refuses to read fiction. Absolutely refuses. She instead reads things like Malcolm Gladwell and Richard Dawkins.

On the other hand, I knew substantially less guys who read. One reads primarily fanfiction. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. The other's favorite authors are Kurt Vonnegut and Chuck Palahniuk. I hate both of them, and he's very pretentious without being a dick about it; it's like he's 4chan and his opinions are top tier and yours are shit tier, and everything he likes is something "you've never heard of", but otherwise he's a cool dude.

The last one reads stuff like The Prince, Kafka, and Nietzsche. Or rather, he tells people to read their books and discusses ideology, but I'm almost positive that he merely reads the wikipedia article.

>> No.6807122

Take your SJW horseshit to reddit, we hold no quarter here

>> No.6807180

just fuck off to /pol/

>> No.6807581

>Besides those LotR girls, I know a girl who became an "avid reader" when she broke her leg by stepping in a hole

First /lit laugh of the day for me.

>> No.6807589

>hating Vonnegut

poor taste

>> No.6807605

>being this defensive of your own shitty kind
worse than nationalism

>> No.6807623

"Vonnegut sucks" is the dumbest /lit/ meme