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/lit/ - Literature

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6798047 No.6798047 [Reply] [Original]

Do the girls here have a noticeably different taste then the men do? I can't imagine authors like DFW, Pynchon and McCarthy being that big with females.

It would be cool to have a fem/lit/ chart made

>> No.6798049 [DELETED] 

My gf likes the witcher and book of the new sun and lolita

>> No.6798055

shave your fucking neckbeard first

>> No.6798058

Who is this trumpet strumpet?

>> No.6798059

can i cuck you?

>> No.6798061
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>> No.6798062 [DELETED] 

Sorry I'm not interested in your wife/gf

>> No.6798070

Fuck off, sexist scum. Women are free to read whatever they want, there's no such thing as "feminine taste".

>> No.6798075

exactly, there's no such thing as feminine taste.

>> No.6798090

Then why are there genres of literature almost exclusively written by and for women

>> No.6798092


they probably don't read as few women authors as most /lit/ users but other than that it's probably the same.

>> No.6798095

but it's all tasteless kitsch without any intellectual value.

>> No.6798097 [DELETED] 



>> No.6798111

Pretty much for the same reason there's shit like Tom Clancy or James Patterson out there.

Middle-aged people tend to read shit. I have some very patrician female friends, not to mention my gf, who speaks five languages besides our own.

>> No.6798155

not objectively of course, but you can find general trends in what people who identify as female enjoy

>> No.6798162

enjoying doesn't mean having taste. women don't have taste.

>> No.6798163

See >>6798111

>> No.6798175
File: 36 KB, 250x400, romancenovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women mostly like romance novels and maybe the occasional pulp detective novel or children's story.

they're not really capable of processing complex themes and prose tbbh.

>inb4 white knights and women take offense at this

>> No.6798187
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Yer an idiot.

>> No.6798200
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>> No.6798204

we are talking about women on /lit/, not women you you see on the subway reading vampire books. I'd also imagine they love purple prose.

>> No.6798211

Your gf likes The Witcher?
That's a lie.

>> No.6798214
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>women on /lit/

>> No.6798216 [DELETED] 

Why? She played the games and reading the books now

>> No.6798218

I'm female and I sometimes read fiction/philosophy that's blatantly misogynist and feel really guilty when i like it.

>> No.6798220

Not bad tbh.

>> No.6798226


What are YA books?

>> No.6798228 [DELETED] 

Your definition of 'blatantly misogynist' is probably retarded

>> No.6798234

better than not reading them at all and expecting everyone in history to have an "modern" view of the world

>> No.6798241

Well, which aspect?
There are women worthy of scorn. (As much as men)
Wollstonecraft picks apart women for their shortcomings but holds the social norms just as responsible for producing them.

>and expecting everyone in history to have an "modern" view of the world
Who does this? No one does this. Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

>> No.6798253 [DELETED] 

Sorry, m8, but women are retarded parakeets. They like what is popular to like, and anything they create is a pale shadow of male genius.

>> No.6798273

Why do MRAs type like this?

>> No.6798278

John Green for one

>> No.6798280 [DELETED] 

MRAs are feminine as fuck, they're the same filth as feminists.

>> No.6798288

fucking lit and fa are merging

>> No.6798291


it aint easy

>> No.6798299
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is the girl in the picture the asian bitch on my waifu chart?

>> No.6798312 [DELETED] 

feminine taste might as well be synonymous with shit taste.


>> No.6798330

funny how comments like these only come up during more controversial subjects. Its like we get a busload of /pol/tards brought over specifically for it when generally we would dismiss things as spooks or baseless assumptions.

>> No.6798336


women are free to like Pynchon, but I'd predict that a lot of them actually wouldn't. The way he rights about women and sex is pretty obviously from a male perspective. This doesn't mean that the books women enjoy would be inherently less literary than what men read. For example, a lot of girls like Jane Austen and Emily Dickenson, both well respected authors that I predict most of the men here haven't read.

>> No.6798342

See >>6798299
There are actually women lurking here

>> No.6798343

Do we hold this (man) in high regard around here? I think anons hold J.K. Rowlings tits in higher esteem.
And he probably *expect* everyone in the past to behave the way we do now. I think it's more likely he holds them to today's standards. Hmmm?

>I came here to samefag my posts

>> No.6798352

truth hurts

>> No.6798369

count myself as one of them

Gender really doesnt affect taste collectively. Its only if a person has been taught to conform to a certain gender role by their relatives and/or peers that they allow socially accepted standards to dominate their personal interests

>> No.6798378

>last monday
>hanging with female friends from college
>discuss aesthetics, situationism and Italo Calvino

>out with male friends from my town
>guy I borrowed Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch to hands me back saying it doesn't make any sense

plebeians are prevalent in both genders, m80

>> No.6798382
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It may be a blue board, but it's still an 18 and over site.

>> No.6798389 [DELETED] 

You stupid nigger, the girl I met in my creative writing class has a more expansive and interesting collection of books than I do.

>> No.6798397
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So many trolls in this thread. I just want to have an actual discussion, god dammit.

Anyway, I'm a grill (let's get that out of the way). I just got done re-reading At the Mountains of Madness and now I'm reading Lovecraft's essay on horror that follows it in the edition I have. It's pretty interesting to me that Lovecraft has such respect for female authors, considering the time period he was writing in. His defense of Mary Shelley is downright heartwarming. I guess I just assumed he'd be sexist, considering how racist he was.

As to whether women have different taste than men: I certainly don't read the majority of what everyone else here reads. I only rarely come to this board, and I usually leave pretty soon in extreme disappointment. Everyone here just reads the same shit by the same authors, over and over again. And they're all white men, with the exception of Mishima, Murakami, and Virginia Woolf. I'm not even offended by it, just bored. You all need to branch out. The endless threads about which dead philosopher's dick you'd suck are beyond tiresome.

On the other hand, I don't read "chick lit" or whatever you want to call it. I hate romance. I hate stories about mother-daughter bonding (my mom is fond of those). If a book is described as "feel-good" I'm probably going to hate it. What I do like is adventure, horror, and fantasy. I like books about history, the older the better. I like mythology and folklore.

Okay, I'm done rambling.

>> No.6798409

>I think it's more likely he holds them to today's standards.

Yeah, that's generally what I meant and I was saying its better to read them then not read them because of that reason. But its bringing up a group of people that don't really browse this board.

>> No.6798412

Not a smart comment. The reply will be along the lines of ''lel, u must be a massive pleb then >less interesting collection than a girl >being this pleb''

>> No.6798417 [DELETED] 

>stick ups for women
>associates black people with being stupid


>> No.6798419

>Everyone here just reads the same shit by the same authors, over and over again. And they're all white men
>You all need to branch out. The endless threads about which dead philosopher's dick you'd suck are beyond tiresome.

Damn, I was gonna laugh about how spot on this post was before realizing that I fit the above the description just as well as anyone else. Aside from things like An Unquiet Mind, Japanland, and this shitty sci-fi novel by Ann Leckie, I can't think of much I've read lately that isn't by a white dude. Malcom X's autobiography is on my backlog but that's really all I can recall that ain't Murakami.

Anyways, I'd like to think of myself as an open-minded dude who's lacking in guidance. Give me some just solid writing from authors outside my wheelhouse?

>> No.6798432
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>Thinks "nigger" is just black people

>> No.6798448

my heart D:

>> No.6798449

Sorry, I meant the figurative, 'nigger.'

>> No.6798458

I have rarely seen a woman reading anything other than YA novels or erotica.

>> No.6798466

This is my dream girl.

>> No.6798476

this. when will the misogynists on /lit/ realize gender is a social construct? it doesn't really mean anything you memelords

>> No.6798478 [DELETED] 

These "women" are fucking horrid. I suppose it's true what they say, less attractive women are bound towards "intellectualism" more often than the actually attractive ones.

>> No.6798481

not her, Ralph Ellison

>> No.6798483
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>> No.6798487

How can you tell what the book is when you're creeping from 50 feet away, anon?

>> No.6798488

Sorry to offend you ladies but could you please stop commenting, men are trying to have a discussion here


>> No.6798490

we do realize that but that doesn't mean we aren't allowed to generalize things to make life easier. You called us memelords and misogynists but both are also just social constructs.

>> No.6798493

What's wrong with that?

>> No.6798516

I'll gladly stick up for women... ;)

>> No.6798521


>> No.6798537
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>> No.6798552 [DELETED] 

>Aside from things like An Unquiet Mind, Japanland, and this shitty sci-fi novel by Ann Leckie, I can't think of much I've read lately that isn't by a white dude.

Don't worry, anon. There is very little worth reading that is not written by white males.

White males are the greatest writers the world has ever, or will ever, see.

>> No.6798553

not her. I still need to read more Margaret Atwood, I guess?

>> No.6798564

recommend the memelords some more fucko and butler and hope for the best.

>> No.6798613


How do you know white people won't degenerate themselves into cretinism?

>> No.6798629
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>no butters

rude and silly

>> No.6798630

Oh, duh. Invisible Man. Well I figured that's a given for anyone who reads avidly.

I'll look into Atwood. I've heard her name pop up quite a few times now.

Oh! Remembered another one! Shirley Jackson. I fucking love Shirley Jackson.

>> No.6798634

>How do you know white people won't degenerate themselves into cretinism?

Because the world is hunting and attacking us, thereby making us have to fight.

They will say we are automatically irrelevant, so we will force them to accept our relevance.

Persecution leads to strength.

>> No.6798640

that's because she only wants Feministers crazy tranny cock.

>> No.6798641

>white men

>> No.6798647
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I wish /lit/ wouldn't make gender specified threads so we wouldn't embarrass ourselves with our bigotry.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "Gender is entirely a social construct" SJW kind at all, I minored in anthropology and am very aware of semi-consistent differences between the sexes.

But this /pol/r9k/ shit is just as cringy as SJW stuff.

>> No.6798743 [DELETED] 

White women are far too shallow and trite to read anything of any value. All they care about is materialistic things. They might read some online magazines like Jezebel.

Black chicks read a lot of 'urban literature' I heard, but to call it literature is a huge stretch.

Asian women might read, but I don't know enough about them to speculate as to what.

>> No.6798746

Why do women like to think there is an "us" or a "we"? how do these opinions reflect on you or anyone else? would not talking about controversial subjects mean the people who held these opinions aren't the same people you're arguing against in other threads?

>> No.6798756
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I get it! There's no feminine taste because women let men and marketers determine what they consume!

>> No.6798758
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>Asian women might read, but I don't know enough about them to speculate as to what.
>Wanting to know more about a race simply to make more accurate sweeping generalizations about them.
Jesus Christ.

>> No.6798764

Btw the best gauge of how good of a writer you are is how many bitches you fuck from each creative writing workshop you take part in.

>> No.6798775

She was one of the two cute ones there.

I'll take this as a positive.

>> No.6798779

Chicks will put out if they think I am a good writer?

Even if I am horrific to look upon?

>> No.6798798

White cis men like to write big, (seemingly) erudite novels in order to validate their insecure sense of masculinity. Since women don't have white cis male neuroses, it makes sense that they wouldn't like books whose sole value is in proving to the world how smart and edgy the author is.

This is also why most of the best writers today are women, people of colour, or non-cis. Those authors don't have anything to prove, and so are free to write actually good books.

>> No.6798808

"we" as in "/lit/", which is an applicable use of "we", as we are all posting on /lit/.

Nice job turning the use of "we" into a cringy social issue thing though.

>> No.6798821
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Uhhh, I'm not sure. I'm pretty average looking so I can't say if I would've got banged if I wrote as well as I do but was fuck ugly.

Though, I dunno, maybe women will bang writers regardless of how ugly they are. Depends on how much you think the average woman is aware of and believes in the old adage, "If you want to live forever, fuck a poet."

>> No.6798824

a ha ha this is the fabled "/lit/ wit" i have heard so much of

good show, simply cracking

>> No.6798829
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>White cis men like to write big, (seemingly) erudite novels in order to validate their insecure sense of masculinity.
Well fuck.

>> No.6798831


> waifu chart

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.6798841

and what is this comment supposed to add?

what about mine?

>> No.6798861

why did you double space your manuscript? It's not homework.

>> No.6798864
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Women like men who make them feel something. Some writers accomplish this in a way that makes women feel something for the writer. I didn't write romance or smut or anything like that, but my stories offered an interesting look into my own background and displayed sensitivity and intelligence above that of the other men in the class.

Full disclosure, I'm a tall varsity athlete with an interesting accent so it's probably not just the writing. Just saying the girls commented on my writing in much more depth than they did the other guys.

>> No.6798867
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And what writers are those?

It would seem as though 'not having anything to prove' would result in not ever writing anything. Where else would the motivation come from?

Also, I just love how you fucking assholes love to discount white men at every fucking chance you get. You don't know what we are inspired by, or what motivates us. You don't have the right to make broad generalizations (which are false) such as saying that we do things for (x) reason, such as because we are 'insecure in our sense of masculinity'. Fuck you. All of your type are disgusting in the same way. You have become exactly what it is you profess to hate in white men, that is, a bigot.

This is a law of the universe: you will become what you hate.

And you SJW types are the pinnacle of neuroses. It is so ironic that you constantly accuse white men, the only real target of your vitriol, of the same thing that you are the most guilty of being.

Furthermore, there is no such thing as an illusion of erudition. Either you are well educated and informed on the subject you are writing about or you are not. The proof is in the pudding.

>> No.6798868

not him but why not? it makes it easy to read at the cost of it taking more pages.

I personally can get through a book much faster that way

>> No.6798871

For my own convenience. I still had to mark up the thing so I needed the space.

>> No.6798880

>but my stories offered an interesting look into my own background and displayed sensitivity and intelligence above that of the other men in the class.
Yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.6798885

>we wouldn't embarrass ourselves
nice job of not understanding my post though. I'm not embarrassed by what other people post on here, and neither should you. It shows how you think of this place as a community which should hold itself to a certain standard that agrees with your personal values. it's one place where a bunch of individual anonymous shitposters congregate to b8 each other. I wouldn't classify it as a community, but I suppose one could.

>> No.6798897

>le white hook on black background with Sceptical Fish looking at it.bmp

>> No.6798916

> Read this
> Realise you've only been reading books by white men for the past couple months

>> No.6798917

Actually the court requires him to be 200 feet away now.

>> No.6798926

> it's one place where a bunch of individual anonymous shitposters congregate to b8 each other.
it's a mix of this and people who are interested in real discussion. Thinking that it's only greentext related reflects the reason you come here. To put others down in order to improve your own weak self-esteem. You're the reason /lit/ has been shit the last few months. Up until a few months ago the board has been great for years, it was too slow and boring to attract greentext related.

I usually don't print out a manuscript unless it's meant for others to read like a book, so the sight of a double spaced one threw me off. I do my editing differently, all digitally. By the time I'm having other people read it I've already worked out any grammatical, vocabulary or similar issues so I have other people read it simply to look for confusing prose or pacing issues or more large scale problems like that that don't require more page space for pointing out.

>> No.6798937

>I do my editing differently, all digitally.
That sounds absolutely maddening if I can be honest. But kudos to you for having that ability, man.

>> No.6798940

only newfags come here for actual discussion reddit, /lit/ has always been shit.

>> No.6798947

Misogynist means to hate women. So called misogynist literature doesn't hate women, only sees her as she is. The only reason you are feeling guilty is that man-women behind the feminist movement have trained you to hate anyone saying the truth about women.

Before it was ok to be a woman, now women have to be men.

>> No.6798949

>To put others down in order to improve your own weak self-esteem.
they are just le ebin troll my good sir,

I too remember the old days of /lit/ before 9/11 when people were polite and courteous to the ladies and literature discussion was abound!

>> No.6798960

lol manual editing sounds maddening to me. feels like a meticulous extra step, though I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to look over a physical copy like that, I've never actually read a physical manuscript of a novel I've written.

I edit as I go, as in, I read the office document form beginning to end, editing things that I dislike as I read them, multiple times, until the story becomes more and more polished and I'm editing things less and less. I'm not saying that this is the best method or anything, just explaining an alternative method to proofreading a manuscript so people understand digital editing.

>> No.6798965

>I too remember the old days of /lit/ before 9/11 when people were polite and courteous to the ladies and literature discussion was abound!

I thought we all agreed not to talk about those days anymore?

It makes me so sad to think about how much things have fallen since then :^(

>> No.6798975

there was an actual 9/11 for this board people are too new to realize existed, and it's name is Katie.

>> No.6798976

but the taste we had before 9/11 was generally pretty bad, everyone just memed about Harry Potter and reddit tier books

>> No.6798982

those days will come again when you let the women into your ranks

>> No.6798983

I minimize though threads and haven't noticed much of a difference.

>> No.6798985

Can we please have the greentext story, Uncle /lit/??? pretty please?

>> No.6798987

it was just less of a community back then, it took a while to convince everyone what to like and what not to like.

>> No.6798990

My experience is that girls tend to have pretty similar tastes to guys, but add a couple of flavour-of-the-month female authors like Zadie Smith and Donna Tartt. Basically, 99.9% of the people who talk about 'muh more female authors' mean Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen and some middlebrow modern authors. If they're social-justicey types they'll have read a couple of Black Guy Is Angry At Society novels, too, but I don't really care about what that lot think (unless I'm trying to hook up with one at a hipster party, in which case I'll start mentioning African authors whom americans won't have read).

All the girls with patrician tastes I know who've read DFW have loved his books - Pynchon not so much, but I've known one or two girls with not-so-great taste who've loved his shorter books. There's a pretty big divide between girls with low gross-out thresholds and the ones who love McCarthy, BEE, Palahniuk, etc. and make weird little noises as they read The Road.

>> No.6798995
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>> No.6798998

If you haven't noticed the influx of new users asking for basic literature and circlejerking their shitty opinions and debating about atheism and christianity or if you think any of those things were nearly as bad before Katie you're delusional.

>> No.6799013

>standard /lit/ thread about book tuber who referenced a youtube comment someone from 4chan made
>someone made a screencap and edited it to immortalize it as some kind of tragedy
>people buy a bunch of books for her because they feel bad
>she forgets about it a couple days later
>/lit/ continues to post the screencap

>> No.6799021

I don't see why Katie should have anything to do with it. Katie happened just before schools started to break up. Now it's summer, leave it at that.

>> No.6799025

you realize /lit/s tastes aren't homogenous right?

as much as this place sucks it's not a circlejerk

>> No.6799029

Either you weren't there or you're lying if you're trying to say it wasn't a big deal at the time, it even made the news.

>> No.6799032

Are you saying that because of Katie a bunch of Christians decided to come to this board?

>> No.6799040

Blame Jacob Siegel

He wrote an article called 'Dylann Roof, 4chan, and the New Online Racism' in which he mentions /lit/ in a positive light for 'insightful analysis of contemporary literature' while simultaneously throwing /pol/ under the bus and drawing all kinds of false connections between Roof and /pol/.

I'm sure all kinds of idiots read that article and came here just to see if /lit/ was the hive SJWwery that it sounded like it was, and then stayed.

Moronic debates between atheists and christfags have a long tradition on /b/

>> No.6799057

Katie happened in jan/feb dipshit. It made the front page of reddit and was passed around the shittiest boards on this website.

all of a sudden 13 year olds from /b/ who didn't know there were other boards and other wierdos thought this place would be perfect for them, but the they got here and it was too highbrow and boring (which is saying something because it was always lowbrow) and they decided to dumb things down a bit. thats why so many people respond to b8 threads like this and other shitty threads that most of the oldfags would have known to avoid.

>> No.6799065

you realize that there are countless online "news" sites that post whatever mundane thing they can find. Go ahead and post an article from a site with decent traffic.

It was only a "big deal" on /lit/ because of people exaggerating it.

>> No.6799073

christians and atheists have always been here. retards who argue the same moronic arguments in thread after thread only started this year.

I'm convinced there are three militant atheists and three cringy christians who just come here to argue with each other. I doubt any of hem have read many books.

>> No.6799081
File: 2.63 MB, 3014x2114, UvScntY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13 year olds from /b/ browse reddit and pay attention to every small thing that makes the front page of reddit every hour of the day.

This is on the front page right now. I bet /ck/ is going to get an influx of /b/ posters now.

>> No.6799094

the christians are actually a result of the Katie influx, yes. Before they were simply dismissed, because anyone with a basic understanding of metaphysics is aware that moral realism is retarded. But the trolls that poured into this board because of the Katie incident going viral all over /b/ and reddit have allowed the christians to rise, because there are now a lot of people pretending to be christian to make people mad, and a lot of people pretending to be dumb atheists to rile up the situation in general. It's just trolls trolling trolls with some christians sewn in who, since they are stupid enough to believe in moral realism are stupid enough to not realize that their threads are trolls trolling trolls. Katie changed everything.

We sacrificed our board to make her popular. And she doesn't even thank us.

>> No.6799099

the more something bothers people the more often you get trolls posting it. How else do you think cuck calling got so big

>> No.6799102

It didn't get significantly worse after the katie thing right away though. It had been getting more christposty before then and continued to after, and the past week or so it's just been meming. I remember katie happening and it didn't mark a significant decrease in content quality at the time. I don't know anything about reddit's front page, aren't they mostly butthurt about some woman leaving them at the moment?

>> No.6799107

You've said what I've been thinking, thank you

>> No.6799110

you're a moron if you don't realize the katie image was posted on /b/ in one of the best of 4chinz humor.

plenty of /b/tards browse reddit why are you so committed to covering up where you came from you cancer?

>> No.6799116

that was also around the time when the mods "cucked" /pol/ and a large number of their posters came here to troll with nothing better to do

>> No.6799128

yeah, ive seen Stirner and DFW memes posted around too but where is the link between that and a bunch of them coming here to talk about Christianity

>> No.6799133


Katie RUINED /lit/

No idea why I still come here

>> No.6799150

Sick burn, bruh.

>> No.6799162

Solid post, I also liked tfw I'm from Mexico and that helps me escape the whitemalesphere with more ease.

José Saramago, GGM, José Donoso, Alejandra Pizarnik, Yasunari Kawabata, Enrique Vila-Matas, Ana Ahmatova (not sure on the spelling on that one). Also, I would urge you and all others lurking here to break the "Minority writers=ethnic writers and women". Read some people with mental illness as well, they're marginalized as fuck. Janet Frame and Artaud are a good start.


>> No.6800240

Anecdotal evidence in support of this point: I had my mom pick Lot 49 for her book club, consisting of 7-9 women of a wide range of age and education level and not one of them thought it had any merit or was even slightly entertained by it. Most put it down after a few chapters. The next book chosen was by Jodi Picoult. Literature is just too hard for women.

>> No.6800245

I like that look, she looks cozy.

>> No.6800256
File: 459 KB, 585x946, toptext.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate stories about mother-daughter bonding (my mom is fond of those)
Now, this is good literature.

>> No.6800268

This is as good a place to ask as any. I accidentally told a girl I've read important feminist texts, not bothering to consider that she might think I namedropped only to get in her pants, even though I was just telling the truth to support a point. What do?

>> No.6800277

don't think about something irrelevant like that

>> No.6800312

>make weird little noises as they read The Road
That made my dick twitch a little

>> No.6800903
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>> No.6800913

your poophole is a loophole

>> No.6801266

sick fit

>> No.6801271


>> No.6801277

Can you fucking stop with this mansplaining?

>> No.6801288

>implying she doesn't pull it off
i like this gal's fashion but her body is pretty boring

>> No.6801335
File: 11 KB, 245x253, 1421173425861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here for a few years and I really think you are over exaggerating things

Do you fucking remember when Ayn Rand was taken seriously here? Threads fucking everywhere about that retard?

We just have a new thing with the influx of summa theolgoica and the like.

It used to be scientism, John Green, Stirner, DFW, etc.

Do you even remember Tao Lin and alt lit? Do you?

Just a phase anon. Just a phase.

>> No.6801338

Bet you wrote this with a shit-eating smug grin. le dead white old men am i rite

>> No.6801345

Oh, I forgot corn

>> No.6801361

No, I don't think I have a noticeably different taste than most guys here. Just like them, I'm a pretentious fag laughing at normies for liking popular authors. Remember, autism has no gender.

>> No.6801364
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>i'm a grill
pls be in perth

although something about your post feels really baity.

>that chart

>> No.6801365
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Statistically it actually does though anon

>> No.6801370

Touché. Defeated in the debate like the inferior woman I am.

>> No.6801383
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>> No.6801385

You're cool. Everyone else on this board is faggots.

>> No.6801430

Chicks love DFW.

No, this is not a reference to le epic audience pussy meme.

>> No.6801439

>white authors

damn you, you're right

kudos for a top notch comment like yours, it's barely rambling

>> No.6801465

A Doll's House by Ibsen is essential girl /lit/, Virginia Woolf stuff, Sylvia Plath, Cortazar's Hopscotch

Girls may enjoy TCoL49, Oedipa Maas is my favorite woman character ever, bad thing is girls reading it are gonna get muted post horns tattooed on their wrists probably

>> No.6801553

How do you deal with the fact that a great deal of surviving literary mythology and folklore is written by and about dead white cis hetero males? Gjuki ain't the star of the Völsung bruh.

>> No.6801628

Why nobody talks about Yourcenar? She was a girl too.

>> No.6801636

Because nobody has read Yourcenar, I assume, she does crop up from time to time here though, less often than the usual shit of course

Memoirs of Hadrian is amazing

>> No.6801661
File: 30 KB, 480x318, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a girl

>> No.6801682
File: 57 KB, 960x733, MTI4Mjk5NDIyMjQ4Mzc2Nzk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone here just reads the same shit by the same authors, over and over again. And they're all white men

Joseph heller, Bolano, borges, calvino, all get mentioned here constantly.

>> No.6801688

Those fucks might as well be white.

>> No.6801689

Look at this thread's theme, bozo.

>Memoirs of Hadrian is amazing
Okay, but that first chapter was dull.

>> No.6801692


Hadrain and L'oeuvre noir are my favorites. But yes, I've never seen anyone talk about her work. Not even the essays.

>> No.6801726

got em

>> No.6801733

I've never seen the essays in an easy to get version, no epub/mobi either it seems

>> No.6801742

Including you I assume

>> No.6801754 [DELETED] 

OMG, a real life girl? HOW WONDERFUL!

Here, let me give you some attention!

You are certainly a special creature. You are reading Lovecraft? WOW! Better watch out, he uses some pretty obscure words!

>> No.6801760

>OP asks for girls
>girl answers
>anon pisses himself

>> No.6801790
File: 1.02 MB, 1600x2450, surreal literature1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but a good number of the charts for /lit/ were made by a woman anyway.

>> No.6801800
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>> No.6801806
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>> No.6801808

Yourcenar's stuff is not something a lot of girls like tbh

>> No.6801811
File: 3.06 MB, 3000x3312, contemporary novellas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

etc. etc.

Take from that what you will.

>> No.6801813

You could make the perfect Yaoi manga/show out of the Hadrian/Antinous relationship. Girls would love it

>> No.6801905

The real patrician women don't read so much fiction I find, they seem to be into historical documents, especially epics, plays, medieval works of many kinds and ethnic poetry.

>> No.6801912

every girl worth her salt digs pinecone

>> No.6802065 [DELETED] 

Amazing how many grovelling replies this cum dumpster got just for revealing that she walks around with a warm, bloody hole between her legs.

>wow you're so right, such white male normativism
>lol ya philosophy is bullshit
>you go girl

Keep pandering and she along with the rest of her sex will never advance beyond the stunted childhood they're currently imprisoned in

>> No.6802073


>> No.6802076


>> No.6802111

What is "ethnic" poetry?

>> No.6802114 [DELETED] 

ooga ooga

>> No.6802118

trigger warning that shit

>> No.6802122

The first few replies didn't seem to get your barb; well done lad.

>> No.6802124

Wrap your Cheeto-encrusted fingers around Jane Austen.

>> No.6802129
File: 54 KB, 620x372, A-sculpture-of-Jane-Auste-012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only was Jane Austen a complete and utter babe, but she was also probably the dankest English novelist of the 1700's.

>> No.6802152

Such profound, much deep, wow.
Should have expected that, even though technically, every writer has ethnicity so all poetry is ethnic.

>> No.6802199

i'm a girl and i've read several pynchon novels, loved them. i've read maybe 30% of the books you see on basic lit charts and they were great too. i also have guy friends who take one look at a book like moby dick or whatever and run screaming. reading predominantly white male authors while not being a white male just lets me see the male bias easier. it doesn't alter my experience just because i have tits. when i was younger i loved john green books. it isn't what girls are naturally interested in, its what they're exposed to.

>> No.6802212

those words are only used in America when describing an African language though

>> No.6802217

>socks with sandals

>> No.6802227

Normally I would object but she actually did it right. Possibly because she's too cute to get it wrong.

>> No.6802346

McCarthy tends to be pretty masculine-oriented, but i know plenty of girls who are into shit like pynchon and DFW

i do go to a very liberal liberal arts school though so i guess my peers of any gender tend to have at least somewhat broader taste

>> No.6802356

>reading predominantly white male authors while not being a white male

Presumably you are white, so why do you feel the need to bring race into it?

>> No.6802417

It's a meme for women to pretend to hate dislike white men when they all prefer them

>> No.6802424

as are women

>> No.6802433

>social norms just as responsible for producing them
>it's not their fault
that's why american blacks are overwhelmingly shitty and useless.

>> No.6802536

Exactly. Small quirk making her even more cute.

>> No.6802566 [DELETED] 

>fem /lit// chart

Basically any author that makes it seem as if women are cool when they bitch and that it is a feminist right to not hold responsibility for which actions they choose.

Go to party where you don't know anyone. Get black out drunk. Get raped? Totally not her fault.

Fuck her best friends ex? Not her fault.

Daddy gave her money to buy clothes and she got a killer deal at the mall. TOTALLY her fault.

>> No.6802862

>Go to party where you don't know anyone. Get black out drunk. Get raped? Totally not her fault.
That isn't her fault, no.

>Fuck her best friends ex? Not her fault.
Don't think anyone would say it's not her fault

>Daddy gave her money to buy clothes and she got a killer deal at the mall. TOTALLY her fault.

>> No.6802883

>That isn't her fault, no.
>le not responsible for your own actions meme

>> No.6802894

Kinda pathetic tbh

>> No.6802914 [DELETED] 

I can't imagine authors like DFW, Pynchon and McCarthy being that big with anyone with a brain.
The world works in mysterious ways, says the Lord.

>> No.6802918

this is you


>> No.6802937

women only take responsibility for actions which reflect positively on their social face.

>Go to party where you don't know anyone. Get black out drunk. Get raped? Totally not her fault.
>That isn't her fault, no

fault is a strong word, but courting disaster is a thing. A thing idiots do. A thing women will never take responsibility for.

>> No.6802978

identity shitposting

>> No.6802980

Most rapes don't even occur this way, same as the rapist-down-a-dark-alley scenario people are always so fond of bringing up.

>> No.6802985

>rapist-down-a-dark-alley scenario people are always so fond of bringing up
because that's actual rape. getting shitfaced and fucking some dude then feeling bad about it the next day isnt rape

>> No.6802989

this is you


>> No.6803012

>deflecting the issue
go change yr tampon

>> No.6803014

>muh buzzwords
exactly. the dullest minds always have the sharpest voices

>> No.6803143

And that's not what he said. Drinking yourself unconcious is a mistake, but it doesn't deserve you rape as punishment.

>> No.6803158

drunk sex =/= rape
drunk sex = sex

>> No.6803170

Women have an excellent sense of the cosmetic and erotic, but not the aesthetic.

>> No.6803202

anyone have that picture of the qt reading 120 days of Sodom?

>> No.6803236

who is the cum plum?

>> No.6803345

Yeah, but he said it's her fault if she gets black out drunk and someone would happen to rape her in her unconciousness. If you downed yourself drinking, would you want someone fucking your ass?
>inb4 yes

>> No.6803352

They do in east asian countries tbh. Though they didn't create the aesthetics there.

>> No.6803361
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>> No.6803371

who the fuck holds a book like that

>> No.6803381

its easier to read heavier books while resting them on your thumb.

>> No.6803383

That's a heavy book Anon. Can't imagine how else you'd hold it

>> No.6803408
File: 2.84 MB, 1524x1568, hold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.6803441

but she has little girl hands, how's she supposed to do that?

>> No.6803444

that book is small, faggot

>> No.6803445

offer handjobs to gain hand strength and manual dexterity

>> No.6803451

its like 800 pages

>> No.6803458

thats basically the same way just with one less hand..

>> No.6803461

ok, sorry

i'm a grill tbh

>> No.6803687

It wouldn't be my fault that I got raped, but it would be my fault that I made choices that led to my being raped.

>> No.6804150

Of course.

>> No.6804167

Thats true, but it doesn't invalidate the crime.

>> No.6804168


>> No.6804449

>that's why american blacks are overwhelmingly shitty and useless.
That's why the poor are "overwhelmingly shitty and useless".

That all of the old arguments still apply today, yes I know.

Can drunk unconsensual BD/SM sex = rape?

>> No.6804511

>the poor are "overwhelmingly shitty and useless"
that's not true tho
that's kinda the point

>> No.6804605

can you really consent to torture anyway?
the whole consent thing is very iffy. like how is something that is inherently harmful to a person somehow flipped and turned ok if they agree to it?

>> No.6804686


>> No.6804940

n.ao on Instagram

>> No.6805146



>And they're all white men, with the exception of Mishima, Murakami, and Virginia Woolf.

Considering we talk about Western literature primarily, it's not a huge leap that most authors would be westerners.


Hannah Arendt, the Bronte sisters, like c'mon at least try.

>> No.6805158

I love you.

>> No.6806089

>"branch out"
>this fabled effect never seems to do anything and the best writers continue to read the best writers

Honestly "branch out" is publisher propaganda so that retards don't read public domain classics that will make them better readers and more selective readers.

Last time I "branched out" I read 'runaway' by alice munro.

I became depressed for a good two weeks as this woman has received a nobel prize, and this book itself had several awards.

What a dreadful and depressing experience. Munro has the remarkable talent to make a cliche even more boring than normal, with meandering middle of the road prose that takes forever to get through yet is not beautiful to read, while remaining just as trite and predictable.

If I ever get cancer in my life and my doctor asks me if I was exposed to anything which might have caused it I will tell him I once read a Alice Munro short story collection.

Someone had the audacity to recommend this hack when I mentioned I loved Virginia Woolf.
No never again will I listen to someone who tells me to "branch out". I honestly start to suspect if these people like reading at all.

>> No.6806114

My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

>> No.6806122
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3/10, nice effort, too long for the delivery

You are in the land of green arrows after all anon

>> No.6806123

She was literally the J.K Rowling of her day. Her contemporaries, when they bothered to review her work, considered her writing to be solid yet unimportant genre shit - and let's face it, if it wasn't for the modern impetuous to overvalue the work of women, that's all it would ever have been.

>> No.6806129

Surprisingly you don't strike me as someone who is not familiar with smoking.

>> No.6806131

Austin i think especially. Holy fuck no more picnics daddy I will be good. NO MORE PICNICS

>> No.6806134

Is English literature so shitty that Austen is their best? Lol they must suck hard.

>> No.6806219

>Considering we talk about Western literature primarily, it's not a huge leap that most authors would be westerners.
this is tautological

>> No.6806340

top jej

>> No.6806348

>I'm a grill

Saged. Hidden. Reported.

>> No.6806373

Same with books explicitly written for men. Look at all the awful sci-fi and military fiction out there.

>> No.6806380

From my experiences that isn't true at all.

Women tend to read much more than men, and more thoughtful literature too. The amount of guys I know who read books from more than twenty years ago is dwarfed by the number of girls who do the same.

>> No.6806389


>> No.6806407

>Two days later
>Reports girl-posting

The hell

>> No.6806557

who is the sexus nexus?

>> No.6806635

Tips fedora to this thread

>> No.6806660
File: 211 KB, 1229x1300, TwIjCiE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I see this thread float around for three days and I do not see any more pictures of qt Asian girl in OP pic, nor any comparable to her. I am not only disappoint, and I am mortify.