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/lit/ - Literature

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6796687 No.6796687[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I'm spiritual but not religious

>> No.6796695

>shit plebs say

>> No.6796709

Organzied religions are the McDonald of spirituality, that's not plebby at all.

>> No.6796976

>I like x

>> No.6796995
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>I believe in a universal spirit

>> No.6797004

>Religion is something other than a set of beliefs and rituals
>Spirituality is something other than the underlying mindset associated with them

>> No.6797021

Stop reading genre fiction

>> No.6797053

>not looking at the world with a healthy balance of Eastern and Western values

>> No.6797054

>I'm catholic

>> No.6797059

Acknowledgement of plebs is plebeian. Fuck off back to your people.

>> No.6797162


>> No.6797206

>believing in anything non-ironically

>> No.6797213

>"I'm an atheist/agnostic/theist."

>> No.6797221

>reading words

>> No.6797262


>> No.6797267

>A creator god exists therefore Christianity

>> No.6797272
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>I read for plot and characters

>> No.6797276
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>non-fiction is not really my thing

>> No.6797288

>>I'm spiritual but not religious
literally me

>> No.6797293

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6797301

By using the quotation sigil we are mocking people who may potentially say these things.

>> No.6797304

>Read Rand
>Read Mises
>Read Rothbard
>Read Sowell
>Capitalism works because it's human nature.
>Why does Post-Modernism ruin everything? I hate Post-Modernism (thing they are talking about is 1920s modernism)
>Third Wave Feminism went too far, I support second and first wave Feminism.
>Cultural Marxism/Cultural
Maoism/Cultural Bolshivism
>The Frankfurt School pushed degeneracy to destroy western culture
>Audit the Fed
>The Fed is a private bank!!!

>> No.6797305

So you're not quoting anyone?

>> No.6797314
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>I support the working class
>I support immigration
>I am against racism and misogyny
>Islam is a religion of peace

>> No.6797320

We're quoting plebs who say these things.

>> No.6797347
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>Capitalism works because it's human nature.

>Capitalism likely not to even last 300 years
>Feudalism lasted 1500+ years

Feudalism, Serfdom and the divine right of kings proven to be human nature. Monarchy wins.

>> No.6797356

Fascism will come to rule. A strong, aristocratic collection of philosopher kings should rule the plebs.

>> No.6797373


that's working well for Iran

>> No.6797378

>I read Pynchon
>I read DFW

>> No.6797381
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>I am a Democrat
>I am a Republican

>> No.6797384

>Atheism was disproved by metaphysics. Read Aquinas

>> No.6797385
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>I come to a literature board for 'philosophy'.

>> No.6797399
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>I'm American

>> No.6797407

>I browse /pol/

>> No.6797408
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>Feudalism, Serfdom and the divine right of kings works because it's human nature.

>Feudalism didn't even last 2000 years
>Hunter-gatherer society lasted +2,000,000 years

Primitive Communism, classless and community-oriented societies proven to be human nature. Anarchism wins.

>> No.6797411

>art died with Dali and impressionism, dat vidya concept art tho, Beksinski tho, dae le Tool XDXDXD

>> No.6797413

Fascism has worked out fine for China. North Korea who's system is based on Joseon and Japanese Fascism with a Stalinist coat of paint seems to be very resilient as well (they survived over 2 decades with 99% of their trade cut off where a normal country would collapse into chaos within a week)

I'm not a Fascist, but Totalitarian Fascism does seem to be a successful system in it's sheer resilience.

>> No.6797433
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Myers, please.

>> No.6797434

But primitive societies, as far back as we can see, were patriarchal with rigid warrior hierarchies based on family, age, and reputation.

>> No.6797436

anything positive about Marxism

>> No.6797442

>Primitive Communism/Proto-Communism

Fuck off, this was never a real thing.

>> No.6797456

> implying any human existence itself doesn't require a set of believes followed by rituals/actions

>> No.6797457

>were patriarchal with rigid warrior hierarchies based on family, age, and reputation.

Uhhh what? That's wrong, war as a concept wasn't even a thing until the agricultural revolution and in many ancient and tribal societies men and women are considered 100% equal.

>> No.6797462

Source? Mine is based on Tacitus' Germania.

>> No.6797466
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You're thinking of agricultural society. Primitive hunter-gatherers were egalitarian, didn't have warriors, classes, and had matriarchal leanings. Even some early Bronze agers preserved this (eg: Minoan civilization).

>> No.6797467

Stop buying into ancient texts.
You aren't quoting anyone. You're bitching and whining about apparitions.
This is not literature, this not philosophy, this some r9k level autism. Or "plebeian"
You ought to report this shit instead of contribute to derailing the board further.

>> No.6797469

>this triggers the liberal/reactionary

>> No.6797475

Any actual sources?

>> No.6797477

Tacitus probably wasn't up to date on modern archaeological science and pre-agricultural histories.

>> No.6797482

Not who you're replying to, but Campbell dwelves a little into that in Ocidental Mythology

>> No.6797483

So tell me some pre-agricultural historical sources that show how they lived without alpha males or leaders.

>> No.6797485

>Implying every set of rules and rituals is religious

>> No.6797489

Just show me some contemporary archaeological evidence or a primary source. I don't want your ideology.

>> No.6797496
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>I am intimidated by sophisticated satire

>> No.6797508

>this much pseudo-historical hippie bullshit

Oh yeah sure, tribes back then totally didn't murder and rape each other, everyone was completely free and equal, and everyone lived in peace and happiness in a perfect primitive utopia.

8/10 b8, slightly upset.

>> No.6797510

>I write free verse

>> No.6797554


>pre-agricultural historical sources

>being illiterate
Always pick two, evidently.

>> No.6797586

So you have no sources that back up your claim of equality, no leaders and no violence yet still parrot it as fact? This is why I hate ideologues.

>> No.6797592

He linked three you fuckwit

>> No.6797608

Two that show nothing specific and what that is pure ideology.

>> No.6797610

>did you really read all those books?

>> No.6797627
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>I read for fun
>Get off your high horse
>you're mad because the world doesn't comply with your views
>Highbrow stuff
>Go out and meet real men/women

>> No.6797639
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Best in Thread.

Violence on small scales probably exited. Male leaders probably exited. But wars, and iron fist kings? You're stupid to believe it.

>> No.6797649

Why? Why not look at other tribal people like Africans and Aborigines who we have records of fighting in inter-tribal wars?

>> No.6797699

>OMG six dude from that other tribe just took our meat!
>Lets get 'em!
>Scuffle ensues. Twenty participate. Some one his hit in the head and falls dead.

>The murder is brought to trial before the tribal elders. The matriarch has the sobbing culprit perform some rites before submitting himself to the other tribe for labors the now dead man used to do.

>> No.6797708

>I don't read for entertainment
>I read because it's my personal homework

>> No.6797722

and that civilisation never progress past that level of development. Why is returning women to charge a good idea again?

>> No.6797743

>start with the greeks

>> No.6797766

1. A supposed return would not result in an actual return
2. Your perspective on "progress" and "development" are really subjective.

You sound like you like a world with white males wandering around lost in an eternal blood lust.

>> No.6797773

are you saying Rob Howard was wrong?

>> No.6797822

Because contemporary tribal societies, while they may preserve commonalities with early hunter-gatherer societies, are not identical. I know that history channel and plebs like to talk about these kinds of peoples as being "lost in time" or whatever, the fact is that there are no populations that developed in real isolation and, even if they had, societies still develop internally based on shifting conditions. Warfare requires large populations formed into organized units that that reflection chain-of-command and skill specialization, both of which are developments of class-based agricultural societies, and the primary motivations for warfare are resource depletion/acquisition and political subjugation which, again, are only concerns of agricultural societies.

Even in pre-modern tribal societies, the function of warfare was mostly ceremonial, more akin to sport, and deaths, while not at all irregular, were less important than the displays of bravado. Consider the well-recorded Lakota/Sioux attitudes of warfare. But, again, these aren't early hunter-gatherers, for whom warfare and genocide don't make sense since they were non-horticultural landless nomads that lived in small populations, a lifestyle that grants the constant replenishment of food, who couldn't afford (in lives or calories) to wage campaigns against neighboring peoples. What you don't understand is that no one said that any of this grants 1) that violence didn't occur between persons or groups 2) that life was "a perfect primitive utopia". You came into this thread with unnecessary ideological baggage and you tripped up on it.

>> No.6797833

There's the other fact that there aren't any archeological evidences of warfare between hunter-gatherers to make the "just-so human-nature" arguments valid.

>> No.6797854

>the fact is that there are no populations that developed in real isolation and, even if they had, societies still develop internally based on shifting conditions
More than that. Hunter-gatherer societies 10000 years ago were composed of very smart, very motivated people who won the evolutionary race.

Hunter-gatherer societies in 2015 are humanity's failed rejects who got left behind.

There is no credible way you could draw any parallel between the two.

(Any large Western city has its own hunter-gatherer 'society' -- those crazy bums who live on the street. Nobody in their right mind is going to claim that these piss-soaked freaks are functionally equivalent to the brave and innovative souls who first colonized North America.)

>> No.6797860

>I'm a utilitarian

>> No.6797870

>Its fun to defend atheism on the internet and it doesn't make me a loser

>> No.6797874


>implying economics hasnt played the most prominent role in shaping society for the past 300 years

>> No.6797876

>Contemporary literature sucks

>> No.6797901
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>> No.6797910

>implying economics hasnt played the most prominent role in shaping society for the past 300 years
>300 years

Should put his face in the corner.

>> No.6797926

>class struggle isn't a spook

>> No.6797927

>Its fun to defend theism on the internet and it doesn't make me a loser

>> No.6797930
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You can't say that anything is not human nature. If it is not human nature, than what is it ?
People have started doing it. Then it's human nature. Everything is human nature. From the gathering to killing; if it was not human nature, we would not be doing it.
You can say that people copying animal behavious is not human nature but maybe mimesis, but everything a human is able to do is in their human nature.

>> No.6797949

>taking his b8
you guys realize if you weren't so easily rustled the christfags would go away right? jesus christ stop engaging them.

>> No.6797952
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You will be free from your anxieties only when you realise that peace is as much of a spook as war.

>> No.6797956

anything abstract is

>> No.6798157


Well surely society's a spook, but economic progress has been integral to shaping it, be it a spook or not.