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678981 No.678981 [Reply] [Original]

FML Greek Mythology Edition.

Ill start
Hades: Today one of my brother's little bastards named Hercules strolled into my kingdom and tried to steal my dog - my massive, three-headed monstrosity that guards the gates of Hell - and almost succeeded. FML.

>> No.678987

no katie pieper get off of 4chan it will corrupt you

>> No.678993

Oedipus: After leaving home to specifically avoid killing my father and marrying my mother, I discovered today that I was really adopted, and I killed my father and married my mother anyway. And we have grown children. FML.

>> No.679003
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>> No.679014

Hector: So I kill Achilles and then find out it was only his friend Patroclus. Now the most powerful warrior on the Greek side is pissed at me and wants me dead. FML.

>> No.679029 [DELETED] 

Today I was minding my own business in the temple of Athena when the god of the seas Poseidon showed up and demanded I have sex with him. He's a fucking god so what choice do I have, so I let myself be raped right there in the temple. Athena got pissed at Poseidon so she turned me into a horrible monster as punishment for the beauty that attracted Poseidon and so I was banished to live the rest of my life in solitude. Then I guess she decided that wasn't enough so she told Perseus to hunt me down and chop my head off. Now I get to hang from that bitch's shield for the rest of my days. FML.

>> No.679034
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Today I was minding my own business in the temple of Athena when the god of the seas Poseidon showed up and demanded I have sex with him. He's a fucking god so what choice do I have, so I let myself be raped right there in the temple. Athena got pissed at Poseidon so she turned me into a horrible monster as punishment for the beauty that attracted Poseidon and so I was banished to live the rest of my life in solitude. Then I guess she decided that wasn't enough so she told Perseus to hunt me down and chop my head off. Now I get to hang from that bitch's shield for the rest of my days. FML

>> No.679039
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>> No.679049

Zeus: I am married to the one woman in this entire mythos who thinks monogamy is a good idea. FML.

Hera: I'm the Queen of the Gods, but my husband has sex with everyone BUT ME, and all of his other children are more accomplished, beloved, and worthwhile than mine. FML.

>> No.679085

I am sad and no one loves me, including my hostage child bride. FML.

>> No.679086
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>> No.679105

Odysseus: Hey, so earlier today I was blinding this cyclops, and he was like "who are you??" and I was just about to leave but then I decided to tell him I was Odysseus. He was the son of Poseidon. I have a huge oceanic voyage left. FML

>> No.679106

Demeter: My daughter was kidnapped by my brother who forced her to marry him and now she has to go visit him for half of every year. FML

>> No.679115

Sisyphus: Fucking rock..



>> No.679118

I'll admit. I lol'd a little.

>> No.679135

Hephaestus: My mother tossed me off Olympus because I was ugly. Now I am crippled. I am the one ugly, crippled person in this entire pantheon. And also, my wife is a nymphomaniac. With other men. FML.

>> No.679138

Archiving this shit.

>> No.679143

Persephone: @Zeus Turned some slut I caught Hades looking at into flower. Got your back Hera!

>> No.679158

Odysseus: First I was roped into chasing stupid Menelaus's slut wife for a good ten years, and then I got lost at sea for another ten years because Poseidon just can't let it go. I just want to go home. FML.

>> No.679170

I love this.

>> No.679175

Odysseus' dog: That's your excuse for being gone all this time? FML.

>> No.679189
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Penelope: Today my husband returned from 20 odd years at sea, he makes a complete mess of the house by butchering several dinner guests and he slept with several other women on his way home, but aparently thats ok because "he didn't love them". FML.


>> No.679190

Zeus: So today, Achilles finally joined back the trojan war after Patroclus died. Obviously, Troy didn't have a chance and the Achaeans would win, like I had planned all along. But I still wanted to watch more, so I just let the other gods in the battle. Laughing my ass off atm.

>> No.679192

Prometheus: First, Someone gives me an ironic name, then I try to do a nice thing for the little fucking monkeys who live on the rock, and get my guts ripped out every day for it.

>> No.679201

Tantalus: I bring back some fucking wonderful food from a dinner party, and suddenly I have a very pissed off god on my tail. THEN I kill and cook my family to make it up, BUT THAT ONLY MAKES IT WORSE FOR SOME FUCKING REASON. I THOUGHT ZEUS WOULD LOVE THAT SHIT.
Now my name is a root for an adjective for everything just out of reach, because I'm trapped in hell in a feast room designed for curing obesity. FML.

>> No.679202

I love the women's lib in this epic. Calypso's rant about double standards and then the obsession with a cheating wife, but Odysseus screwing Circe and Calypso means nothing because he sulked between sex sessions.

>> No.679203

Suitor: "So there's this fucking hot ass widow who lives down the block, right, and her husband was gone for like 10 years because of the whole Troy thing, so me and a few others were trying to pull our moves on her when some old hotshot comes round and shows off with his bow. She fucking slobbers all over him until he reveals he's her FUCKING HUSBAND. Now he's getting his sword out. FML

>> No.679210

Ajax: Today, I totally did more than Odysseus to rescue Achilles' body, but his godly armor was given to him. So I an hero'd. FML.

>> No.679213

Jason: So I just wanted to be practical and secure a better future for my wife and kids, and she ends up killing my bride-to-be, my dad, and my kids. FML.

>> No.679218

Narcissus: Okay, so I'm fucking hot as hell and everyones falling in love with me and shit when some crazy bitch comes out and starts dry humping me. I'm like GTFO and she has the nerve to curse me! So I went to get a drink, saw my reflection, and fell in love with myself. I couldn't bring myself to leave myself and fucking died. FML

>> No.679222

So wait, if you died, where the fuck a-


>> No.679244

roasting in epic spread

>> No.679252

Athena: So, I'm a godess, and us gods can fly humans anywhere we want to save them from danger, like we did many times during the Trojan war.

In the last 10 years, my favorite mortal has been stuck on a dozen places and fucked with cyclops, sirens, sea monsters, and he even spent days on a piece of wood with nothing to eat or drink. I give him weird advices and I make people give him goods. I could easily just fly him back to Ithaca, but I'm stupid: I'm a woman.

>> No.679254

So some Trojan prince abducted my brother's wife, so I had to invade. But then Artemis decides to not provide any wind, so I sacrifice my daughter. So then when I get back from the war, my wife and her lover kill me. FML

>> No.679258

Today, I sailed home to Athens from Crete, having destroyed the monster that had terrorized my people for years. I'd told my dad that I would change the sails on my ship if I'd survived, but in my excitement, I forgot. My dad killed himself. Did I mention he was king? FML.

>> No.679281
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o shi-

>> No.679286

So get this. One day, I see a couple of snakes screwing, so I hit them with my stick. And whaddaya-fucking-know, Hera turns me into a woman for this. I become a prostitute, and for seven years, I've got a goddamn vagina. After those seven years though, I saw another pair of snakes, and was transformed back into a man.

And then later, there I was, minding my own business, when Zeus and Hera appear out of fucking nowhere and ask me which gender enjoys sex better. I said the woman enjoys it more, so that bitch Hera blinded me. It wasn't so bad, because Zeus gave me foresight to compensate for that. But shit man, I could use a break here. FML.

>> No.679309


lol, I didn't know that one.

Is it in a play?

>> No.679310

What story?

>> No.679312

That sounds like Tiresias to me.

>> No.679320

Theseus, killed the minotaur

>> No.679335


It says it's Tiresias, I was asking for the source of this sex change story, because I never heard it.

In the Odyssey, Tiresias mentions being born blind, hence why I supposed It could be from a play I haven't read yet.

>> No.679338

Oh, my bad. I didn't see the poster's name.

>> No.679353

So I'm trying to escape this god awful prison I was forced to build, but I need to take my son with me. I tell the kid that his only means of escape are wax wings, so don't fly too high. And what does that dumb bastard do? Of course he goes to high, his wings melt, and he dies. FML

>> No.679409

Today, I was just killing off the people I was angry against, y'know, like we all do when we have disagreements, but then it's reveiled to me that what I killed was actually a bunch of cows and sheep, and I was fooled by Athena. I was sure everyone would laugh at me, so I planted my sword in the ennemy land and threw myself on it, because that totally doesn't make it suicide. FML

>> No.679415

Hector: Man, Achilles is such a drag.


>> No.679450

so im a poor farmer and i dont have any real means of living. one day i try to make a little extra money and im fuckin' turned to stone. fuckin' wing footed prick

>> No.679459

Orpheus: So I journey to Hades convince him and his wife to let me talk my wife back and on the last step I look back at her and she's gone forever FML

>> No.679468

So i am the greatest of all heroes and the only mortal to turn into a god. Im forced to do all these various impossible tasks, that i didnt even fucking desearve in the first place, and somehow i manage to complete them all, including going to hell and back. AND STILL no one can fucking pronounce my fucking name. FML.

>> No.679470

Argos: So I'm watching this cow for Hera and Hermes comes up and kills me FML

>> No.679481

Prometheus: I help man by giving them fire and now I get me liver eaten by a fucking eagle EVERY DAY FML

>> No.679501

So I was getting married to this fucking hot wood nymph when this dick satyr shows up, who chases her until she steps on a snake and dies.
So I go down to Hades, who was pretty cool about it and let her return to the world of the living. So I was all like "FINALLY I can nail this bitch" when I look at her but then she disappears forever. FML

>> No.679512


Achilles could have kicked Herakles' ass.

>> No.679518

tiresias: So I'm walk on a path and I see two snakes doing it, I throw a rock at one and kill it. Then from no where I'm a chick. FML

>> No.679519


>> No.679523

achilles was a pussy

>> No.679524

tiresias part 2: (Seven years later) I'm walking down this path and see two snakes doing it so I kill one and I'm a man again but then I realize I don't have boobs anymore FML

>> No.679525

you're a little late

>> No.679526

tiresias part three: I settle an argument between Hera and Zeus, Zeus was right, Hera blinds me. FML

>> No.679544

my bad, O well

>> No.679539




>> No.679550


That's ok. At least you're contributing.

>> No.679602
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>> No.679641

archive this shit

>> No.679869

Paris: One apple, 3 goddesses. FML

>> No.679962

I'm spying on my mother and some other women when they see me and rip me to pieces. FML.

>> No.679982

4 C H A n I s A N I L l E G A l s I T e , u S E h T t P : / / w w W . a N o n t a L K . s E / i F u r n o t A t R o L l

>> No.680011

Herostratus: It's cool to hate.

>> No.680016

What's with this fucking FML acronym? Anyone who uses that is a barely literate cocksucker. It's not cute and it's not fucking funny in any way

>> No.680018

I bet you have lots of friends.

>> No.680024


My friends don't talk like prepubescent girls. Guess we're not friends huh?

>> No.680025

>no loli friends.

Jealous faggot.

>> No.680033


Is your plan to talk like them so you can get in their pants? If so you've got a hell of a start. I'm sure any alpha male would be proud to talk in effeminate acronyms

>> No.680058
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>> No.680078

Dlanor, go to BED.

>> No.680513

>on the internet
>complaining about improper use of english
>shitting up threads

>> No.680523

You missed the joke by a few miles, bro.

>> No.680527

Socrates, just shut the fuck up. Please.

>> No.680537

So I decided to ditch my husband for a nicer, hotter guy, and now the ex is getting pissed, so he told my brother in law. Now 10000 ships are coming to drag me home. FML

>> No.680595
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Yeah, he's such a heel.