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/lit/ - Literature

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6792061 No.6792061 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: list an author you think is under-appreciated by /lit/.

1. Jack London
2. Salman Rushdie
3. William Gass
4. John Hawkes

>> No.6792125

Jack London would have been my #1 as well. Sebastian Barry is another.

>> No.6792155

Hawkes for sure.

>> No.6792355

Barry Hannah
Richard Ford
Stanley Elkin
W.G. Sebald
Witold Gombrowicz

>> No.6792361

>Witold Gombrowicz
This a thousand times

>> No.6792512

Rather new to /lit/ and infrequent in my 4chan visits but I have yet to see a discussion of any work by John Fowles. He's a favorite of mine for sure.

>> No.6792758

Georges Perec.

Dude wrote an entire novel without using the letter 'e', and it was good, too.
Also all of his other stuff.

>> No.6792778

Robinson Jeffers
Knut Hamsun
Thomas Wolfe
William Carlos Williams

>> No.6792968


Hell, basically every single lyric poet ever. The only verse /lit/ discusses are pre-modern epic and Shakespeare. Plus that one anon memeing Hart Crane.

>> No.6793040

all of these are overrated by plebs here except hardy. what are you talking about

>> No.6793041

Hawthorne would be my first choice

>> No.6794918

/lit/ ignores so many authors it's hard to know where to start. Most women, of course, aside from Rand and a few memes. Here's a quick dozen who get little discussion:
1. Shirley Jackson
2. Edith Wharton
3. Virginia Woolf
4. Flannery O'Connor
5. Alice Munro
6. Isabel Allende
7. Jeanette Winterson
8. Barbara Kingsolver
9. George Eliot
10. Doris Lessing
11. Ursula K. Le Guin
12. A. S. Byatt

>> No.6794920

don't forget Stephanie Meyer and E.L. James

>> No.6794928

Thomas Wolfe is a big one imo

>> No.6794934

People circlejerk about Hamsun quite regularly.

>> No.6794941

>3. Virginia Woolf
>4. Flannery O'Connor
>5. Alice Munro
>9. George Eliot
>11. Ursula K. Le Guin

These ones all get mentioned pretty often. I know you said "discussion" but /lit/ rarely actually discusses anything so that's an unfair standard.

>> No.6794946

most of them are shit tbh

there we discussed it. happy now whore?

>> No.6794951

Tennessee Williams

>> No.6794952

Oh, I get it, because you think all those great writers are at the same level as Meyer's schlock. My, how amusing. I'm sure you've read all the authors I listed, and that your insights into Eliot and Byatt are breathtaking.

>> No.6794960

>W.G. Sebald

He's been mentioned a zillion times, half of them probably by me. The Rings of Saturn was practically a meme book at one point. Though I wouldn't mind if he were discussed more frequently.

>> No.6794967

They're not shit (not that you'd know if they were), and I'm male. Fuck off, peasant.

>> No.6794971


>Stanley Elkin

Good pick. A Poetics for Bullies is probably my favorite short story. Don't think /lit reads much short fiction tho.

>> No.6794973

>meyer is a bad writer
nice meme
don't forget J.K. Rowling

>> No.6794975

Harry Turtledove

>> No.6794988
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nice reading comprehension my good gentlesir.

>> No.6794990


Woolf gets brought up all the time, as do O'Connor and Eliot to a lesser extent.

Jeanette Winterson is solid though.

>> No.6795016

Do you think you just pointed out an error on my part? You claimed "most of them are shit" and I said "they're not shit." It's a direct refutation; it's not complex. Every author I listed is a fucking excellent writer and has published fine work.

>> No.6795027

why don't you shut the fuck up and suck my dick you fucking moron. your taste a shit go back to tumblr and your gender studies class you fucking cuck

>> No.6795064

Sure, Meyer writes schlock. Her work is calculated and cheap, designed to give teen girls thrills, and she does a great job of that, but I doubt she'd ever say with a straight face that she was trying to write literature. She's admirable in the same way today's boy-band is admirable: making tons of money from a very shallow product.

Rowling is mostly a different matter. She became more and more ambitious as she wrote, and managed to do some difficult things in a very restricted spot. She's heavily flawed as a writer (her plots, for instance, especially for the earlier books, would all fall apart if Harry just did nothing, or if Dumbledore didn't act like a moron), but her growth of heavily subversive themes, her consistent portrayal of Harry as a badly damaged abused boy, who usually acts as you would expect such a kid to act, and imaginative remake of a very cliched premise are much better than Meyer. She wrote 7 books for young readers about a child abuse survivor and made it all seem like fun until near the end.

>> No.6795073

You pathetic asshole. You really think anyone who can name a dozen good female authors must fit into your tiny little idea of the internet? Tumblr and gender studies? Christ. Go read a book, kid.

>> No.6795075

>John Fowles
he gets mentioned a lot more than anyone listed in the OP, for sure.

>> No.6795079

I could use more Rushdie, London, or Ford, personally.

>> No.6795080

>your taste a shit
Not him, but your just the burning asshole of /lit/. The other guy should have known not to feed the trolls, but seriously stop talking

>> No.6795081
File: 34 KB, 728x564, eco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.6795090

Foucault's Pendulum gets mentioned quite a bit.

>> No.6795094

edgar rice burroughs

>> No.6795103

yes but that and The Name of the Rose make him one of the best living authors. more credit is due

>> No.6795132
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John von Dorf, easy.

>> No.6795135

I took a European Lit class as a dumb undergrad, and it was a bloody revelation. The prof gave us Eco, Calvino, Mann, Duras, Bulgakov, Kafka, The Princess of Cleves, Tolstoy, Flaubert, Dostoyevsky... half of them became favorite authors of mine. That's why the endless raging against translation here makes me shrug: if I wasn't willing to take the risk of reading translations, I never would have experienced even those flawed versions of such great work.

>> No.6795163

If you're coming on 4chan to complain about translations, it just means that nobody would ever want to be you.

>> No.6795177

>Dude wrote an entire novel without using the letter 'e',
>and it was good, too.

>> No.6795227

I never really see Saramago, Coetzee, or Aira discussed on here but I think they're all fantastic authors.

>> No.6795249

george saunders

>> No.6795263

Mein Negger.

Also, John Barth

>> No.6795266

10th of December was dank as fuck

>> No.6795374

Stanislaw Lem.