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File: 288 KB, 1280x848, Philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6794599 No.6794599 [Reply] [Original]

Would majoring in philosophy be a good idea?

>> No.6794605

Try Asking Again Later

>> No.6794606 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 224x225, starcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes hello I'd like a venti mocha latte with cream and sugar, easy on the foam.

>> No.6794608
File: 57 KB, 500x400, 1421536063488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learning in a university

>> No.6794617

Depends on what you want to do with it.

>> No.6794618

I wouldn't have philosophy as my only major. Have a STEM or business major as well unless you are trying to stay in academia.

>> No.6794620

Law school

>> No.6794622

ding ding ding

>> No.6794625

Where did this meme come from?

>> No.6794627

So yes?

>> No.6794630

Yes, for 4 years. Then the debts come due.

Then again, I've pretty much failed out of a STEM degree due to disinterest, when I was always more interested in Humanities, so maybe it would have been better to follow my heart.

>> No.6794631

it was coined by bitter philosophy majors warning others from choosing the "career path" that they chose. It only leads to Barista town.

>> No.6794633

I'm doing this as a springboard to law school.

Unless I find that my true calling is sucking dick, in which case I'll pursue a career in academia.

>> No.6794640

Real life.

Though philosophy isn't a bad thing to major in if you want to go to law school afterwards.

>> No.6794642
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would majoring in mayonnaise be a good idea?

>> No.6794643
File: 10 KB, 273x185, Based Diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on what you want to do with it.

if you want to teach philosophy, hell yeah

if you want to make a decent amount of money doing anything else, nah

if you're unitilitarian and don't care about being poor and just want to be a master of your own mind thinker/struggling writer/diogenes style bum, absolutely do it.

>> No.6794649
File: 452 KB, 640x480, patrick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have this image for the future when you try to do this pls

>> No.6794657 [DELETED] 

Engineering is an option but everyone I know who wants to be an engineer is a pretentious asshole.

>> No.6794684

its one guy. he post the exact same image with the exact same joke every fucking time, same filename on the image

like holy shit

>> No.6794699

I've heard that's not uncommon a route.
Though if you don't continue with an education past a Bachelors you might be shit out of luck, but that seems true of pretty much any degree besides engineering.

>> No.6794702

Teaches you good logic and how to build arguments, but I would recommend a double major in English lit so you can write/speak eloquently as well as being infallibly correct.

>> No.6794761


Did you mean utilitarian? I'm interested

>> No.6794778

Go for it, but I'd recommend pairing it with something else.

>> No.6794868

Would taking it as a minor still give the same understanding of logic, reasoning and critical thinking as a major?

>> No.6794888

It would depending on the classes you would take

>> No.6794893

philosophy is something you can read, appreciate, and learn by yourself

your money and time would be better spent on an area of study you cannot easily learn yourself which has strong employment prospects

>> No.6794896

>it would have been better to follow my heart.

enjoy being unemployed, you fucking faggot

>> No.6794900

certainly better than majoring in philosophy, tbh

>> No.6794982

yes do it. as long as you aren't a STEMfag or business/accounting pleb your major doesn't matter that much. just make sure you make connections and have a career path in mind unrelated to philosophy. you can pursue the career goal via a minor or clubs on campus

>> No.6795104

Can you learn how to speak and write eloquently just from learning philosophy and reading on your own? I've also considered OP's path but I'm unsure about a double major in english.

>> No.6795130

Are you planing on going into law?

>> No.6795148

major in philosophy and math so you can ace the quantitative section on the lsat

>> No.6796375

>yfw I make $100k at the same time as studying philosophy for free at university

>> No.6796386

If your higher education is free or heavily subsidized then why not? Wouldn't go into debt for it though.

>> No.6796392

lol who cares

>> No.6796431

>college isn't just an extended opportunity to learn how to toy with the academic class while you work on your age 18-22 artistic masterpiece which garners enough money to fiscally shoot you into bourgeoisie society

have fun designing corporate bathrooms, kid

>> No.6796466

How long do 'Muricans study to get a "major" in something? I'm living in a utopian socialist country in Europe. I was accepted to study philosophy in the fall. It won't cost me anything, but I'm still indier if I want to pursue that shit. I think that an exam in philosophy can be a real assert in the future, more flexible work market. If you want work in the future you should be good at learning things and adapting to new situations quickly. I think philosophy can be helpful with this.

Also I don't really care that much about being rich. But how is the general experience of studying philosophy at a university?

>> No.6797821

>How long do 'Muricans study to get a "major" in something?
4 years

>> No.6798030


In America it seems to be pretty shit until grad school unless you go to a tiny liberal arts college that can guarantee seminars and extended focus for every subject, in which case it's great.

From what I gather (I went to a small school, so this is hearsay), big school philosophy is the same lecture crap as other majors with the exception of a few upper level courses. Big or small, many schools are more reliant on excerpts and summaries than original texts.

Check out Thomas Aquinas, Deep Springs, St. John's Annapolis, University of Chicago. There are others, but those are probably some of the better experiences one could have in US philosophy.

>> No.6798714

Small schools are shit tier for philosophy

>> No.6798726


>> No.6799730

A "major" is done as part of a bachelor's degree (which takes 4 years if you go full-time). The requirements can vary a lot from school to school an department to department, but generally you're looking at the equivalent of a year or so full-time in one department.

>> No.6801164
File: 162 KB, 900x731, 1435576124018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extended opportunity to learn how to toy with the academic class while you work on your age 18-22 artistic masterpiece which garners enough money to fiscally shoot you into bourgeoisie society
>tfw this is my life plan

>> No.6801175

yes, typo, if unitilitarian means something I'm not aware what.