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/lit/ - Literature

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6789698 No.6789698 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had a woman recite poetry to you?

>> No.6789714


>> No.6789720

Nah fam that's some gay cracker shit

>> No.6789724

women cant read

>> No.6789728


>> No.6789762
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I made a whore read me some Baudelaire in french while I fucked her sweet asshole.

She was from Brooklyn and probably didn't finish highschool so naturally she butchered the pronunciation, at first I slapped her ass for every mistake but then she said Iif I left a mark she would charge extra so I let her continue to my regret.

Among the memories of fecal scents and pimp's justice, her pronunciation makes me cringe most when I recall that macabre evening.

>> No.6789785

would smoke cigarettes and drink coffee with/10

>> No.6789840

You will never make 2 petite qt petite bourgeoisie whispering subtle poetry with soft voice to your right ear while their nervous hands desperately seeking your wandering fingers.
fuck it sounds better in my language

>> No.6789854

yeah, the few times it's happened it's always been cringy and uncomfortable.

>> No.6789869

Never you stupid normie

>> No.6789882


holy shit, how can you even stand to be such a tool

>> No.6789887

I had my girlfriend read me poetry when her accent was more pronounced. I think it started to localize when she entered high school, because before that she went to a French school.

>> No.6789911
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>tfw no intelligent gf who enjoys academia

anyone here a fake normie among other people and live amongst the dumbed-down millennials pretending to be one of the beard-wearing hipsters? It got me a gf but she is so full of brain rot it hurts. No one knows of my secret escape into Philosophy and Poetry,sometimes for days on end.

one day once I reach a elderly age I shall come out, and acquire a Hebrew queen to tell me ancient tales of Babylon in song.

>> No.6789939

text to speech app's are the closest I get to women

>> No.6790023

dude fuck that ish. make some friends who appreciate your interests

>> No.6790062

you probably have shit taste

>> No.6790064
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>dating middle schoolers

it always makes me happy to know we have pedos preying on our board.

>> No.6790076
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Your mom does to me every night, m8

>> No.6790079

She was 13, not 8.

>> No.6790085

>not dating women at the peak of their blossoming beauty
shiggy diggy

>> No.6790129

tbh ive tried, all are nerds and think they are enlightened by their own intelligence. Waiting to finally meet a litbro in real life
Judge not, that ye be not judged my friend.

>> No.6791189

this guy gets it

>> No.6791611
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>be on first date at a bar
>girl is way out of my league
>start talking to her
>she's patrician as fuck
>get drunk as fuck
>sit on the patio
>she reads Supermarket In California to me
>we makeout
>she touches my penis under the table
>proceed to date for a couple months
>absolute perfect fit
>spend half of every week together
>go on vacation together
>lay around talking for hours
>realize I'd never really been in love before
>fall in love for real at last
>have to move away
>know now that any woman I'm ever with will only be there because she wasn't

>> No.6791796
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>> No.6791805

How do I get into poetry?

>> No.6791834

>try hard old time shit
>smokes obviously brand new peterson

>> No.6791845

Yes, at least four. Maybe five by the end of the month; I have a theatre date with a girl I met at a poetry recital.

>> No.6791850

I wonder if it occurs to the visitors of this board that it is largely male-populated, which allows conceptions of women as uncultured to propogate.

I'm really into reading poetry to guys I'm romantically involved with, or friends I'm spending time with. Also sometimes poetry I've written to hear how it sounds in air.

I write more than most of my guy friends that consider themselves writers. Its an odd feel

>> No.6791868

If you think awareness of facts and our own biases are going to get in the way of our rampant misogyny you're sorely mistaken.

>> No.6791886
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Second this.

The only /lit/ stuff I know is Wilde and I've read a few poems by James Clerk Maxwell. And then some hiphop, if that counts.

>> No.6791905

It's not that women are uncultured as a gender, it's that most are, so the generalization serves.

>> No.6791954



channel of a bunch of readings.

good sample of usually short poems. Find something you like and chase the trail.

its all P good shit.


>> No.6791964

It's funny, I've had countless interactions with men where I hope desperately that behind their charming front or tousled hair I'll find some complex constellation of interests and personality- but so often my excavations lead to a startlingly dull thoughtlessness. I imagine this is what you're finding in the women who you recall and cluster in your mind under 'most.' But perhaps it is simply that there is such a wide range of human interests that fall quickly out of your memory because they're unrelatable, or seem 'plebian.' That is, if you define being 'cultured' in any specific way, perhaps well-versed in literature for some, or avante-garde music or art, or classical for others! that those whose attention lies elsewhere escapes your narrow funnel and falls amid the uninteresting mass.
That is an optimistic perspective, though. If I'm being pessimistic, most people are uninteresting. Its just easier to find colleagues within your gender.

>> No.6791979

Yeah, my little sister.

>> No.6791981

Something like that, yes. Thing is, this ideal of a "cultured" person is not mine alone, it's a part of western ideals as a whole. I don't think it's superior as well, it's just what it is. I consistently do find much more men than women in this strata, even after going to a top university where women are the majority. Maybe your experience is different.

>> No.6792014

i tried to get a german girl to recite some of nietzsche's poems from the prelude to gay science, but she was too embarassed so we had sexy times instead

>> No.6792018

I've had a girl I wanted to fuck try to recite Leonard Cohen poetry to me. I threw her into the garbage can

>> No.6792032

My girlfriend and I regularly read Tranströmer to each other. It's incredibly arousing.

>> No.6792053

my dream is to have a girl recite this bad boy


>> No.6792154
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I think it's partly the result of women using interests as accessories more than men, so that when a woman says she cares about something she is often lying, it often just means that she cares to be perceived to care about said thing rather than actually caring.

>> No.6792228

I got pretty drunk at a party and exchanged some poetry recitals with a girl. I don't remember all of it but I vaguely recall reciting some Alexander Pope and Martial and she recited the opening lines of the Iliad. She's pretty cool.

>> No.6792259

>implying men don't do that exact same thing
are you new to /lit/ or something?

>> No.6792264

They do, but less so.

>> No.6792269

maybe they just trick you more easily

>> No.6792306

If they do so, they do it by actually being dedicated. They just generally care more, they're more obsessive.

>> No.6792338

>meet hella cute girl on okc
>smart, cynical, compassionate
>puts up with all my weird shit
>thinks im special, wrote p cool poem for me
>read Ohara and Mayakovsky together
>get madly involved really quickly
>Im in this country for a limited amount of time, have to return home to finish degree
>we start panicking about it a few weeks in
>a kind of sadness always with us now
>semi-break up at one point, got too intense, see each other less frequently
>only have 2 more weeks before I have to go
>get the bittersweet feeling that this was my romantic peak and that it will make future relationships seem lacking

>> No.6792342

they care more about how they're perceived? yes. but obsession doesn't really make someone not a dilettante. anyone can be obsessive during a phase

>> No.6792349

>bitter guys still believe this

>> No.6792368

I don't mind women generally having a shallow interest regarding abstractions tbh. They're good at other stuff.

>> No.6793003

same here, we may meet on a good day. Who knows

>> No.6793036

it is irrelevant why they only learn little about a subject if all they do is learn little and try to seem like they learn more. Which both genders do grossly.

>> No.6793039

judge not, lest ye be judged?

>> No.6793042


Do something anon. Love is worth throwing everything else in your life away, if it is real love. If she feels the same way, make it work. Don't let how intense love is stigmatized in our society make you second guess it out of existence.

>> No.6793043

how does: you will never, translate into your language. I ask because its meaning is specific to a certain cultural place and I would think it hard to translate without loosing the history

>> No.6793053

>implying withholding judgement actually works to prevent the judgement of others

loser strategy
people judge automatically. the way to win is to strike first

>> No.6793095

if you want to change the world you must start with yourself. If you think judging is less than ideal, don't judge. You seem like a pleb anyway.

>> No.6793396


>> No.6793796

schopenhauer, go to bed

>> No.6793818

yeah, she had dyslexia so she kind of stumbled over it. But she really liked the poem; it was a really intimate moment. I love reading/getting read to after fucking.

>> No.6793827

i used to recite peoples' poetry on /lit/ all the time like a year ago
that was embarrassing.

>> No.6793850

>males constantly found self-regenerating communities around common interests
>women don't
Schopenhauer was correct. Most women, except a few outliers, involved in any subject are gamer girrrrllzzzz.

>> No.6793889

yeah that's why there are more women in university now and why they do better than their male counterparts.

>> No.6793903

yes yes I have

>> No.6793906

Okay, lady, just remember how much prodding and programs you needed.

Males are great without assistance, and you're constantly pestering us and hindering us on our grand adventures.

>> No.6793933

>found self-regenerating communities around common interests
>getting a position assigned in a structure put in place by males after all the hard work is done

These are not the same, flaps.

>> No.6793940

hahahha the education system is completely male-centered and you're still failing out b/c you're all moderately stupid.

>> No.6793951


>> No.6793955

Schopenhauer "women seek indirect mastery of everything they do" "all they really want is a males attention(assuming she is straight)" yeah pretty much holds true till today

>> No.6793956 [DELETED] 

Just reinstitute gender segregation already, PLEASE. If we could get back to male-exclusive institutions, our superiority would become blindingly obvious.

>> No.6793962

Yes it was while i was pooping, she sat on the bathroom floor and read to me, it was my parent's house very clean, cleanly, germ free. she proceeded to sit on my lap as i let out my poop and giggled at my embarrassment reading plato to me
this never hapened i wish it did though

>> No.6793973


I did however write a sonnet to a girl who didn't respond, but 2 years later quotes the poem in pictures of herself doing duckfaces.

21st century women.

>> No.6793978

You should write this as a short story. You've already got your structure in that post. And please conclude with that sentence. And make sure the narrator is just as douchey.

>> No.6793995

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wu7Ax78hXo [Embed]

This is all women are capable of in terms of poetry recitation. ugh.

>> No.6793996

i miss the times of female-only schools where young girls and women didn't have to be subjected to the intrinsic grossness that is The Male

good luck pretending to be smart when you can't plagiarize the works of women who are far superior to you.

>> No.6794006

0/10 better luck next time.

>> No.6794016

Good luck with civilization, ya dyke. Women are bonobos.

>> No.6794020

>"female poet"

>> No.6794029

>women are more than 50% of the higher education student population
>11 Nobel laureates in the past 10 years against 98 men


>> No.6794030

I miss those same times too. Because that's when we could beat the shit out of you for being in the way.

Oh lord how I wish I lived in a time where beating a woman in the street was seen as character improving.

>> No.6794048

The patriarchal times were kinda bad though too...way more war back then...

>> No.6794054

Sara Teasdale was a good female poet.

"There Will Come Soft Rains" makes me cry everytime.

>> No.6794055






I hope you are kidding


i hope you are kidding

>> No.6794067

who controls nobel prizes?

when did we leave patriarchal times?

see it's like people actually think this and not just a small majority yet things are ok this world is fine sexism isn't even a thing

>> No.6794073

:^) but anon patriarchal judges etc.

all those nobel lit prizes for women who wrote bad books devaluing how people see the prize

whatever the numbers or facts the answer cant be women are retarded. just remember that

if all else fails you dont have a nobel yourself so you can talk.

and, even if you did, say something sexist and you will have your life destroyed like that guy with the nobel in biology


>> No.6794075

i'm not sure what the relationship is between the first two meme arrows. nobel laureates get picked out of college students?

>> No.6794082

Womens' aspirations are laudable, but males are just better. We have larger brains and stronger muscles.

I hope we can genetically engineer women to be equal soon. Maybe we can merge the sexes into a lactating hermaphroditic logical muscle woman with a penis.

>> No.6794090
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>a lactating hermaphroditic logical muscle woman with a penis.

>> No.6794093
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>who controls nobel prizes?

>> No.6794099

yeah but you would not have worldstarhiphop to go on to watch women get beat
so why dont you shut the fuck up and go back to worldstarhiphop

>> No.6794103

good luck with your decaying y-chromosome

>> No.6794105

Pretty sure every non-Peace Nobel laureate has a degree.

>> No.6794121

Is this the new impotent tumblr meme? Why can't you guys just once be funny? Please?

>> No.6794134

no it's the literal scientific proof of why you guys are so dumb and gross

it's not supposed to be funny even though it kind of is anyway

>> No.6794142

ok but that has nothing to do with current demographics. poor argument

>> No.6794149

yeah but men make arbitrary connections as evidenced in your own post which really sets them back

>> No.6794157

All women should be airlifted back to the forest where they belong.

The grizzly bears will smell their menstruation and devour them, God will be in his Heaven, and all will be right with the world.

>> No.6794173

bears rarely attack women b/c we're non-threatening to them. we get along peacefully with nature unlike men

>> No.6794178

You seem like a strong-willed woman, and I would fuck you. Do you still have your blood? Would you bear me sons?

>> No.6794180

also if all girls and women were left alone by men (which would be preferable), it really wouldn't be that long before all men died out due to, you know, lack of being able to create life.

>> No.6794190

are you fucking stupid or do you just like to come off that way on the internet?

>> No.6794194

I am not going to list the ways in which you are retarded
but you can read this yourself

>> No.6794206

why do some of you guys hate women so much

>> No.6794208
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and if a bear opens its mouth for a bite on me i will throw my arm down its open maw and rip its lungs out through the opening. on subject though, yes i have had a girl read me poetry.

>> No.6794211
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>these obvious women being argumentative in a literature board
I want to pulverize you with my seed so that we may bring forth the Ubermensch

>> No.6794220

and women would finally be able to create a powerful and sustainable society once the bulk of violent perpetrators and mentally ill are left elsewhere

>> No.6794229

Because there's state-sanctioned male-hatred cult called Gender Studies. Radfems get speaking gigs, and misandry is tolerated.

Having spent most of my formative years in male-dominant communities on the Internet, I have cultivated in myself a great love of males.

Since the Feminists have declared war on males on behalf of all women, I declare war on Feminists and their female-enablers on behalf of men.

We build, invent, research, maintain and sustain civilization and will do fine on our own as soon as we invent a few "finishing touch" technologies.

That's why I'm a Masculist.

>> No.6794230

yeah i've read this, and it attempts to warp the facts, which is unsurprising. plus it's one article out of many (many of which are written by male biologists)

the y chromosome has lost over 97% of its original genetic material. most of these are devoted to making sperm; the rest do absolutely nothing but make a mess.

the y literally used to be an x; meaning, men used to be women, but mutated into whatever freaky thing they are now.

>> No.6794236

"gender studies" is male-pandering so idk why you think that's the issue....

>> No.6794238

I don't hate them I just recognize their natural scientific limits. If anything I am fairer and nicer to women than someone who touts them as "equal"

>> No.6794242

how do you feel that your carefully constructed civilization gets btfo by a bunch of women in a number of decades

i'd probably kill myself

>> No.6794248

to further confuse there is a species of butterfly that has gender rolls of x and y switched from us. so... nature, weird. the subject of this thread... yes i too have been read poetry.

>> No.6794257

I'm completely secure in my knowledge that women are retarded insecure parasites who can't accomplish anything aside from bleeding out their crotchhole without men.

Citation: all of history.

>> No.6794275

>recognize their natural scientific limits
if you're saying women are physically weaker than men, then yeah, everybody understands that.
but if you're saying you recognize that women "can't excel in certain academics" then what you're really doing is feeding the idea that they cannot, because women ARE capable of excelling in whatever. and what that does is discourage women from actually excelling because they believe they "can't". it's a vicious circle.

>> No.6794290

men are just scared of women and always have been, that's the cause of their hatred.

they're scared because they know they (as a class and individually) have worked to subjugate women for 10,000 years up through this very moment with this bullshit of "women aren't equal" (they're not - they're superior, biologically speaking). they know that they've stolen from women throughout history (specifics on scientific theories theorized by women and stolen by spouses are not currently in mind). they know that they've killed women as witches to silence them and prevent them from providing medical care and abortifacients to other women. men are just cowards and women generally know this but really are socialized to pander to them.

they don't like the women who reject social constructs because it's not hard to imagine all women rejecting social constructs and not allowing any men to fuck them again.

>> No.6794297

violent death throes

>> No.6794313

women have the capacity to bring forth life, and men have tried to create all sorts of rites of passage to make up for this one inadequacy

who knows how advanced we would be as a species if it weren't for such pettiness

>> No.6794314

gender roles are social constructs and are not biological, just fyi....

wow what a reversal

>> No.6794319

lol "one inadequacy" ooooooookay lil' man don't worry you're doin' just fine. i'm sure you're smart somehow and i'm sure someone will recognize it someday!!

>> No.6794323


>> No.6794325

We're on the threshold of replacing you entirely with technology.

While you were busy writing nonsense and complaining, males invented video games and the Internet.

We also made it to the moon by ourselves, in case you forgot.

The platitude that males "only do things for pussy" is a desperate misandrist myth. We do things for the sake of doing them, and we're entirely capable of entertaining ourselves.

Any female power is the mercy of males, period, and males will win out in the end, period.

Either technology will render women useless--and no, it's not going to be the other way around, because males are the technophiles and incalcuably more attuned to technology--or technological civilization will fail, and women will be herded, beaten, and raped, traded as cattle as they always have been.

You pay a heavy price for your easy lives and parasitism. I'm thankful I'm male. Glory is solely for us.

>> No.6794333

This tbh. Just look at women magazines. They're basically m8 catching manuals.

>> No.6794334

so you're saying women haven't made any academic achievements throughout history because they were spooked by men who told them that they were only good for cooking steak and sucking dick?

assuming you're correct, which you're not, what does this say about women that they can be so easily cowed into intellectual non participation?

the fact of the matter is that if women could have excelled in "whatever" then they would have by now.

>> No.6794337

i'll pray for your soul.

>> No.6794340

>We're on the threshold of replacing you entirely with technology.
>The platitude that males "only do things for pussy" is a desperate misandrist myth.

no one can contradict themselves in a single post like a man can

>> No.6794343
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Anyone else very excited over women taking over universities and the job market?

It's finally our time to do fuck all and if they don't agree we just do what we do best: Chimp the fuck out.

>> No.6794345

uh women have contributed to many of the sciences and arts, historically, even while being murdered for it. men have stolen their works and this fact has been historically proven. your ignorance doesn't really help you make your point.

>> No.6794357

'intellectual non participation' wasn't that big a deal. it wasn't until women gained some sort of sexual autonomy that men got spooked by the idea that they may never be chosen by a mate, so they started scratching around for any sort of leverage they had over women

>hey women, you know this thing you didn't do? well men did it which makes us better! because i said so

>> No.6794367

men are actually so dumb and yet so calculated. they are so self-involved, and it's depressing that no matter what happens the planet has been destroyed.

i'm almost really hoping that theory set forth by a male radical conspiracy theorist re: global warming will be true and in 15 years the world will just rendered completely unlivable so it won't be a slow and painful death for us.

>> No.6794375

but women scientists WERE shunned and disregarded in the past. you honestly don't understand how society influences people.

>> No.6794382

yeah women in early medicine were literally murdered for being witches, and then men took over where they weren't allowed to continue...

>> No.6794487
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>> No.6794525

Me again.

Should I stay with her, even if it hurts me to see her change so much?
I want to live an ethical life, but this is taking a toll on me.

>> No.6794660
File: 4 KB, 225x225, lowqb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it must be some kind of conspiracy, surely it's the mens fault, we can't really be that stupid.

nice try sugartits

>> No.6794692

Don't get hormonal on me honey, I'm never said you weren't good at sucking dick or knitting or other women things.

I recognize it would be unfair to compare womens accomplishements in mathematics or science or sports or literature to mens just as it would be unfair to compare men's accomplishments in cleaning, raising children, washing clothes and thinking about shoes to the accomplishments of women in those areas.

but women can't cook steak for shit.

>> No.6794737

I know it's so hard you bleed out of your fuck hole every month women have it so hard i cri evrytime.

seriously the mental gymnastics you people go to to rationalize your inferiority is something men wouldn't be capable of.

>> No.6794752

>Any female power is the mercy of males, period
this one kinda true...

>> No.6794777

it's funny because "witchcraft" was the closest women came to contributing to the field of medicine.

if this were a matriarchal society we would be prescribed boiled newts for the common cold and told to stand naked in a barrel in order to cure cancer.

today women "practice their science" in homeopathy

>> No.6794782

Yes, my literature professor. Or was this not the sort of answer you're looking for?

>> No.6794800

>tfw they're basically stormfags in their reasoning

>> No.6794862

My 60 year old English teacher from Secondary School used to read out poems in class, until she got cancer and left

>> No.6794879

>implying women like yourself even know what "reason" is
heres a hint, it's not a shoe or a purse or a dick, so you probably know nothing about it.

>> No.6794903

not her but plz b lesbian top/willing to cut off dick.

read me carol ann duffy, dreamgirl

>> No.6795006
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That was a painful thread.

>> No.6795070

I have a constant fear of being unauthentic. Especially when people mention that "girls only use interests as hobbies".
Help, please

>> No.6795102


>tfw i've been with girl who was "pressured" into doing sexual stuff

they're weak willed in the first place anyone is who gives into something they're not comfortable with but it totally ruins him, how's this anon so fuckin blind.