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/lit/ - Literature

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6793551 No.6793551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting a new job as a trucker in August (currently a mover). Any audiobooks you can recommend? I don't just mean good titles, obviously, but audiobooks where the reader is good, because a lot of them are awful.

>> No.6793589

Barbara Kingsolver's the poisonwood bible is an excellent book with a good narrator.

>> No.6793599

You know, she is the reason I'm /fit/. I wanna get that body someday.

>> No.6793614

r-r-r-r-...r u a girl? :)

>> No.6793625
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>Asks if I'm a girl
>Not asking me if I'm christian

>> No.6793639

I liked both versions of Book of the New Sun that you can torrent. Plato also has good narrators. Moby Dick too.
The Horus Heresy in particular, especially the audio dramas

>> No.6793685

Go fucking figure. American teen turned glorified stripper.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.6793705
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Normally I take your stance with the degradation of sexual morals, but what I see her is a celebration of the athletic body, not something prurient.

>> No.6793709

Alright, thank you for you input.

>> No.6793715

Stop posting that disgusting, dried out old cunt.

>> No.6793717

>but what I see is a celebration of the athletic body



She's a fucking useless whore. Can't wait till she gets obese and not even her favorite black boyfriend will want to touch her.

>> No.6793718

>not showing her tattoo of the Little Prince quote

>> No.6793721
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I thought /lit/ was supposed to be a low test board. I don't feel comfortable seeing thick women

>> No.6793727


>> No.6793729

Who's this genetically gifted gymnast?

>> No.6793730

She's an Olympic gold medalist, brah. What are your accomplishments?

>> No.6793736

Who is this cum plum, this semen demon, this jizz jackle?

>> No.6793737


>> No.6793744

Absolutely haram, christian/atheist scum.

>> No.6793751

Who cares what she did? She was probably sucking cock for her medal anyways. It's pretty obvious she's a slut.

>he doesn't like sluts
>he must be a virgin

A worthless Western whore.

>> No.6793754

accomplishments and awards are just spooks tbh

>> No.6793758

It must be hard being American

>> No.6793768

Liking masculine women makes you a low-test homo.

>> No.6793776

>implying misogyny is not a natural characteristic of true englightenment

>> No.6793794

>Plato wasn't enlightened

>> No.6793803

it's really not, kid.

>> No.6793808

there's no such thing as a masculine woman, just a woman who rejects femininity (which is inherently masculine in itself).

>> No.6793845

Shut the fuck up, bitch.

The 50's were great for a reason. Because all it took to shut up a whore was a backhand and everyone would congratulate you for it.

The cop who saw it would say, "Thanks for keeping your bitch on a leash." And you'd go get drunk and take fuck some young bitch while you're sulking wife sat at home making a dinner you damn well aren't going to eat, because fuck her, she wasted your dignity, you're wasting her time.

Ooooh, and don't get me fucking started on her thinking she's getting her allowance of funds in her separate account. No fucking shoes for her. And GOD.BE.DAMNED if I come home and she spent what little she had on herself and not dinner. Bitch is going to the ER if that's the case.

>> No.6793854

Well aren't you a nice person. Its a shame that you weren't old enough to have a relationship in the 50's because you'd probably be dead now. We can both dream.

>> No.6793856
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kill yourself

>> No.6793860

How is your relationship with your mother?

>> No.6793868

And I would have probably beat your grandmother like a punching bag when she didn't put out.

And then maybe we would have had a better child than your mother. We can dream, can't we?

>> No.6793869

No, it's not

>> No.6793874

How does it feel to be an irrelevant relic doomed to drink himself into oblivion or going to prison for beating his wife if he ever manages to get one?

>> No.6793891
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>assad will lose in your lifetime

>> No.6793892

>self-driving trucks will be here in a few years
Wise career move, OP. You have a bright future ahead of you.

>> No.6793896
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>> No.6793901

I don't drink, and my girlfriend knows better.

She's the most important person in my life. The woman sacrificed for me like no other.

>> No.6793908

For now.

>> No.6793912

Nah, bitch remembered what happened last time.

>> No.6793917

Would you hit your mother?

>> No.6793926

Your hubris is coming anon. It always does.

>> No.6793928

I don't know. She never gave me a reason to be angry at her. She was stern, but she put me in my place and I knew where I stood. Always fair.

>> No.6793939
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>> No.6793947

>The 50's were great for a reason.

4/10, got me to reply

>> No.6793953

someone keeps posting these ugly face gymnast girls. nein.

>> No.6793954

>these salty cunts

>> No.6793959

Sorry your thread got derailed by a /pol/tard.

>> No.6793966

high test is usually associated with bigger women with child bearing hips and has nothing to do with sodomizing men.

>> No.6793972

Besides the fucking Ruskies and their ungodlike ways, unsaveable souls, yeah, 50's were awesome.

>> No.6793975

>there's no such thing as a masculine woman
Modern women have rejected femininity to such a degree that they are essentially men.
Which has nothing to do with liking cows, of the plump or skinned and tanned variety.

>> No.6793987
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>The 50's were great for a reason

Damn right they were

>> No.6793993

The only good chinese is a starving chinese

>> No.6794011

>Great Leap Forward
memiest economic reform ever

>> No.6794017
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>thinking women weren't promiscuous in the 50's

>> No.6794022


>> No.6794023

Her intestines whine softly . . . A dark turd appears out the crevice, out of the absolute
darkness between her white buttocks . . . he leans forward to surround the hot turd with his
lips, sucking on it tenderly, licking along its lower side . . . The stink of shit floods his nose,
gathering him, surrounding. . . The turd slides into his mouth, down to his gullet. He gags, but
bravely clamps his teeth shut. Bread that would only have floated in porcelain waters
somewhere, unseen, untasted . . .

>> No.6794039

you're real grumpy

>> No.6794043

>I don't know.
What kind of a limp-dicked answer is that? You'd either hit her, or you wouldn't

>> No.6794060

who hurt you anon

>> No.6794071
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>> No.6794084

It's not my career. I have to sign a ten-month contract, but after that I'm out. The pay is pretty bad. Mainly I'm doing it to support my mother and brother until I finish studying to be an electrician.

>> No.6794174

He's just a troll

>> No.6794683


>> No.6794776

Truckers make a good living these days. Why do you care anyway? Op is trying to live the /lit/life and needs some help doing it. Plus those self driving trucks won't happen for years and years.

>> No.6794793

Mate I work in a lab about 70 hours a week, I can relate to needing quality audiobooks to get your reading done.

Download the librivox app on your phone. It let's you download the audiobooks there to listen to without data usage, the selection of free stuff is limited, but there are some good finds

>> No.6794815
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Thick, muscular women are the apex of female existence

>> No.6794827

Who the fuck is this anyways? I keep seeing her.

>> No.6794831

lordosis =/= hightest

>> No.6794837
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>> No.6794858

she is pretty thin, just arching her back

>> No.6794872

I don't like girls with big arms. That's messed up.

>> No.6794895
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Listen to some of these nigs and get Librivox shit. Sometimes the readers suck (I'm looking at YOU, the woman who shit the bed on her chapter of The Antichrist) but some of the guys like D.E. Wittkower are professional as fuck. He did the whole Schopenhauer on Pessimism book, and he did a killer job. He also did a bunch of Lovecraft and other philosophy stuff, including Marx iirc.

Failing that, start listening to podcasts. I'm into Skeptic Tank, Duncan Trussell Family Hour, Harmontown, Hardcore History, Legion of Skanks, and Race Wars. The JRE is also pretty good mostly but i think he's on a dry streak ATM, i like to come and go to that one, but i do love Joe as a host, i think he's pretty entertaining without having to pander too much

There are also several news podcasts, but i can't recommend them because i haven't listened to them.

>> No.6794936


Here's my time to shine.

I love audio books. I go through about 3 a week.

Top tier readers:

1. Frank Muller
2. Richard Poe
3. Charlton Griffin
4. George Guidall

Anything read by any of these men will keep you fairly entertained while driving around.

>Frank Muller does a great job on Moby Dick

>Richard Poes performance on Blood Meridian is amazing.

>Charlton Griffin is phenomenal in Paradise Lost

>George Guidall really reads the shit out of Gravity's Rainbow.

Hope this helps annon. Also be safe out there.

>> No.6794948
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>not digging sweet Maoist gooves




>> No.6795004

Didn't mean fat, just strong

>> No.6795083

There's a difference between putting a woman in her place and being a resentful little douchebag. This post just sounds like the latter.

>> No.6795178
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>> No.6796069

A lot of their free stuff has a terrible reader, though


Thanks, friend

>> No.6796144

Just finished Moby Dick read by Frank Muller. He is fucking good. I'm going to listen to Billy Budd next, which he also recorded.