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File: 52 KB, 468x330, article-1329229-0C0DE303000005DC-410_468x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6793008 No.6793008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The Inquisition was a system of oppresive, patriarchal Catholic monks who massacred everyone who opposed them!!!

Why is this meme so widespread, /lit/?

>> No.6793013
File: 850 KB, 959x959, voltaire visits u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Enlightened Voltaire will banish superstition from the world but only if you say

>> No.6793021

Christian terrorism is more than just a meme

>> No.6793025

>you now realize Christposting in /lit/ has grown to the point of defending the Inquisition
Event horizon is near

>> No.6793026

Because it's true. Read some history.
See: the Huguenots

Second Enlightenment when?

This Time, We Finish The Job.

>> No.6793061

>Christian terrorism is more than just a meme
>Because it's true. Read some history
i thought /lit/ was smart
perhaps the Protestant ghost keeps spooking americans

>> No.6793170

I got m' desecrating maul all greased up with menstrual fluid and ready to go.

>> No.6793185

The Inquisition was awful, but it was without a doubt better than the secular persecution of heretics. Without Church involvement, you end up with stuff like what happened to Joan of Arc.

>> No.6793201
File: 90 KB, 509x525, m'lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Inquisition
>a meme

You do know that the Catholic Church itself documented it, right?

Also, pic related is you

>> No.6793205

>You do know that the Catholic Church itself documented it, right?
yes, and the documents show that the modern view of it is false

>pic related is you
but i wear glasses, anon

>> No.6793206

Obviously, by the way, I'm referring to the Inquisitions run by the Church, not the ones beholden to secular government, which were far worse.

>> No.6793208

you know that picture doesn't bother christians as much as atheists right?

for atheists the meme is based in reality, it stings them and they cry "a-ad hominem". these are some poorly shopped photos a fedorafag made in a desperate attempt to supplement his inability to win an argument.

I'm an agnostic by the way.

>> No.6793210

If heretics weren't considered heretics they'd be just fine. I hope you're only baiting.

>> No.6793211

the Medieval Inquistion is only awful by modern standards, by medieval standards it's pretty progressive

>> No.6793227

what? they were heretics, so they were considered heretics

>if thugs werent considered thugs theyd be just fine

>> No.6793230

>yes, and the documents show that the modern view of it is false

Hardly. The documentation in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is very clear that the Inquisition was a system characterized by a widespread bureaucracy, invasive surveillance, censorship and numerous accounts of torture, and that was for the lucky ones. The unlucky ones (like the Cathars) were flat out exterminated.

If judicial policies like this were implemented today, you'd probably have something that resembles modern day Raqqa, and if you'd get caught doing this, you'd almost certainly get tried for crimes against humanity

>> No.6793231
File: 166 KB, 500x770, 1428974934460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't mind atheists trying to subvert the meme, in fact I think it makes them look even worse, they acknowledge the meme is so powerful and true that instead of coming up with a counter meme of their own, they have to apply the atheist meme to Christians.

“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”
-Saint Augustine

>> No.6793239

A lot of "heretics", such as Joan of Arc, were only called that as a pretense for secular authorities to persecute them, not because the Church considered them heretics.


>> No.6793253

I agree it just makes them look desperate.

>> No.6793262


>> No.6793266

where is this documentation

>> No.6793267
File: 79 KB, 700x700, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793269

>an agnostic with such deep knowledge about the fedora-chrsitfags dynamic
>christfags gets so butthurt about a meme that he has to pretend to be an agnostic to dismiss it

Will be spamming this picture from now on. My thanks to whoever made this

>> No.6793271

Papal Inquisition was by far the most just court in 1200-1400 Europe.

>> No.6793272
File: 47 KB, 850x400, 312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793280


>> No.6793282

Where exactly do you think history goes, then?

>> No.6793283

Epic meme dude

>> No.6793284

>Internet memes hurt muh feelings

Christ cucks actually believe this

>> No.6793286
File: 489 KB, 886x1100, mark twain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so-called Christian nations are the most enlightened and progressive ... but in spite of their religion, not because of it. The Church has opposed every innovation and discovery from the day of Galileo down to our own time, when the use of anesthetic in childbirth was regarded as a sin because it avoided the biblical curse pronounced against Eve. And every step in astronomy and geology ever taken has been opposed by bigotry and superstition. The Greeks surpassed us in artistic culture and in architecture five hundred years before Christian religion was born.
-- Mark Twain


>> No.6793287
File: 312 KB, 889x1126, pepe de aquino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After the degree of criticism the poem was receiving for its sexual undertones and supposedly perverted nature, Voltaire in public became ashamed of his work, even to the point that he asserted that the transcript had been somehow corrupted and tainted and was therefore inauthentic.


>> No.6793297

I think your response speak to his validity.

not gonna bump this thread OP

>> No.6793301

Christian censors and public pressure forced the poor man to recant his poem.

So much for free speech.

And Christcucks actually support this. Disgusting.

>> No.6793309

How does my response speak to his validity? It was a dismissal of his claim

>> No.6793332

>Man calls Joan d' Arc a whore
>gets criticism
>"uh, uh, someone c-corrupted it!
at least stand by what you say like a man, even if it gets you in trouble like Christ and his Apostles and Martyrs

>> No.6793333
File: 123 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good God almighty, Catholics disgust me. You quasipagans are by far the worst denomination. Shame on you for defending these barbarous acts.

Would Jesus Christ have participated in the inquisition? Heck, if he came back the fools would have probably executed him just like the Romans for refusing to bow to papal authority.

Why don't you pray and think about what you're defending here scumbag before Hell splits wide open to swallow you.

>> No.6793339

So do you support him being censored because he published something you disagree with? Because if you're applauding censorship you really don't belong on a literature board

>> No.6793352

he censored himself

so much for preaching free speech

>> No.6793360

Due to pressure from the intolerant Christian hoards.

>> No.6793363

Fuck me dead, are you people retarded or just posturing? The only reason a label as "heretic" exists is because of the Church.

>> No.6793368

Good quads.

I'm sure Christ would have been much more pleased with what Luther wrote about peasants and Jews.

>> No.6793373

Not at all. State religion existed prior to the Church, and offending it would get you killed.

>> No.6793374

>hurr durr it's all a social construct maaaaaaaan
pass the joint when you're done with it so I can stamp it out.

>> No.6793377

In fact, Socrates is a good example of a bullshit secular trial for heresy.

>> No.6793382

>fully supportive of the onslaught against anabaptists, Münster rebels and during the Peasant War

>> No.6793384

Yeah, you are retarded. I come to the conclusion feeding the Christposting is the worst option.

>> No.6793386

He insulted a national heroine, what did you expect?

>Oh no they hurt his feewings! Those big bad christkuns!

Just remember Newton's Third Law, m8

For a Church that finds secure salvation only inside her, heretics are a big deal

>> No.6793388

Wasn't Socrates executed for corruption of youth?

>> No.6793392

Anyone got a good, recent,"history" of the inquisition?

There's a ton out there, "God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World" looks good, but maybe someone knows more?

>> No.6793404

And heresy against the state religion. Corrupting the youth generally assumed to be in conjunction with that.

>> No.6793411

Luther wasn't divine. We don't believe he was infallible like your ilk believed the popes to be. He was a man who said many wrong things, but he served an important role as the spark that ignighted the growing discontent with the bloated and corrupt Catholic Church. For all his faults though, I would still rather associate myself with Luther than that gangster Pope Leo X.

Also when did Christ say he wanted a feudal hierarchy for the church or any of this fan fiction tier garbage about Mary or the Holy Spirit? It's all a load of horse hockey taken from pagan traditions.

>> No.6793414

I'll also point out the heresy was the reason early Christians were heavily persecuted

>> No.6793415

Edward Peters' Inquistion

>> No.6793416

Papists pls go

>> No.6793419

>u say mean thigns about my bad ideas you mean christians must be stupid

I'd be angry at God too if he had neglected to give me a brain. I'll pray for you anon.

>> No.6793420

Edward Peters’s Inquisition (1988) and Henry Kamen’s The Spanish Inquisition (1997)

>> No.6793424

m8 I'm not a catholic, if I did I wouldn't be supportive of the anabaptists

>> No.6793426

what do Christposters think of Islam?

it seems that by being less secularised in day to day life it has converted way more people and extracted more of its its values from the world.

>> No.6793427
File: 266 KB, 1259x707, 1424049553025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793428

Yes, heresy. As in, refusing to bow the knee to Rome. Refusing to worship the pope. Refusing to be indoctrinated by the Whore of Babylon.

Funny, the word "heresy" used to mean "against the scriptures".

Odd how languages change.

>> No.6793438

I wonder, if from hell, he still holds that view.

>> No.6793441

It's a false gospel about a different Jesus told to a man by an angel.

That angel was Satan. The Arabs have, and always will, worship Ba'al.

What did you think we thought about Islam?

>> No.6793442

is that you, Magist?

>> No.6793445

What are some good works on Christian marxism?

>> No.6793450

Had a great time at Notre Dame de Paris today.

I didn't even give a care about all the god shit and even tipped my fedora a few times.

Umad Cathofags? Rich Protestant traveling abroad summer 2015 :-)

>look we're the Republican Party of 1422

Also, nice meme pic. I was just looking at the original the other day. Did you know it's partially 3d?

>> No.6793453

Yeah, Calvinists torturing Quakers, and Lutherans beheading Anabapists is so morally superior.

>> No.6793456

Literally cringed.

>> No.6793457
File: 214 KB, 1134x1001, Christinthedesert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaaahhhh the church frowns on my sexual deviancy and lazy drunkenness
it really just comes down to Voltaire didn't like being told he shouldn't live like a pig, but being easily offended like all fedoras he decided to continue his sinful ways against his own best interest, bitching about the people who were trying to help him.

>> No.6793458

Literally wut

>> No.6793461


>> No.6793465

Love it.

>> No.6793467

I'm also going to add here that the major concern with heresy is that it is false teaching, it is very concerning because it is leading people astray by lying to them from a position of authority. Holding personal heresies were hardly an issue, it was when you started propagating lies, PARTICULARLY from a position of authority, that it became a concern.

>> No.6793468

>Things that never happened, the post.

>> No.6793472

Simon Magus

>> No.6793482

>implying Christians aren't the most professionally offended people on Earth

Well Muslims first

>> No.6793490


>> No.6793491

ask Moot II one

>> No.6793499


>> No.6793507

It goes here, no one complains until it's Christian history. Then the secularists come out in full force.

>> No.6793515

From the threads on /lit/ christians seem like pretty cool guys. I mostly see atheists complaining
>Stop talking about the bible!
>religion shouldn't be mentioned here
>fuck off christfags reeeeeeeee

>> No.6793535

Great, thank you! I'll have a look

>> No.6793541
File: 135 KB, 550x712, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one said that in this thread, but the only cool Christians here are the Protestants slamming the Papists for their dismissal of the barbarous inquisition and failing to answer the hard hitting questions.