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6791649 No.6791649 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that when there is violence against women in art, it's called misogynist but violence against men isn't called misandrist? I think American Psycho was criticised for being misogynist.

Is it REALLY as simple as society being biased against men? Why do I suspect that I will get criticised for asking these questions?

>> No.6791658

Because it's only bad if it's against a disadvantaged minority.

Trufax. If women were the controlling majority, violence against men would be awful instead of normal.

>> No.6791673

>Why is it that when there is violence against women in art, it's called misogynist
It's not. Just watch Lost Highway

It would be probably be considered mysogynist if it was done in such a way that male narcissism was glorified, however. But in that case, the opposite would also apply: violence against men performed in such a manner that it glorified female narcissism would surely be considered misandrist.

>> No.6791689

The western tradition glorifies women, news at 11.

>> No.6791704
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Art is about expression, and if you want to express something transgressive, complaints of that nature are simply a sign that you've succeeded.

Depict violence towards anyone you like.

If they criticize you for this, then tell them that art imitates life, and that violence towards women, minorities, and everybody else is a fact of life, and an unavoidable part of the human experience - that these topics must be dealt with in different ways in order for different people to come to terms with them, and that if they find your work distasteful, then they are under no obligation whatsoever to read or endorse your book.

But that they have no right whatsoever to tell you what you can or cannot write, and that you are under no obligation to give their judgements even the most fleeting of considerations.

>> No.6791723

It's because liberals are pushing this idea of identity politics through the mainstream media which they control. Unfortunately, this is what the left in the United States and west as a whole has become. Instead of focusing on the plight of the poor and how all citizens suffer at the hands of those on top the modern liberal bourgeois scum sees a woman die in a movie and cries misogyny!

>> No.6791735
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>the same marxist saying identity politics are liberal

>> No.6791748

I mean its true, we have a common enemy on this one m8

It's sad, but as many young Americans move away from Christianity they march right into the cult of Tumblr.

>> No.6791756

I'm speaking from the "Third World" and identity politics are completely ingrained in Marxism here m8, both in popular movements and academia.

>> No.6791764

I'm not a marxist but I am an anti-capitalist.

SJW is still obviously a system of capitalist control. Its all absorbed 60's freedom bullshit that was just turned into more ideology for consumption.
"oh if only you could ware high heels you would be happy etc etc. its people standing in the way of you being happy, your fellow men and women err sorry people, beside you, they are the ones holding you down!'

If you want an example of this look at any supposedly marxist discussions. SJW derail everything to the point that I would not be surprised if someone is paying them.

>> No.6791765

They shouldn't be though

It should be about have nots banding together, not flipping the pyramid of oppression on its head and creating a new order, the order should be eliminated.

>> No.6791770

nope, that's not me

>> No.6791771

Because women are weaker, so violence against them, even if fictional; will upset and offend them--hence the misogyny claims. Sort of like a large lion beating the shit out of a small house cat (an exaggeration).

But other than that, these feminists are so full of shit, its spilling out their ears like a fountain.

>> No.6791789

I understand how some of the old Left has qualms with it. I know identity politics does not help the plight of the working class for an old-style Leninist. But Marxism opens itself to these interpretations, and that's where it ended up.

>> No.6791947

Women are the voting majority, there are more of them alive period, and siginificantly more of them graduating college

>> No.6792094

In 2015 style newspeak. "minority" now means half the worlds population. "majority" means 0.00000001 % of the people actually in charge and with money and power(which are also the women in these ruling families).

>> No.6792128

It really does not.
To be entirely honest, all this SJW bullshit did not come from marx or any POMO philosophy.
Even deluze and Lacan and all those french fucks, if you read them, are not really advocating anything-goes for meaning.
Its all misinterpretations from political and social sciences. And particularly funded and inserted into already politicized groups "misinterpreting" this shit.

The ideas cant be interpreted as such, but the "language" is used in order to portray some kind of effect.

This is not isolated to "left" ideology.
Look at any capitalist/SJW co-opting of science.
The supposed "controversies" in many areas of science that always seem to allow for business to continue where it should not. Religion on the right. Christians opposing the Vatican because the pope said Christians need to return to helping the poor etc.

All these theories working towards knowledge are for sale. Don't pretend this is otherwise, or inherent to the left.

Its not "misinterpreted" because its ineffective, its "misinterpreted" precisely because if it is effective.
The idea that this is isolated to certain fields i think is disastrous. You can already see in the hard sciences, whom thought themselves immune, the PC censorship is taking roots. That Nobel prize winning chemist who lost his job. Many such examples. People starting to say that certain fields are inherently racist or sexist. Calling human beings biologically dimorphic is considered sexist now when it is entirely factual.

I know your point is against marx, so i will stop. But my point is that using missinterpretability against a theory is dangerous and not a real critique. Because i think engineered misenterpretability will be the weapon of the powers that be in the future.

>> No.6793719

I'll give you a little "hear, hear" on this one.

>> No.6794524

>Christians opposing the Vatican because the pope said Christians need to return to helping the poor etc

Not to tip my fedora or anything, but the Catholic Church has a vast amount of material wealth and yet they rely on public fund raising to support their charities. You cant really defend this kind of hypocrisy.