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/lit/ - Literature

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6788898 No.6788898 [Reply] [Original]


Your favourite literary memes

I'll start

>Americans reading anything apart from McDonald's menu

>> No.6790072


>> No.6790848

Holy shit man, NICE!

>> No.6790858
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>Abrahamic religions should be taken seriously

>> No.6790859

>reading for plot

>> No.6790860

This thread is a horrible idea for the planet.

>> No.6790865

Intelligent, nihilisic, with a wicked sense of humor

>> No.6790869

That's a meme? Unless you're from the U.S.A or S. America, you come from a country that hasn't produced a decent writer since WWI, at the absolute best.

>> No.6790877

>The horus heresy is actually a bad set of novels

hah so said the dune reader to his fellow friend as he tipped his gold brimmed fedora.

>> No.6790883

american 'literature'

>> No.6791022
File: 20 KB, 460x353, josh_brolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burger pls

>> No.6791027
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Nope. You're probably missing many untranslated goodies.

>> No.6791045


>> No.6791055

I exaggerated, let me put it this way though: you haven't produced a better writer than N. or S. America's best. And the best writers from across the oceans only mime ours. Sorry.
Yeah you can bring up that America is probably the shittiest 1st world democracy to live in with burger memes and I won't deny that, but our art, literature and music have been better than yours for the last 80+ years.

>> No.6791057

>Abrahamic religions
Has this expression ever been used for anything but shitposting?

>> No.6791065

Show more confidence? And can you give an example?

>> No.6791083

Alright. I'll stick to my native language and try to give enough names from there.

Most of the works of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar are untranslated to English. So are Hasan Ali Toptaş's. Tahsin Yücel. Yusuf Atılgan. İhsan Oktay Anar. Orhan Pamuk is often translated, but he's not the best. None of these could beat America's best probably, but I sincerely think that this last big name can: Oğuz Atay. Not only that his biggest work "Tutunamayanlar / Those who cannot hold on / The Disconnected" is untranslated, it's almost untranslatable - it would lose more than fifty percent of its essence without its language, and more than eighty without its cultural background. Also, I believe, it is one of the best postmodern books worldwide. Here's an article that tries to do justice to the book (but even like that comes short):
I'm absolutely sure that Turkish is not the "best language in the world", so I'm guessing there are many gems in other languages too. Think about what would change if Porteguese was never translated.

>> No.6791087

(I had to take South America as a different place, because, what makes it so close to the U.S. anyway? Books are written in a different language, government is different. What makes America unified as a continent?)

>> No.6791105

>Reading for enjoyment

>> No.6791124

I gave a concession to South American lit because it's undeniable that they've given American lit a run for its money, if not produced better works. I know I then referred to the USA as America and should've clarified. And I'm somewhat confident that the shitposting towards Americans (from what I've seen) are Murakami-worshipping weeaboos or Eurotrash, not South Americans who may have a little more room to talk.

>> No.6791143

Murakami worshipping weeaboos? I am weeaboo, and can confirm that Murakami is pretty worthless, even at his best. Other than that, I don't think less translated European languages should be cast aside as "trash". As I said, I consider even Turkish literature a fine competitor. This I say having read literature in both languages.

>> No.6791147

>Czech Republic
>Haven't produced great writers since WW1

Shitty b8 or you're about as well-read as a pigeon

>> No.6791719

America is like the only country that actually thinks Murakami has any literary value lmao.

>> No.6791730

You've made this post before and it wasn't funny.