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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 1024x512, economist-logo-1024x512..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6788726 No.6788726 [Reply] [Original]

What periodicals does /lit/ read?

>> No.6788736

>read periodicals instead of the 'chan

>> No.6788745

>dat compression

fuck my eyes

>> No.6788819

>the economist

We present both sides of the issue in an attempt at being impartial only to arrive each time at a conclusion through which multi-national corporations would benefit the most! All these anti-free trade politicians are fools and nincompoops, mega-corporations would benefit from the TPP, and the loss of manufacturing jobs from globalization is inevitable! (never mind that it only happens big-time from free-trade agreements). This dangerous demagoguery in opposition to TPP will harm the US economy!

Boy the international community sure needs do something (regime change) about that brutal (democratic) regime in Venezuela, nevermind that we don't call the Saudi government a regime. They nationalized almost all of their oil, oy vey! We sure need those great rightwingers like Leopoldo Lopez to come in and accept a IMF-imposed debt restructuring that slashes social security and medicare, all in the name of freeing up the economy!

This evil, evil, deranged Putin is the source of all the problems in Ukraine, nevermind that the US state department spend 5 billion dollars overthrowing the Ukrainian government and installing a pro-US one. Its those evil Russians who are evil for letting the 99% ethnic russian population of Crimea vote to join Russia.

Wow all the right-wing anti-immigrant anti-EU politicians coming into power in Europe seems like a very bad thing. Don't they realize that importing huge amounts of immigrants from 3rd world countries provides cheap labor to huge corporations?, also they bring diversity and culture goy. Voters need to do the right thing and pick the candidates who endorse letting huge amounts of immigrants into their countries.

>> No.6788832

back to /pol/

>> No.6788911

The New Yorker
The Atlantic
The Paris Review
The Economist
The Nation
The New Republic
The Guardian
National Geographic
Popular Mechanics
Film Comment
Sight & Sound

>> No.6788943
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>> No.6788952

>posts left-wing analysis of The Economist
>told to go back to /pol/

>> No.6788973
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>The Economist
>The Nation
>The New Republic
>The Guardian

>> No.6788979

>posting anywing analysis of stuff
>not belonging with the shitflingers of /pol/

>> No.6789304

Nazis have always been economically left. Lel

>> No.6789310

I strictly get my news from the economist, nothing else.

>> No.6789311

Foreign Affairs Magazine

>> No.6789342

I read The Economist a few times. I cringed.

>> No.6789377

that wasn't left-wing. It was full on fucking retarded.
>the US government spent 5 billion dollars overthrowing the Ukrainian government

m-muh conspiracy theories

>> No.6789482

Does anyone subscribe to Lacanian ink? I'm debating getting some issues/subscribing

>> No.6789519
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>not reading Dissent

>> No.6789563

A lacanian on /lit/ ... wut?

>> No.6789574
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no, I doubt it's very good, the woman that runs it seems cringeworthy, and zizek hasn't done anything with her in years ( I think), possibly because he grew out of her gallery based readings, or maybe he just got sick of her

I wish I could afford a subscription to Radical Philosophy and London Review

>> No.6789580

>fiction by Joshua Cohen

Neat. Have you read that issue?

>> No.6789599

Monthly Review

Looks based, danke.

>> No.6789606

How is it a conspiracy when it happened?

>> No.6789620

Why is Foreign Affairs shit-tier? It doesn't even tackle literature so much. In the field of International Relations it's considered a good starting point.

>> No.6789621
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>read The New Yorker
>suddenly feel dull and upper-middle class
How did these goons land Nabokov, again?

>> No.6789654

I read the Economist and enjoy it. I don't really get why all these /pol/ shitters are shitposting all over it. Every single news source is bias one way or another, and sure the Economist leans slightly left, but I'd challenge someone to show me a news source that operates wholly unbias in any one manner.

A competent and well informed reader should be able to read past any bias and form their own opinion of a situation even if the publication may hold a certain viewpoint. Personally The Economist is my favorite source.

>> No.6789664

I didn't make the chart so no idea, probably because it's considered reactionary. It's published by these guys
>The CFR promotes globalization, free trade, reducing financial regulations on transnational corporations

>> No.6789668

>muh everything is biased

>> No.6789676

you dont read the economist

BUT, the immigration laws should be more lax, if you desire global equality its achieved thru the movements of labor. you ban the movement of labor and capital is given a stronger sway in global politics (as it has for the past 100 yrs)

the US spent no money to support Ukrainian revolt, your number is a russian fabrication.

Crimea is ethnically russian because Russia PUT PEOPLE IN CRIMEA to make it ethnically russian so they could control a politically valuable territory. it was ethnic cleansing

>> No.6789680

Oh please. The economist is a leftist rag

>> No.6789683

provide a source of that claim

provide an unbiased news source

New Yorker is hit or miss, they sometimes have great profiles of interesting people

>> No.6789695

So it's not really a /lit/ guide to publications, it's a /leftypol/ one. Absolutely disgusting. I'm just venting this of course, not directed at you.

>> No.6789707

The Nazis were left wing socialists.

>> No.6789708

I don't know who it is, what makes her cringe?

>> No.6789723

You're the moron that thinks Stirner was a rightist aren't you?

>> No.6789748

Stirner didn't have a political ideology, moron. Stop strawmanning.

>> No.6789756


>> No.6789764

It's not a strawman if there was a retard earlier trying to tell people Stirner was a Rightist. You may not be that person but your opinion is as shitty as his.

>> No.6789766


>> No.6789780

if you read the source you will see that she is referring to money spent on introducing democracy in Ukraine post-USSR pre-revolt

aka she is saying "dont act undemocratic (in shutting down protests) after we invested 5 billion dollars into helping you become a democracy"

not "we invested 5 billion dollars into the protests"

learn to read bro, its a lit board not pol

>> No.6789790

You mean 'rightist'.
Oh, you're from Tumblr.
>the National Socialists weren't socialists
Ok, if you like twisting political definitions to suit your agenda, then Pinochet wasn't right wing.

>> No.6789800

>You mean 'rightist'.
>Oh, you're from Tumblr.
Are you actually retarded?

>> No.6789814

/lit/ is marxist containment board, deal with it

>provide an unbiased news source
not the point of what I said, the exact opposite infact

just look her up, check out her website (same as lacanian ink, cringe), she self inserts her presence and art even though she's gross and uninteresting, though I think she's a proper trained psychoanalyst (argentinian lacanian)

>> No.6789825

Good argument there. Go back to your hugbox.

>> No.6789829

None, because living in the present is for plebeians.

>> No.6789831

Learn to think. 1) No one claimed the US invested 5 billion dollars into the protests. 2) Are you really so naive that you think when the US they are "investing in democracy" you believe it? You really think there's no connection between US funding of neonazis and neonazis taking over the Maidan and using US technology to kill separatists? I have a bridge to sell you...

>> No.6789832

>marlboro written on the filter rather than the cigarette

nonsmoking piece of shit artist detected

>> No.6789834
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What the fuck?

>> No.6789837

You're on /lit/, not your identity politics, Marxist shithole.

>> No.6789858
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>Radical Philosophy
Just looked this up, I'd buy a coffee table to display this tbh and literally drown in continental pussy.

>> No.6789861

>new york times
>new yorker
>wall st journal
>the nation
>the beach head
>the week
>harvard political review
>the new american

>> No.6789862
File: 491 KB, 719x538, my goodness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it keeps happening

>> No.6789875

>look, the guy who pushes identity politics as neoliberalism is here again

>> No.6789890

yup, good stuff

>> No.6789899
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>it's STILL talking to itself!

>> No.6789904

>implying identity politics isn't a crucial part of neo-liberalism
A grown ass man can tell me that he indentifies as an 8th generation Pokemans and I have to sit there and take it, and if I don't it's a HATE CRIME. If you want migrant workers to unionize you will literally be kidnapped by the CIA and tortured to death. (Hint: hyperbole)

>> No.6789922
File: 19 KB, 480x360, motherfuckingalfinthehousebitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I read is /pol/ and I'm not even American.

Come at me you faglords.

>> No.6789930
File: 417 KB, 935x1200, MAD-Magazine-Minions-Cover_5570a709bbc7d7.47741844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, this thread is veering into /pol/ territory.

anyone here read Mad?

>> No.6789950

i used to back in elementary/middle school, before my sense of humour had a chance to properly develop


forgot to add


>> No.6789968

You get it m8. What the fuck do we do?

>> No.6789984


the english language, everybody

>> No.6789993

not him but identity politics are neoliberal.

>> No.6790010

I'm interested in trying some issues out at some point, but tbh I'm worried I won't be able to tell the difference between intentional play with language and typographical errors from what looks like a pretty shoddy publication. Radical philosophy sounds promising, might pick some up later on.

The chart is wrong. Particularly putting the NYR above FA - even the NYR's book reviews are tendentious shilly crap that could be in the NYT.

The Economist is good. Basically, stuff that finance types read is going to be a base level of quality because they have money riding on it. That doesn't mean it's a very neutral perspective, though - you should balance it out with some anti-Fed, anti-mass-immigration, anti-EU stuff.

Foreign Affairs is a good read, but anything written by a politician or about an historical event can be skipped.

Otherwise, it's much better to find a quality political blog for a particular country/region and go there when you hear about that area in the mainstream news. As a plus, if you're strongly on one side of the spectrum, you won't have to deal with icky wrongthinkers (sound good /pol/, leftists?).

>> No.6790021

Convert to Marxism.

>> No.6790024
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ithe literally is part of the hyperbole

what he said
or just commit suicide because the revolutionary moment passed in interwar period

>> No.6790041

>the US state department spend 5 billion dollars overthrowing the Ukrainian government and installing a pro-US one
that was your claim

the 5 billion dollars was spent on the regime which was overthrown

whats your point?

>learn to think
the irony......

>> No.6790048

>A grown ass man can tell me that he indentifies as an 8th generation Pokemans and I have to sit there and take it, and if I don't it's a HATE CRIME.

but thats not true?

>> No.6790054

>(Hint: hyperbole)
read zygmunt baumann

>> No.6790115

can you shitposting argumentative faggots fuck off?

anyone here subscribe to the American Journal of Philology?

>> No.6790564
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>not Penthouse, Hustler, or Juggs

>> No.6790704

Who /Telos/ here?

Why is FA shit? It's not always great, but it's certainly not shit.

Any decent non-left wing philosophy periodicals, aside from Telos?

>> No.6791313

good list

>> No.6791342

welp, everything mentioned itt is shit, it really underlines how bad it all is.

I look at the daily mail website about once a day btw

>> No.6792901

Sports Illustrated
Game Informer