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/lit/ - Literature

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6786682 No.6786682 [Reply] [Original]

literary patrician problem thread?

>tfw mom walks into my room while reciting fountainhead quotes out loud

>> No.6786710

>walking down the road on the way home from managerial architecture job
>see child drowning in pond, wailing arms frantically with no avail
>no adult or any other individual around, child locks eyes with you and screams at you to please help him
>the depth of the pond is unknown to me, and i haven't taken a swimming class since I was a child. Value my life too much to risk it for a stranger
>Keep walking home to my penthouse flat

>> No.6786718
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>He can't swim

>> No.6786720

>atheist dad walks in on me praying
>belts me then forces me to watch Bill Maher's Religulous
>he catches me reading the Summa Theologa
>"I'm gonna beat that Latin out of you"

Been a lowly monoglot evet since

>> No.6786729

doesnt matter, the child obviously lacked foresight if he got into a position where he was drowning. Instead of saving him, I would ask him to consider the decisions hes made in his life recently and ask if this is a reasonable conclusion to his foolish actions

if he thinks it is not, he is irrational and therefore an evil child, and should be cleansed from this earth anyway

>> No.6786736

>lives at home

>> No.6786742

What if he was placed there by another?

>> No.6786764

then i will question his actions prior to allowing somebody to forcibly displacve them into the middle of a pond

if he thinks his actions are reasonable, he is an irrational and therefore an evil child

>> No.6786767

>literary patrician
Ayy lmao

>> No.6786778
File: 6 KB, 269x187, philcollins..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phil collins approves

>> No.6786783

but what if he did not allow them but rather had no means of disallowing them

>> No.6786786

then I mourn for a future man who has had his right to produce robbed from him. It will be a tragedy, but it will be a greater tragedy if my story ended trying to save him.

>> No.6786876

>Go out of my way to actually BUY physical copies of books, and no one comments on them when I read them in public

>> No.6786878
File: 38 KB, 580x327, Matilda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orphaned as a baby
>adopted into a family of plebs
>a bit money-obsessed and watch too much TV but not the worst people in the world
>start going to the library by myself, unsupervised, just to read
>nice librarian gives me my own membership card
>start taking books home
>my dad finds my stash one day, becomes worried that I'm becoming socially incompatible
>tears the books to shreds, starts forcing me to sit and watch TV with the rest of the family
>one night I smash the TV by dropping it on the floor
>pretend to myself that I did it using my powers of telekinesis in order to escape the feelings of guilt
>become so caught up in the narrative that I start to believe it for real
>become increasingly unhinged, start doing shit like superglueing my dad's hat to his head
>parents send me to a special school for criminally insane children
>the head teacher is a bit of a bitch but treats me and the other kids the way we deserve
>my class teacher Miss Honey feels sorry for us and takes a liking to me
>learns about my delusions of having telekinetic powers, sees an opportunity
>peddles me some bullshit about the head teacher being her aunt and wrongfully occupying the house she lives in
>convinces me to break in and terrorize her and scare her into leaving the house (and the school)
>my parents are so afraid of me they run off to Guam, dump me on Miss Honey's doorstep
>mfw I'm Matilda

>> No.6786888


oh lord

>> No.6786921

not sure how literary or patrician that is. I think you just have brain problems.

>> No.6787044

That's the joke

>> No.6787049

fuck off, god

>> No.6787080

What do you guys mean when you say 'patrician'?

Is this some kind of derogatory meme mocking the work of white males?

>> No.6787159

>not knowing what a patrician is

>> No.6787165

>mocking the work of white males

>> No.6787175


I obviously know that it refers to: the elite class of men or the bourgeoisie.

I am asking if you using the term in a sarcastic or negative way.

>> No.6787178
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>> No.6787187
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>taste is too obscure and patrish for most people to recognize or understand
>have to lie when asked what I like to read/listen to

>> No.6787203

OK, so 'patrician' is a good thing.

I'm clearly new to this board, but not to 4chan or literature.

>> No.6787204

I occasionally have this problem. I also live in the rural south so most of the time people either don't know some somewhat big names (Thomas Hardy for example) and/or they just dismiss it as "stuff for smart people." I'm glad I have /lit/ to discuss my hobby with. You all are entertaining and occasionally insightful if not retarded

>> No.6787206

nope, you are just an edgelord. Also being patrician comes with age, but not with age alone. you simply cannot have patrician tastes before your mid 30s, you can however emulate others like the sycophant you are.

>> No.6787236
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But I am in my thirties. Closer to forty actually.

Just ask what my top ten films are and you will no doubt be convinced of my patrician disposition.

>> No.6787249
File: 27 KB, 620x320, birdman-poster-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Ayn Rand's philosophy the same as Stirner's?

>mfw you praise Stirner for the exact reasons you hate Rand

>> No.6787409

Kek. This faggot is sitting here waiting for us to ask what his favorite movies are

>> No.6787470

Nope. Rand is a statist bitch

>> No.6787608

Ayn Rand is the John Green of egoism/philosophy.

>> No.6787619
File: 297 KB, 515x496, Messages Image(1206047182).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still living in his parent's basement

>> No.6787621

oh dear god.

i nominate anon for poster of the year.

>> No.6787632

>Be me
>Reading Foucault's Pendulum while waiting for some friends
>Friends show up
>Woah anon what are you reading?
>"Foucault's Pendulum. It's by this Italian author, Umberto Eco...have you heard of him? He wrote Name of Rose? It had a movie and everything? No? Ok whatever. It's like a book parodying conspiracy theories with a lot of digressions on European history and the nature of art and...well it takes a bit of time to explain, the plot is pretty basic but it has a lot of really cool elements. It's good though.
>"Uh. Ok."
>Obviously unimpressed. Whatever who cares.
>Someone else chime in "I've been meaning to start reading The Great Gatsby."
>"Wow you're so smart for actually reading classics like that. I bet you're really well read."
>They think I'm a pleb conspiracy theorist cause they're not even educated enough to know they're supposed to be impressed by Foucault's Pendulum.