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File: 88 KB, 590x432, harry potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6785953 No.6785953 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't they have all the books available in one, really big book? It'd still be shorter than the Bible, and it'd make kids feel even prouder when they finish the whole thing.

>> No.6785970


>bible: 646,128
>harry potter: 1,084,170


>> No.6785980


>> No.6786026

Harry Potter is probably a more believable story than the Bible too.

>> No.6786027


J.K. Rowling is a Christian, there's literally no point in using her books to make fedora joke

>> No.6786048
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>> No.6786060

And conservative Christians hate her and her books. Exodus 22:18: "You shall not suffer a witch to live." http://youtu.be/eERDW1d5joQ

It doesn't really matter to Christians if Rowling says she's one; they think her message is Satanic. >Source: I grew up in a very Christian family and community.

Perhaps you should spend more time reading and less time shitposting.

>> No.6786080


A more accurate translation of that verse is literally: "You shall not suffer a poisoner to live in the village."

>> No.6786102
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>Exodus 22:18: "You shall not suffer a witch to live."


>> No.6786109

also, the bible is usually printed on that cheap almost transparent paper, so HP would be much thicker anyway.

>> No.6786114

>accuses others of shitposting
>le all Christians are bible thumpers meme

I imagine OP's claim would mean HP can just as easily be printed on super thin paper. But the word count still isn't comparable.

>> No.6786139

With very small print I could see two editions. No way could they do it in one.

>> No.6786150

This ephemeral series will be forgotten in a couple of decades.

>> No.6786166


As if the average christian is actually aware of the fine points of biblical translations. Maybe the priest is but not the herd of plebs that show up for service.



Aside from using pretentious language for the sake of being a pedant, how do justify that word? HP has been a mainstay of children's literature since the nineties. There is no way of knowing whether it will last like Tolkien or be "ephemeral" like you say.

>> No.6786170

Because you can charge more for 7 books than you can for one really big book. HP may be a cash cow but that doesn't mean the publishers are going to get all charitable on us.